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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 6: Standing against the Bolivian Army


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Hearing Chase's angry shout, Viveka spun around! When she saw her pegasus with half of Chase's head in her mouth, she immediately covered her mouth and snickered.

Viveka: >_<

She walked over to the two and stood there with her head tilted pondering the situation.

Viveka: Well, you're most certainly right, Chase. That's not funny ... krrrgh ... it's hilarious hahahahah! XD

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"Wait, Arrin... so you're telling me the escape wasn't successful?" Tessa felt a sinking feeling in her chest as the soldiers surrounded them. The enemies made some attempt at pacifying them, and claiming they weren't going to be killed, but Tessa found that a little dubious when compared with the tactics of the previous contingents over the past days. Arrin too in turn was trying to placate the two, and the sort of apologetic tone, and the sense of defeat it carried made her feel a little nauseous. She hoped she was reading too much into his behaviour.

The soldiers seemed to be somewhat mollified, and were content to follow along behind the pair as the mare deliberately trotted back to where her master was laying, making sure they didn't try to bolt at any point, no doubt.

In a low tone, Tessa said to Arrin, "Keep your chin up. Giving in to resignation never accomplishes anything. And it doesn't suit you. You always seemed more... more, well... I can't quite place it, but anyways that's not the point." She made an effort to try to cheer the mage up, with perhaps a bit more courage than she actually felt herself.

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"Didn't plan on it anyway,so no worries." Damian responded to Viveka,and both he and Aiya mounted Ulfhrahn.

With the main problem dealt with,Damian looked around.He saw Tessa and Arrin approaching them,with soldiers flanking them.

"Tessa,Arrin!We are going with these men to the capitol,okay?" He told them,as Kelas had been loaded into a wagon,a truckload of the group was rooming with Kiev for some reason,and Esphyr seemed to know already.

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"Make it stoooop," Chase whined. "Ow! That was my eye.. augh... The skin near my eye is bleeding... someone heeelllppp..."

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OOC: @ Lacuna

What does a horse's tongue feel like? I imagine that Chase is feeling a large tongue rubbing against his head and I'm curious as to how awkward that would be in real life :mellow:

Still giggling at Chase and her insecure pegasus, Viveka walked over and gently lifted Susann's head off of Chase. She carefully stood him up and tried to fix up his hair which was covered in peggie spit and rain water.

Viveka: I had forgotten how much Sunny likes to nibble. Sorry about that. If you can handle it, you're going to ride with me back to the command center ^_^

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Chase kept his eyes closed, not wanting his eyes to sting when he opened them. "Not flying, please, anything but flying... I hate flying..."

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"It's all right," Arrin reassured Tessa shakily. "They're not chaining us, so something must have worked-- Damian's been talking to their commander." Amari made another move, wanting to get to Kelas; the soldiers looked at Arrin expectantly. "Over there." Arrin pointed. Amari turned and headed past the soldiers, who trailed behind.

When they reached the spot, though, Kelas was gone. "Where--" Arrin began in a panic, but spotted his sister being put into the wagon that held wounded. "Oh, all right--" he began, but didn't finish: Amari saw someone picking her human up and carrying her away. None of that. The mare lunged and ran at the wagon. "Whoa!" Arrin shouted, holding on to Tessa. Amari ignored him. The mare skidded to a halt in front of the soldier that had just put Kelas down, murder in her eyes. With an agility he didn't know he had, Arrin jumped from the saddle and slid between the horse and the soldier. Amari glared at him. "Amari, they're helping!" Arrin told the horse, hoping she would understand.

Amari paused, examining the situation. Kelas looked like she was asleep, not dead. She could sense the distinctive feel of healing magic from the wagon, just as she could sense the storm in the air... Very well, then, this wasn't a human she had to bite... She leaned back from the soldier.

"We are going with these men to the capitol, okay?" Arrin heard Damian call. He waved acknowledgement, then helped Tessa down from the saddle: she seemed to have hurt her leg.

"We'll ride in this wagon," Arrin told the soldier. Amari whinnied: plainly she would follow. Experimentally she picked up a foot to kick the soldier. "Please don't attack them," Arrin begged the horse. The mare looked mutinous, but put her foot down.

OOC: No, not giving the pony an extra sense. Most animals can sense storms/electrical changes in the air/whatever; I'm just guessing magic would give off some sort of charge as well. Just keeping Amari from mauling people/throwing Tessa.

@Phoenix: Being licked by a horse is about like being licked by a dog (well, a really big dog.) (Tangent: There was this one horse at the barn where I rode that I think believed himself to be a dog, he greeted people he liked by licking them...)

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Viveka quickly helped Chase up onto Susann. With his hands tied behind his back, he couldn't hold onto her, so he had to ride up front while she kept his steady. Susann knew the way back to the city, she only needed a voice command.

Viveka: You won't have to worry about flying again for a long time if Jackson has anything to say about it. Nonetheless, it's good to see you again, Chase, especially in Susann's mouth ^_^

With nearly all of the wagons loaded up, the lead ones started to pull out. All of the uninjured followed on foot or on horse back. They had to be precautious even now.

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OOC: I would have loved Wrath here.

