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Taking Lyre to Endgame.

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Well, at the start, she was what I read at rating topics: Borderline unusable.

But since that is Hard Mode, I guess Normal Mode gives her a very slight chance of being usable. I gave her Paragon to help her abysmal Exp gain, I also gave her Wrath so she could kill some things. It's pretty hard to level her up at first when she's dealing 2 Dmg to Halberdiers without even doubling, and this is all in Normal Mode.

But I guess this has pretty much paid out, I got her to Part 4 pretty decently, she's half way through SS-ranking her strike, and her Str is kicking a bit (13 Str), her Spd is just execellent, Wrath and Paragon were pretty useful skills on her. I started supporting her with Ranulf at first, but since I'm not using him, I started supporting her with Heather for Atk and Def.

Oh yeah, I'm using Sigrun as well. But that's not impressing.

...So much for my run, eh? Of course, only a few knew of this, that I was using such an abysmal unit, I can easily agree she is horrible, and babying is close to impossible.

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Ha, I remember using Lyre on easy mode and it was hard. It would probably would have been a lot easier if you'd given her an Energy Drop for extra damage, and a BEXP level at the start for the Spd to double some of the enemies. But I guess if you've gotten her somewhere now as you are, congrats.

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bexp helps a bit. If you really want to do this, she has 30 free capacity so paragon + wrath like you did is an okay idea. I'd rather go paragon + adept, though, if I was going to try it.

Also, bexp. Her base spd is 22 transformed, but she is dang-near guaranteed to get spd on a level up. On NM you have tons. Get her a level (just one) in the 3-4 base to get that spd up to 24 so she can double. May want to abuse blossom, actually, and just bexp her to 99 every chapter.

3-4, 3-7, 3-8, 3-10, 3-11, 3-E. That's 7 levels, at least (one from initial bexp + 6 chapters in which to bexp her to 99). Too bad she can't parablossom until level 30 when it no longer helps as much.

Get her to level 18.99 in the 3-4 base. slap on blossom and her growths become:

75% hp, 57.75% str, 19% mag, 87.75% skl, 91% spd, 75% lck, 36% def, 51% res.

for 6 levels (the bexp one probably gives skl, spd, and either hp or lck, making it not so useful outside letting her double stuff)

Not great, but you get one of those each chapter and she'll be level 24. Then straight up paragon in part 4 and try to reach level 30 before 4-E. Rend takes her the rest of the way. I guess it's too late, but it might've helped. You get a ton of bexp in NM so she's actually not even all that expensive to do this for, especially depending on how much cexp she gets during the chapters.

You could add an energy drop and dracoshield to the mix if you really want. The biggest thing, though, is to give her that first level. One of your complaints was that she didn't even double halbs, but on NM that really shouldn't be a problem due to massive amounts of bexp.

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Ha, I remember using Lyre on easy mode and it was hard. It would probably would have been a lot easier if you'd given her an Energy Drop for extra damage, and a BEXP level at the start for the Spd to double some of the enemies. But I guess if you've gotten her somewhere now as you are, congrats.

Thanks. :)

As for the Energy Drop...I used my first one on Mist and saved the other two for Sanaki.

bexp helps a bit. If you really want to do this, she has 30 free capacity so paragon + wrath like you did is an okay idea. I'd rather go paragon + adept, though, if I was going to try it.

Also, bexp. Her base spd is 22 transformed, but she is dang-near guaranteed to get spd on a level up. On NM you have tons. Get her a level (just one) in the 3-4 base to get that spd up to 24 so she can double. May want to abuse blossom, actually, and just bexp her to 99 every chapter.

3-4, 3-7, 3-8, 3-10, 3-11, 3-E. That's 7 levels, at least (one from initial bexp + 6 chapters in which to bexp her to 99). Too bad she can't parablossom until level 30 when it no longer helps as much.

Get her to level 18.99 in the 3-4 base. slap on blossom and her growths become:

75% hp, 57.75% str, 19% mag, 87.75% skl, 91% spd, 75% lck, 36% def, 51% res.

for 6 levels (the bexp one probably gives skl, spd, and either hp or lck, making it not so useful outside letting her double stuff)

Not great, but you get one of those each chapter and she'll be level 24. Then straight up paragon in part 4 and try to reach level 30 before 4-E. Rend takes her the rest of the way. I guess it's too late, but it might've helped. You get a ton of bexp in NM so she's actually not even all that expensive to do this for, especially depending on how much cexp she gets during the chapters.

You could add an energy drop and dracoshield to the mix if you really want. The biggest thing, though, is to give her that first level. One of your complaints was that she didn't even double halbs, but on NM that really shouldn't be a problem due to massive amounts of bexp.

Well, she's level 25 as of now, and I'm currently at 4-1, so I'll have to wait until I get to use her again...

