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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"Come on, I already received most of the punishment..." Chase complained. "I'm still bleeding from the wounds, you know. They hurt! And you want me to spend a month in prison? How about when we're done I'll stay for three months? Please?"

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*OoC Fine ignore me then*

Kamilla watched as the man opened his eyes and looked around, Kamilla quite afraid took a few steps away and was about to call someone when the man grabbed an axe and hurled it towards Viveka with deadly accuracy. Having used the last of his strength on the attack the man collapsed on the ground once again, most likely unconscious.

If you ignore that, I'll consider it permission to kill Viveka :P

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"I see. I guess we'll have to deal with Kamilla in this... state, for a little while. That, or we get Miss Shamaness to undo her mind-wipe, or whatever she did. But that might have to wait," the traveler said, looking over in the woman's direction. "Looks like she's in a bit of an argument with the pegasus rider...!" Without warning, Eric dashed over to the pegasus rider was standing. Diving, he was knocked out of the air by a hand axe feet away from her, and crumpled to the ground, blood oozing out of a deep gash, axe embedded in it.

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The speeding axe was quickly engulfed by a dark aura and stopped just short of Viveka's head! She flinched when she saw it! Ixion finally arrived, his hands aimed at the object! Suddenly it crumbled to pieces, and vanished in a singularity! Ixion walked to the front of the group and stood there.

Ixion: You should be more cautious.

Viveka: Uh ... yeah ... :o

Ixion then turned to the group at large and his face grew dark with what appeared to be agitation.

Ixion: Let me handle this. I won't allow you people to get Isotov or any other crimson weapon wielder killed over pointless confrontation.

He then turned back to her.

Ixion: What do you want, pegasus knight?

Viveka: I want these people to prove that they're innocent once and for all. The fact that they keep running away is-

Ixion: Hold on.

Ixion walked over to Iso and quickly broke his cuffs.

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"AH!" the civilian woman from before screamed as she rushed over to Eric's side. "Someone, get me some herbs! I... I don't know a thing about medicine, but I know how to make a poultice!" she said before she placed her right hand firmly on the wound surrounding the axe and started to apply pressure; trying to keep it from bleeding out without removing the axe.

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After stepping on the bandit a few times and acknowledging that he was out cold, she decided to check the other bandits, and came across one who had been severely burned, "Ewww burnt stuff!" she said pinching her nose and stepping away from the stench of burnt flesh. "Tessa, Tessa! How can he sleep like that? his arm's pretty much been burnt off" she shouted over at the troubadour, who was pretty much on the other side of the dead bodies to her, Viveka and her guards were much closer and were definitely in ear shot. But Kamilla oblivious to the argument going on, just kept whining loudly that the "burnt stuff smells"

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Knight1: Did you hear that, Captain?

Viveka: I sure did <_<

Ixion: ... ... ... (Curse the goddess and her mindless servants to the bowels of heeeell -_- )

Viveka: So ... who fried the bandits, huh? ^_^

Ixion: Isotov, stand up.

Iso quickly climbed to his feet and held out the Elwind tome.

Viveka: So you're a wind mage, now? Well please demonstrate ^_^

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"Mesh?" Kelas muttered at the civilian's suggestion. "Oh gods, not that again..."


"Oh right, you weren't there," Kelas replied to Arrin's confused look. "We ran afoul of this great huge... thing. Demon of some sort, was wiping out all the plants. It was too big for us to deal with, so we just ran away." She surveyed the situation: most of the group was now involved in arguing with Viveka. Though she only had two of her own knights, the soldiers in the street looked eager to help out if necessary. "Speaking of which, if this goes sour, we will run. We'll get Tessa if we can, but we need to have someone who isn't in prison." She eyed Kiev. "And you'd best be ready to listen to me if you want me to get your rider out of here, if we have to run." She glanced at the knights again: now they were watching Isotov warily; the mage had a wind tome out. "Which we might well have to."

Edit: Arguing with Viveka. Not Tessa. What the hell was I doing?

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(Double win. I get to Incriminate Ixion, and point the blame at Helios? I wuv you Phoenix)

Hearing Viveka ask who fried the bandits Kamilla ran up to the soldiers jumping up and down, the funny looking green haired man can use fire, he's might be ugly but he's really good at it, he raises his hand and fire comes out! Isn't that cool? I wish I could do that, don't you?" she said proudly trying to be as helpful ( ;) ) as possible. Finding Helios standing around she waved at his, "Ugly mage guy! show them your fire" she called out at Helios.