Eric awoke to shouting. Getting up and donning his jacket again, he looked out the window, to see brigands rampaging through the town. Seconds later, his door was crashed, as a bandit burst into the room, swinging his axe sideways.

Bandit attacks:

[1,6,5] = Miss!

"It would've been nice if you knocked," Eric said, easily ducking the blow. The traveler took his own weapon off the windowsill, and countered.

Eric counters:

[2,6,2]= Hit! 10-3 = 7 points of damage!

He delivered a sweeping slash across the assailant's chest, then went for a second hit.

[5,5,4]= Hit! 9-3 = 6 points of damage!

Eric quickly stabbed the bandit again. He could tell that the next blow was it, for his foe.

Allies (Currently)

Eric: 6/6 HP


Bandit1: 2/15 HP

Bandit2: 15/15 HP

Bandit3: 15/15 HP

Bandit4: 15/15 HP

Gerry: 15/15 Hp


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Mark arose from a bunch of rubble. He quickly looked for his lance. No one was around here anymore and the last thing that he remembered was an explosion. There has to be a town nearby. They could be there. Istaple was the only town near here. Mark mounted and rode out to the town. While he rode he came across a dead mare. It was Helios's. Mark couldn't do anything about it. He buried it (Im assuming thats what they do to dead horses) and made his way toward town.

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-Enemy Phase-

The wounded bandit tried to behead Eric, but missed, as he staggered back from the bloodloss.

[2,2,1]= Miss!

Outside the room, a second bandit decided to pass by his comrade and break down the door to the next room.

[2,6,4]= 12-0 = the door is splintered.

A third bandit ran in, and, realizing his buddy is losing, decided to attack Eric!

[6,1,5]= Hit! = 7-3= 4 points of damage. Eric has 2 hitpoints left.

Eric gritted his teeth as the axe cut through his chest. Thankfully, it didn't cut deep, and he could still fight.

Meanwhile, back in the village, a fourth bandit broke into one of the houses and began to slaughter the three inhabitants, starting with the man.

[4,3,4]= Hit! = 9-1= 8 points of damage. Man has 4 hitpoints left.

Gerry followed his minion in, and finished off the man.

[2,2,2]= Critical Hit! = 2(9-1)= 16 points of damage.

As the headless body fell, the woman and the girl began to cry.

Allies (Current)

Eric: 2/6 HP


Bandit1: 2/15 HP

Bandit2: 15/15 HP

Bandit3: 15/15 HP

Bandit4: 15/15 HP

Gerry: 15/15 Hp


Woman: 6/6 HP

Girl: 3/3 HP


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Taking his chances, the traveler went for the weakened bandit, who was trying to get away.

Eric attacks!

[1,2,6]= Hit! 5-3 = 2 Points of damage!

The weapon caught the bandit through his back, and he fell, dead. That done, Eric returned to the second one.

Bandit1: Dead.roll

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Frustrated with the lack of anyone in the second room, the bandit planted his axe in one of the beds, splintering it.

[6,1,1] = One owned bed.

He began to look for any valuables, just in case.

Back in the first room, the surviving bandit, confident after his previous attack and angered by his coworker's death, swung at Eric again

[4,3,4]= Miss.

Unfortunately for him, the traveler was too fast for him, and he missed.

Outside, Gerry and the fourth bandit decided to take the to women, for 'other' purposes.

[5,6,3]= Hit. 12-0 = 12 points of damage. Woman is down.

[4,2,1]= Hit. 9-0 = 9 points of damage. Girl is down.

They each clubbed the civilians, and left them lying on the ground, to retrieve them later.


Eric: 2/6 HP


Bandit2: 15/15 HP

Bandit3: 15/15 HP

Bandit4: 15/15 HP

Gerry: 15/15 HP


Woman Down

Girl Down

Edit: Roll

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Kamilla quickly ducked under her bed at the sound of shouting, she hadn't even managed to doze off yet when she heard something being smashed in the room next door. Clearly, they had some uninvited guests. It didn't take long until someone walked into her room and started looking around, as the man passed the bed, Kamilla stuck out her foot, unbalancing the man, before kicking the back of the mans legs with her other foot. Rolling out the other side of the bed, she grabbed the bedsheets and her tome and hurried outside. "Great, just great" she muttered angrily as she headed fro Eric's room.

As she entered, she found Eric and at burly man glaring at eachother, "Goddess, protect us" she whispered as she cast a spell on Eric. Having done all she could, she turned to leave when she stepped on something cushiony. Looking down she let out a gasp of surprise as she realized she was standing on a dead mans head.

Eric DEF/RES +3

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Mark arrived quickly to the town. It was under attack. A bandit swung at Mark

Mark vs Bandit

Bandit rolls: (2,6,4) It missed

Mark attacks: (3-1 WTD,5,2) Mark dealt 7 damage

Mark doubles: (5-1 WTD,3,6) Mark deals 5 damage

Bandit 4: 2 hp

Mark 12/12

Edited for WTD

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OOC: I'll guess that was the defensive spell.

