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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"AIYA! SOMEONE IS STEALING YOUR WYVERN!" shouted Esphyr quickly as she sprung out of bed. It was then that she started to notice something odd. "Hey, is it just me or... didn't there used to be a window on that wall?" she asked, pointing to the far wall of the room. Indeed, the outline of a window and the rectangular shape could be seen, but in it's place, a glowing glyph filled with light magic sat in the window; warding off anything trying to pass through (yes. Light Runes).


With a gentle sigh, the headmaster threw open the far window of the ninth circle tower before dropping back to take a running start and leaping out to take flight; climbing as high as possible to hide within the clouds before taking a round-about route; seeking to drop down behind the group and catch up with them; blending in as one of their number.

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It didn't take long for them to reach the stables, and Kelas had retrieved her horse! Kiev had somehow gotten out ahead of time and was waiting by the stables when Irina arrived.

Irina: What are you doing out? If you keep doing that, people will want me to tie you down with chains or something! :o

The wyvern shook himself off and waited patiently for her to mount him. Once she did, she took her javelin into her hands and took off! Iso and Helios were left standing there. Iso quickly turned to Helios.

Iso: We should be fine. I suppose it's time to send these bandits back home.

Without waiting, he began heading to the gates of TISME. The sooner they were on the battlefield, the sooner they could assist.

Irina came over some of the bandits!

Irina: This is my chance!

Irina swooped down and slashed the bandit with her javelin! The bandit took a swing at her as she passed but missed!

Bandit stats for ref

HP: 15 Atk: 3 Hit: 3 Spd:2 Def: 2 Res:0 Evd:4

Irina rolls 3,3,6


HIT 6 vs EVADE 4 = HIT

DMG 7 vs DEF 2 = Bandit loses 5 HP

Bandit rolls 2,5,2



Bandit number 8? = HP 10/15

Stat bonuses accounted and WTD accounted for.

Edited by Phoenix
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Morgan looked with surpise at the fallen Chase. He apparently was not ready for combat. SHe took out her Flux tome and attacked the bandit!

(1,6,4) Hit. 10 damage.

The bandit roared and hit back!

(4,1,5)= 4 damage.

It was a glancing blow (Morgan wasn't cleaved in two for once, hooray) and she attacked the bandit again!

(2,4,1) = 8 damage.

With the bandit dead, Morgan kneeled down to attend to Chase.

Bandit count 2 dead, 5 uninjured, 1 mauled.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The light,feminine voice seemed panicked.Something about Morgan,needing help...it sounded like Tessa,but Damian couldn't see to know for sure.

Esphyr had tried to wake up Aiya by claiming Ulfhrahn had been stolen.

Nothing.Aiya was a rather heavy sleeper,and the highly improbable prospect of someone trying to steal a 43 foot bull wyvern and actually getting away with it didn't even cause her to stir.

"Nngh...no,I won't..." She whispered in her sleep,and tightened around him a little before continuing.

"I won't do that with you...why?...You just aren't attractive..." It seemed she was having a dream about...somebody.

"I'm telling you...if you keep like that,it'll never happen...never..." Both Damian and Esphyr stopped trying to wake her for a second,wondering what she was going to say.

"At this rate...you'll die a virgin...Helios." She finished and stopped talking.

The silence in the room was palpable,aside from Aiya's light breathing.

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"Oh for heaven's sake.." started Esphyr before she reached over to grab Aiya by the feet before giving a might PULL to try to yank the rider free from the bed.

