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So, what's all this bullshit about Hikarusa not being able to post?

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So, I hear Hikarusa has had his permissions edited so he can't do anything on this forum, and he has been told this is permanent, yet he hasn't been put in the banned members group.

Why is this? First of all, why is he even perma banned? Secondly, why the fuck isn't he in the goddamned banned member group, if he really is banned? What is the meaning of this shit?

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WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MMX reference ^

You don't have to put the reference. o.o

:( x (∞ - 1) Hika was amazing.

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Frankly, though I like the dude, the whole name change business...it's not a smart thing to do. You don't. taunt. admins. Or, if you do, you don't act surprised when it bites, ya know?

EDIT: Let it be known I predicted this back when he changed his name earlier this month.

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Why is this? First of all, why is he even perma banned? Secondly, why the fuck isn't he in the goddamned banned member group, if he really is banned? What is the meaning of this shit?

Blazer did something like this on FEShrine too actually. He perma-suspended someone instead of perma-banning them because he found it funny.

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Frankly, though I like the dude, the whole name change business...it's not a smart thing to do. You don't. taunt. admins. Or, if you do, you don't act surprised when it bites, ya know?

EDIT: Let it be known I predicted this back when he changed his name earlier this month.

Taunting admins doesn't, and should never warrant a ban. Not only is it not in the rules, but if it was, it would be a fucking stupid rule. That would be like a country where you couldn't make fun of politicians without being extradited and barred from re-entering the country.

The only rules I can see it possibly breaking are either the do not question us publicly on policy rule (also kinda dumb), or the prejudicial comment rule, which is kind of stretching it, especially given that we have a rule about not taking things seriously (this should actually remove most of Hika's warns and whatnot, but hey). Either way, there would have been much better ways to deal with this than pseudo-banning him.

And Hikarusa would rather you don't raise a fuss about it.

I'm going to do it anyway, because it's dumb. He didn't told me not to bitch. He never tells me not to bitch though...

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ZX: Hika was essentially flouting that he was following the rules to the EXACT letter, if I understand right. Even if it's not *technically* illegal, it's going to get you lynched. Drawing parallels to getting thrown out of a country: if you're a dick to a politician and get thrown out, there are allegations of corruption et cetera. Forums aren't democracies, though - if you taunt the King of France during a reign of Kingly Dominance, you're going to get your head lopped off. If it in the Constitution of France that you get your head lopped off if you insult the king? Probably not. An admin can ban people, plain and simple. They have ultimate power. Don't Taunt God.

My views on this are if you're following the rules, great. If you aren't following the rules, great. If you're sitting exactly on the grey boundary and telling everybody how you're sitting in the grey boundary...well, that's grounds for a warning.

EDIT: Frankly, just to let you know where I stand, yes I think the pseudo-banning was out of line. I think a week- or a two-week suspension would be in order, maybe a ban if he'd done it repeatedly. That's all.

Also contained in this EDIT: I guess you could make a case that he was trolling the mods? Why else was this whole namescheme ...uh, scheme adopted?

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ZX: Hika was essentially flouting that he was following the rules to the EXACT letter, if I understand right. Even if it's not *technically* illegal, it's going to get you lynched. Drawing parallels to getting thrown out of a country: if you're a dick to a politician and get thrown out, there are allegations of corruption et cetera. Forums aren't democracies, though - if you taunt the King of France during a reign of Kingly Dominance, you're going to get your head lopped off. If it in the Constitution of France that you get your head lopped off if you insult the king? Probably not. An admin can ban people, plain and simple. They have ultimate power. Don't Taunt God.

My views on this are if you're following the rules, great. If you aren't following the rules, great. If you're sitting exactly on the grey boundary and telling everybody how you're sitting in the grey boundary...well, that's grounds for a warning.

EDIT: Frankly, just to let you know where I stand, yes I think the pseudo-banning was out of line. I think a week- or a two-week suspension would be in order, maybe a ban if he'd done it repeatedly. That's all.