Eric suddenly felt a mysterious force strengthen him, at least temporarily. Thanking whoever did that, he returned to the bandit at hand. Suddenly, someone gasped, and the bandit turned awa from his opponent.


[4,5,4+1]= Critical hit! 2(9-3)= 12 points of damage! Bandit has 3 HP left!

Catching his opponent off guard, the traveler stabbed the brigand through the chest, barely missing his heart. Backing away, the near-dead enemy swung at him.

[1,2,4]= Miss

The bandit missed, and Eric moved to finish him off.


[3,3,1+2] = Critical Hit! 2(7-3)= 8 Points of damage. Bandit3 is down!

Stabbing the outlaw again, he hit the heart this time, and the bandit fell limp.

"Thanks, Kamilla," he said, noticing her at the doorway. Pulling the sword out of the corpse, the traveler wiped the blade clean, and stepped out into the hallway, passing the girl, and walking down the hall, to confront the last bandit.


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OOC: I forgot WTD. Will edit in a minute

Mark noticed Eric fighting of the bandits. The one Mark engaged wasnt quite dead yet

Mark attacks: (5-1 WTD, 4,2) Mark dealt 6 damage to the bandit

*Final Fantasy battle win music*

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-Enemy phase-

The second bandit, having finished scouring the rooms, stepped back into the hallway, where he rushed at Eric, realizing that his comrades were dead.

[2,2,3]= Miss

The fourth bandit, near-death, tried one last attack on the cavalier who struck him.

[5,2,2]= Critical Hit! 2(8-6)= 4 points of damage.

His desperate strike grazed the cavalier, but didn't injure him too much. Seeing that his subordinate was having issues, Gerry decided to take on the cav.

[2,4,2]= Miss

Unfortunately for him, the horseman had seen it coming, and rode out of reach.


Eric: 2/6 HP

Kamilla: 9/9 HP

Mark: 8/12 HP


Bandit2: 15/15 HP

Bandit4: 2/15 HP

Gerry: 18/18 HP


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Kamilla sighed as Eric killed the last other bandit in the room, "May your pathetic souls rest in peace." She said quickly making a few hand gestures before following Eric. Why these mercenary folk insisted on killing every last enemy was beyond her, but she could have Eric dying just yet. "Heavens blessing, Protect" she said renewing her spell. If for some reason Eric were to fall, she started thinking of a way to escape.

OoC: @Kai, Mark is outside isn't he? Eric's still inside the inn. And there's still Gerry outside.

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OOC: Orly?

Mark saw the leader attack him. He dodged narrowly. He noticed the wound on his arm. He was angry

Mark vs Gerry

"You fool". "You dare attack Gerry the great".

Mark attacks first (3,6,6) Mark criticalled Gerry for 18 damage :blink:

His lance impaled the bandit leader before he could get a hit

The leader fell

*Final fantasy win music*

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OOC: Not applying wrath for the first one.

Eric realized Kamilla was behind him, so he swung conservatively.

[5,1,1]= Critical Hit! 2[5-3]= 4 Points of damage!

The weapon caught the bandit's left arm, and he swung out in pain!

[5,1,3]= Miss!

Eric avoided the attack, but just barely, and continued the assault.


[1,3,1+2] = Critical hit! 2(7-3)= 8 points of damage!

Stepping forward, he stabbed the dit, bringing him to near-death.

Bandit2: 3/15 HP

OOC: ...

And now I'm gone to work. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2540455/

Feel free to have my char auto-finish him.

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OoC: Might as well, not like we'll have anything to do, and I'm reluctant to make Mark run outside, to inside so swiftly.

Kamilla watched as Eric felled the last bandit, she knew of. She had heard shouting outside earlier, but that too, seemed to have died down. Eventually her spells had been a waste of time, she'd been hoping this would have been enough to repay her debt, but seeing as how she had been completely useless, she frowned.

She sighed heavily, if only she could heal. Complaining at her own incompetence. What now? Eric seemed to have been injured, and seemed tired. "Might as well get some rest" she said before hurrying out of the room to look for something, she assumed Eric's wounds weren't life threatening and easily remedied by vulneraries, but blood loss was still blood loss, and fatigue wasn't something either of them were used to.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she found the innkeeper slumped against the wall, his head covered in blood, and a slit through the center of his skull. Nearby the matron lay lifeless, apparently she'd gotten in the way and had been dealt with accordingly, "Rest in peace, in the warm embrace of our mother" she said before hurrying off to the kitchen, maybe they had some sort of high sugar ingredient.

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Mark went inside the inn where the bandits went to raid. He heard movement. One of them might be alive. He took his spear. The noise was coming from the kitchen. He crept there slowly. Then he went in. He poised his lance ready to strike but he saw it was only the girl from earlier. "Oh just you :rolleyes:".

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Taken by surprise Kamilla grabbed the closest object (frying pan) and threw it aggressively at Mark, concerned more about the wellfare of herself then her assailant she opened a draw full of pots and pans and began tossing them at the man as fast as she could. The clanging of pots overriding Marks words.

Finding that she was out of pots, she opened another drawer full of knives and tossed on at Mark barely missing his left ear

(She was aiming for the center of his head though, but Snowy won't let me kill him :( ) XD

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