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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 6: Standing against the Bolivian Army


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"Oh, this isn't going to be a particularly violent spell I assure you. However, too much movement on the target and it will be disrupted. Hence the restraining. I'm simply going to make her more cooperative. Being more civil won't help matters, she's clearly a delusional fool who understands nothing. "

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"... Let me rephrase that. Force isn't going to work, in this case. And, you just proved my point. Calling her a 'delusional fool' is not exactly endearing you to her, is it? If I may, assuming that 'understanding nothing' means that she's ignoring the threat of something, what is she not getting?"

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"The threat of thw Lord of Azure Flame? Demons ravaging everything if we do not reunite the weapons quickly enough? This is rather important."

"Just hold her down while I do this spell. The philosophical discussions can wait for later."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"OK, sure," Eric said, pinning Kamilla to the wall.

"I'll leave that bit for later discussion. As for restraining her, sorry, but I decline. I want no part in this. Have someone else restrain her, if you must."

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"I'll just do it myself then." Morgan rlaized that in the state Kamilla was in she probably wouldn't move much anyway.

Morgan took a dagger out and cut her arm, letting the blood spill. Then she put both hands to Kamilla's head and maintained her hold.

Kamilla gave a small gurgle and crumpled to the ground. She got up severalm seconds later, with no memories of her past.

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As the soldiers began dragging Iso off in chains, he continued pleading with Stephanie!

Iso: Stephanie! Please! If I get killed, who the hell is going to help Katie! Stephaniiiie!! >_<

Stephanie: What are you talking about? And who is Katie?

The soldiers quickly left the church with Iso and walked out into the open. Stephanie simply stood there wondering what was going on until Ixion came to her side. She flinched when she realized he was there. Then she smacked his shoulder!

Stephanie: Where have you been?!

Ixion: Around. We should probably follow those soldiers to the gallows. I can't allow Iso to die just yet ... not while the fire tome is bound to him.

Stephanie: Stop talking about him like that. You two are practically brothers <_<

Ixion: Did you ever hear the story of the two brothers? To summarize it, one kills the other. We are indeed very much like brothers in that regard for I have no interest in his survival beyond his tome, and he likely harbors similar feelings towards me.

Stephanie: You men and your petty squabbles. You two should be cooperating, not fighting, and furthermore, you specifically should learn to restrain your harsh words! They are hardly appropriate! The Goddess condemns such brotherly hatred. She does not smile upon thoughtless rivalry and evil intentions!

Ixion: Let her condemn. If she does nothing to stop it then she is irrelevant. Now let's go.

Stephanie: Ixion! I've just about had it with your blasphemous remarks! Go to the alter and pray to your mother goddess for forgiveness immediately!!

Ixion: ... ... no thank you ....

He left the church following the soldiers. Stephanie called out to him several more times, but he had other plans. She figured she would pray on his behalf and then catch up with the others.

Edited by Phoenix
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Kamilla stared at the group blinking, not really recognizing who they were, she looked around and discovered she didn't know how she'd got here or even where she was. She was about to ask the woman who was observing her but then paused realizing she didn't even know who she was herself. "Umm excuse me miss, you wouldn't happen to be acquaintances of mine would you?"

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The conversation with the guards seemed to be going well. Of course, Tessa couldn't be sure, but the guards didn't seem too concerned with the contents of the letter or the seal, but rather worried after their current state. When Arrin was describing the attack by raider, he turned to her for some embellishment and she provided what she hoped sounded believable.

"Yeah. They really took us by surprise, hiding in the trees, firing arrows. For the most part we just tried to outrun them, but we got in a few good parting shots. I don't know why they didn't keep up the pursuit, but there's no point looking a gift horse in the mouth." She paused here, before continuing quietly, "We didn't even realize just what escape cost us, until after."

The soldier seemed sympathetic, and advised them to head to see a priest, to get checked up and healed. Turning to Arrin she asked, "Do you know where the nearest church is, or should we ask this man? This is my first time here on a mission from Ilony, after all."

