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[Resource Allocation Topic, and bexp is a resource. If we do it at all, here is just fine. Besides, GJ (or me) will post a link to it in the first post. It won't be hard to find.

may i ask who/what GJ is? i just think of gj as being an abriviation for good job

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GJ = Grandjackal, aka Master Tang.

You are nicer than me today. Anyway, glad most of this is a little more on topic than before.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Guess I better pipe in.

Not gonna do BEXP for reasons stated. Even with the idea that it can boost most likely to grow stats, fact f the matter is it's still random. Best hope you'd get is nflchamp's idea.

BEXP will simply be something stated to co-relate with resources such as a stat booster maxing a stat to make a certain unit easier to BEXP (See Talisman). Problem is, even then you hardly get a lot of units that can cap a stat with a stat booster, and most of the time they probably still won't BEXP stats they want (I think a good example of that is Danved or Keiran).

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So is it agreed that Zihark's Adept is being shipped over to the GMs? Because um, I haven't really heard any good alternatives to shipping it. GJ mentioned giving it to Volug, but I don't know if he really cares for something that unreliable in 1-E, especially if he's still on 19AS and not doubling like he used to. I guess he could use it in 3-6, he has a 45% proc rate when full-shifted, which is pretty good *cough*notasgoodasnephenees*cough*.

And what would we need to throw out? At worst, a stat booster that the GMs could sell. I think Adept is worth more than 4k to the GMs. It can be made up for by shipping an extra item from the CRKs.

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You could just keep it on Zihark. He can't really have much Enemy Phase action in 3-6 anyway due to crit, so he can at least have it for the Player Phase. Then it can come in handy for 3-12 and 3-13 (since he's probably just Tempest Blading off a ledge). He could use the offense boost for Part 4 and he's the only one egtting this particular Adept for free capacity.

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I ask because I think Nephenee can use it better, and there's been some muttering about Zihark not being very good in Part 3.

I don't really count Adept not taking capacity as a great advantage. I suppose if you combine it with Cancel and Resolve, but Zihark doesn't really have the durability to take advantage of Resolve.

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i would say there is no point on keeping it with zihark, unless you just really like him(which i dont) because whats he gonna do? hit another 10 on a tiger? it just isnt practical, whereas with nephenee it's awesome im using her on current PT and she just rapes face with that thing on. you probably will give other to mia or shinnon but those three are the only ones id give it too. and you have two to pass around so whichever of those two your using with mia at highest position to get it.

and i agree with innate adept not being that great, in NM its nice with soren when paired with vantage because he can double in NM but no one plays NM and i guess its not really realistic to use soren in HM. but he's awesome in NM...

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Regarding the Sleep staff on Ike, it's fairly easy for a not-that-well-raised Laura to get to 60%+ odds on Ike. I think pushing it to 80%ish is a bit much with a reasonable level Laura (I only got in the top end range in my Max Abuse Run where she was already 20/20/16 with maxed stats, which is obviously never happening), but sleeping Ike is certainly within the realm of possibility. Sleeping Ike in 3-13 guarantees he's no threat, so it really depends on the odds Laura would be looking at when she's at whatever level we consider reasonable for her by 3-13 and whether Ike's bio can be manipulated so he's at Worst. Laura's stats and bio issues seem much more important than Ike's RES (in Max Abuse, Ike had abnormally high RES and was still trivial to Sleep).

If it works though, it's really not a question of "who can take out Ike" so much as "who is useful in taking out Ike at the earliest possible time." He's still beefy even asleep, but at least he's not countering. Is it possible to put a weapon in his hands other than Ragnell, have him keep it equipped when he shows up, and Sleep him before he can equip Ragnell? That would lighten the burden on the DB for dropping him.

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Ike doesn't equip Ragnell unless he can attack someone with it on Enemy Phase, so it's just a matter of ending 3-11 with a bronze sword equipped and no heals in his inventory. Ike Bio's can be manipulated with a Bliss from Raisin at the right time, probably somewhere near 3-8 or 3-10, depending on how fast you think you can clear.

Laura will be lucky to be 10/1 by 3-13, in my experience.

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Should probably make updates.

Part 3 Naturally Gained Resources

These are for the resources you find naturally in Part 3, simply means resources you find rather than are shipped. Simple as that. Now, moving on.

I will say that this is bound to be inaccurate, because I'm sure I will mess up somewhere. Just bear with me and correct me where I am wrong as to clean this part up a bit more, and make the info more accurate.

3-1 Seraph Robe Can be pretty handy. It can help those without MiaxIke support avoid to get their durability elsewhere for a slight buff in physical and magical durability. I'm not quite sure if this is a heavily contested item or not, so correct me if I'm wrong on that.

