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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"I see no reason to discuss this matter further. We have much more important matters to attend to. Various party members could be raped or eviscerated as we speak." Morgan said as she walked briskly towards Damian's quarters.

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Isotov(watching the fight and doing this :facepalm: )


As Irina led Kiev to the front of the academy, she saw several hostlers rushing into the horse stables! She came around to the entrance and peaked in to see a bunch of them staring down at the shattered remains of an ... ice ladder? It was melting into water a lot faster than ice usually melted.

Irina: ... that cannot be explained ... I don't care what anyone says.

Ixion and Stephanie

While the two waited, Irina came into view in front of the stables. She peeked in on the hostlers that had rushed in moments earlier.

Stephanie: What's going on in that stable I wonder.

Ixion's face lit up in shock! He'd been distracted by Stephanie dragging him around the academy. When he realized this, he clinched his fist beneath his robes.

Ixion: ... ... .... (How on earth did I miss that ...? Grrr damn you and your goddess, Stephanie ....) Come on ... if you're going to say goodbye, you may as well start with Irina. I'd like to be back on the road today if we're done here.

Stephanie: We are hardly done here, Ixion! That bandit attack cost me an entire day of shopping, and we will make up for that day!

Ixion: ... fine ....

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The group followed Morgan, pausing as Kelas stopped in her room on the way. She emerged a few seconds later wearing an undamaged tunic, and with her pack slung over one shoulder, strung bow over the other.

Finally they reached the room where Damian and Aiya had stayed. Steeling herself, Kelas stepped forward and knocked on the door. "Damian! Will you come and settle something for us?"

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"Wait, that can't be completely right about the blue eyes thing. I have blue eyes..." Chase interjected, having listened to the conversation but finding nothing valuable to add before.

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After the issues with Morgan, and Kamilla were settled, they left to find Damian. Iso couldn't help but wonder what happened to Katie. Irina was likely fetching Kiev, so he knew they would find her out front, and Esphyr tended to show up at the right times, so he wasn't worried about her either. He'd already forgotten Katie once, and the guilt crept back up on him until he started sweating ...

Iso: Oh no no no no no not again no no no no no-

The others looked at him for a second wondering what was wrong. When he realized that he'd gotten their attention, he stopped.

Iso: -no no ... umm ... I need to ... go make sure we don't ... leave Katie behind again ... I'll be back in no time.

He quickly backed away from the gathering at Damian's door and headed for Katie's room as fast as he could.

Irina Ixion and Stephanie

The ice in the stables quickly became water, and the hostlers were unsure what to do about it. They needed a new ladder ... and that was about it. Irina turned away and saw Ixion and Stephanie near the gates. Maybe Ixion knew what was going on. She headed over and quickly noticed the shaman from earlier, the awkward friendly one. Cess. Her first priority was Ixion however.

Irina: Ixion! Did you see the ice in the stables?

Ixion: I would have prevented the entire fiasco had Stephanie not dragged me into her religious business yet again.

Stephanie: Ixion!! Lady have pity on him -_-

Irina: So what was that bit about prevention?

Ixion: ... relay the information I am about to give you to the group.

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There was a brisk knock at the door,and Kelas seemed to want him to come out of the room.

"It sounds urgent,i wonder what it is about?" Aiya commented.

"Only one way to find out,I guess." Damian said,moving towards the door,and opening it.

"Can I help you,Kelas...!Uhh...what's with the crowd?" Damian asked,confused as to why most of the group seemed to have gathered at his door.

"It hasn't been an hour yet?Has it?"

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"I didn't say that," Eric began, but the shaman heard none of it, heading off. Sighing, the traveler went along with the group, ready for trouble.

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Kelas fought the urge to run, the urge to attack, as Damian appeared. "Couple questions. First: Where've you been all morning, and second, you're a Crimson wielder, yes? Mind proving that?" she asked, trying to keep her voice from shaking. She'd expected the confused act... what next?