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"Bumbling Ape do something about that archer, wench the mages, I'll deal with the mercenary/

Jones vs Eric: [4,4,5,5,2,5]

Jones: HP:15 ATK:3 HIT:4 EVD:5 DEF/RES: 2/2

Eric: HP: 6 MT: 3 Hit: 4 Evade: 6 Def/Res: 3/3

Jones attacks Eric 4+4=Hit

Eric receives 4+3-3= 4 damage

Eric counters 5+4=9 Hit

Jones receives 5-2=3 damage

Dalton vs Kelas: [5,6,2,3,4,3]

Dalton: HP:18 ATK:4 HIT:3 EVD: 4 DEF/RES: 4/0

Kelas: HP: 12 STR:2 Hit:4 Evade:5 DEF/RES: 2/1

Dalton attacks Kelas 5+3=8 Hit

Kelas receives 4+6-2=8

(Kelas gets counter? Verifying)

Reika vs Helios: [4,1,3,3,6,5]

Reika: HP:9 STR:3 HIT: 3 EVD:9 DEF/RES: 3/0

Helios: HP: 9 MAG: 3 Hit: 3 Evade: 6 DEF/RES 1/3

Reika attack Helios 4+4=7 Hit

Helios receives 1+3-2=2 Damage

Helios attacks Reika 3+3=6 Miss


Eric (2/6)

Kelas (4/12)

Helios (8/9)

Jones (12/15)

Dalton (18/18?)

Reika (9/9)

Edited by Kanami
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Ixion had left the building already, and Stephanie was fast asleep, dreaming of Ivan. He made his way down the steps toward the gates. He had no interest in fighting, only seeing how the battle turned out. He also noticed a strange figure moving with the group.

Ixion: ... ... .... :huh:

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"Gah!" Kelas had somehow attracted the attention-- and the axe-- of one of the bandit leaders. She fell back, aiming for her first target.

Attacking Bandit A/I guess we'll call it five?

Kelas: (1,3,3) Hit! Kelas does 3 damage!

This shot had been a poor one, and the bandit was still fighting. The bandit turned, hurling his axe.

Bandit: (3,4,3) Hit! Bandit does 5 damage!

"Gods, why do I keep doing that?" Kelas mumbled as she blacked out from the wounds in her side. Amari, wondering the same thing, dragged her rider to relative safety.

Bandit 5 2/15 Kelas KO

Kelas gains 5 EXP (1 hit)


As Arrin and Tessa passed through the gates, a bright barrier flared to life behind them. "Looks like we just made it," he panted, turning for the stables.

OOC: Well, that was dumb of me.

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With the pair now awakened, Esphyr quickly changed into her clothes and got her sword. Then, she took a stance across from the rune, her sword held at her side. "As I remember these things have a one second recharge every minute. Block the path, and then it will bypass the cycle and go to the next one. Newer models no, but this looks to be a rune from when I was here. Give me a moment and..."

With a gentle fizzle, the rune went out. Esphyr swung her sword, getting it in the window as fast as she could, blocking the path before she quickly vaulted out for a one story fall. "Hurry!" she yelled before rushing off to the gate, deactivating the electric fence and opening it as she made her way to the city gate.

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OOC: :newyears: Five battle posts

Another bandit rushed up to him. Helios attacked.

Helios rolls: [3,2,1] Helios deals 5 damage

The bandit counters: [1,5,2] He missed

Helios doubles: [1,5,3] Helios deals 8 damage

EDIT: Rolls

Edited by Kai-Sama
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*not a battle post*

Morgan dragged Chase to an alleyway and applied a Vulnerary to his wounds. He slowly began to regain consciousness.

"We should remain here until the bandits have left. You are in no shape to fight at the moment."

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"Okay...this is getting ridiculous..." Damian said,as he was still being squeezed against Aiya,and it was clear something was going on that would cause the others to likely appreciate their help.

"Sorry 'bout this,but it looks like it's the only way I'm going to get you awake,Aiya."


Helios had left after Aiya had told it to him straight.He wasn't going to get laid anytime soon the way he was now,and she certaintly wasn't going to sleep with him just because he was tired of being a virgin.

"Aiya..." Damian appeared next to her,and she embraced him.

"Damian,you're here.I'm so glad...Helios was creeping me out...I think he's desperate to off his virginity,he's resorted to stalking me..."

