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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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"Okay, it's this way," Chase said. "Oh, and by the way, try to stick together once we get in there. It's a pretty big places, and sorta-maze like." He pointed everyone in the general direction, and started to go towards the caves, but then remembered Kamilla's protection. "Hey, Kamilla... Sorry about being a jerk yesterday. That shield spell of yours probably saved my life. So... thanks."

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Kamilla slowly opened her eyes, she thought she could hear shouting, but she hadn't fully woken up yet, "Urgh, okay who clubbed me" she asked quietly as she looked around, not immediately recognizing where she was, she saw Damian and Aiya nearby protected by a wary to looking Ulfhrahn. She considered going over but figured it wasn't the best time, she slowly picked herself up and started plodding along with the rest of the group who had started heading to the supposed Cobalt Caves.

She'd seen the wyverns yesterday, and even they didn't seem to attack as viciously as the Pegasi had today, chances were that they were now fighting elite soldiers from the capitol and not some outback city guards.

Hearing Chase's apology she made an unpleasant face "These caves better be worth it" she muttered angrily clearly in a foul mood.

Edited by Nadesico
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They approached the caves. The ceiling of the tunnel was low, too low to remain on horses. Arrin hopped down from the saddle, thanking Tessa for the help. He ran to Kelas. Bent as she was over Amari's neck, she didn't need to worry about the ceiling, though she would when she came to. Experimentally Arrin reached for Amari's reins. The mare snapped at his hand, shooting a look that clearly stated that she would take care of her human until the silly thing woke up. Arrin shrugged, not wanting to get into an argument with the mare, who was clearly a one-person horse. He went back to walk alongside Tessa, though he kept an eye on Kelas.

"You wouldn't happen to have any torches stashed in the caves, would you?" Arrin asked Chase hopefully. On the edge of the forest they'd just left there was wood, and they could make torches from fallen branches, but not very well.

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Once they'd arrive Kamilla frowned, it was alot smaller then Chase had explained, and there was no was Ulfhrahn was fitting in there, the other wyvern didn't look like it'd be an easy fit either. While the size of the entrance did slightly placate her suspicions on it being a well known bandit hideout, wild animals (includes non-demon monsters) would most likely be in their either way. And frankly she didn't think the group was in any condition to go for an underground trek for however long.

She turned to Chase still angry due to her body hurting all over, but mainly due to the nibbling feeling she kept plaguing her mind. "How long from here to the next exit?" she snapped rudely at Chase.

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"Well, there's a few every on the wall once in a while, but otherwise, not really... damn, I should've thought of this. We could take one off the first holder in the wall that we find, though."

OOC: Guys, think more of "large tunnels" than "caves".

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OOC:So,around how big are they?Dimensions would be nice,since I need to know whether Ulfhrahn can get in(he can crouch and such,I know he's not getting in without some sort of adjustment

"Thank the Lady." Damian said,as Tessa confirmed that Aiya would be fine.

"Do you think you can get up?I'll carry you if you can't." Damian said,and before Aiya could answer,he heard Tessa say that it would be best not to strain her.

"It's settled then,you just relax.You don't need to worry about walking or riding,just focus on keeping yourself healthy." Damian said,and scooped Aiya up,careful to be gentle,as Tessa had mentioned her ribs might be cracked.

"C'Mon Ulfhrahn,let's catch up with the others." Damian told the Bull wyvern,and he snorted quickly and followed.

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"Alright. Before we move on, would someone care to explain why we have women on flying ponies trying to spear us through like a shish-kabob?" asked Esphyr. "And did anyone think to bring my sla-I mean sword or have one I can borrow for the time being?"

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Mark passed his killer sword to Esphyr. "Just make sure to return it later" Mark said. "It is a family heirloom". "Dick move, Mark" Helios muttered. "Shutup, Helios".

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"They look like forces from the capital." Damian said,to answer Esphyr's question.

"As for your sword...here we go." Damian pulled the blade from Ulfhrahn's saddle-bag,and handed it to Esphyr.

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Kamilla shrugged at Esphyr's question and looked around, she hadn't noticed anyone carrying an extra sword around. But she found the Cobalt Caves to be more important at the moment.

"So you're not going to say how long it takes? I don't mean to point out the obvious but I doubt we have enough provisions for a long underground trek and the back of a horse is no place to recover from such serious injuries" Kamilla stated flickering her eyes towards Aiya. "I had my doubts but I'm starting to think a overland trip would be safer, even with soldiers following us"

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Esphyr took both of the blades, killer in her right and Daiman's in her left. She gave a quick spin of both blades before she quickly turned about, the blades held so that their handles met and their blades shot out like a long staff. She quickly whirled them about over her head as she spun about once, twice, thrice. Then, she dropped back and down, with the killer blade pointed away from her body before rapidly slashing it back and forth before she sprung upright again, rapidly spinning both blades about in large circles as she swiftly switched them between her right and left sides again and again before she finished; parting the two blades.

