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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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"Since no one is riding with me you can all get on the wyvern" Helios said. "I'll cover you from the back if any soldiers decide to attack". "Damian stay in the back of the wyvern just in case".

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OOC: How the hell would they all fit...?

As Chase traipsed down the mouth of the cave, he exclaimed, "What do you think? Pretty cool, huh guys?" He stopped, and realized he didn't hear any other footsteps behind him. "Well, dammit... I have to go back up again." So he slowly started to walk back up the steep incline to reach the rest of the group.

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OOC: They would find a way. Helios is not letting anyone on

"Im here" Mark said. He dismounted of his horse. He picked up his lance and waited. "The others are outside".

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"A tool you are indeed" Kamilla snorted, before dismissing Helios's idea of everone getting on the wyvern as idiotic, Ulfhrahn was big, but she didn't think it was ideal for it to be carrying four people, not with the state Aiya was in at least anyway. And frankly, she wanted to avoid falling out of the sky again. Having decided it was best to ignore the mage she turned to Tessa and Katie who were trying to arrange a meeting point.

"It really depends on how fast each of us can get there, at this rate, we're going, I suggest prison, since we'll both end up there regardless of our will." she thought the question over for a second, I don't know what the group decided, but whatever we're doing at the capitol, I'd recommend meeting inside the city, since there's no way we can get this many people through the city gate without causing suspicion."

"But I've never been to the capitol, and don't really know anything about what it looks like inside."

Edited by Nadesico
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"We'll be entering in two groups," Arrin reminded Kamilla, keeping his tone civil despite his fraying nerves. "And it's not like they never see bands of mercenaries, or merchant caravans, or the like... it's the capital. A group of six or a group of nine won't stand out at all, provided we don't do anything to distinguish ourselves."

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Kamilla looked at Arrin and raised an eyebrow, "Chances are, we wouldn't be entering in two groups if we meet outside the city. And are you telling me this group isn't easy to distinguish? Wyverns aren't creatures that can be afforded easily and we have two, we've got two soldiers who are recognized easily, a wanted criminal, a nomad, and nearly half a dozen horses."

"Merchants have goods, or at least an empty caravan which held goods, and a band of mercenaries this size would likely be thoroughly checked anyway, or have you forgotten that Elyissima is on the lookout for us? Judging by how quickly they found us, they're well aware of our destination, and Percy hasn't cleared anyones name. Meaning we only have the two options of fleeing the country or asking for our names to be cleared directly."

As Kamilla finished, the bush nearby started rustling and a metal head popped out, or rather a metal helmed head. The soldier looked at the group for a long silent second before shouting "I've found them! Over here, they're over here!"

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"Already" Helios said. The soldier sprung from the bush and charged at the group. He didnt notice Helios when he passed him. Big mistake. Helios put his foot out. The soldier fell with a thud. Helios kicked him. "Knocked out after a fall" Helios said. "Must have been a real scrub". Helios got on Luna. "If anyone is getting on say it now".

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"No time to dilly dally then!We will meet up at Selizara,it's an abandoned fortress about five miles from the capital.You should have no problem finding it,now let's go!" Damian hurried the group up,leading his group into the forest away from the soldiers,as the other headed towards the caves.

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"We've got minutes until they're here," Arrin realized. Of course nobody'd listened when he'd said they should decide quickly... "And they'll know we're in the cave. Let's at least get a head start..."

He turned and headed into the cave, Amari trailing after. There was no more time for deliberation.

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Kamilla didn't have time to listen to Helios as she ran after Damian and Aiya, Esphyr was running a bit ahead of her, and the stupid mage was behind her finally getting on his horse. "There's no way we're getting away" she muttered quietly, but at the moment all she could do was try to keep up and not make Damians efforts go to waste.

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Helios felled a couple of trees behind him. The soldiers seem to have some trouble crossing them. "I'll take the back" He yelled out to Damian. More soldiers sprung out. They were gaining on them and the girl was moving to slow. What should i do?.

OOC: Rescue?

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The trees were whizzing by.Damian weaved through the forest with relative ease,the others following his path.He held Aiya to shelter her from the branches,and Ulfhrahn had flew off course to attempt to deceive the soldiers.

"Hey Kamilia,in that last fight,that Javelin bounced off of Chase.No one else can cast a barrier like that,so I'll assume it's your doing." Recieving a surprised nod,most likely because he had noticed it while appearing at the last.

"Anyway,around how long does it last?If worse comes to worse,I can try to hold them off in this thick terrain..."

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"Protection lasts for about a minute, but can be recast continuously, but that's assuming I'm still conscious."

She would have turned around, but she could hear things crashing about behind her, and she was slowing the group down enough as it was. "Fighting probably wouldn't be a good idea, judging from how they sent a troop of Pegasi, they're serious and even with extra protection you're not going to be able to handle a whole platoon."

She gasped for breath, talking wasn't exactly easy considering how she'd never had to run in her life. She contemplated asking for a ride on the horse for a second but dismissed the idea immediately opting for being captured if it came down to it.

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"I know that.But Aiya is injured,and Helios won't last long if we get swarmed.If it comes down to it,you girls have got to get away on Ulfhrahn,I don't wanna be responsible for what those bastards'll do to you three if you get captured." Damian said solemnly.

"I probably won't make it out if that happens,but one casualty is better than us all getting dragged away and executed."

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Frowning at Damians suggestion she shook her head to clear her mind, "Soldiers" she thought to herself, "If we sacrifice anyone it'll be the madman chopping down tree's behind me, "Even the goddess knows not what Aiya will do if we tell her we left you behind"

(OOC Assuming Aiya is unconscious/only semiconscious, if she didn't object to that)

A dozen soldiers suddenly appeared a bit ahead of them, apparently the sound of falling tree's had notified and called over the other soldiers who had fanned out in search of them.