-Nephenee: 39 HP and 15 Def is similar defense to Oscar's 38 HP and 17 Def. If he can take more than two power shots, then so can Nephenee. Difference being, when that second power shot lands, she most likely will be in Wrath health. This is implying she got no levels in part 2 however. I believe Interceptor got her to level 6, which nets her 41 HP after a robe with 16-17 Def. Her 23 AS will also double things where Oscar's 21-22 AS at that point in time will fail to double. Therefore, she is quite a prime cantidate.

-Oscar: He will max HP after a use. Combine that with a very uncontested Secret Book to cap Skill, now BEXP levels will boost Speed, Luck and Str/Def, the stats he really wants. This gives you more excuse to crown him early, of which from there on he can be pretty beastly with the Silver Greatlance up to the point stronger forging becomes available. It's still questionable, because unlike Nephenee, Oscar's future is quite questionable. At least he puts it to some use before Neph shows up

-Titania: It's to further help her be BEXP abusable, which helps her leveling speed along with her getting insured stats where she wants them. 43 HP and 20 Def with Light affinity is pretty tanky. To give you an idea, Gatrie has 24 Def and 44 HP. Not being far off from him is awesome when you consider Titania will have a mount and doubling after a wing.

3-2 Arms Scroll (Better Off Not Purchased) I really can't think of anyone who cares for these at the moment. Don't bother wasting the money, spend it on forging instead.

3-2 Statue Frag (Better Off Not Purchased) An even bigger waste of money.

3-3 Dracoshield Is a stat booster worth purchasing to help physical tanks be tankier, or help patch up the defense of some units.

-Nephenee: Combined with a Robe, 41 HP and 18-19 Def is pretty hardcore. It at least lets her help take an extra round from a 32 might attack (The strongest enemy in 3-3 has 32 might outside of the boss who is wielding magic, thus no impact on the dracoshield). Weakest physical is 26, which would be a 6RKO. If we factor in something like a support from Brom or Mordecai, her dying should not be an issue.

-Titania: Maxes her defense as to help plug more stats so that BEXP levels have less chance of leaking over after a Talisman. It also happens to give a major killer on hte team a harder time of dying.

-Boyd: If 41 HP and 18-19 Def is pretty beastly, then the most likely of 53 HP and 18 Def is godzilla. It's basically the same thing along with being able to take another hit. Also helps him cap Def sooner with the BEXP aid, which gets him speed and skill much faster. Not quite as effective as putting it on the former two, but it does have long term benefits.

3-3Arms Scroll (Better Off Not Purchased) Again, don't bother.

3-3 Master Crown Comes quite early, and let's someone skip ahead to tier 3. Only person I can think of that can put the best use to the crown this early is Winged Haar, who will have at the LEAST 24 Speed with this, which is enough to get by on doubling a majority of mid Part 3 GM chapters. I can easily say he could have gotten a level or 2 in between, so he could have 25 AS, making him safe throughout. Flying tank with Stun that can double with great strength and even range? Haar is mighty. However, even the mighty Haar might want to wait. 24 AS is good now, but won't be soon, and cutting his leveling speed doesn't help. You might just want to wait until he's got 24 speed up and running. This way, you don't even need to give him a speedwing.

There is also Gatrie, who by now could be a 49 HP, 29 Str, 25 Spd and 19+Light Affinity behemoth. A giant will walk among your army! However, I would not quite consider the crown on him before a winged Haar. I also have doubts about Gatrie getting 5 levels this early, but whatever.

3-3 Ashera Icon (Better Off Sold) Well, if someone's only got 1-2 crit displayed on them normally, they wouldn't mind this. However, it's most likely usually more than 2, so this at best only minimizes what is still a great danger.

3-3 Shade (Better Off Sold) Unless you're really keen on leaving people who shouldn't be attacked wide open and leaving their fate to chance, you might as well sell it.

3-5 Secret Book I'm not sure if it's worth purchasing or not, but basically it's use is to cap someone's Skill as to let them get to stats they want through BEXP. There are only two units this early who can fit that bill, and by now it's possible they both could have capped said stat, But, if you got unlucky...

-Oscar: After a Robe, capping Skill allows him to be BEXPd for Spd, Lck and Str, all stats the earth affinity cav wants. Once he caps spd, you have an excuse to crown him early when the next one comes, since Titania by then will be so close to promoting naturally that she doesn't care for losing it.

-Shinon: He wants Str. This lets him cap Skl early for a better chance. Problem is, Def is stronger by 5%, barely wining the third place for BEXP growths outside of Spd and HP. However, it at least helps the odds.

