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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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Iso: Who sent those soldiers? Was it Percy? :huh:

Either way, my things are all on me. I'm ready when you are.

Irina: Kiev stay right here. I need to go over and grab the packs I left lying on the grass.

She hopped down from her wyvern and ran over to gather them up.

Irina: Okay. This is everything. Hopefully we won't have to fight. I'm tired of Kiev being weighed down so heavily -_-

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Kamilla was about to snap at Damian but decided she didn't want to both Elysimma and Halton registering her as a criminal.

"With all due respect, this group doesn't exactly follow an individuals orders and I wouldn't be surprised if they were heading towards the enemy this very moment." She paused and looked at Damian again, "So where to Mr soldier? If there's not going to be a frontal assault, we'd probably need to run, but I doubt the entire group can outrun a well trained army. And the road to the Capitol isn't a good place to hide, that said I really don't think hurrying to the capitol and getting ourselves stuck in a pincer is a good idea"

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"Chase mentioned some caves underground,all we would need to do is have someone distract them if they get too close." Damian told Kamilia.

"And if you have a better idea than trying,please let me know.Unless you do want to fight them afterall?"

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Arrin returned, with the packs and weapons. Kelas strung her bow and shouldered her quiver, attaching the packs to the packhorse's saddle. As people began to leave the inn, she asked, "We getting out of here now? Running, or fighting?" She continued to saddle horses: either way, they'd need to be mobile in minutes.

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"And who would we send out as a distraction? Kelas seems to be good at running around soldiers, not to mention both her and her horse are not vital to our success overall."

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Right, fight them, of course, do you want me to tell you who's winning from the sidelines or do you want me to stand on the front lines and flail my arms around. and yell magic missile every now and then?"

"Caves....." she said hesitantly, "Probably infested with criminals like him, guess we're in for a fight either way" she sighed, Why did she have to start the day already tired? "I'll follow any plan that doesn't have us commiting more crimes."

Morgan had apparently been nearby, Kamilla wasn't even sure if the Shaman had left to collect her things, but if she was here, chances were she was ready to leave. "Kelas? The nomad? Probably has the highest chance of succeeding" she didn't say the rest out loud but was wondering if Kelas would be willing to leave Arrin in the groups care, but then again he'd done it before.

I still don't know if Kelas is a man or woman yet do I? XD

I'm going to have to walk in on her bathing sooner or later at this rate.

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Kelas looked up, throwing Morgan a hand gesture that would have gotten her killed if Morgan had been a nomad. Arrin looked a bit upset, but said nothing. "How many we dealing with, anyway?" Kelas asked Aiya and Irina.

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As Esphyr passed Tessa by, she seemed to pay the other woman little mind. In fact, she didn't even seem to notice her as she headed out the door of the inn and into the woods, her eyes observing the terrain as she opted to follow it downhill to find the nearest small running stream. Before long, she found one deep enough for her to wade into, and had soon left her clothes upon the bank as she strode in to take a nice, soothing, bath. Free of all worries about what was happening back at camp.

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"I'll have you know that only 2 people who've visited those caves were criminals... and as far as I know, only 2 people have ever been there," Chase said to Kamilla. "Besides, they're more like tunnels than caves."

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Morgan did not compehend the hand gesture, though it was obviously not complimentary.

"Well I suppose if you're unwilling, we could just send Amari out there instead. They would probably chase her for a while."

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Irina: How many of them? Enough to overrun us! If we're going to fight, I hope our leader has a sound strategy >_<

Iso: I hate my life ... just let me die in peace -_-

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Kamilla coughed as she tried to prevent herself from laughing at the comment, despite the groups complications they were still able to have a sense of humor, that said there was a higher chance everyone was just crazy and unable to register how much danger they were in.

She heard Chase say something nearby and rolled her eyes, Nothing he said could be worth listening to.

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"Ugh.Damn.Has anyone seen Esphyr?" Damian asked.

Hearing no reply,he quickly got Chase to tell him the location of the cave entrance.

"I'm going out to find her.Don't wait for us,We'll catch up."


The sound of a stream running,Damian rushed towards it.

'If i can follow a stream,it'll be easier'

And so,Damian appeared at the river's edge,and stopped.

"O-Oh...Hey E-Esphyr..."