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As the soldiers made their way from the church, a loud snarling noise caught their attention! They stopped where they were and covered each other's backs hoping to spot whatever creature made the noise. The sun had barely come into view and so light had yet to fully illuminate the streets. The blue hue of the streets was beginning to change to golden yellow, but it still wasn't enough.

Suddenly, a massive violet colored mountain wyvern flew from the shadows of an alleyway! It crushed one soldier in its jaws before the others could react! After tossing the lifeless body away, it crushed yet another, and then whipped its tail in a full sweep! The entire group including Iso were knocked to the ground! Every time the wyvern killed one man, it immediately killed another! In less than ten seconds, all of the soldiers present were dead! Ixion arrived just in time to witness the massacre's conclusion, as Iso was tossed into the air, swatted by the wyvern's tail and sent flying into a wall! The impact nearly killed him! As he fell to the ground, the tie on his hair came loose letting his crimson locks flourish! His chest plate crumbled during the impact, and his shoulder plate cracked as he slammed onto the ground!

Ixion: You again.

The wyvern hissed at Ixion! The creature's plan to capture Iso was all but ruined. Ixion wasn't going to allow it.

Ixion: Incompetent fool. You shouldn't have revealed yourself so soon.

The wyvern replied by hissing again! Ixion quickly held out his hands and the same white symbol that had appeared underneath his feet inside the church appeared again! The wyvern panicked and backed away from Iso! Before Ixion could launch his attack, the wyvern shrunk to the size of a small animal! It took the form of a purple furred dog and sprinted into the back alleys!

Ixion: ... ... ... the shapeshifter .... Ixion-mug-dark1.png

Ixion came over to Iso and stared down at his nearly dead colleague.

Ixion: That thing is still chasing you?

Iso: ... ... ....

Iso immediately passed out and stopped moving. Ixion carefully picked him up and carried him back toward the church. Stephanie was more than capable of keeping him alive, if she could stop complaining long enough to do so.

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Impressive. It is about time someone shut her up. However i dont think that brainwash will last forever. Might as well enjoy it for as long as i can. Helios followed

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Aiya replaced the crest with the unoffending one she had been given by Eric,and it seemed Kamilia started to make a scene.Kelas made a comment about letting Kamilia het drunk,to make dragging her away seem less suspicious.

"It serves her right for taking all of my drinks..." Aiya added,putting on an annoyed tone and followed the others into the alleyway.

The spell was odd.It resonated with Aiya's mana circuit,it made her feel odd.Kamilia looked up translucently as the odd feeling died down.It seemed she didn't know who she was.

"The power of Elder magic...I heard that experienced Shamans could do things like that,but I've never seen it before..."

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"I know where it is," Arrin lied. The guard seemed convinced, but Arrin didn't want to take any chances... and besides, he could see the steeple of a church a little ways down the street. "This way."

They set off down the street again. The sun was rising, and shops were beginning to open up; the streets were getting busier.


Kelas was speechless with fury: what gave her the right?!? The girl was a bother, possibly even a danger, that much was certainly true; did that, though, take away her right to her own mind?

Her fists clenched, and she nearly raised a hand against the shaman. She was stopped by the knowledge that to fight this, at this place and time, would surely get her killed, either by the shamaness herself, by her own exhaustion, or by overzealous street soldiers. She followed Aiya, silently swearing to do something about this later.

OOC: If Arrin and Tessa pick up a tail, it's got to be now (and preferably by Phoenix, since it was his guard). Otherwise, we've got a case of someone actually getting by guards (woo).

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With a confused, but thanfully temporarily quiet Kamilla in tow, Morgan and compäny headed towards the church. On te way there, she spotted two familiar faces.

"Hello." she said walking up to Arrin and Tessa. "Have you seen Isotov around anywhere? Finding him should be our priority at this point, though we are unware as to his location."

