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Choral Mafia II


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And the others are?

Dracohon and Core, but I'm a lot more suspicious of Dracohon than of Core.

Since I guess that it pretty much doesn't matter anymore at this point: Dracohon claimed Stubborn (says that if he votes, he can't change his vote later in the day) while Core claimed Bulletproof. They're pretty much the only unconfirmed roles remaining.

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Helle answered Kelsey's question, "Well we have the obvious clears. Alicia, Natasha, Blas, and Life.

There's reasonable certainty that, you're clear, assuming the hostage drama wasn't some soap opera twist between the factions.

We don't publicly know about Riannon, Nicholas, or Dracohon, and I still have my suspicions on Abbey like I said yesterday.

Clearly there's another undercurrent of information going around that I'm not privy to, and that's fair. However, at this point it seems we're still likely to besieged by a double threat, and you cannot afford to lose me here. You claim to suspect I'm working for the Bronze, but do you forget we've already taken out the Grand Master, and there's no way I'd have been taking orders from anyone else. If I were scum, I'd be a scum leader. But I'm not. I'm the Silver leader, as it were, and to find this suspicion cast upon me is ill-founded, and ill-placed.

If however, I'm pointing my finger at the wrong person, then by all means, clear up the mystery of who are actually still suspicious, because we're running dangerously low on members.

If you're trying to say I'm guilty because I didn't immediately vote for Istrelle, the just let me remind you that we'd so far had a terrible track record on lynching supsicious claims, and lynching any claim of someone who has sure-fire night-time defense is a much more risky proposition than I was willing to stake the future of this choir on. The fact it, her facade didn't become glaringly obvious until her bold-faced lies about being a teacher, and then the final confession. Furthermore, if I were in cohoots, I'd know quite well enough that there's nothing to be gained from trying to defend or deflect at this stage in the game. The fact that I wasn't mindlessly bandwagoning is actually more of a credit to my innocence than anything else."

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A bottle flew through the choir from Quintcy's lifeless body,hitting Sami's corpse on the head.it exploded into a gas that took the shape of the words;

"Shut the fuck up.You are dead,just like I am,and you are making the both of us defy the goddess."

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In response to Blas's new information, Helle added a few more words.

"What manner of clear do you have on Abbey? Was it the result of an investigation, or some demonstrable tasks she's been performing? Investigations can fail, as the Band Leader is still out there, and will likely have some sort of disguise. If there's been active aid, then I will immediately rescind my vote. Furthermore, does Nicholas claim that there's been an attempt on his life that he has survived?"

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Abbey is Spike. I have not been hit yet. I too, am worried about Balcerzak being mafia. If Raymond is in the Masons, and has the role claims, or most of them, then why is Balcerzak questioning Spike's credibility?

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If you're trying to say I'm guilty because I didn't immediately vote for Istrelle, the just let me remind you that we'd so far had a terrible track record on lynching supsicious claims, and lynching any claim of someone who has sure-fire night-time defense is a much more risky proposition than I was willing to stake the future of this choir on. The fact it, her facade didn't become glaringly obvious until her bold-faced lies about being a teacher, and then the final confession. Furthermore, if I were in cohoots, I'd know quite well enough that there's nothing to be gained from trying to defend or deflect at this stage in the game. The fact that I wasn't mindlessly bandwagoning is actually more of a credit to my innocence than anything else."

I'm not saying that your refusal to immediately vote for JB is a 100% proof that you're guilty, but it does strengthen my suspicions.

Also, think about it this way... You're saying you're the Nexus. The Nexus cannot be hit by any night actions. How would the mafia deal with someone they cannot hit? It'd seem too overpowered to me as a town role. If it's a mafia role, on the other hand, it just means that the town needs to lynch you to get rid of you instead of being able to rely on the vig.

"What manner of clear do you have on Abbey? Was it the result of an investigation, or some demonstrable tasks she's been performing? Investigations can fail, as the Band Leader is still out there, and will likely have some sort of disguise. If there's been active aid, then I will immediately rescind my vote.

Spoon investigated him as innocent. You're right about the band leader thing though, and I'll keep it in mind - but even so, we have targets of higher priority than him right now.