"That brings back the memories. Thanks for the blade Daiman, but I am honored to wield your families blade, Mark." she said, returning the iron sword to Daiman.

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"It would be an honor for someone as skilled as you to wield my families blade, lady Esphyr" Mark bowed. Helios scoffed. How could he be such a gentlemen all the time.

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"Um, excuse me, but, I think we have a problem," Eric said, to the soldier who appeared to be the leader. "There's no way the black wyvern will fit into the cavern, so, unless someone knows a good place to hide it, or the rider flies off on her own, we can't really use the cavern to escape."

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OOC: *Couch* Claustrophobia*Cough*

"We might have to split up in that case" Helios muttered. "Damian is not going to let Aiya leave by herself". " And I dont like the idea of going through a cave".

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Kamilla surprised by the Eric she frowned "Aren't you that wandering mercenary from yesterday?" she asked "That aside, we? You're willingly joining this crazed group?" Kamilla shook her head to clear her mind, "Actually nevermind, guess now isn't the time for that, do you know of any small settlements nearby? Possibly somewhere we could hide?" she asked, They really weren't making any progress here, and she didn't trust the criminal Chase to wander into a cave with him, especially since he seemed to be overestimating his own importance and knowledge with the comments he had made earlier.

@Snike: Feel free to make one up

@Kai: Helios is no longer "silly children"ing everyone anymore? :(

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"I haven't seen anything crazy, yet, but I essentially have to go with you people. I killed the pegasus knight, remember? Now I'm as wanted as you are, now. Anyways, I'm not from around here, but I doubt there's another settlement around here, but even if we were to find one, there's the army, and mercenaries about. Either the cave or hiding in the woods would be the best bet, but that's just my opinion," Eric said. Turning to the wind mage, he replied, "Also, splitting the group up wouldn't work either. If Elysimia sends reinforcements, it would end up being a rout."

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With the battle essentially over, Kiev landed near Ulfhrahn and Tessa. Irina fell down from Kiev holding onto her shoulder! Iso leapt down to her and Katie slowly and carefully dismounted.

Irina: Uuuurgh >_<

Iso: Okay, listen carefully, Sister. This is going to hurt a lot. Your arm isn't broken, okay? You've dislocated your shoulder. I'm going to fix it, but I need you to bare with me.

Irina: You make it sound like it's going to be agonizing ... :(

Iso: Well ... yeah ...

Iso knew that Irina was distracted by uncertainty and the best time to do it was right then! He grabbed her arm and shoulder, then before she could react, he twisted them locking her shoulder back into place!


Iso: Um ... Tessa ...? Can you do anything for the pain? :mellow:

Irina: I'm not gonna cry ... I'm not gonna cry ... I'm not gonna cry .... ;_;

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"Urgh, the forests would only prolong us getting captured, after all, they're numbers are larger and most of us can't fight" she said indicating Aiya, Kelas and then at the Irina who was trying not to cry.

We don't exactly have much time, it's either we run for it now, or we run into the caves now, those soldiers aren't going to take forever to get here you know.

*Warning: Soldiers arriving in my next 1~3 posts*

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Tessa glared at Isotov, replying a little coldly, "Your technique is quite rough, and I don't particularly care for the way you treat your sister, but that's no reason for me to withhold aid from those that need it. Please. Stand back."

Approaching the wyvern rider, she gently kneaded the shoulder. Rough or not, the fool mage had managed to get it back into the socket, so all that was left was actually accounting for the pain. "You shouldn't have had to suffer so. Dear Lady, provide this woman with a measure of relief!" The magic flowed from the staff into Irina's body, and a warm, pleasant sensation surrounded the damaged tissue, until it softly faded, and the shoulder felt as a shoulder normally should.

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Iso rolled his eyes at Tessa. Though he was grateful for what she'd done, he didn't quite expect her to understand what kind of life he'd been living up until recently. When Irina's arm was healed of the pain, she jumped up and smiled widely.

Irina: Oh thank you so much, Tessa! That's much better :)

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"We still have to deal with the wyvern issue. If the forest is out, I guess if we don't split up, we're doomed," Eric conceded."So, who would the groups be, is the next question."

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Helios knew that his suggestion would fall on deaf ears but figure it was worth a try.

"This is what i suggest" He said

Group A (Forest Route)




That girl (Kamilla)


And the Sword Man (Eric)

Group B (Cave Route)

Little boy (Chase)

Witch (Morgan)



Angry boy (Iso)


Little girl (Tessa)

Stud (Mark)

And Katie Perry

"I suppose someone is going to bite me now, or if i get lucky just bark at me".

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