Kamilla then frowned, "Funny though, he used to be a dumb wind mage, but Mr spooky there decided to use funny magic that all black and evil and then he started using fire! Isn't that cool, don't need to study no boring books"

Kamilla smiled as something dawned on her and she ran up to Ixion, "Can you do that too me too? I want to use fire!" she said pretty much begging Ixion

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"Wait... what?" Eric had just said something rather confusing, that Tessa didn't really follow at all. What did Morgan have to do with Kamilla? Before she got a chance to really press the matter though, the swordsman seemed to have decided that now that he was healed up, he ought to try to get involved, and ran over to the current altercation. Watching his back as he ran off, she zoned out a bit, trying to make sense of the situation.

Her concentration was abruptly snapped back into focus when his back suddenly sprouted an axe growing out of it! "What! No! I just..." A few short, frantic cries of dismay, before leaping down from Trevor and rushing forward with a slightly awkward gait. A housewife, or similar had already made it over to the man and was asking for help.

"It's okay, I'm a trained professional. In fact, I just finished setting him to right not two minutes ago," she sighed, as she inspected the wound and prepared to channel the healing love of The Lady once again. "Though, that's not a bad idea. I'll take care of the worst of it, then leave you to finish dressing it, if you're willing? There are likely more around that still need my attention, and if I can get him so he isn't critical or urgent, that should be enough."

Helpful woman seemed to take to this suggestion, nodding, and some of the other bystanders had actually sprung into motion, hopefully finding her those herbs she was after.

True to her word, Tessa fixed up Eric a fair amount. She knew it wasn't perfect; he was still unconscious, but his breathing had settled, and most of the bleeding was stemmed.

OOC: Too much going on, I was going to try to deal with Kamilla, but it exploded into something bigger before I got to it. If I manage, it will have to be another post.

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OOC: This sh*t ends here.

(Can it, Cynthia, his is what I have to do to put an end to this once and for all XD )

Viveka: ... well there's busted ... and then there's this :mellow:

Ixion held his head low, and a small breeze overcame the area! It centered around him! The pegasi began to shutter!

Ixion: The criminals you chased through this city ... are dead ... they lay dead all around you.

Viveka: What?

Next, a new white symbol appeared at his feet, and light rushed up from it!

Ixion: You and your soldiers are victorious. The people standing before you are a bunch of wandering fools. After nearly succumbing to the bandit attacks, you rescued them. your efforts cost you many men, but it is your duty to aid those in need. You performed heroically.

Viveka: ... I ... no ... (It's a trick! Ah damn!! >_< )

Suddenly all three of the pegasus knight collapsed on the ground! The pegasi along with them! Iso walked over to Ixion furious!

Iso: Why did you do that?!

Ixion: Because you people are incapable of fixing your own problems. What's done is done.

Ixion quickly hauled Helios to his feet, and grabbed both of them by the forehead yet again!

Ixion: Escuie ... lyruie .... (x2)

After a few moments, his hands glowed yet again, and the spell broke! Iso's knowledge of fire flowed back into him, and Helios' knowledge of wind back into him. After Ixion let them go, he sighed again.

Ixion: ... always violence ... no thoughts about the consequences.

Iso: You're the one screwing people's minds up! You and Morgan. Don't you know how dangerous mind tampering is?

Ixion: You people aren't concerned with the safety of your enemies yet alone their minds, don't pretend to be. You'd just as soon killed every last soldier in this country from the looks of your track record.

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As Ixion was trying to sound cool Kamilla puffed her cheeks up and gave the Shaman(?) a good kick in the shins before scurrying off, she didn't appreciate being ignored and the fact she done the brain thing to the Pegasus rider was making her head hurt again. Deciding now was as good as any time to leave the group she decided to leave the circle of dead bandits and go on an adventure to find herself again. Though she wished it wasn't so dark.

As the group disappeared from view, she heard shouting from a building nearby and looked over with concern just as man was flung out the front door and landed on the ground clearly unconscious. She stared at the man for a few second before slowly approaching him and poking him in the face. As the man groaned and moved away Kamilla jumped back and glared at the man. "No sleeping in the middle of the road" she said to the man who wouldn't respond, "Bad man, very very bad man" she said accusingly. She looked around and noticed a man wearing a Sapphire blue cape staggering out of the entrance. She glared at the man for a few second before realizing he was injured and she hurried over to the man "You're hurt!" she announced to the man.

(@Psych, Scenario you were in the inn, bandits tried to pillage it, Cess stepped in to prevent the attacked, and suffered a non-fatal wound from one of the bandits, I need him to be injured so please play along with that.)

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Tessa could hear Kamilla causing another ruckus over something or other. She just could not leave the child, alone for any length of time at all, could she? Looking up to the source of the disturbance, she could see that she was directly in the center of the whole mess. She wasn't about to barge in and poke a beeshive herself, so Tessa found herself hoping that the girl's obvious mental deficiency would be noted and nothing too serious would come of it. Besides Sis was around if worst comes to worst, so there was that too. Or was there? Eric's words floated to mind briefly, but they were cryptic and unclear, so she dismissed them and resumed scanning the area.