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When the chorists found Kyle's body, they found a note crumpled up in his hand.

It read;

'If you read this, it means I've been killed ... by Bronze scum or the idiots in the Band, I know not. I'm sorry I couldn't do more to help the Silvers, but...I hope what I've done will be enough. Good luck...and avenge my death.'

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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I'm not saying that your refusal to immediately vote for JB is a 100% proof that you're guilty, but it does strengthen my suspicions.

Also, think about it this way... You're saying you're the Nexus. The Nexus cannot be hit by any night actions. How would the mafia deal with someone they cannot hit? It'd seem too overpowered to me as a town role. If it's a mafia role, on the other hand, it just means that the town needs to lynch you to get rid of you instead of being able to rely on the vig.

Spoon investigated him as innocent. You're right about the band leader thing though, and I'll keep it in mind - but even so, we have targets of higher priority than him right now.

Yo, Nexus is goin' pure town. Don't make me pull out ma typewriter on ya.

And in yo real peeps form, who's runnin' clear?

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"Very well then. For the moment it's time to unvote Abbie. As Dracohon is now the most supsicious, it's time to lay the finger of suspicion squarely on him, and see what sort of defense he can offer. I'm much more inclined to believe Nicholas at the moment, because if he were an actual bulletproof, and had been hit, I believe he would have come forward. Especially after the discussions regarding Natasha's dream on Night 4, I believe it was. That must have meant Jeffrey was the one that survived? I don't suppose anyone can clear that up, though, can they."

OOC: As far as your concerns about balance go, all the mafia need to do is outnumber me, or lead a false lynch on me. It's just like how the Granny in EpicMafia is unkillable at night, but that doesn't necessarily make it game-breaking. I don't know what more you want from me, but I'm not just going to let the town lie down and shoot themselves in the foot here. I'll work with you the best I can, but if you lynch me, and it's not the case that both of your other suspects are dirty, then you have a false clear somewhere. You are warned.

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OOC: As far as your concerns about balance go, all the mafia need to do is outnumber me, or lead a false lynch on me. It's just like how the Granny in EpicMafia is unkillable at night, but that doesn't necessarily make it game-breaking.

Yeah, I know, but the granny's different in that it kills friend and foe alike, and thus damages both the town and the mafia, balancing it out. The Nexus, on the other hand, would just be pretty much invincible if it were town, without any backdraws at all.

Also, I was told that the Nexus was mafia in the first Choral Mafia as well. It's very possible that this is the case yet again.

I don't know what more you want from me, but I'm not just going to let the town lie down and shoot themselves in the foot here. I'll work with you the best I can, but if you lynch me, and it's not the case that both of your other suspects are dirty, then you have a false clear somewhere. You are warned.

Hmph. Quite honestly, that doesn't convince me. If you get lynched and it turns out that you're Silver, well, it'd of course suck, but it'd still narrow down the number of suspects.

Right now, there's 10 people remaining, with most likely two of them being mafia. That means, even if we mislynch today and both mafias successfully hit someone tonight, it'd still be 5 town vs 2 mafia, and with only two suspects left by then we'd still be in a favourable position.

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Yeah, I know, but the granny's different in that it kills friend and foe alike, and thus damages both the town and the mafia, balancing it out. The Nexus, on the other hand, would just be pretty much invincible if it were town, without any backdraws at all.

Drawbacks to the the Nexus include:

Fouling up any investigations. Someone tries to investigate me, they get someone randomly else. It could have very possibly been the case that I could have wound up dead due to a false guilty this way. It didn't, and I was glad of it, but it was certainly a possibility.

Fouling up vigilante shots. Vig would think I was bulletproof or something, because I lived, but there would be an additional mystery kill that none of the factions could explain.

Throwing off the carriage driver. If I was somehow on one of the two ends of his delivery route, then things would be completely random, and he could draw false inferences.

In short, the Nexus basically renders any night-time information gained from performing actions on me completely worthless. Furthermore, there's no benefit I can personally make use of from the role.

Also, I was told that the Nexus was mafia in the first Choral Mafia as well. It's very possible that this is the case yet again.