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As Ixion laid Iso across the floor, Stephanie panicked! Iso was crippled, and seemingly dead!

Stephanie: Eeeeek!! Iso!! Oh Isoooo ... what happened, Ixion?! ;_;

Ixion: ... ... ....

Iso had suddenly come to! He shook a little and tried to lift his hand as it randomly twitched from the pain!

Stephanie: Iso! Oh Iso please stay with us!

Iso: I-Ixion ... *cough* ....

Ixion: ... what?

Iso: ... s-save ... K-Katie ....

Stephanie once again wasn't sure who Katie was, but Ixion knew, and he was in no way interested.

Ixion: I'd rather not stick my own neck out for some woman I've never met and have no interest in meeting, especially not one that you fancy. She must have other issues besides being a mute that would draw a worthless dog like you. If you want her "rescued" then get on your feet.

Stephanie: Ixion!! :angry:

Ixion: You think that was the last of the guards? I doubt this church will be a safe haven once the next patrol discovers all of those bodies. You'd best hurry and heal him as best you can.

She didn't want to argue with him and risk Iso slipping away so she got started as quickly as she could while Ixion kept an eye on the doors.

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Familiar faces appeared out of the crowd: Aiya, Morgan, Helios, Kamilla, the swordsman, and most importantly, Kelas. Arrin promptly fell off Amari with relief, scrambled to his feet, and nearly tackled his sister. He noticed that she'd been shaking with rage. "What happened?"

"Later," Kelas replied tersely, as Amari galloped up, skidding to a halt and checking to make sure that her owner was in one piece. Arrin thought she'd glanced at Morgan-- or was it Kamilla? Obviously, something had happened...

Morgan was speaking: "Have you seen Isotov around anywhere?"

"No, but--" Arrin began, but was interrupted as a small, purple something sped down the street, apparently coming from in or near the church. Turning towards the church, he realized that something was going on; he heard exclamations from inside. "It sounds like there's trouble in there. Maybe...?"

edit for grammARGH

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Tessa and Arrin seemed to be nearby.As the two groups converged,and Aiya was about to greet the healer,when a large purple creature moved past her field of vision,and Aiya stood between Tessa and the creature.

"Stay back,okay?If you get hurt,we're all done for,so keep tight,okay?"

The creature didn't seem to attack them,and she lost sight of it,and heard exclamations from the nearby church.

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Kamilla hummed some tune she didn't quite know as she followed her 'friends.' She wasn't exactly sure who these people were but if they were friends she was supposed to follow them. Right? As they approached a girl and boy on horseback. Several of her 'friends' started to converse with the two and she decided to ask Kelas (closest person?) who they were "Who are they? Are they friends too?" she asked uncertainly, "the boy kind of looks like you" she said with a giggle.

OoC: Did not see purple Phoenix spawn, and is oblivious to shouting at the church

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Morgan walked into the church to see what the commotion was about. Inside she saw a stange man eying the doors she ame through and a woman tending Isotov with a staff. She addressed the strangers directly:

"Who are you, and what are you doing with the fire mage? Explain."

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Chase sulked in his jail cell. In a few hours time, he was to be executed. Sitting down, he decided to formulate a plan of escape, then gave up on the idea because of its many flaws. He stared out the barred window, knowing that escape would be hopeless, and sat silently waiting...

... until he saw a flash of movement in the alleyway near the jail. He stared, and watched in a bit of terror as a violet bull wyvern relentlessly killed several soldiers and wounded Isotov. A hidden part of his mind stirred as he saw the creature, and he thought he had a fain memory of it, then saw it morph into a dog when a dark robed man with white hair began to cast a spell.

"Wow... it escaped so easily... what is that thing? Hmm..." he pondered, then remembering his situation, fell hopeless. I'll never find out about it anyways... unless I can get out alive. I have to think...