Damian and Aiya, both appeared to be doing well for themselves. Esphyr, wasn't looking too bad after the first patch-up the troubadour had given her, so things were fine there too. Arrin had been by her the entire time, and was in good shape; his sister had caught up to him as well and they were, oh wait... Irina did not look healthy at all!

Lightly limping back to Trevor, she hoisted herself into the saddle, rubbed the warhorse's neck, and made for the general direction of the three of them.

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(No prob, that's kinda what I pictured)

The man rubbed his head. He felt like he had been hit by a Wyvern. He would need to lie down later. Who was this girl next to him? He thought the commotion in the square had been settled some time ago, so no more bandits would enter the inn, but it seemed like a few snuck in the back way.

"Who are you? My name's Cess."

He saw the girl had a dagger in her hand, and he gave a small smirk. He couldn't take the bandits by himself. He grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her into the inn. The keeper was huddled in the corner and she was leading two bandits to where she kept the gold.

"Hey ugly!" He confronted the bandits. "You should't pick on helpless women like that. I'll teach you a lesson!"

(Yeah, you're gonna fight with me, sorry.)

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OoC: Kamilla can't fight XD She has the mentality of a 5 year old XD *Can't stop laughing* XD Reika has the daggers, not Kamilla XD

"I'm Kamilla, I serve a lady... I think" she stated as she recalled Tessa telling her something about a lady and how Kamilla was supposed to serve her.

As Kamilla started thinking Cess suddenly grabbed her by the wrist and started dragging her into the inn. "Aaaah! Pedophile, help! Pedophile!" she shouted loudly before being dragged in and seeing 3 bandits standing over a pair of figures. "Stealing bad! Leave fat old lady alone!" she said grabbing a vase and throwing it at the trio.

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Ignoring the various commotion going on, Morgan saw that everyone who mattered didn't seem to be in danger. She walked back to TISME for some much needed rest.

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(Whoops. Ah whatever, at least I think you're armed, right? I'll also assume not to battle-battle them.)

The first bandit was hit square in the forehead. At first he seemed fine, before slumping to the ground. "Stupid girl! You're gonna pay for that." The other one came up too her and tried grabbing her by the arm.

"Let her go!" Cess muttered a few words before a strange dark mist engulfed the bandit. It slowly wrapped around him, choking the life out of him. He fell to the ground, and the girl did the same, apparently frightened from the shock of it all. Cess turned told the old women.

"Don't worry ma'am. I'll pay for the vase."

"Oh it's quite alright. You saved me thank you. Take those monster's axes. I don't want weapons anywhere near here."

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The chaos of the scene was subsiding; Kelas backed away from Ixion in distaste. Arrin turned, seeing Tessa approaching, and waved wildly.

Kelas looked over to Isotov, jerking her head to indicate that he should come get Irina; he'd probably be better at handling Kiev than she would, if Tessa needed to get Irina inside before patching her up.

"Right, after this we are resting," Kelas announced as she sat down next to Amari, waiting for Tessa to arrive.

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Helios heard clattering behind them. It was coming from an inn inside. He bust open the door. "Bandit"? "No Kamilla.............. Who are you" he said to the shaman

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(Girl=the woman bandit right?) (@Bal, Might want to stop referring to Kamilla as a child, she is older then you XD I don't mind, but despite her actions, she wasn't a child before and Tessa technically doesn't understand what Morgan did)

Kamilla jumped up and down as the first man slumped to the ground. "Kamilla get qualification for expert vase throwing?" she asked no one in particular. As Cess took out the other two, soldiers ran into the inn bearing their spear menacingly at Cess. "Where's the pedophile?" One of the men asked, apparently they'd been patrolling the area and looking for any bandits they'd missed. But a quick explanation from the matron resolved the issue.

Kamilla, looked at the shattered porcelain on the wooden floor and she tried to put the thing back together but was told she didn't have to by the innkeeper.

She turned on Cess and pointed an accusing finger at Cess as the soldiers left "You don't know how to treat a lady" she said unhappily. She quietly told herself not to trust dark broody types that radiated funny dark magic henceforth.

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"Another bandit? How many of them are there?" Cess cast another spell, this time dark energy wrapped the man up slowing draining his power. Weird strings of energy could be seen flowing back to the shaman.

The young girl popped her head out from behind him. "Stop! He's my friend." Cess let his spell die out, wondering who these people were.

"Sorry about that. Do you know this girl?"

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"Well I'm a mercenary. I was sent to this town to receive a commission. But with the recent bandit attack, I thought I'd help out. Some bandits were attacking this inn, and I thought I'd stop them. But who are you two? And are you sure about this girl? She doesn't seem too right in the head..."

The three start to exit the inn, walking into the town square. Bodies can be seen lining the streets, blood acting as pavement.

"Did you kill these people? I don't recall seeing many military soldiers around. And I don't think you two could kill all these people."

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