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Hearing someone who wasn't her owner say her name got Amari's attention. The mare turned around and presented Morgan with her rear, looking around and snorting at the shaman, ears flat back. Kelas ignored Morgan's suggestion, and climbed onto the mare's back, turning back to face everyone. "Well, it'd make sense to not be here when they arrive," she suggested. "All the horses are ready to go. Will they be able to go through these caves? And how far's the nearest entrance?" she asked Chase.

Arrin's head was spinning. Once again, chaos had come out of nowhere... He looked to the group, wondering what they'd end up doing.

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As Damian rushed off, the entire group (or whoever's still around) had assembled at the front of the inn. "Guess that means we better get going" she said to no one in particular, "Though I guess now that we've given the soldier the information we have no choice but to head for these caves" she turned her head expectantly at Chase, though she was still skeptical about entering a cave with this troublesome group.

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"Nearest cave entrance? I think there's one close by. Lemme check..." Chase excalimed, and pulled out a map of Eliyisma that appeared to have been made by himself. "Closest one I know of is about a quarter mile that way," Chase said, pointing in the direction the troops aren't in. "The only one that might have trouble fitting in there would be Aiya's wyvern."

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Kamilla looked at Chase with disbelief, "Wait, a map? You didn't know where the cave was off by heart?" she said not believing her ears. "If you didn't know without checking a map, what did you tell the soldier... err Damian was it?"

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"Double checking it just in case. There's a lot of entrances to the tunnels. I know some easily, but this is one of the areas I'm not too familiar with. I gave thim the right location, though."

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Kamilla looked at the man skeptically, but now probably wasn't the best time to start pointing out how stupid the archer was, "So are we sending the horse out as a decoy or can we start moving now?" There was something awfully uncomfortable about how the group seemed to fall silent, it would have been fine if they were a unified body but half the group seemed to have their own ideas, and she'd learned from experience already that they weren't very useful as a team

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"I suppose we should just get moving. They will probably fan out, as they won't know which direction we are going, so we should be able to defeat a small group that comes our way."

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Esphyr had passed her in silence, so there was no further rebuke, but there was no friendly banter either. I guess a neutral attitude is the best I could expect? Tessa thought.

She returned to the inn after took a modest breakfast before returning to her room. She'd somehow unknowingly managed to dodge the heated argument that had concluded just moments before her return. Returning to her room she'd proceeded to pack her things, and was just heading back downstairs again when she passed Arrin, who breathlessly warned of approaching soldiers.

Quickening her pace, she made it outside, and moved to the stables. Something, large, black, and unexpected caught her by surprise.

"What is that!?" Tessa gaped and pointed at Ulfhrahn. Blinking in surprise and confusion repeatedly for a few moments, she shrugged off her hesitation and when to see Trevor. Apparently Kelas had already saddled him up, but he gave a low nicker of acknowledgement at her approach.

She missed out on most of the discussion about the specifics of their escape, but she did pick up on mention of caves.

Speaking up, she asked, "Wait. Caves, like, underground? Dark, damp, filled with bats and such? ...Do we have to?" Her chest tightened a little, and she felt vague misgivings about the whole situation.

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"It seems to be the best course of action, considering we might all be killed otherwise. Well, more likely than usual anyway."

She turned to Chasë "How large are these caves? it might be difficult to fit all of our...creatures in if they're not very big."

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Kamilla shrugged as the group slowly began to move, she had doubt about being able to escape at the pace they were moving at, Tessa's remark though made her frown. "I'm not too fond of the idea, but since we're already supposed to meet, two of your friends there we don't have much choice, I for one refuse to go into any cave without knowing there's an exit, and that it's safe" She looked over at Chase, "And at present I'm not confident in our navigator. If need be, I'll walk to the capitol and take my chances with getting captured.

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Esphyr, thankfully, was lying down within the stream, her body submersed in the flowing waters. A gentle, peaceful, almost tranquil look was upon her face as it flowed about her, cleaning and soothing her body. That is, until Daiman came.

"DAIMAN! WHAT THE-" she squawked as she flailed about within the water, sending a spray up into the air as she brought herself up into a sitting position.

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"Well, yeah. I guess we have to meet there, and maybe even hide out until the enemies have passed by even. But a full trek underground?" Tessa shook her head a little bit, "Do we even have the right equipment, torches, anything?"

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