That's a complete fabrication. The list of roles in the first Choral Mafia was as follows:

Revealed Roles:

Carriage Driver

Each night, they may name two people to swap places - any actions done to the first person will instead be done to the second person, and vice versa. This person is a Silver singer.


Each night this person may track someone and get vague clues about their actions. They also choose 3 people, who will hear the gossip


Being friendly with everyone lets this person know what kind of role they have, either passive (roles that require no further actions to work) or active (roles that are used when chosen). Not all Bronze may be counted as active (their special roles will determine if they are active or passive)


Townie that is scanned by detectives/cops as guilty.

Assassin: While alive, you will perform all of the kills for the Bronze. You also may kill a second person, up to two times in the game. You alone can choose who this will be, but of course other Bronze can discuss this and give you suggestions.

Detective: You may scan one player per night to determine if he or she is innocent or guilty.

Detective/Leader: You possess basic detective abilities except that you may send your night results to three players of your choice every other night.


Every night, one person can be chosen, who will be hooked for the night and unable to perform any actions. On an unrelated note, did anyone notice that most of the characters are girls?

Mason Recruiter

Every night, you can choose whether or not you wish to recruit someone to be an honorary Gold. Be cautious with who you recruit, however- if you recruit a Bronze, they can easily share this information with the rest of their scumbuddies.

Grand Master

The supreme leader of the Bronze Faction. You have the final say in who gets killed every night. When scanned by a detective, you appear innocent.

Secret Voter

You may make a vote publicly, but you may also place a secret vote in a private conversation, which takes precedence (as in, your secret vote is your actual vote).


If you are voted to be killed, then you will survive and the town will be told you cannot be lynched.


Every night, you are given the option whether or not to kill one person, but you may only make two kills over the game. As a Silver singer, you are aiming for the Bronze singers.


If targeted to be killed at night, you will lash out at your killer, taking him/her with you.


This player may choose one person to save every night. If attacked, that player will be saved and not killed


This role can name three players, of them, one of their roles will be randomly chosen and revealed to the game.

Nexus didn't even appear in that game and the Mafia consisted of Grand Master, Secret Voter, Rolefinder, Assassin, and Hooker. I should know, I was one of them.

Hmph. Quite honestly, that doesn't convince me. If you get lynched and it turns out that you're Silver, well, it'd of course suck, but it'd still narrow down the number of suspects.

Right now, there's 10 people remaining, with most likely two of them being mafia. That means, even if we mislynch today and both mafias successfully hit someone tonight, it'd still be 5 town vs 2 mafia, and with only two suspects left by then we'd still be in a favourable position.

That's assuming your two suspects are legit, which I'm hesitant to put my money behind. It's also assuming one of the Inventor's inventions doesn't explode in his face or something, unless he's just been completely choosing not to use them. It's very true that town won't lose necessary if you kill me, but from my point of view, it's definitely going to be a lot worse off.

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Drawbacks to the the Nexus include:

Fouling up any investigations. Someone tries to investigate me, they get someone randomly else. It could have very possibly been the case that I could have wound up dead due to a false guilty this way. It didn't, and I was glad of it, but it was certainly a possibility.

Fouling up vigilante shots. Vig would think I was bulletproof or something, because I lived, but there would be an additional mystery kill that none of the factions could explain.

Throwing off the carriage driver. If I was somehow on one of the two ends of his delivery route, then things would be completely random, and he could draw false inferences.

In short, the Nexus basically renders any night-time information gained from performing actions on me completely worthless. Furthermore, there's no benefit I can personally make use of from the role.

Well, the personal benefit for you from that role is that you're also immune to night kills this way. Sure, they'll hit someone else instead, but...

Anyway, point taken.

That's a complete fabrication. The list of roles in the first Choral Mafia was as follows:

Revealed Roles:

Carriage Driver

Each night, they may name two people to swap places - any actions done to the first person will instead be done to the second person, and vice versa. This person is a Silver singer.


Each night this person may track someone and get vague clues about their actions. They also choose 3 people, who will hear the gossip


Being friendly with everyone lets this person know what kind of role they have, either passive (roles that require no further actions to work) or active (roles that are used when chosen). Not all Bronze may be counted as active (their special roles will determine if they are active or passive)


Townie that is scanned by detectives/cops as guilty.

