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A sad day


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557 years ago to this day, the greatest city west of China was lost to the heathen. As Constantine dropped his purple cloak and gave his life fighting the unbeliever one last time, for the empire, for Christendom, for God, the oldest state of the west was no more.

Mourn the mistakes and misfortunes of those times, but remember and be inspired by the great deeds and bountiful providence that came before them.

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I'd fly an American flag to symbolize my feelings, but it would be kinda inappropriate.

I'll just go with cool story, bro. And I mean it.

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This doesn't sound familiar. Is this something I should've learned in 7th grade history?

No, maybe AP World History. He's referring to the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453.

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No, maybe AP World History. He's referring to the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453.

No, it's one of those stories every good Christian should have heard at his mother's breast, cowering in the cold cellar during the long winter nights as infidel Turkish robbers and burners rampaged above, all with the blessing of the Sultan.

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No, it's one of those stories every good Christian should have heard at his mother's breast, cowering in the cold cellar during the long winter nights as infidel Turkish robbers and burners rampaged above, all with the blessing of the Sultan.

Do I look like a 'good Christian' to you?

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No, it's one of those stories every good Christian should have heard at his mother's breast, cowering in the cold cellar during the long winter nights as infidel Turkish robbers and burners rampaged above, all with the blessing of the Sultan.

There weren't any Sultans nearby. :/

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557 years ago to this day, the greatest city west of China was lost to the heathen. As Constantine dropped his purple cloak and gave his life fighting the unbeliever one last time, for the empire, for Christendom, for God, the oldest state of the west was no more.

Mourn the mistakes and misfortunes of those times, but remember and be inspired by the great deeds and bountiful providence that came before them.

Don't worry, in a recent maneuver, I, Archduke of Austria have managed to stall the Turkish advance. While it may be late, I hope to, in the coming years, conquer Constantinople, and return it to its former glory. In fact, I will continue, and sweep through Turkey, capturing Smyrna and Ankara.

If only Germany wasn't such a douchebag and hadn't stabbed me for no reason...

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No, it's one of those stories every good Christian should have heard at his mother's breast, cowering in the cold cellar during the long winter nights as infidel Turkish robbers and burners rampaged above, all with the blessing of the Sultan.


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Don't worry, in a recent maneuver, I, Archduke of Austria have managed to stall the Turkish advance. While it may be late, I hope to, in the coming years, conquer Constantinople, and return it to its former glory. In fact, I will continue, and sweep through Turkey, capturing Smyrna and Ankara.

If only Germany wasn't such a douchebag and hadn't stabbed me for no reason...

Austria always loses, though.

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Austria always loses, though.

Austria will live as long as Germany isn't a dumbshit, pretty much. I mean, they can die early from some terrible occurences, but if they've got Germany (which they should) on their side, it's pretty easy to survive. Russia isn't much of a problem, as they usually have bigger fish to fry (and you can get Germany to threaten them in Sweden or something), and Germany can quite possibly help you deal with Italy if Italy invades. Turkey is the only person you pretty much have to fight, and you can hold your own against them.

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and Germany can quite possibly help you deal with Italy if Italy invades. Turkey is the only person you pretty much have to fight, and you can hold your own against them.

Is this an Italian invasion like the battle of Adowa, Caporetta or Lissa where they were crushed by the Austrians (Ethiopia in the Adowa)

Now if Garibaldi were still alive...

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If they don't get killed in the first few years they can do pretty well.

Austria will live as long as Germany isn't a dumbshit, pretty much. I mean, they can die early from some terrible occurences, but if they've got Germany (which they should) on their side, it's pretty easy to survive. Russia isn't much of a problem, as they usually have bigger fish to fry (and you can get Germany to threaten them in Sweden or something), and Germany can quite possibly help you deal with Italy if Italy invades. Turkey is the only person you pretty much have to fight, and you can hold your own against them.

Boy, have I been playing Austria wrong. I can never secure a German alliance.

I did have an Austrian-Turkey alliance that almost won once, but Turkey decided to backstab me, and, while we were fighting, the third party country that was still alive, which I believe was either France or England, swept through and won. It was awful.

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Well, it wasn't originally supposed to be long-term, but I was never able to put myself into a favorable position to stab Turkey, unfortunately. It's quite bothersome when they have fleets surrounding your home SCs and any move eastward looks incredibly suspicious after Russia is defeated.

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557 years ago to this day, the greatest city west of China was lost to the heathen. As Constantine dropped his purple cloak and gave his life fighting the unbeliever one last time, for the empire, for Christendom, for God, the oldest state of the west was no more.

I've decided that next time this happens, I'm going to root for the infidels over the Christians. Christianity has had it too good for too long.

(Sorry if that comment offends anyone - I'm just going to go along with the topic here though.)

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I've decided that next time this happens, I'm going to root for the infidels over the Christians. Christianity has had it too good for too long.

(Sorry if that comment offends anyone - I'm just going to go along with the topic here though.)

I take offense to this comment. Your apologies are not enough, heathen.

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I take offense to this comment. Your apologies are not enough, heathen.

Let's make him our scapegoat



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