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OOC: Re-establishment post. Unsure of timing. Also, if you wait, Esphyr can also disguise herself as a mage decently well if you're trying to get in.

IC: "Wanted again?" said Esphyr, disdain clear and present in her voice. "Goddess why?! I mean, we JUST had our shot at freedom!" she exclaimed, rubbing her head in frustration. "Nevermind... Thank you Daiman, for coming back for me. You honestly are not like any other masters I've worked for. Ten other times, I've been left behind or forced to keep fighting until I had worked off my value in this past year alone. Well, seven times. Three of the others involved people desiring to get their value... other ways."


Katie gave a sigh. She hated this! She was not about to go talk to her father, and she didn't care why! She needed to escape first though. Excuse me, but how many of you know magic? she wrote, a plan already forming in her mind.

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[[OOC: *high fives Lacuna* We made it past the guard, no problem. We're a pair of smooth criminals. :D]]

Making their way past the city gate, Tessa and Francis―she had decided she was going to refer to the packhorse as such from now on―followed Arrin's lead. They made their way down side streets and alleys aiming towards a growing-ever-closer distinctive steeple on the skyline.

Turning a corner, they suddenly stumbled across a sight for sore eyes. Morgan was leading a sizeable troupe of the rest of the company, and hailed them with a question as to Isotov's whereabouts. Arrin completely ignored her, forgot entirely everything she had tried to teach him, and fell unceremoniously from Amari in his mad dash to greet his sister. Tessa found it difficult to hold this against the mage though, as he had been seriously shaken up when it seemed she was missing.

She attempted to do a slightly more dignified attempt at the same sort of thing, planning to run up to Morgan, but had completely forgotten about her twisted ankle, and ended up crumpling to the ground in an even more embarrassing fashion that Arrin had. A chronic fatigue and lack of any decent rest were clearly taking its toll on her. She just kind of slumped, and decided to just answer the shaman from where she was, but then Arrin seemed to have suddenly remembered the question and chimed in that this group was the first contact they'd had with anyone they knew.

At this point a snarling purple canine bounded up, looking dangerous and unnatural. Aiya swiftly moved to cut it off from any chance to maul Tessa in her currently vulnerable position, and the horses were understandably displeased with the sudden appearance of a potential predator. Snorting a bit, Francis backed up a few paces, while Trevor bared his teeth at the beast, until it had continued along its way and out of sight.

Waving to Aiya, Tessa called out, "Heh, thanks for that. I'm all right, really. Just, a little sprain. If you'd help me up, that'd be great. Then, I guess we go to the church and hope for the best?"

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As Morgan came through the front door, Ixion's eyebrows rose, a rare occurrence. He'd expected soldiers.

Ixion: My name is Ixion ... and you must be one of the ... other crimson weapon wielders.

He was quite certain that the rest of the day would be rather ... unpleasant from the looks of things. Stephanie ignored the others and continued to mend Iso's wounds.

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"All three of us are mages" answered Matthias. We all have students of well, we're giving them service hours for their participation in this project.

"We know you're a mage as well, but cannot cast spells due to your muteness. It always pays to do your research on your target before you strike. Rest assured, with our magic and your...lack, we would easily subdue you." said Madison.

"I wish this Harold guy would hurry up." said Maximillian. "I'm sick of waiting".


"Correct. Now why is he injured, not to mention in your custody. You are no priest."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Good. I've been trying to understand this word in the back of my tome. Maybe you can have a shot? she quickly scribbled down. Then, taking a deep sigh, she opened her magic book. Thousands upon thousands of words, arcane and powerful and beyond the average level of skill for a normal caster covered the pages from top to bottom written in purple and blue ink. They were not normal words, even for a mage, but rather something far more powerful. Something... darker. As she flipped past the words, she at last came to one of the pages in the back, then spun her tome around to present it to the three. There, written in a corner, were several words, each written at a quarter the normal letter size.

Gninrom Siht Senur Evisolpxe Deraperp I

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