Damian just looked at her,not responding.

"Damian,are you okay?"

"Hehe...I'm fine." he responded,and held her close,moving his hands along her stomach and sides.


His hands moved to her chest.The sensation was unknown to Aiya,she most certaintly used to having her breasts touched like that.

She moaned slightly,not sure what to do.

"Don't worry,it'll all be fine,Aiya..."

He grabbed her rather aggressively,and pulled her dress off...

"Unh!" Aiya squeaked lightly,as she awoke,holding Damian against her,with Esphyr standing nearby,both attempting to wake her up.

She released him,and Esphyr broke through the light rune blocking the exit.

"What's going on?" Aiya asked groggily,as Damian rushed to put his armour on.

"Some sort of raid,we've gotta get out there!" Damian replied,throwing Aiya her armour and blade,and when both were ready,they followed Esphyr out towards the commotion.

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Having made it to the stables, Tessa quickly made sure Trevor was ready to go and saddled up. Looking down at Arrin she said, "Since we're not on the run this time, and I think you fight better on foot, just stay nearby me, alright?"

That said, the two made their way to the main gates of TISME, trying to get into the city proper. However, a group of bandits was clustered nearby, and several of the group had already been engaging them. Trying to jockey for position, Tessa was forced to trade blows with one of the axe-wielding beasts. After several sets of back-and-forth, (roll) neither of the two of them had managed to inflict any damage whatsoever, although tactically Tessa had gained some ground and was in a slightly better position.

Surveying the area she saw that Amari seemed to be retreating with Kelas slumping uncomfortably in the saddle. Was she hurt already?

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Kamilla wandered towards the entrance, weird symbols had appeared on the windows and doors and while they seemed familiar she couldn't figure out what they were, she held her tome closer to her as she wandered down the corridor, most of the mages seemed to have holed up in their dorms while others had left the building earlier leaving Kamilla to wander the halls alone. She'd occasionally pass a stray student, but the view was better from the dorms anyway.

She had been wandering around for awhile when she saw Damians group up ahead, she opened her mouth to call out to them when Esphyr shattered the light blocking the entrance. What were they doing? Were they working with the bandits as well? Kamilla smiled mischeviously and had been so busy trying to stay hidden from them that she'd lost them by the time she arrived at the entrance. "Poo" she said loudly looking around for anyone she recognized, a few faces she recognized were fighting bandits. Noticing Tessa and Arrin nearby she waved her hand at the two "Hello Tessa~" she said loudly as she ran up to the Arrin/Tessa pair.

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Kelas blinked back dizziness and sat up. She was bleeding, but not enough to kill her... no, the problem was that her arm was quite clearly broken. She could not fight.

She surveyed the crowd: a few civilians were caught up in the chaos. There was even... a flash of familiar blue... "Katie!" Kelas yelled, though she was inaudible over the sounds of battle.

Leaning low over Amari's neck, Kelas dodged bandits and mages, skidding to a halt next to Katie. "Need help?" Kelas shouted over the din, offering the woman her good hand.

OOC: I have decided to be useful.

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"I suppose I should have told you about that unfortunate side effect. Yes, using the Crimson Bow will sap your strength. It is good to consider whether you can ake the strain or you should use a regular weapon."


Bandit tiem

One tried to break the wind mage, one went for the wyvern rider.

(6,3,2)= Helios takes 5 damage.

(1,1,1)= The one attacking Irina fell to the ground, struck down by thr utter fail.

The one Tessa was fighting tried to strike her, but with no success.

Two positioned themselves near the gates of TISME and attacked Damian and Esphyr!

(5,4,3)= Miss Damian takes 0 damage.

(5,5,3). Hit Esphyr takes 7 damage.

Helios 1/9?

Esphyr 2/9

Damian way too much

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(1,1,1)= The one attacking Irina fell to the ground, struck down by the utter fail.

