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Choral Mafia II


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Aw, Travis ate it. Bronze or not, he reminded me of the Dude. And I guess ... Fayt's character's the Church Singer?

Kyle gasped. They had done the impossible. Blas...was alive, again.

And both a Gold and a Bronze had died. This was going...well, if it could be said that this whole thing could go well.

"Rejoice, comrades. We are closer to the end of this tragedy. I shall need time to deliberate on who we must strike down this day, however..."

EDIT: Aren't Gold like the masons?

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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Thanks for reviving me; also, I'll leave the RP stuff aside right now because I'm not very good at it.

First off, I did not track my or Ulki's killer; had I known that there was a possibility of being revived, I would've made that more clear. I'm also afraid to say that I indeed tracked someone who was killed tonight; in fact, I tracked Nightmare. At first I thought he was some kind of carriage driver, but now that we know his role, I can actually put this information to some use. However, I will not out my report openly, as this would just allow the Bronzes to strike a weak point more effectively.

Also, since I'm now a confirmed townie, I deem it a good idea if everyone claims their role to me via PM; that way, I can spot possible scum without the danger of me being scum myself.

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"That should be a good idea. We know that Blas and I are working with the Silver Singers, and [General Spoon] probably is too... although I still wonder if he might be a bronze singer. For now though, let's let Blas know what we can do to help."

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Spoon ruins all of my fun. ]:

Now Raymond is trying to be a Spoon.

But he does it all right, I suppose.

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Also, I know this is going to get some complaints from me, but no more secret roleclaiming. If someone really wants to roleclaim, they can do so in the thread.

Spoon, you'd be breaking the rules severely if you played where I played. >_>

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Spoon ruins all of my fun. ]:

Now Raymond is trying to be a Spoon.

But he does it all right, I suppose.

Well, it is a very effective strategy after all. :newyears:

Also, I know this is going to get some complaints from me, but no more secret roleclaiming. If someone really wants to roleclaim, they can do so in the thread.

What but this ruins my whole strategy

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Helle was dumbfounded at Weapons's accusation. None of her students had ever talked back to her with impunity, and she wasn't about to let this one go either. Clearing her throat, she shouted,

"You!? You're casting suspicions on me? I'm the very Nexus of the Silver Singers. People hold me in awe, and more than a little fear. If you were to try to visit me at night would would undoubtedly find yourself losing your nerve and visiting someone else instead. It wouldn't surprise me if either the Bronze or the Band have already discovered this to their chagrin, and are trying to rally together a mob to lynch the choral director, hoping that when she falls, the rest of the choir will scatter with the wind. Or perhaps you're simply too dull to recognize the potential implications of your accusation. I think I'll operate under the assumption that you just were so worked up and on edge by the whole situation that you let loose with an incredibly stupid proposition."

Still fuming, Helle turned her focus to other matters. No longer needing to berate her insubordinate singer, she followed the train of thought to try to figure out just who would be the proper person for tonight's execution. There were several viable candidate. Abbie might be trying to deflect suspicion about herself by successfully having predicted the first two scum. But on the other hand, they were from competing factions, and there was no way she could have know both on Day 1, so perhaps she was simply unnaturally lucky. Lux was also a viable candidate, due to the fact that she had basically locked herself in her room and refused to attend any of the assemblies. However, for the time being, she decided to follow Spoon's lead.

"Ninji, you should probably take the time to explain yourself. It's not too late to clear your name, but until you do..."

Edit: Severe formatting failure.

Edited by Balcerzak
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