Unfortunate for her, I've used the two last Dracoshields on Sanaki, who would be suffering even more in durability, but her Def would 9/18 as of now, that is enough combined with her high HP and great evasive durability once transformed. I'll try BEXP next time for sure, it might as well help me S-rank her faster.

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If using her in Easy mde resulted in at least killin a few 20 units to get her to lvl 25, sum it that she surpassed Ranulf in Spd and Luck, but really left behind in Def and Str, I had to give her the Satori Sign, I don't want to see how it it in Normal Mode. Even so, it's hard for her to kill something that is not a magi unit with low defenses (at least in my experience, it's not the first time I tried to train her).

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I didn't give Adept to her since I felt Wrath would be pretty good on her, someone else like Mia or Heather could use it better and not be limited to attacking.

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Doubles gained EXP




It's only 15.

Doh! My memory failed me. I must've been thinking of some other skill. Then again, I haven't played RD at all since my Wii broke down, so...

Edited by Richter Lanford
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I didn't give Adept to her since I felt Wrath would be pretty good on her, someone else like Mia or Heather could use it better and not be limited to attacking.

Well, yeah, Mia uses it better. Way way better.

I just figure Adept on Lyre is safer. Wrath requires a pretty low hp amount and only gives a less than 50% chance of causing 3x damage. Only 4x damage if she attacks twice and crits once. Adept you have to be less careful since she can use it at full hp.

If one day I actually attempt to use Lyre, it's gonna be NM + energy drop + lots of bexp + blossom. Possibly draco, as well.

Depending on how her levels go up to level 24 (my target for the beginning of part 4), I may even dump bexp on her up to level 30 at that point in order to start Rending stuff. It will be about as far from efficient as you can get, but I think it might work.

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I've used her on normal and it was hard and long. she just tagged along, attacking anything that won't kill her, doing pathetic damage so she needs to be fed lots of kills. building up her strike, LOTS of olivi grass and laguz stones, paragon in 3-11 onwards, a little bexp, all that. believe it or not she can actually be good in endgame with laguz gem + Rend + Adept. of course the hardest part is getting her there so good luck to anyone who wants to try it. the way I did it took long but it was a laguz playthrough and 3-11 was a nightmare for me.

or if you don't want to feed her kills, just let her attack so she builds up her strike

I actually didn't give her anything right away. she had to work hard for it lol

Edited by Killer Poleax
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I avoided BEXP so I could use it on other of my characters, also because she would only get three stat gains per lvl up, it isn't so bad assuming she gets Str, Spd & Def.

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Kitty actually is killing Lehran today with a party involving a 40 Lyre.


Avoiding BEXP to get better stats is a brave notion, but I find the Laguz rarely even get 3 stats when they level anyway. Haven't checked the numbers yet.

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I avoided BEXP so I could use it on other of my characters, also because she would only get three stat gains per lvl up, it isn't so bad assuming she gets Str, Spd & Def.

You know, you don't have to complete the levels in the base. Bexp to 99 and slap blossom on her. You get epic levels in the chapters that way. On average, 4.925 stats per level. Much better than her average stat gains without blossom. And then you don't even need to feed her kills. Just have her claw at random things to build up strike.

And on NM you have tons of bexp anyway. Lyre won't put a huge hole in your pocket.

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I don't have anything against Lyre.

She sucked quite terribly in the beginning, but I was determined to use her this playthrough. So, I hid her behind Shinon, who had a crossbow and corrosion, and let her get some chip damage until I said AH SCREW IT and BEXP'd her from 18 to 25 or somesuch. From there, she could survive more than a turn, so I threw Paragon and Cancel on her and let her attack some things that could fight back.

Right now, as Integ said, I'm at endgame with a level 40 Lyre who I'm quite happy with. She was a'ight from 25 to 30 - nothing too rage-inducing - and then from 30 on she was a decent unit. The BEXP'ing apparently didn't damage her stats, because she's capped everything besides ... Magic, I think?

Now, in any other run I probably wouldn't bother with her, but having put the effort into her for this run, I no longer think she's a horrible unit.

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I never tried using her and if i did, it would be on Easy mode so as not to be totally detrimental if she ends up as severe fail. Even in Easy mode, she requires a lot of tweaking i can see. :(

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I may try to use Lyre one day, but the few times I've tested her out (on Easy Mode even) she failed spectacularly. But now I may try to put some effort into her. One day. And I'll have her support Shinon. For lulz.

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I once abused untransformed training in chapter 3-4 on Hard Mode and had her kill the BK in chapter 3-7.

(She didn't actually solo the BK. her crit chance is 0% if Lethe is not standing next to her. With lehte and some restarts I got her to crit the BK and finish the silly burger flipper in 4 hits.)

Edited by Silith
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In order to use Lyre on NM I gave her blossom at 99 EXP so that she would get great levels in combat during the chapters. It slowed down her leveling but the stat gains were worth it IMO. I also gave her an energy drop.

If you use her enough she's basically just ranulf. No indirect combat and low power but a great mastery skill and guaranteed doubling.

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