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Official site update (July 1st)

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Of course.

Since there's only so many cavaliers and armors now (unless they do something with extra maps), the Wing Spear isn't even that good of an answer.

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There's a lot of Cavaliers and Knights within the maps before the desert, and IIRC that's until Chapter 8. Shiida joins near... Chapter 5 I believe (or 5), so that's still 4 maps that she's actively using the Wing Spear. Granted, you have the desert phase where it's useless, but the Wing Spear appears again to be useful for Chapter 15, Chapters 18, 19, 20, and 21. That's not quite half the game here, but still a considerable amount of chapters where the Wing Spear gets actively used. While Ridersbane will likely appear buyable later in the game, there's still all the Armored units where Wing Spear also plays as a major advantage.

The indoor maps could, theoretically get a major overhaul too, so it's possible there could be more chapters where it's useful.

Edited by Colonel M
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That's why her Wing Spear is so awesome. Just forge it a little and it doesn't matter what her STR is because she either OHKOs the enemy or 2HKOs and doubles with some crit. Now, if you try to have her do stuff with, say, an iron lance, well...

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Malice: Mercenary hired by Akaneia. Has a tomboyish personality.

This gives me the idea that we'll be seeing her outside of the BSFE Chapters, since her debut was her trying to steal from the Akaneia Treasury.

Kinda wondering about Dice, though....

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This gives me the idea that we'll be seeing her outside of the BSFE Chapters, since her debut was her trying to steal from the Akaneia Treasury.

Kinda wondering about Dice, though....

I hope Dice returns, he seemed pretty cool. He probably will considering he's Malice's father.

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There should be some power boosting shards early in the game, so Sheeda shouldn't have too much trouble with gaining strength.

And yeah, I hope Dice appears as well. I always wanted to use a Viking.

Edited by Yaranaika
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Shards would be nice. Extra growths for My Unit, kthx.

No, they were items that affected the unit growth on level ups. Some added +50% growth to a stat, making it possible for a character to have 120% STR growth for example. They're not 1-time use so they can give you some pretty nice level ups if you overused them. For example:


HP caps at 52 and all other caps are 20. As well as creating out of the ordinary results:


and no, there was no Arena or any form of abuse involved here.

Edited by Sirius
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No, they were items that affected the unit growth on level ups. Some added +50% growth to a stat, making it possible for a character to have 120% STR growth for example. They're not 1-time use so they can give you some pretty nice level ups if you overused them. For example:


HP caps at 52 and all other caps are 20. As well as creating out of the ordinary results:


and no, there was no Arena or any form of abuse involved here.

Yeah, I had forgotten. I edited my post when I remembered.

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There should be some power boosting shards early in the game, so Sheeda shouldn't have too much trouble with gaining strength.

If IS has half a brain, they're not going to include those in the remake.

And I could just give them to Catria anyway.

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If IS has half a brain, they're not going to include those in the remake.

And I could just give them to Catria anyway.

But... I like them. I think there's more diversity there, and it allows for some characters to be more useful.

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I think there's more diversity there

So would there being 20 more stat boosters in the game.

and it allows for some characters to be more useful.

Too useful. I can make freaking Marisia useful at combat. That's a problem.

Edited by SaltyWongIsSalty
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Better than everyone and their grandma sticking the same old Marich in their identical overglorified-god-tier teams.

No, it's not better. Every unit in the game should not be Top tier. Orbs were a horrible idea and they shouldn't return, ESPECIALLY not with higher stat caps.

I'm just saying it gives chances for other characters previously overshadowed by lower growths in a particular area to shine much brighter.

Or I can give those to characters with higher growths, making the whole point null anyway.

They can't all be winners. Rule number #12 of FE.

Edited by SaltyWongIsSalty
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No, it's not better. Every unit in the game should not be Top tier. Orbs were a horrible idea and they shouldn't return, ESPECIALLY not with higher stat caps.

Or I can give those to characters with higher growths, making the whole point null anyway.

They can't all be winners. Rule number #12 of FE.

Well then you know what? Don't use them. -__-

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Well then you know what? Don't use them. -__-

It might be a bit difficult to "not use them" Per say, as you usually have to kill for them, meaning that you might level in the chapter right after you get the orb/shard.

>.> Just sayin'

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No, it's not better. Every unit in the game should not be Top tier. Orbs were a horrible idea and they shouldn't return, ESPECIALLY not with higher stat caps.

Or I can give those to characters with higher growths, making the whole point null anyway.

They can't all be winners. Rule number #12 of FE.

So... for people that play for fun, who will baby and play favorites giving the orbs to someone without any merit... it doesn't matter.

And for those that play ranked, and its all about 'the best,' either they don't matter because they can be used on anyone, or they don't matter because you will give them to the unit who is already the best... so it doesn't matter.

In essence, you are complaining about something that is just free RNG tweaking, that doesn't actually harm the game objectively but you don't like? Like people that think have an issue with forged brave weapons, arena abuse, or RNG abuse?

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Well then you know what? Don't use them. -__-

Don't use Zagaro and Wolf. Don't use warp staff. Don't use Ryu's Super. Don't use Overlimit stupidity in Tales of Mehsperia.

It's not my job to eliminate design flaws from a game. It's IS's. And the orbs are a design flaw.

In essence, you are complaining about something that is just free RNG tweaking, that doesn't actually harm the game objectively

It DOES harm the game objectively, because Marisia was not meant to solo chapters. It's even more ridiculous if you use them on units who are actually meant to kill everything already. Have you actually played Book 2? I'm willing to bet you haven't, otherwise you wouldn't make such an atrocious claim like "it doesn't harm the game objectively" when in reality it translates to having a bunch of maxed defense guys running around on the field; including characters not MEANT to max defense.

Like people that think have an issue with forged brave weapons, arena abuse, or RNG abuse?

Yes, I do have an issue with all of those things, because thanks to those Wi-Fi has no depth whatsoever.

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I for one found the fact that you could get infinite stat boosters in Eight to be a horrible thing.

So I didn't go out and get infinite stat boosters in Eight.

I would probably not use the Star Orb, just like I generally don't throw high price weapons and obscene forging around in game. The most I do is I'll reset on a level up if its a character I use a lot and they managed to net zero value growth. The exception being my creation of a Wi-Fi team where I went all out on everything I wouldn't want to do in a normal run of the game. Because with all that I would be BORED OUT OF MY SKULL able to kill every enemy in less than two hits every time.

However, as they are optional (save, you know, Wi-Fi where the gameplay is kinda one sided on activities) in normal mode. You are free to ignore them like I will.

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