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So, who's disappointed in IS for splitting FE3 into 2 games?

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What I see here is a person adamantly refusing to back down despite all contrary evidence. Are you one of those people who take everything said to them at face value? Because your lack of common sense is astounding.

Can you read? I said that I don't believe Book 1 will be in the game. You are just incapable of seeing my point. Its only been two days and we only have one teaser video. We don't know anything, all of this discussion is entirely preemptive. I was just trying to make a point. You have proven yourself incapable of grasping that simple concept. My intelligence is not in question; as to yours I'm afraid I cannot say the same.

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I still don't get why they didn't put both of them together in the first place. It's not like Fire Emblem has a gigantic fan base that purchases their games in the first week of its release. It's a pretty tightly knit group of players. Why they couldn't have the decency to "thank" their fans by putting both books in one game I will never know...
Aside from that, I don't truly care. I just don't know why they took the route they did, I'm not complaining though.

I'm just happy I'll be able to play it on my DS, as the Wii is very boring, and I can't focus all too well on the SNES version (ah, if only flashcards had better SNES emulators). That being said, I can't wait to hear more news and then finally buy it. It felt like a long wait for North America.

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There is of course another theory I would like to present.

What if Book 1 still exists in this game, only it's a remake of FE Gaiden rather than the actual Book 1 from the original FE1?

Or perhaps book 2 becomes the new Book 1 in this remake, and book 2 in reality is...

A BOOK 3!?

*Dun dun DUUUNNN!!*

Based on the hero of darkness, since it seems to be part of the title, it could signify a whole new adventure.

I could also be wrong, but hey. It;s another thought. In the least, I am with FE3 Player in that this will be a good game simply because its book 2 getting released in the least. The original FE3 can only last so long until it feels outdated (since it does handle rather clunky, like SF1).

That's just me though.

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Because I will play it and very likely enjoy it while everyone else is going to be quick to troll the game for over a year. Also, I actually enjoy and readily defend Shadow Dragon, and an FE3 remake is by default going to be better already, due to what it is remaking.

they're working with a good foundation, certainly. but it's hard to say anything without knowing what features they intend to add or change. IS made a lot of mistakes with previous two FEs.

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I only consider not adding enough extra dialogue and maybe lack of supports a real mistake, the latter being minor compared to the former.

I think FEDS' animations are proper and should stay similar to what they've been doing, while adding some extra things to diversify character sprites a bit.

I also think FEDS' gameplay is well done, so the mistakes made aren't many, despite how people exaggerate and cry over them.

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I honestly don't get why people whine about FE11 either. Out of all the 9 Fire Emblem games I've played, it was one of the ones I most thoroughly enjoyed. And as for FE10, I personally believe that it's either the 2nd best, or the best Fire Emblem out of the whole bunch.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Well, I enjoyed FEDS and thought that FE3 was pretty bad due to it's pretty poor game play (in retrospection) and graphics. Story and music were still great though. Also, I personally liked the FEDS graphics for the most part (just not the battle sprites due to the lack off palettes.)

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I'm a little annoyed that we didn't get it, but seeing as they spent so long on this game, I'm optimistic and really don't mind.

Also, don't call it FE3DS. There could very well be a FE for the 3DS that might be more appropriate with that name.

It's not for the 3DS?

There go all my reservations about this. Woo!

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I can't play the original FE3. Not because of lack of resources, it's just... really dated and ugly looking. I couldn't stand listening to the music and sound effects, either. This'll give me a chance to finally play it.

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I'm always surprised how superficial Fire Emblem fans can be, given that none of the Fire Emblem games are exactly a graphical tour-de-force. I think all the Fire Emblem games look rather nice, except the NES ones. Monshou no Nazo has its charms, mainly in the anime style that became the trademark of the series, and considering that it was after the NES games, it looked utterly gorgeous in comparison.

Anyway, anyone who seriously expected them to release a DS game with over 50 Chapters (Shadow Dragon & Book 2) really needs to get their head examined. Shadow Dragon was an attempt to give us a faithful remake of the very first Fire Emblem and finally release it outside Japan. They did this. They added some new things but in general its faithful, right down to the story. This shouldn't be seen as a negative. Aside from the fact that the NES games are really difficult to play nowadays, its the only chance we get to play it in English.

I'm still surprised there's so much confusion about the difference between Book 1 and the first game. I would of thought people would have realised how minimal Book 1 is compared to Shadow Dragon. Shadow Dragon is a full-fledged game, Book 1 is not. Heck, nor is Book 2, which is why they're remaking it and it sounds like they're even adding a whole new side story.

