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Choral Mafia II


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"Alicia, I always knew you had talent, it's why I suggested your protection yesterday, but this... this is incredible," Helle exclaimed. "To have Blas be able to lift her voice in song once more is an opportunity to be cherished!"

"As for you, Quintcy, I find myself very disappointed. I had suggested you yesterday as well, but this was due to the fact that I was afraid some harm might come to you since you had been vociferous with your opinions, even when they were at odds with the rest of the choir. Different ways of thinking are not to be quashed so lightly."

A dark look covered her face here, as if a gathering storm was brewing, "However, in the face of evidence such as this, the fact that you truly are a dissonant note that must be struck out before it sullies the whole chord is nearly assured. Your posturing and attempts at defense are weak, and unimpressive. Though, improvisation never was your strong suit, was it?"

Helle held her arm outstretched, and deliberately rotated it, such that her thumb was pointing downward, in the unmistakeable symbol that she was adding on her vote for Quintcy's execution to the already large throng of clamouring voices.

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And Spike, don't think that nobody has noticed you ever so subtly (and failingly) trying to push for my lynch instead. Granted, you are new.

I said that because you are actually helpful. I thought the mafia killed anyone who is helpful to the Town? I also thought someone from the mafia would read it and vote to lynch you. I'm naïve much. New, too.


Edited by Spike
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Adagio,, my comrades!” Quintcy exclaimed as he was pulled in front of the crowd, “So because Sami claims to have scooped up incriminating evidence on me, it makes me guilty?” Helle jerked his arm harder and he was dragged up to stand behind the podium.

“Out with it,” The woman ordered, “We want a last bit of information from you before you are executed today. All of your possible exits are blocked,” she told him, gesturing to both Kyle and Sami standing by the doors, “so any attempts at fleeing are futile. Am I clear?” Her eyes were cold.

“Ah, my dear Helle, you know I wouldn’t consider the cowardly act of running away,” Quintcy said with a sigh. “Well, if I must,” He began, “I will ask you this: If I told you I were not initially a part of this choir… what then would your first assumptions lead to, besides the Outside?” He spoke firmly and calmly despite the concentrated tension directed at his presence. A sudden idea sparked into Alicia’s mind—she was the first to speak up.

“The—bandside!” She thought aloud, suddenly slapping a hand over her mouth in sheer embarrassment of her outburst. “S-sorry,” She promptly apologized.

“Wait.” Helle pondered it for a moment. “You mean to say the band is involved in all of this?”

“Heh, you and your ever-revered saint Alicia have assumed correctly,” Quintcy responded with a smirk, “I am not originally part of the choirside; I hail from the bandside.” A shocked pause and silence before he continued, “I see I caught you all by surprise? I contain no doubts in my soul about it. Let me share with you a little tale, my adored friends: First of all, I am a clarinet player. Once upon a time—a year ago, to be accurate—I applied to be a part-time choir student. Elira was rather eager to make me a Silver student right away, considering her tenors at the time were… lacking in finesse. ‘My Golds are fine as is,’ she told me. Right away, I had somewhat gained her favor! Morale had already increased, and it was still so early!” He acted out a dramatic swooning motion. “Ah, it was excellent, I must say. I was able to garner the trust of other singers as well as the precious Grand Master herself. I also acted as a spy of some sorts, recording every little detail and possible weaknesses in this choir’s security in addition to its stage performance…”

Before he could say any more, Helle raised a hand, signaling Jeffrey to come up. He held a glass of wine in his hand; he was extremely conscientious in handling it as if it were a dangerous explosive. Quintcy tensed.

“What is this?” He asked breathily.

“The wine in front of you,” Helle replied. “I will escort you to a private room, and I will watch you as you consume it. It shouldn’t be too long until the poison takes effect. Have you said enough?”

The band student grinned in resignation to his fate.

“But of course.”

Choir students parted way as to allow Helle and Quintcy to ascend down the meeting hall and through the gargantuan double doors; after they creaked shut, the choristers hesitantly scattered to their respective rooms as the night began to approach the Academy.

Ether has been executed; he was Quintcy, BAND Poisoner!

Night two start!

OH, by the way, I made a mistake in the Inventor's role description: it's six inventions, not five.

Edited by Bizz
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"I don't understand... why are the band involved now? You... the choir are an integral part of music. Well... tonight, you will all join me in the restoring of our lost friend, correct?"

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Is that the Serial Killer or something? Or just a mafioso?


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"Man, did I miss anything?" Travis said, who walked out from his first period "class," naptime. "We have a bulletin board for important things like this, right? So like, lemme see..." Travis read the bulletin board for the news. "Okay, so, like, Blas died? Maaaan. Anybody here who's a killer, juts know, that's totally uncool, man. Or woman, as the case may be. There's a lot of girls. You know, when we finally get rid of those jackasses who're killing people, I think we should have a free ice cream day to relieve some pain. I kinda like ice cream. My favorite's vanilla. It's sweet, and, like, pure... you know?" he announced to nobody in particular. "Oh, yeah, anyways. I vote for Quintcy. I guess if everyone else says she's suspicious, she's doin' something wrong. Me, I can't tell. I'm too tired. Maybe I should go to my next class today, which is... naptime. Sounds good to me."

And with that, Travis walked back into the room he was just in and went back to "studying".

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"Heh...so it seems my intellect was not enough..." Quintcy said with regret.

"Oh,those bedamned Bronze singers...do not think that those of the band are evil.Only our maestro supports them.The others have been reeled in by deceit and threats."

"But yes,I used my knowledge of toxins to fulfill the task I have been given,and I have now been caught by a lucky rat.Just know that you are not all as innocent as you believe...everyone is innocent in some form or another,and any who kills holds guilt.As my parting words,I wish you all remember this."

With this,Quintcy walked into the execution room,and drunk the poisoned wine.

"So,Helle...it seems I am hoisted by my own petard...heh..."

And with that,Quintcy fell to the ground,dead.

Helle picked up a fallen locket from his person,and saw a picture of a girl she did not recognize.The frame was cracked from falling,and upon closer inspection,it was evident that she was his lover.Looking away from his body and at the ground,she exited the room.


Well,that's unfortunate.My fellow band members,good luck to you,and I guess the aggresive style doesn't work for me.Maybe my defense had of worked if it had not been Spoon of all people I was up against,who knows.And yes,I added a lover unmentioned in Quintcy's character,but it's not anyone in the actual storyline who would be affected,so I hope you don't mind,Bizz.

And with that,I say Adieu,my friends.

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Ether, I think IET was referring to Lightning's late post

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His late post was still awesome, though.

"So, the band have gotten themselves involved in this? Hmph, as long as I don't have to hear the squealing of clarinets..."


"Tough crowd." Kyle shrugged, and moved to his room.

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*goes on Google translator*

*looks for Gangsta to English translation*

Moving on... Ether went way too aggro for his own good, and he got burned. And yes, I see the irony. As well as the irony in how he met his death.

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Ashley went to bed uneasy that night. Yes, one of the mafia's followers is no more, but Ash had more questions than answers - Who is the ringleader? Who else is out there? And, perhaps most importantly, who killed Meredith? Someone else is out there, Ashley figured.

But yeah, while all of this senseless killing is going on, school continues on. I've heard that there may yet be at least one teacher involved in all this, and that the worst of it is yet to come. I don't really care who it is though - I know that we'll find a way. I have faith that God will protect us.

And with these words, Ashley headed to sleep, a bit uneasier, but better than last night seeing that one of the Band geeks can now face his Father's judgement. All we can do is pray.

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