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"This morning?I was sleeping next to Aiya until about a half hour ago,and then I went to the cafeteria and talked with Morgan for a little while.That's about it."

Damian said,wondering what this was about,but figuring it was best to answer,the mob had to have some reasoning behind it,and he would prefer not to be clubbed if at all possible.

"Prove it?I assume you mean this..."

The crimson weapon's energy filled him,the familiar tingling as a slight twinge of pain ran up his body.The adrenaline usually covered it completely by this time,but it subsided quickly.

"Crimson spear of impaling barbed death...come unto me,mighty lance...Gae-Borg."

The 6 foot lance appeared in Damian's hand,the blood red blades on either end pulsing with power and energy as the shaft fully materialized and became solid.

"Now then,what is this all about?...and what happened to your tunic?"

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Shakily, occasionally switching languages by accident, Kelas explained what had happened. She couldn't bring herself to make eye contact, but she did't spot any flashes of blue... maybe Morgan was telling the truth? With that in mind, and seeing the look of confusion and horror that she was pretty sure a demon couldn't produce, she added Morgan's theory.

"...And that's what happened. So you'll excuse my reaction," she muttered finally. She still couldn't be sure he wasn't just acting...

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When Iso arrived outside Katie's room, he knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

Iso: (Heh ... at least I didn't forget this time. Live and learn ^_^ )

Irina Ixion and Stephanie

Ixion: I might have helped the nomad had I not been duty bound to Stephanie's every whim.

Stephanie: First of all, what are you babbling about? Second! Do not take your duties to me so lightly! I am a servant of the Goddess. You are not a mere vassal for this trip! You are a guardian!

Ixion: ... ... anyway ... that ice came from a demon. And ice demon known to me only as Shanice.

Irina: Wait, wait! I thought the demons had kind of ... disappeared ... at least the elemental ones.

Ixion: Tell Isotov this. Tell him that the demon that attacked the nomad is called Shanice. Tell him that it is one of the so called "assassins" that's been chasing him.

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With the knock upon Katie's door, the mage quickly closed her books. No longer being able to ask who was at the door was a big problem since now she didn't know if the person was friend or someone else. Never the less, her books closed, she quickly piled the bacon and cake that she had made for Kamilla that the wily little wench hadn't even come for before heading over to open it up.

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When Katie opened the door she was holding ... quite a lot. Without asking, Iso took the cake and bacon from her to lighten her load.

Iso: Don't worry about Kamilla. If she doesn't claim this soon, I'll reheat it, and we can share it with the others ^_^

Irina Ixion and Stephanie

Irina: So the assassins Iso mentioned ... were demons? His friends were killed by demons?!

Stephanie: Impossible. If they were demons, they would have killed Iso on the first attempt ... unless ... oh my! Isotov is under the divine protection of our dear Lady, isn't he?! :o

Ixion: Or ... they're only trying to capture him, and he's being a little girl about how severe the situation really was to begin with. His companions must have gotten in the way or something. Irina, don't forget what I told you. Tell Isotov that Shanice is one of them. Understood?

Irina: Yeah ... sure :unsure:

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Helios immediately remembered the letter. He knew that he couldn't give it to the fire Mage directly. "You He said to Ixion. Your friend, the fire mage, I have something of his". He handed the letter to Ixion. "I assume you know what it is Helios said. You were the one that referenced it before".

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Katie gave a quick nod before retreating into her room, re-emerging a moment later with her books.

Good. I would hate for all that food to go to waste. she wrote with a smile before quickly nabbing a piece of bacon to nibble on.

Maybe I could try to dry some meat for the road. Possibly add in some sort of spice or something as well?

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Iso: May as well. You're learning this cooking thing pretty fast. I'm glad I picked you as the chef now ^_^

Irina Ixion and Stephanie

Helios appeared swiftly and handed Ixion the letter taken from Isotov's fire tome. After looking at the letter, Ixion smirked ... a very rare occurrence.

Ixion: Thank you, Helios.

Irina: What is that?

Ixion opened the letter and read it quickly.