Also contained in this EDIT: I guess you could make a case that he was trolling the mods? Why else was this whole namescheme ...uh, scheme adopted?

But that's the point, that's not a good outlook for a forum. A forum may not be a democracy, but it still depends on the consent of its members, and it's quality will be affected by its rules and attitudes. And I'm saying, that this set of attitudes is bad.

If somebody has ultimate power, that's even more reason to mock them. I can understand being afraid of mocking them, I guess (if they had that power in real life at least), but it shouldn't dissuade you from mocking them in any way. I'm not certain I follow your line of thinking on this one.

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Arright, lemme try to line this up:

Assuming this is all about the "White people suck" name change and whatnot related to that.

Why did Hika change his name? He didn't do it to be funny. He didn't do it to become a new persona. He did it SPECIFICALLY to piss the mods off. I've been using the wrong terminology here, I suppose.

A little mockery is fine. Mods are people too, they can dish it and they can take it out like any other. What Hika was doing wasn't mockery, it was saying "look at me I'm being controversial just to be controversial". This isn't a healthy attitude, and it can only end in heartbreak. Is that any better?

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Hika f*cked around too much and finally lost. If the administration is sticking it to him a bit too hard(taunting him back by not throwing him in the banned group), there's nothing we can do about it.

Obviously you all know where I stand on the Hika matter -_- (don't give a parakeet's ass :awesome: (

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Arright, lemme try to line this up:

Assuming this is all about the "White people suck" name change and whatnot related to that.

Why did Hika change his name? He didn't do it to be funny. He didn't do it to become a new persona. He did it SPECIFICALLY to piss the mods off. I've been using the wrong terminology here, I suppose.

A little mockery is fine. Mods are people too, they can dish it and they can take it out like any other. What Hika was doing wasn't mockery, it was saying "look at me I'm being controversial just to be controversial". This isn't a healthy attitude, and it can only end in heartbreak. Is that any better?

This was just the last in a long line of "controversial" name changes Hika made. Even if it was done specifically to piss the mods off, it shouldn't matter. The proper response would have been either to call his bluff and just suspend him for a week for it, force change his name, or just let him have his name changes. It seriously wouldn't do any harm to just let him have the name change, and the black people suck, or whatever. Inevitably he would get bored and change it back to Hikarusa or something, probably pretty quickly.

As far as I know, he was just playing around, as he has done for a long time. I don't know about you, but I actually DO find his constant attempts to be able to use an offensive name funny. There's nothing wrong with being controversial just to be controversial, but even then, it should hardly have been controversial. And the attitude itself is certainly a fine one. As I said, it was relatively harmless, and there were a multitude of ways it could have been dealt with other than this.

EDIT: Seriously, that "you cannot stop me now mods" topic, was hilarious. In fact, it was so funny, I linked it to several people who never even go to SF and probably have no idea what it is, and THEY found it humorous, especially when I gave them backstory to it.

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Sure, it could have been handled better and I agree with you there. I'm only arguing that there was a purpose to this, and it wasn't an overreaction at nothing; rather, I'm arguing it was an overreaction to something that did merit a less severe action.

EDIT: Incidentally...


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Sure, it could have been handled better and I agree with you there. I'm only arguing that there was a purpose to this, and it wasn't an overreaction at nothing; rather, I'm arguing it was an overreaction to something that did merit a less severe action.

EDIT: Incidentally...


While I don't think it necessarily merited any action (as I said, there are a bunch of ways it could have been dealt with), I also think it was an overreaction.

That's what I'm saying here.

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While I don't think it necessarily merited any action (as I said, there are a bunch of ways it could have been dealt with), I also think it was an overreaction.

That's what I'm saying here.


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Didn't he change his name to Stupid Nigger and not get any kind of reaction to it? If so then I'm not sure what the staff is smoking.

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