Now, if they had remade Monshou no Nazo from the off we would of just got the same game with prettier graphics. By remaking the NES game and now remaking the SNES game we get two much more refined experiences, with a lot more extra content.

The game won't be out for awhile yet even. So anyone complaining that Intelligent Systems is somehow milking the series for money is really missing the point. If they had released this game within a year of Shadow Dragon, then maybe. But its been nearly TWO YEARS without a Fire Emblem game. They wanted to see how Shadow Dragon would do, and now they've decided to really put some effort into this new remake.

As for people wanting a completely new Fire Emblem, this is why we seem to be getting a whole new hero. Most people haven't played Monshou no Nazo anyway. AND... who says they're not working on a completely new console Fire Emblem?

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  • Sacred Stones doesn't have as many chapters as FE7, make it more like it!
  • Path of Radiance is still better than FE8 but still worse than FE7 because it wasn't the first FE I played!
  • Radiant Dawn is too bloated and complicated, give us something simpler like FE7!
  • Shadow Dragon is too simple, give us something more complicated like FE7! Oh, and gives us a remake of FE6 because its story is a continuation of FE7!
  • Another remake? And it's not one of FE6? Give us a new game, preferably something like FE7!

The non-Japanese FE fanbase are like FFVII fanboys: Because most of them had FE7 as their first they will now see FE7 as the gold standard for everything.

Then again, could someone with Japanese knowledge and/or some connections to the Japanese fanbase tell us how their reception to FESD was?

AND... who says they're not working on a completely new console Fire Emblem?

Seeing that we haven't heard anything from IS aside from a few small games in those last 2 years I can somewhat understand them in that regard.

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I'm disappointed but its not like I didn't see this coming. Personally I wanted a new game on the Wii.

My thoughts exactly. I wonder if it's just cheaper for them to remake a game than to make a new one from scratch. But if they want to keep remaking games, I could always hope they'll remake Holy War and Thracia. (Hey, I can dream.)

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Yup, just cycle 20 years of games over and over and over again! It's genius!

I certainly don't think of FE7 as the gold standard. Honestly, the only game that I like LESS than it is the orginal.

To be fair, Book 1 of Mystery of the Emblem was basically a primer for those who weren't familiar with or have played the original Famicom game. And Shadow Dragon was primarily made to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Famicom. It's not like Square-Enix and their early Final Fantasy games.

And what about the people who haven't played the original Famicom/Super Famicom FE games? Those who don't want to bother with emulation? What of them? This would be relatively new to them. Intelligent Systems can't just appeal to only the longtime fans. They have to make it accessible for everyone, veterans and newcomers. I think that's what Intelligent Systems is trying to do with the FE DS games, going with a back-to-basics, straightforward approach to what made the original Mystery of the Emblem (and the series as a whole) successful in the first place while incorporating modern elements from other FE games without making it overly complex.

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  • Sacred Stones doesn't have as many chapters as FE7, make it more like it!
  • Path of Radiance is still better than FE8 but still worse than FE7 because it wasn't the first FE I played!
  • Radiant Dawn is too bloated and complicated, give us something simpler like FE7!
  • Shadow Dragon is too simple, give us something more complicated like FE7! Oh, and gives us a remake of FE6 because its story is a continuation of FE7!
  • Another remake? And it's not one of FE6? Give us a new game, preferably something like FE7!

The non-Japanese FE fanbase are like FFVII fanboys: Because most of them had FE7 as their first they will now see FE7 as the gold standard for everything.

Then again, could someone with Japanese knowledge and/or some connections to the Japanese fanbase tell us how their reception to FESD was?

Seeing that we haven't heard anything from IS aside from a few small games in those last 2 years I can somewhat understand them in that regard.

Has it ever once occured to you that you might be in fact completely wrong? I would say Capcom Sequel Stagnation is far more relevant than FF7 in regards to this series individual popularity for each game. CSS also applies to FF7 and the games afterwords as well. Squennix really hasn't done anything different in years.

Here, let me give you the real reasons people dislike any game from 7 through 11.