3-5 Arms Scroll (Better Off Not Purchased) How many of these things are there?

3-5 Corrosion Is best slipped on whoever has skills that help avoid counters or attacks, like Vantage, Adept, Cancel and Disarm, preferrably someone of high level. If Haar's not using Savior or Fortune on a map, he wouldn't mind this, since he's also got Stun on top of it all.

3=5 Energy Drop Ahhh, a heavily contested item. This is gonna be fun...

-The Hawks: Mainly Janaff would prefer this as even after the drop, Ulki's not exactly perfect with it, but Ulki still also gets effects out of this. Ulki would prefer this after a BEXP bup to get a Satori Sign, but Janaff gets instant satisfaction without so much as a drop of BEXP given to him. Janaff will be safely ORKOing all things aside from Generals, of which I think an Adept can solve that problem. Sure they got transformation issues, but who else you know that can fly? Ok, there's Haar, but HAar's strong enough and has forging, along with Stun. Offense is the last concern that guy has.

-Nephenee: If you gave her the Robe, I would assume she's about level 10 here, she will be close to capping HP and Str, and she will already have Skl, Spd and Res capped which leaves her with Lck, HP, and Str/Def. It can help her cap several stats she otherwise wouldn't, along with giving her more and more Lck. At this point, Neph is very easy to BEXP abuse. That, and 4 more might doesn't hurt on someone who doubles, especially with natural Wrath.

-Oscar: Similar reasons to Neph.

3-6 Master Crown You might wanna save this for later, your DB units just got to tier 2. Make your decision then. Most likely it could be used to early-crown an abused Jill, or Tauroneo to make 3-12 a joke.

3-7 Quickclaw (Better Off Sold) If you REALLY want to give it to whatever Beast Laguz you're using (most likely Ranulf). Really though, just sell it.

3-8 Daunt Is most likely going to Ike, because he would love reduced crit on a notable scale, and helps generally give him a sort of anti-charisma to the enemy. He's always gonna be on the frontlines, so I can't really imagine why you'd give it to anyone else.

3-9 Arms Scroll Better Off Not Purchased.

3-9 Adept Oooohhh, that's a good question. Not a lot of the CRK have a lot of speed to work with this chapter. Only one who does is Marcia. Might as well go to her until she joins back up with the GM. Once there, give it to someone who puts it to better use like Janaff or Ulki, or Nephenee. However, keeping it on Marcia is also a fair choice if you plan to use her seriously.

3-9 Master Crown You do have the option here to crown Geoffery as to help him blow through this chapter, or even Keiran. If you manage to get him to proc speed, the coming Speedwing with this crown give him 25 AS, which is workable in the coming GM chapters. Good luck managing that though. A crown-Wing Danved gets the same AS as well without needing a speed proc, though his Str of 19 would still be on hte weak side. Same with a level 11 Makalov, and his Str will be greater despite using a weaker weapon type. Hell, a Secret Booked Calill at level 11 after a BEXP bump will have 26 speed after a wing and a crown with about 23 Mag ain't a bad deal.

This is if you manage these levels however, and if you decide to use someone seriously from the CRK. You can also chose to just divide the crown and wing to what now has to be a soon-to-be-epic Boyd, or help patch up the speed of a slowly-slowing down crowned Haar/Gatrie, or a vastly speed screwed Ike.

3-9 Speedwing Most likely best kept for a GM in 3-11.

3-9 Spirit Dust (Better Off Sold) Unless you're using the above styled Calill, or you want Elincia to be somewhat better at healing, if by some miracle you manage to get this hidden treasure, you might as well sell it.

3-11 Master Crown By now, this is probably just being used to crown people who would prefer it over wasting a level of EXP to level up to 20/1.

3-11 Imbue Your most likely high magic combat units are most likely a pegasus knight you're using, Titania, or a lolcat (12 HP recovery per turn ain't bad, but fluctuates through transformation). Might as well give it to Titania for at the LEAST 14 HP per turn recovery. 20/20/1 Titania, that's 1/3 of her HP. Monsterous.

3-12 Master Crown Again, you probably want to save this until the DB are in a bit better shape, or you could give it to Taur to make this chapter lulzworthy, or even wait till part 4 to distribute it then.

3-12 Boots Rafiel for vigoring in Ike's portions would be greatly beneficial, as they have to cover a lot of ground in their chapters, and it helps him perform far greater in 4-E, as 7 move with 4 space Vigoring is too good to ignore.

3-F Spirit Dust (Better Off Sold) Unless again the above mentioned Calill or just to help someone's Imbue rate, just sell it. This is implying that Boyd and Mist have a support going, of which is unlikely.

