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Part 3, Chapter 13 "BEYOND" Hard Mode Mercs Defeated

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"Beyond" hard mode... as in BOTH teams got Exp abuse... Boss/Enemy Healer/dodge etc.

Also... despite not having their support partners "optimized", the Greil Mercs got RNG blessed in Part 3 while I was using them during the "abuse" stages... so even though their "third tiers" are lower than the Dawn Brigade, Greil Mercs > Dawn Brigade, with the exception of Edward... he got the bulk of the BEXP that I didn't use an ounce of until now ._.

I think their high stats justifies me not "optimizing" their supports... also considering I gave them all a variety of weapons to choose from ._.

Also... putting Ike to sleep... only Eddy could probably take a full HP Ike... but then he was busy with Titania and Mia ._.

So yeah... it's "beyond" hard mode since I raised my enemies myself, to the point that both teams are on a completely different level than the laguz... It's DBZ, Fire Emblem Style... XD

Special Thanks to Jaxl089 and his video for inspiring me to be crazy enough to do this...

His original video:

FE Radiant Dawn: Ike's army defeated - Youtube video by Jaxl089

I think there was a topic here on Serenes about that video before...

Here... if you want to attempt it yourself, here's my save file:

My Save File

(Backup your own via SD card to your computer, then put the data.bin in the F:\private\wii\title\RFEE folder, with "F:\" being the drive letter of your SD card... then replace the save in your Wii by erasing the data in the Wii and transfering the save from the SD card)

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Ike has an upper limit to how strong he is and you had units well into 3rd tier, and you put him to sleep. Real men try to beat a hp/str/skl/spd/def capped Ike with just 20/20/1 Jill while Ike's awake.

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Ike has an upper limit to how strong he is and you had units well into 3rd tier, and you put him to sleep. Real men try to beat a hp/str/skl/spd/def capped Ike with just 20/20/1 Jill while Ike's awake.

lol... Download my save and then YOU try it awesome.png

Try killing the Greil Mercs that arrive on the last turn... if they had another turn to go, I would have probably tried killing a full HP Ike...

I would have actually FAILED and had to restart on that SD Card Save in the middle of the video if Meg had not activated Luna >_<

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lol... Download my save and then YOU try it awesome.png

Try killing the Greil Mercs that arrive on the last turn... if they had another turn to go, I would have probably tried killing a full HP Ike...

I would have actually FAILED and had to restart on that SD Card Save in the middle of the video if Meg had not activated Luna >_<

I don't bother with the other GMs, though. Just Ike. Maybe it's "harder" to beat them, too, but it's not like you need to in order to beat the chapter. fake difficulty. Also, Ike himself is much easier your way. Hence, "3-13" is easier, since 3-13 just needs you to survive or beat Ike. And the laguz are less of a threat while you do it. I'd go with "the hard way" because even with the exp you pushed around, there is a much easier way to beat the enemies you faced.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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This is so amazing :D my favorite parts were Edward vs Mia and Meg vs Shinnon.

especially since Edward is my favorite and Mia is my least liked of their belonging class.

Shinnon getting owned by Meg is unexpected and I liked seeing a top tier getting owned by bottom tier character, and I don't like Shinnon's character either :P.

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Shinnon getting owned by Meg is unexpected and I liked seeing a top tier getting owned by bottom tier character, and I don't like Shinnon's character either :P.

Shinon has the "Provoke" skill... therefore, he probably said this before the battle:

Shinon: "HAH! 15 measly damage, and YOU'RE NOT GONNA DOUBLE ME... AND YOU CAN'T CRIT EITHER! Even if you DID crit me, I'd still survive! HAAH! You SUCK at life Meg! So does Brom!"

Meg: *Luna*

Shinon: "OH SH--" *dead*

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Actually, I think Shinon would have sworn a lot more.

Especially just before the hit landed.

Edited by Furetchen Arrowroot
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Very nicely done. I can't imagine having the patience to abuse all these characters so much, especially failures like Fiona. 17 STR at 3rd tier is simply pathetic, not to mention she only has 2 stats above 30. How did you manage it?

BTW, I liked the parts when Ike talked in his sleep. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Do you have a subsequent video in which the Mercenaries go and destroy this built-up Dawn Brigade? I think either Jaxl089 or the guy who inspired him had one, and it would be interesting to see how they might fare against units like your Edward. (Without Sleep Staffing him.)

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Nice job Shadow, you should do the opposite with Ike's opposing forces getting revenge in whatever chapter the 100 kill count was... I thought it was the next one after the chapter you just beat.

Edited by Feury
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How many bosses were abused for that result?

Not much opportunity, so I'd wager every single one of them except 1-1 (kinda hard with a turn limit, though if it was EM then I don't think there is one). 1-4 can be abused even better and doesn't need to be bosses, though, since healing pots give 20% instead of 10%. Other than that, the only healing tiles for bosses to stand on are in 1-7, 1-E, 3-P, 3-4, 3-11.

I'd bet 1-4, 1-7, 1-E, 3-4, and 3-11 were all abused. 3-P is unlikely, however, since you have limited weapon uses. I suppose it could still be done, though, at least for a little while.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Priest + Bronze/Iron Weapons Abuse also works

Tauroneo = Dodge Abuse (so they didn't run out of weapon durability) for Part one of that... whatever 2 part-chapter thing that Fiona is an "other unit"... which I abused the priest with the staff ._.

Just be creative in EXP farming ._.

Oh, and constant SD Card save abuse too... so I didn't waste 200+ turns if the power decided to die ._.

I forgot to level up Rafiel while I was at it... it occurred to me that there wasn't much point to leveling him to 40 since I wasn't gonna use him anyways ._.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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...What. Why is this even in FftF?

careful, soul. If Ninji's response wasn't so funny, I might be more annoyed about the minimodding.

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I'm betting HM given all the sd card talk. You don't really need that in NM or EM thanks to battle saves.

oh yes of course its just that with all the bexp talks i thought itd be harder but i guess if you xp farm...

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EXP farm is very nice ;) thats how I manage to make Fiona and Meg become decent.

Don't remind me...

I wasn't praying for Fiona to hit Rhys (KILROY IN JAPANESE DANGIT) for nothing >_>

Even as a third tier... she's below par ._.

Also... it's hard mode... XD

Look at the video title, and the fact that there are no enemy ranges display, or weapon triangle advantage/disadvantage ._.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I think you could have done a lot better on your planning to get better hit rates. Especially Zihark and Storm Sword.

Ehh... what do you mean? Zihark needed a ranged weapon or else Ike would have went for him... Aran needed to be the bait ._.

I counted, and if he attacked Rolf from either of those two spaces, he would have been right in range of Ike's ranged Ragnell attack (9 spaces)...

Same case with Oscar... Oscar wouldn't have used that Steel Greatlance if everyone within his attack range had a 1-2 attack weapon...

Killing Rolf was priority #1, even before Mia... Rolf had 2-3 range (Marksman skill)

I gotta say, I BARELY got this due to epic skill activation... But that's why I provided the save file :P

Test out your theory :P

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Well, first of all, you could have slept Ike again. Second, you could have given Zihark some sort of +hit support or simply used a different weapon, after putting Ike to sleep again. Third, the hit rates that you had in general were pretty bad; Parity would have yielded +15 hit on supportless units that didn't require skill activations.

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