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Choral Mafia II


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Then how do we know Ether is the poisoner? All I see if General Spoon pointing at Ether, then Fayt saying that Ether is the poisoner. It makes sense, and I don't doubt the credibility of the info, it just seems very aggressive.

Vote Ether

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"That... might be a problem if it happened. If we don't sing the song then nothing would happen. I never considered that possibility."

Alicia was clearly flustered by the question, taken off guard. She didn't like the thought of having her inbox spammed someone stopping her from singing.

"I'm sorry. I should have kept quiet.

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Yeah sure. I'm the poisoner and said that you were before the update, because I'm a psychic and knew that the poisoner role would be revealed in the update.

Get real.

"The role of poisoner sounds quite sinister,does it not?With your own knowledge that the role did indeed exist via the fact that it is your own,you deduced that the goddess would reveal it if you mentioned it by name,and assumed correctly."

Quintcy cleared his throat and continued.

"You see,this is exactly like you,is it not?You are conniving and deceptive,yet people hold a deep trust in you.Were you to accuse someone,you would need only rely on the fact that our companions flock to you like sheep,and you would prevail,were no one to call you out upon it.For one of your intelligence,it would not be hard to try to weasel your way out of a contradicting claim."

"I only wish that the Silver Singers would see through his hellish ways and,for the greater good,extinguish this demon that defies the goddess of music."

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If I'm understanding this correctly, you are defending yourself by accusing him with nothing to back up your claims. If you can back them up, then do so. Otherwise you've only gotten yourself another vote.

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"All I can truly say is that I am innocent,while all his claim does is say I have a named role,with no evidence to back it up.As the Silver Sheriff,I had investigated him and came up with the result of Poisoner.One of his scum buddies likely is a watcher of some sort for the Bronze,and saw me investigate him.The fact that he made up his story before I could tell my report is the only reason why people believe him over me,or so I can assume." Quintcy responded to the question.

"At this point,there is not much that one can do to prove their innocence,as no one has yet been given the chance to clear themselves.All I can hope for is that the town does not fall victim to [General Spoon]'s sugary lies."

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. . .

Was that supposed to be amusing?

Blas... was gone... no... "NO!" she screamed. People looked oddly at her. "They have to sing that song! They HAVE to... no...". She felt lonely. More lonely than before.

There was still the fact that Blas had a valuable piece of information, so she could use it as an excuse for the song.

As fr the vote, she revised the facts quickly. Too early to make decisions. She would just wait and try to read through some people who were acting oddly, and then make her vote. So, for now, she remained quiet.

Yeah, I'm not a great RPer.

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No guys, Spoon's probably the inventor. He gets a random invention each night, and it just so happened that he came up with a rolefinder tonight. Too bad he won't get another one...

'Dear God,' Ashley said to herself. 'Meredith is no more tonight. My faith is shaken, and I fear that the worst is yet to come. For the sake of those who died last semester, and for those who will meet our Father sooner than anticipated, I must be strong. I must be...'

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:mellow: <_< :unsure: : [ :sob:

Oh well, i saw it coming talking the way i was. However, i think it was more like, i don't now who to kill, i know lets kill ulki

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Kyle lowered his head. Blas and Meredith were no more. They would be cremated, or buried...and although the idea of resurrection stretched his imagination, after these events ANYTHING could happen.

The singer cleared his throat. "I feel we must act...and I fear Quincy must bear the brunt of our reprisal. I...dislike the thought of murder as much as anyone, yet we must quash all threats to those loyal to our cause. We...we have to do this." His voice broke off. But he knew, it had to be done.

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"No... this can't be true... Both Blas and Meredith... gone... Is there... someone else working with the Bronze?" cried Istrell.

"I have to be strong... for the sake of everyone... who's fallen..."


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Here's what we're going to do tonight. Tables is going to revive Raymond. Him being hooked is not a concern.

I am the Silver Jack of All Trades. As I'm sure you can guess, one of my powers was rolescan. I've 4 other powers, one of which is called "safeguard". What it does is prevent all harmful actions done to a person during the night, except for death. It would seem that this would be things like poisoning, hooking, and silencing. I am going to safeguard Tables, so that he can't be hooked tonight. I ask that the doctor be on Tables tonight so that he will not die after reviving Raymond. In addition, I ask that the bodyguard protects me tonight. Then when Raymond is alive, he can tell us who his guilty report is on.

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