Edited by Master Tang
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Boyd is a terrible choice for the Seraph Robe. Capping HP is not going to do anything interesting for his SPD -- the only thing he needs -- because of his ridiculous DEF growth. Titania needs to go on that Seraph Robe list, like yesterday.

Also, the 3-3 Crown doesn't mention Gatrie, which is a crime.

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Boyd is a terrible choice for the Seraph Robe. Capping HP is not going to do anything interesting for his SPD -- the only thing he needs -- because of his ridiculous DEF growth. Titania needs to go on that Seraph Robe list, like yesterday.

Fine, I'll erase Boyd from the Robing and I'll replace it with Titania.

Also, the 3-3 Crown doesn't mention Gatrie, which is a crime.

Whoops, missed that. Thought I put it up, since I mentioned it earlier.

...Wait, why would Gatrie EVER have that crown over Haar? I suppose I won't debate, but I'm just saying I'm skeptical of Gatrie. I don't doubt he kicks ass after a crown, my issue is him getting the levels to cap his speed beforehand.

I suppose it's early enough though for just 3 measily levels, so I will add him in.

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WRT the Boots, what's up with the mention of Seize chapters in Part 4? Also, the Spirit Dust in 3-E requires an A support between Boyd and Mist.

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WRT the Boots, what's up with the mention of Seize chapters in Part 4?

It gets Ike to the seize spot faster, ergo...

I'll admit though, I feel like I'm forgetting something with the boots.

Also, the Spirit Dust in 3-E requires an A support between Boyd and Mist.

Oh, THAT'S the one? I thought that Dust was in Part 4...

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It gets Ike to the seize spot faster, ergo...

I'll admit though, I feel like I'm forgetting something with the boots.

There are no seize maps in part 4. But still, deciding who gets the boots is a toss-up, really.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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I ended up giving the boots to Rafiel in 4-4. He actually can put them to good use, since Vigor is epic in this chapter but he has a hell of a time keeping up with people. Since he was also my Endgame heron, it was extra-convenient for clears such as E-1 and E-3.

Must be my shitty memory again, Oliver's map isn't a seize?

No, it's a Rout. That's why 4-4 is such a goddamn annoying chapter.

Edited by Interceptor
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I ended up giving the boots to Rafiel in 4-4. He actually can put them to good use, since Vigor is epic in this chapter but he has a hell of a time keeping up with people. Since he was also my Endgame heron, it was extra-convenient for clears such as E-1 and E-3.

*Facepalms* THAT'S what I was forgetting! Rafiel!

Thanks for the reminder, will add in.

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Must be my shitty memory again, Oliver's map isn't a seize?

It's a Rout - part of the reason I hate that damned chapter so much. Other reasons include Sleep Man and the truckload of reinforcements that appear near the starting point.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Fine, I'll erase Boyd from the Robing and I'll replace it with Titania.

why are you erasing boyd? this isn't a list where you can use character 1, 2 or 3 is it? he's an option to get bexp'd well and there are many others up for just that reason so i dont get why you erase him.

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why are you erasing boyd? this isn't a list where you can use character 1, 2 or 3 is it? he's an option to get bexp'd well and there are many others up for just that reason so i dont get why you erase him.

The problem with Boyd is that a Seraph Robe still puts him 1 HP away from cap (and generally doesn't help him much otherwise), strength is his highest growth, defense is his second highest growth, and he needs a bunch of speed procs to even begin doubling.

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The 3-6 Crown doesn't need to stay with the DB, Heather can steal it in 3-7. You get another Crown in 3-12.

3-12 Boots Rafiel for vigoring in Ike's portions would be greatly beneficial, as they have to cover a lot of ground in their chapters, and it helps him perform far greater in 1-E, as 7 move with 4 space Vigoring is too good to ignore.

If we're using a time machine to send the Boots back to 1-E, we should probably send some other stuff as well. Maybe the CRK Dracoshield?

Edited by Anouleth
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The problem with Boyd is that a Seraph Robe still puts him 1 HP away from cap (and generally doesn't help him much otherwise), strength is his highest growth, defense is his second highest growth, and he needs a bunch of speed procs to even begin doubling.

yes i get what your saying but alot of item cantidates are up there for bexp abuse purposes. so why exclude boyd? thats all i ask

The 3-6 Crown doesn't need to stay with the DB, Heather can steal it in 3-7. You get another Crown in 3-12.

If we're using a time machine to send the Boots back to 1-E, we should probably send some other stuff as well. Maybe the CRK Dracoshield?

lol time machine FTW

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