  • Fire Emblem 7 first off is incredibly easy. The support system sucks. Tutorial pisses off longtime comers and those who have played this game to many times similar to taris/midgar. The fanbase is another reason. This community used to be really small so obviously when a whole bunch of young kids joined and proclaimed it to be the best strategy game eva and that lyn was the sexiest and strongest people were bound to get pissed. This happens with every popular game in a long running franchise that varies in popularity with each game. So I guess on some levels it is similar to 7.
    Now also I'm gonna list another reason this game is the most popular in america. This series barely changes. You've played one fire emblem and you've essentially played them all.Capcom Sequel Stagnation. Look it up. Most of the games after this did not recieve the rave reviews that 7 did and for good reasons a lot of the time. So the game your most likely to forever remember is the first game you played in the series. With sequels getting worse and worse for the individual player depending on his tastes.
  • Fire Emblem 8 somehow managed to be even more easy than 7 by giving you the gamebreaking Seth (who's basically Marcus with speed) who also happened to not be an old as marcus so all the young kids thought he was badass. If Seth had a mustache ... things might be a little different in that community. Either way he is broken. Even with out using Seth though the game is still pretty easy and it happens to be shorter with a worse plot and worse characters. It's also doesn't help that it uses the most of the same cliches that populated all the prior games in the series with little to no real plot twists. Supports still sucked like FE7 though.
  • Fire Emblem 9 also manages to be pretty damn easy. They followed up Seth with Titania. The complete domination of the uber red heads continues. Just this time everyone used Titania because she is a red headed bad ass Aeris on a horse wielding an axe who likes older men. Most of the hate I've seen stems from sprite whores though due to the battle scenes being of a low quality compared to the rest of the game. BEXP breaks this game after Titania. Lack of Maniac mode pisses me off specifically. This is easily the most liked game after 7 though. They fixed supports!
  • Fire Emblem 10 IS TOO HARD! Not really of course but for a few months everyone was pissed off and complained about how all the laguz sucked balls and it took some time before people actually tried to use their brains and then beat the game. OMG NO SUPPORTS CONVERSATIONS! WHAT THE FUCK! THIS GAME SUCKS! The way this game just chucks kickass unit after kickass unit at you without giving you any time to build up the suckier units. Sprite whores still don't care. A whole bunch of characters break this game but don't exist at the same time so giant arguments ensue over who's breaking of the game is more valuable.
    Mary Sue even though every video game ever is populated by mary sues. So it's really kinda lulzy when I hear people hate this game for the sues and stus. The games difficulty bounces around. Finally the plot jumps around and the way the game handles spoilers is incredible to behold.
  • Fire Emblem 11 DOESN'T HAVE FE3 BOOK 2! Also the lack of supports again. Just without the tons of script that Fire Emblem 10 still had. Over 20 recruitable characters don't say a single thing and then immediately have worse base stats than barst had at join time. Or quite simpy their comparable to Barst at join time but joined 10 chapters later and simply suck forever. Sprite whores. Need I say more? They also hated the non anime characters this time and the darker art style. The whole you gotta sacrifice characters to get to gaiden chapters is still an annoyance to even the most hardcore defenders of this game. H5 does kick ass though so it makes up for the flaws.
    Rody, being the most hardcore defender of this game does not give a shit about sacrifices.

Edit: I didn't list this cause it kinda goes without saying... but almost all the fire emblem games follow the same basic storyline and use the same tropes/archetypes each game. This only hurts the series even more when you factor in CSS since most older players will never be surprised when playing a new game and it will just cause gamers to get sick and tired of the series quicker.

Edited by Speedwagon
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The whole you gotta sacrifice characters to get to gaiden chapters is still an annoyance to even the most hardcore defender of this game.
I'm the most hardcore defender of this game and it doesn't annoy me.
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No, my name is Rody now*.

*until it gets translated with slightly different spelling, unless the name ends up being completely different and not from the original kana at all, which then I'll be Rody still.

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What annoys me about FESD's requisite for gaidens is all the bitching there is about it. It's like people treat the killing of a character in this game as if it were the equivalent to cutting off your hand or getting back-stabbed by a childhood friend.

With that said, I'd prefer gaiden chapters to be rewarded for good skill but I don't mind FESD's. You know, it's funny how people complain so much about having to kill characters for the gaidens and yet, killing them off as bait for a strategy would make the game easier for them...

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killing them off as bait for a strategy would make the game easier for them...

In war you do you have to make a few sacrifices in order to make sure your army is not defeated. So yeah, it does make perfect sense.

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I like slaughtering sacrificing my PCs for fun heroically.

Makes for great stories, too. Lowen's epic charge across the map of Battle Before Dawn, for instance, only dying at the last possible moment, and in his last moments of life managing to successfully ferry Nino to Jaffar. Dozla and Gilliam attempting to hold off the entire Grado army and taking ages to die.

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I think sacrificing units that you worked to keep alive, is retarded. I also think the art style in FE11 is a pile of shit. In addition, I think that FE11 and 12 could have been compiled into one game, and not made to suck. Who knows, maybe this new game will be better. But judging from the fact it's a direct sequel, I'm willing to bet it's made on the exact same game engine with no improvements whatsoever.

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