Dear, Tovy

I know you spend most of your time going through other books, but I hope you get this, because I'm too nervous to say it in person, and I can't risk any of the others finding it on one of their snooping runs.

Listen. I'm worried about what might happen to you if the seal is ever broken. I attached it to myself because I'm the strongest in our group. I think I already proved that by zapping Adrian into submission. I'm strong, but I still worry. The people who are after you will come back. They always come back, right? Proxima is the strongest weapon we have against them. I feel like I may be damning us by sealing it. I want you to be safe from those people far more than I want you free from that tome's curse. Will we find a way to destroy it? I believe so, but after all we've been through, I'm not certain I still want to.

I want to get rid of the seal. I know you won't like this, but It's better this way, and ... this isn't what I wanted to go into. What I wanted to tell you is that I'm happy like this. Aside from the fact that we could all die in the end, I'm happy. You outrunning all of us through the fields, outstudying Adrian and the others, you taking out Jack in one punch every single time, you starting those pretty red fires and warming all of us when we camp out at night. Proxima is a part of you. I should have realized that from the beginning, and I'm sorry for what I've done to you.

I just want you to know that I accept you, cursed weapon and all, and no, not just as another student, you modest dolt. Please don't try to destroy it anymore? I'll stick by you, even if that means fighting off assassins for years to come. It's worth it. It is absolutely worth it.

Also, I'm going to start calling you Tovy around the others if you don't come clean soon. That will be your punishment for hiding it.

Sincerely, Miranda

Upon finishing, he closed it.

Ixion: His goals regarding the destruction of Proxima indicate that he hasn't seen this yet.

Irina: Again ... what is it?

Ixion: An overly emotional response from Isotov waiting to happen. The woman's dead anyway, I don't see the point of this letter's existence, but perhaps he should read it himself. Sentimentality is pointless.

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After hearing Morgan admit her actions, Kamilla decided she no longer had any reason to stay with the group, Judging by everyone's reaction they all knew about it and had kept quiet, or mind wiping was the new black and everyone was doing it these days. While the group headed towards Damian, Kamilla headed out of TISME, not really caring where she went as long as it was away from the group. She sat down on a street corner trying to recall her memory but wasn't getting very far. She decided to organize what she knew.

Morgan had said something about being incarcerated, and the lady with the winged horses seemed to have been after them, was she supposed to go tell the military? On the other hand Tessa had explained something about a 'religion' earlier that she worked for, and this business with demons and crimson weapons seemed to be hinting towards something spiritual, but she didn't exactly understand the concept of Lunaism and Septimian reform, and she didn't know which side she was on.

Deciding that it would be better to find someone, opposed to moping by herself, she decided to ask around and head for the local military base.

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Helios thought for a second. "The wind tome, the thunder tome........... how did the fire tome become so different He said to Ixion. I can cast Hellsety fine but why cant he cast his. He hasnt fought in many battle too. If this is the case then it can be possible that the Proxima has a soul of its own".

Edited by Kai-Sama
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Iso: Horse hooves? Don't let Kelas read that -_- Come on, we should catch up to the others.

Irina Ixion and Stephanie

Ixion: He probably chooses not to. When choosing between two fire tomes, Proxima is the logical choice.

Irina: But it saps his energy.

Ixion: And kills his enemies ... don't forget that part.

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"... I don't get it. The only side affect of the bow is that it drains energy. Are the Crimson Weapons really that intricate...? " Chase inquired. "And put that thing away, man..." he added to Damian. "I tend to dislike anything sharp that could potential hurt me pointed in my general direction."

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"They are designed to kill demons, thus demons cannot wield them. Besides, being a shapeshifter does not mean you can replicate a person's entire inventory, especially very specific items."

'They may be more intricate than I originally thought. Some people seem to control their weapons as any other, but Isotov's apparently acts out on its own. Perhaps this is due to a lack of discipline or a weak mind. At any rate, we still need to find Esphyr and Helios before we go."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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