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Fav Pokemon Generation?

Loki Laufeyson


31 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Generation do you dig?

    • Generation I
    • Generation II
    • Generation III
    • Generation IV

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are we including FE and LG as gen 1? if so defiantly 1. if not I'll have to go gen 2 if only for what it added to the game.

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Wow, I didn't expect the poll to be this close. Normally gens 1 & 2 are fighting for top with 3 behind and 4 in the dust. 4 is still in the dust, but 3 is giving quite a fight.

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Gen 2. It let you visit a previous country, battle their Gym Leaders and defeat an older protagonist.

And it had a lot of nice new Pokemon too.

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Gen II for me all the way. I was around since the first generation, however my Nostalgia Goggles are not pink enough to not realize how many problems the first generation had. As for the III and IV Generation, I never played it enough to compare them so it's Gen I vs Gen II.

Both the inventory (20 items) and the PC (50 items) were unable to hold the amount of items I would have liked, after all the game gave you 50 TMs and 5 HMs alone, leaving only 15 slots for special items, healing items and other stuff and Pokemon couldn't hold Items back then. And since the first generation had the missingo glitch, you wouldn't want to use up your TMs entirely (And I hate to use one-shot items anyway, let alone throw them into the garbage). And the Pokemon storage system was a mess. In order to swap to a different box you had to save first which by itself isn't much of a problem. The problem was that you couldn't look into a box unless you swapped to it. So if you were looking for a specific Pokemon you had to save and swap, save and swap, save and swap unless you found the Pokemon in question. But it gets even better. The game doesn't allow you to look into boxes when you have the max amount of Mons in your team.

So I to take a Pokemon which you taught HM1 Cut from your PC. I save and swap to the box you believe contains it. Once I am there, I find out that you can't look into the box since my team is at max. So I look for a box with less then 20 Mons. Then I swap to this box, I save first of course, and deploy a Pokemon of my team there. Then I swap to the Box I originally wanted to swap to, and of course I have to save to do so. Then I open the box, look inside and it turns out that the Pokemon I was looking for, is not in the box. So I have to search through all the boxes, which means: save, swap, save, swap, save, swap up to 12 times if you were really unlucky :angry: . As a result, something that should have been done in like 10 seconds might end up taking up to 10 minutes at worst, and all just because I wanted to visit one of those areas which are behind those annoying regrowing plants. :angry::angry::angry:

I swear, Pokemon Stadium was worth it's cash, even if just for how easy you could manage your boxes with it.

The second generation gave you a feature to trade Pokemon between any boxes you like and as a result you could see in any box without needing to actually swap it. Only downside was that you had to save after any transfer, but I do think to remember that the game doesn't ask you if you want to save which would make it less annoying then the usual saves you have to do. And if your PC actually has a limit of storageable items, I never eached it. Part of this is because your inventory now was parted into several categories. And the category for TMs and HMs was big enough to contain all of them. What...a..relief . Those changes alone made the game so much more enjoyable to me then the first generation ever was. :awesome: (And I actually knew how to play the game and as result made an actual team instead of soloing the entire game with my starter Pokemon :facepalm: )

What else did the second generation have:

-improves sprites (especially the sprites when watching a Pokemons back, which were just a pixxelated mess in the first generation.

-actually having color (while still working on the old Gameboy without color.)

-the ability to hold items

-more Boxes

-the Pokecom (especially because of the included map. Back in Red/Blue I never picked up the map in later playthroughs in order to save valuable space in my inventory.

and lots of other stuff but those were the ones that made the game better for me, by default.

In other words: Gold and Silver were already so much better before taking the actually content of the game.

And I found the adventures in Johto way more enjoyable then those in Kanto probably mostly for the for the above mentioned improvements though.

And the pacing is absolutely awesome. Especially once you collect all the 8 gym badges and defeat the Elite 4 and watch the credits roll, you would actually think you were done. Time to complete the Pokedex, I guess. But no, you are not done yet. Not even close in fact. Because the whole Generation I world, Kanto is waiting for your visit. Time to meet all the old gym leaders again: Brock, Lt. Surge, Erika; that supid bitch with the Bubblebeam Starmie... suddenly the tiresome round based battles became interesting again. I mean, of course you want to give those guys another beating. Especially to the Bubblebeam-Bitch. Not only that, but Kanto came with it's very own musical score. Wild Pokemon, trainer and Gym Leader all had different battle themes then their Johto counterparts. Especially the Gym Leader theme was awesome and made the reunion all that much sweeter. The citys got it bad though, with all cities of Kanto having the same monotone music. But hey, thats pretty much the max limit of awesome, a Gameboy cartridge's memory can handle.

And once you defeated the 8 Gym Leaders of Kanto and took revenge on that Bubblebeam-Bitch, you are still not quite done.

You now have access to Silver Mountain. And guess who you meet there for the real final battle. You still remember, do you?

Red: "..."

Short story: The second generation games were an amazing experience from start to finish without all those annoyances of the first generation. Not only that but the only reason you might prefer the first generation over the others I can see would be for nostalgic reasons. But with the inclusion of Kanto, Gold/Silver satisfied this nostalgic desire and took a place inside of me that would probably otherwise holden by Red/Blue.

Sadly I haven't played the Generation III or IV games so I can't say how they compare to Gold/Silver since I am limited to talk about my own experiences. I did try to play the third generation once but it went pretty much like this:

Me: Nothing, to special for now, starts like the other Pokemon games I played. Ok, got my starter and my first objective...

May: Hiiiii!!! I'm May, your new neighbor. Nice to meet you.

Me: You look more like the female player character model.

May: Yup, and I will also be your rival in this game.

Me: Really? You seem way to nice to be the rival.

May: Yup. Btw, I have a dream to become friends with all Pokemon in the world.

Me: :facepalm: ...Okaaay . Sorry, but I really need my jerk rival. *Turns the GBA of*

I didn't got very far in that game. I blame my Nostalgia Goggles.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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Gen II followed by IV. I played Sapphire for III, and lets just say it was a disappointment.

Abilities were great and stuff, but I didn't pay attention to it so much. Or natures. Or contests. I was still in my "Pokemon is about catching, training, and battling! 8D" motion.

"Okay, I beat the elite four, what now?"


"But I already did that."

"Do it again."

"What about completing my dex instead?"


Yellow was my Gen I experience. Having to constantly chuck items in my PC box because my bag was full sucked. Other than that, it was a great game. And then my eyes began to bleed.

So Gen II + IV, I, III in that order. Not that I've played any of the DPPt games. :awesome:

Gen V for no. 1!

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II was my fave because that was the major game I grew up with I still got gen I but I didn't really play it much until recently when I decided glitches r fun I say gen II wins just by a hair and III and IV kinda failed

but hg ss is a brings back nice memories :) they don't count as part of my dp experience it is just an extension to my gsc experience

Edited by rslfan
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