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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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Tessa had come full stop. She had reached a fork in the passageways, and couldn't remember where to go. Even in her panicked state, she could tell that this meant trouble. She needed to flee up and out, not deeper. Locked in fear and indecision she stood rooted to the spot. She could hear voices coming from behind, chasing after her.

It was Morgan and Arrin. She turned to look at them, pure terror etched across her face. "Something is wrong! We have to get out. It was fine at first. I don't know what happened. I... I can't breathe. I... I can't think. I just don't know." Her voice edged toward a plaintive whine here, though it was still somewhat shrill, "Make it stop... Please. Something. Save me!" It was all she could do to call out and plead to the two, and hope one of them could figure something out.

[[OOC: You might be best off knocking her unconscious. At this point the vicious cycle of hyperventilation feeding into and compounding the panic attack is probably too much to be able to reason down. Anyway, consider it permission granted, but if you have other ideas, those are all good too. :) ]]

This may or may not be legit. Working on resolving issues.

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Mark headed towards the place where he heard the footsteps. That was also apparently where Morgan and Tessa was. He saw soldiers but they looked rather displeased with chasing them. Mark looked at the soldiers. "We are travelers" He lied. "I remember a group going north though" He said. "Hope that helps ^_^ ".

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... Yeah, but he's with the main group that's not running after Tessa and just stopped, so unless he can teleport, there's a problem there.

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Soldier: Travelers? I guess they really did go the other way :mellow:

The Navigator quickly smacked the soldier on his head!

Navigator: Don't be stupid, man! What kind of travelers come that heavily armed?! :angry:


The myrmidons and soldiers readied their lances and spears!

OOC: Now would be a good time to run the hell away. Count: 16 ... 4 per row.

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Chase stood still, not quite sure what to do when Tessa ran off. A few minutes later, he heard an echo that sounded like someone saying "draw your weapons".

"Okay, based on the fact I just heard some soldiers, we should probably go. Like, fast."

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OOC:Stop spawning fucking Soldiers!They aren't that close to us that they will jump out at us at random.We shouldn't encounter any more if we just keep moving.

Helios had knocked a soldier out of the bushes.

"What?They shouldn't be back already!" Damian cursed,and then saw that the man seemed to be alone.What had originally looked like a whole platoon was just a trick of the light.

"Okay,we've gotta move,now.No more stopping."

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OOC: Birdy sent more our way.

Helios looked up at the sky. No not quite right yet. Helios followed after the group

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Navigator: General Conrad Jackson will be the judge of that! Drop your weapons or die!

The Navigator turned around to see that some of the other troops were actually injured!

Navigator: Uhh ... give me a minute here ....

He started hauling the other men to their feet as fast as he could! The others stood there wondering what happened to Tessa! Suddenly, having been routed back into the cave by more soldiers at the entrance, she ran through the formation of men again! All sixteen of them were on the ground! The Navigator wiped the shoe print off of his face and stood up as Tessa came bolting back in Morgan and Arrin's direction!

Navigator: Stop! >_<

OOC: How about that, Bal? :)

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Chase walked past the soldiers on the ground, and walked towards the exit. "Thanks for the shortcut!" he exclaimed, smiling.

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"See this girl" Mark said. "She was just giving news that her mother was killed by the gang of crooks that lit the inn on fire". "Do you honestly think someone as innocent as her would group with a bunch of criminals"?

OOC: If this doesnt work i has a plan too. Marks going to be the last one out

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Perhaps Tessa really was favored by the goddess. The sequence of events that unfolded was difficult to explain, but it ended up with all the soldiers on the ground.

"Let's go." Morgan said, grabbing Tessa's arm and heading towards the exit. Likely the other members of the group were heading towards the exit as well.

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"Not going to work, pal," Chase said to Mark as he walked by. "They're already knocked, nothing important, let's move on..."

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Arrin stuck close to Tessa. Could they really lie their way out of all these soldiers? Amari showed up behind them, clearly ready to maul any soldier that got too close to the ones Kelas had labeled as "friends." Arrin decided the best idea was to keep his mouth shut and let Morgan try to explain things.

Kelas heard shouting down the tunnel. The group got up, headed toward it... she tried to follow, but kept stumbling. "Dammit... little help, anyone?" she mumbled after falling down for the fifth time. Why'd she have to be so exhausted...

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"It was worth trying" Mark said to the archer. He pierced the wall above him. The soldiers looked confused. Rocks and gravel poured out and blocked their path. Mark heard muffled cries from beyond the wall. Mark saw Kelas struggling to get up. He offered her his hand.

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As they began to emerge from the exit, Iso leaned over to Mark and the others.

Iso: What happened back there?

How did you take down that many soldiers in such a confined space? :huh:

Elsewhere ....

The soldiers climbed to their feet and saw that a wall of rocks stood between them and the escapees!

Navigator: Well ... I'm as good as demoted -_-

Soldier: We know where they're headed for certain now! They left the way we came so they're headed for the capital! No doubt about it!

Navigator: We need to send word to the cavalier units! Get a move on! We have to get to the other exit and warn the second platoon!

The sixteen men quickly headed for the original entrance that the party had used. The only chance they had to capture the group now lied on horseback.

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"I think we are near the edge of the woods." Damian said,noting the change in light.

"Once we get out,Selizara is about 10 miles towards *whatever general direction the capital is in*,so we can reach it today."

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"Idiot! What did you do? You just blocked off part of the caves!" Chase shouted at Mark, frustrated. "This isn't some place that you're free to wreck as you please! You have no idea how hard it is to clear these rockfalls! Dammit, when this is all over, you guys are going to owe me a lot of money... and I'm not going to forget it, either."

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"I have one too you know" Mark said. "And so does the healer girl. His horse appeared by his side. "We better hurry up and mount before those soldiers arrive". "Morgan can ride with Tessa, you ride with your sister, Arrin will ride with Kelas and Chase will ride the packhorse". "That is if you are all right to ride" He said to Kelas. "Sorry Chase, i'll pay you back later".

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"Fort Selizara" Kamilla said softly trying to recall something she'd heard. They'd apparently cleared the dense foliage now and were heading towards a fort. "Did you say that Selizara is no longer being used, cause I can't imagine why we'd want to go to an actively running soldier base" Kamilla paused, "And if it's no longer occupied I'm curious as to why it isn't"

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Kamilia seemed skeptical about Fort Selizara.She asked why it was abandoned.

"Selizara was hit pretty hard in a skirmish several years back.It would have cost enough to bring it back to working condition that they never bothered,since the location wasn't that good for a fort,once the capital was moved before the Lord of Azure Flame's attack."

Damian answered her,finally fully clearing the forest,and stepping into the sunlight,after scouting for soldiers nearby.

"Now then,it is just straight in that direction,so let's get moving." Damian stated pointing towards a path close to cover.

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