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Kamilia had suggested leaving Helios as a distraction instead,and then mentioned Aiya.He looked at her and noticed she was about to yell at him,but had stopped because of the dire situation.

"Helios wouldn't last long enough...it'd have to be me..."

A dozen or so soldiers appeared in front of them.

"Fuck..." Damian cursed.

"Aiya,I'm gonna put you down for a second,and call Ulfhrahn...I'm sorry..." Damian put her down gently,and rushed the men with a bloodcurdling scream.


The Crimson Lance materialized in Damian's hand.A wide arc,and the badly positioned men took a hard hit.The Scarlet Blade of the lance cut through the throat of the first man,killing him instantly.Slicing through a second man's stomach,he collapsed,he would bleed out before he would have the strength to stand.

Damian adjusted the point,and thrusted,skewering a third man.

The soldiers backed away slightly,Damian's lance releasing a thick aura of murderous intent, the overpowering presense,mixed with the blood of their comrades nearly caused some of the men to gag.

A roar.A Crash.Several Screams.

Ulfhrahn descended on the unsuspecting men,catching one in each front claw,and a third in his powerful jaws.His tail swiped quickly,and like a whip,ripped out the legs of two more and knocked a tree down onto another.

Three men were left,and seeing Damian poised to strike,and watching the slaughter borne of the Bull Wyvern,they attempted to flee.

"You aren't going anywhere..." Damian's voice was thick with contempt,and the Gae-Borg began to glow a radiant Crimson.

"Gae-Borg,hear my call.Come unto me,release your power into my foes,and destroy them!"

he hurled the spear,one man immediately pierced through the chest.The head then erupted into barbs,which flew like projectiles into the last two soldiers.

The Gae-Borg dissapated back into Damian,and he fell to his knees,panting.Those surrounding his looked stunned at what had just happened.

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Chase dashed up the tunnel's entrance to see the some soldiers arrive near the cave. They didn't appear to spot the cave itself, which he was pleased about, but more pressing was that they were running towards the group. "Hey, look out! There's soldiers coming!" he exclaimed, and he drew and fired an arrow at one, stunning him. "We have to go! Quickly! Move, people!" Chase shouted frantically.

Edited by Lightning
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Kamilla looked at Damian and then at Ulfhrahn, "Maybe attacking the enemy in a full frontal assault wasn't such a bad idea" she said to herself recalling the conversation she'd had back at the inn, quickly shaking her head and looking around to see if anyone had heard, she went over to Damian to see how he was doing. That could have been a little less gory" she said trying to hide her amazement with contempt.

"Anyway, two got away, most likely went off to call for reinforcements, if I was a decent healer I might have been of some use" she said reluctantly taking a look at a nasty looking gash Damian had received.

"But the only thing I can say is we better keep moving, where are we headed anyway?"

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OOC:They all died,no survivors.Also,Kamilia likely wouldn't know it,but that wound is from the strain of using Gae-Borg so extensively,as he wasn't actually hit.

"I-I'm fine..." Damian stood,and went to pick up Aiya again,taking a drink from his vulnerary.

Kamilia said two had gotten away.He pointed to the two that he had not hit with the throw.She gasped as she saw them writhing in pain on the ground,barbs piercing them all throughout.One man stopped moving as the 3 inch spike in his chest finally ended him.

"We are heading to Fort Selizara,and yeah,we should move..."

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Irina was through waiting around. She grabbed Kiev's reins and rushed into the entrance hoping that Chase would eventually catch up and go ahead of her! Iso turned around just in time to see her and her wyvern zipping down the slope!

Iso: Urgh! Hey, wait up!

Without thinking he grabbed Katie's hand and started running after his sister! It took him about a second to realize that he'd been a bit too swift in his grasp!

Iso: Sorry, Katie! I'm not use to having to look after two people! >_<

He quickly let her go and allowed her to simply follow him closely as he headed in after Irina.

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"No. It would have been a bad idea. These weren't even scouts. I think they were water-fetchers, armed only to defend themselves. Almost children to be honest. Listen, we need to get moving. Even though Elyisima has the weakest standing military, it is more then enough to kill us. And Daiman, we can handle ourselves."

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OoC: I found the barb bit going too far, and I(Nadesico) am aware of the Gae-Bolg's effect, but saying you defeated that many soldiers so quickly without suffering any physical injuries again seems like you're overpowering your characters, or quite simply treating the enemy as village children and not actual soldiers.

Kamilla gasped as she saw the two writhing soldiers, she'd expected them to have died upon contact, but one was still moving despite the barbs digging into his body. "It's no use, please, return to our mothers arms" Kamilla said as softly as she could, and despite the soldier glaring angrily at her, the man seemed to acknowledge it was too late, and he too passed away.

She turned to Damian "I wasn't referring to them, but the two archers that were standing over there" she said indicating a fair distance away, where she'd seen two archer drawing their bows at Ulfhrahn. You mentioned that earlier, but heading there without a detour first might be a bit hard, unless there's some sort of place we could seek temporary refuge on the way.

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The tunnel sloped down a bit. Arrin broke into a run as the others did so; Amari was trotting now, and the motion shook Kelas, nearly dislodging her. Kelas grumbled and tried to sit up. "Can you run?" Arrin panted. "Don't sit up, you'll hit your head..."

Kelas shook her head, but shifted so that she wasn't about to fall off.

Arrin was getting short of breath. He'd stopped trying to track their path as Chase led them down different forks... finally he slowed for a moment. "Think we've lost them yet?"

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"Probably. If they took a wrong turn they'll have a hard time catching our trail again, and there's a few traps as well. I only know about them from personal experience, and a good deal of... accidents."

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