Assassin: While alive, you will perform all of the kills for the Bronze. You also may kill a second person, up to two times in the game. You alone can choose who this will be, but of course other Bronze can discuss this and give you suggestions.

Detective: You may scan one player per night to determine if he or she is innocent or guilty.

Detective/Leader: You possess basic detective abilities except that you may send your night results to three players of your choice every other night.


Every night, one person can be chosen, who will be hooked for the night and unable to perform any actions. On an unrelated note, did anyone notice that most of the characters are girls?

Mason Recruiter

Every night, you can choose whether or not you wish to recruit someone to be an honorary Gold. Be cautious with who you recruit, however- if you recruit a Bronze, they can easily share this information with the rest of their scumbuddies.

Grand Master

The supreme leader of the Bronze Faction. You have the final say in who gets killed every night. When scanned by a detective, you appear innocent.

Secret Voter

You may make a vote publicly, but you may also place a secret vote in a private conversation, which takes precedence (as in, your secret vote is your actual vote).


If you are voted to be killed, then you will survive and the town will be told you cannot be lynched.


Every night, you are given the option whether or not to kill one person, but you may only make two kills over the game. As a Silver singer, you are aiming for the Bronze singers.


If targeted to be killed at night, you will lash out at your killer, taking him/her with you.


This player may choose one person to save every night. If attacked, that player will be saved and not killed


This role can name three players, of them, one of their roles will be randomly chosen and revealed to the game.

Nexus didn't even appear in that game and the Mafia consisted of Grand Master, Secret Voter, Rolefinder, Assassin, and Hooker. I should know, I was one of them.

Sorry, my bad; I was told that the choir leader was mafia last time. I accidently confused it with Nexus because you're both the Nexus and the choir leader in this game.

That's assuming your two suspects are legit, which I'm hesitant to put my money behind. It's also assuming one of the Inventor's inventions doesn't explode in his face or something, unless he's just been completely choosing not to use them. It's very true that town won't lose necessary if you kill me, but from my point of view, it's definitely going to be a lot worse off.

Well to sum it up the current suspects are, ordered from highest to lowest priority:

- Balcerzak: Nexus just sounds like mafia to me, odd voting behaviour when a Bronze was being voted for

- Dracohon: Claimed Stubborn

- Core: Claimed Bulletproof

- Spike: Claimed Manipulated Voter, was investigated as innocent by Spoon, but could still be the Band leader

You're still not really convincing me, especially since I know you always react rather calm and collected to everything in mafia games regardless of what side you're on; but fine, I'll vote for Dracohon instead for now, even though I have a bad feeling about it.

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Alright, I am starting to get confused of these RP names.

So right now we have the clears:




I Eat Tables (Alicia)

And we have the not clears:





But what about BK-201 and WoMC? Are we suspicious of them?

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But what about BK-201 and WoMC? Are we suspicious of them?

Nope. BK's clear. WoMC claimed vig; I lost track of his actions, but I'm fairly certain that he's clear, too, especially since he refused to shoot someone I asked him to shoot, who then later indeed turned out to be Silver.

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"It was me who started making the points against you, Helle, if you are wondering. But, that's okay. We're still suspicious of [Dracohon] too, so I think I can back that lynch."

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Name's Easton, just so you guys know.

In any case, I'm just digesting information (and four shots of vodka too) so I'll make my decision later tonight.

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I'm assuming there's two main reasons for why people are suspecting me:

1) My role is unproven (and, unfortunately, unprovable).

2) I've been very inactive lately.

There's nothing I can do about number 1, but number 2 is mostly because of my role, too.

I've been fairly busy IRL, and haven't had time to read back through the thread and puzzle over who's who (but I have been keeping up with everything going on), so I haven't come up with any ideas or info to share with everyone. Also, since I can't change my votes, I've been preferring not to vote unless I'm sure about it, or I have to break a tie, or something similar.

(Note to Bizz: Sorry for the lack of RP. I seriously suck at it. Like, seriously suck at it.)

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Name's Easton, just so you guys know.In any case, I'm just digesting information (and four shots of vodka too) so I'll make my decision later tonight.
Don't you have a posting restriction - *shot*
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