OOC: :awesome:

"Oh... that would be a good thing for me to try and remember. Thanks." Chase said, and frowned, remembering the situation at hand. "How serious of a threat are these bandits at the time? We're going to live, right?"

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"Probably." said Morgan. "I am not helpless and there are city guards and mages and the rest of our companions to deal with them, though I ahve no idea of their numbers."

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IC: Esphyr quickly rushed down the streets, sword at the ready as she charged towards the bandits. As she barreled forth, a single word came to her mind. She didn't know what it meant, nor had any clue as to why she was thinking of it, but she knew one thing. It made a damned good battlecry.

"EULALIA!" she screamed as loud as she could as she not only mentally activated her crimson blade, but enchanted it with what thunder she could as she rushed past soldier and ally alike before lunging at the nearest bandit, spinning her sword about to deflect his counter attack with superb skill.

OOC: 2, 5, 3 Hit for 6 (5 +1 Arcanium + 1 Crimson) on a unwounded bandit of choice. (1 damage to Esphyr)

1, 6, 4 Miss from bandit.

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The bandit rose to his feet, embarrassed by hit severe failure! He didn't have much time to react as Irina assaulted him again! She struck a quick blow that nearly killed him, but then he countered with a quick swing! She nearly fell from Kiev's back as she passed! Iso took his chance, and attacked the bandit from behind! A single wind blade landed in his back, killing him!

Bandit stats for ref

HP: 10/15 Atk: 3 Hit: 3 Spd:2 Def: 2 Res:0 Evd:4

Irina rolls 3,5,6


HIT 6 vs EVADE 4 = HIT

DMG 9 vs DEF 2 = Bandit loses 7 HP

Bandit rolls 3,5,6


HIT 6 vs EVADE 5 = HIT

DMG 9 vs DEF 3 = Irina loses 6 HP (Halfed, ouch! >_< )

Bandit HP 3/15

Irina HP 6/12

Iso rolls 5,4,6


HIT 9 vs EVADE 4 = HIT

DMG 9 vs RES 0 = Bandit dies

Irina HP 6/12

Isotov HP 8/9

Bandit HP 0/15

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There were bandits all over.

"Looks like we better take 'em on." Damian said quickly,rushing at one of the uninjured bandits.

The man had no time to react,as two quick jabs ended his life,and Aiya stood over another Bandit nearby,after a similar process.


Damian: (3,3,6) 6 hit - 4 Evd,Hit! 9 mt - 2 Def,7 Damage!

Bandit: (4,6,2) 7 hit - 9 Evd,Miss!

Damian: (3,4,6) 6 hit - 4 Evd,Hit! 10 Mt - 2 Def,8n Damage!

Dead Bandit! Roll

Aiya: (5,4,2) 9 hit - 4 Evd,Hit! 11 Mt - 2 Def,9 Damage!

Bandit: (4,3,2) 6 Hit - 8 Evd,Miss!

Aiya: (6,4,5) 10 hit - 4 Evd,Hit! 11 Mt - 2 Def,9 Damage!

Dead Bandit! Roll

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Arrin saw the bandit Kelas had been working on turn towards Tessa. Lacking another tome, he summoned Daranau.

Arrin: (4,6,6) Hit! Critical hit! Arrin does 18 damage! (It's true)

Bandit 5 KO'd! Arrin: 6/6 Arrin gains 15 exp (1 kill, 1 exist)

Edited: So I forgot that crits were 2x instead. Didn't matter for this one, though.)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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OOC: Five rolls has past

Helios saw Reika amongst the crowd. She had attacked him before. "Your the one from before" Helios said. "I made the mistake of letting you live". "I will repent for that right now".

Helios rolls: Oh gawd de ja vu anyone

The thief girl was thrown against a wall. She was knocked out. Before he got another lecture from Morgan he yelled. "HEY EVERYONE, THE CRIMSON DAGGER WEILDER IS OVER HERE"

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