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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"Forgive you again? Why should they? You're not helping much, even if you are important... heh, now that I think about it... I might even be more necessary to finish this than you now."

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"You're one to talk..." Chase muttered to himself. "I don't plan on it. It's painful. Did I miss anything, by the way? I was only, you know, in jail fir a few days..."

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Viveka stood surprisingly close to Chase and Helios, her arms crossed, and her heel tapping waiting for Chase to notice her.

Iso: (Chase ... dammit! Run for God's sake! >_< )

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:huh: "Pegasus knight from before" Helios. Helios turned to Chase. Then a grin formed on his face.He had to admit the girl was rather naive. Chase is an archer. "So why are you standing around tell us your business". Edited by Kai-Sama
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Chase stopped cold in his tracks and turned around. "... Oh... hi, Viveka? Yeah... about that... I can explain, uh, really, I can... later." He dashed off in the opposite direction.

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Viveka: *gasp* You little- :o

The other two pegasus riders rode over and put Helios at blade point.

Viveka: Don't move.

She quickly grabbed her javelin and chased after Chase!

Iso: (Oh ... so that's where Chase learned it from ....)

Iso quickly regained his senses and started nuding away from Susann while Viveka was distracted. Suddenly, Susann tripped him with her leg! Iso fell onto his stomach, and Susann rested her left leg on top of his back to keep him pinned.

Iso: Urgh ... (I hate my life -_- )

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Chase picked up his pace, but ow matter how fast he went, whenever he checked to see if he'd lost her he still saw Viveka just behind him. Eventually he turned his head to check, an he still saw her, but when he turned around...


"Hey! Watch it!" the soldier he bumped into said. "Who do you think you are... hey, wait a second... you're..."

"... Chase Veshkal," Viveka finished, having caught up. "Nice try..."

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One of the pegasus knight swung her lance, and knocked the coin out of the air before Helios could catch it, the second one hopped down and slapped chains on him!

Viveka quickly caught up to Chase! She lunged and tackled him in the streets!

Viveka: Why do you always try to run?! >_<

She looked up and saw the figure standing over Chase!

Viveka: *gasp* :o

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The pegasus knights had captured Chase and Helios too. Kelas' face grew grim. "Come on, Arrin, let's go," she said. "Before we're captured."

Arrin stood rooted to the spot. "I'm waiting for Tessa," he repeated stubbornly. "And if all of the others get captured, we're going with."

Kelas sighed, hoping that they'd mind her arm if they clapped her in irons.

OOC: edit for grammar sigh

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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OOC: There are only 3 of them people.

"I suggest you release these men." Morgan said to the Pegasus Knight that appeared to be in charge. "I do not think you are in the mood for any more bloodshed after the bandit attack, but we will fight you if necessary. We have the numerical advnatage, so I suggest you retreat before something unfortunate happens."

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Tessa grit her teeth in annoyance. That ungrateful little... Not even a word, before dashing off again. It was like I didn't even exist.

She looked over to Morgan, the residual anger still plain on her face before it faded away. "...It's a wonder he's stayed alive this long, isn't it?" she sighed. "Anyway, there's more wounded back where we met, I should go back and take care of the rest of them. You should come along back to the dorms too, the only reason we came out here was for you. It's better to stay holed up and out-of-sight before we have Isotov clear our names―"

She turned and discovered to her chagrin, that it was already too late, Chase was being hounded by an officer of the guard or something, and Isotov was trapped beneath a pegasus. Morgan strode forward, and attempted to negotiate a surrender. The guards' surrender. Tessa was more than a little surprised, but considering Morgan it just might work.

She quickly followed, and almost trampled Kamilla, not having seen her. "Wait, were you tagging along after us? C'mon, we're gonna head back now. Hopefully Morgan can work things out with those ladies, and we'll just go back and get some sleep."

Pulling her back up onto Trevor for the short ride back to the gates, she noticed the pale-faced swordsman looking even paler than was usual. Further appraisal informed her of the causes, and marked him as a candidate for care, so she picked their way through the fallen bandits and made their way to his side.

"You look like you could use a little help there... Eric, wasn't it?" She smiled at him, remembering that he'd been at least decently well-mannered the first time they'd spoke, and had just recently been expressing concern for Kamilla. A little ashamed at not having noticed his wound at the time, her mind on other matters, she didn't waste time delaying things for trivialities though; she was already praying and preparing to mend him before he managed a reply. Reaching out to him with the staff, the green ball at its head flickered with light, glowed gently, and then discharged, as the spell was cast.

"Feeling a little better now, I would hope?" she asked him.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Kamilla smiled, "Yup, Kamilla follows people secretly, Kamilla is super knife wielding ninja girl" she said proudly, convinently finding a branch on the floor and waving it around like a sword. Tessa however suggested joining up witht the main group, and Kamilla obliged, carefully placing the branch where she though it had been before. As they returned she wasn't surprised to find Tessa immediately tending to the injured, and after watching Eric being healed she decided she wouldn't work out how to heal day and wandered over closer to Viveka.

Kamilla looked around at the three now struggling against their captors, she couldn't really see how they'd manage to take anymore prisoners with them anyway. She frowned at the sight, the three that had been captured were the evil ones, was this lady capturing the evil spirited ones? As Morgan walked forward and started making demands Kamilla hurried to her side, she didn't particularly like the shamaness but Tessa seemed to trust her, and Tessa wasn't an evil spirit.

She looked at Viveka up and down, then at Morgan. And then sighed, deciding this wasn't something she could handle, turning around she hurried over to look for something when she found a bandit corpse which was still moving. She pointed her finger accusingly at the bandit who was barely breathing and shouted "Eeep not sleeping, he wake up soon!"

Edited by Kanami
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"Yes. Merci," he said, feeling the pain subside. "Tessa, is it? Pleased to meet you. By the way, would you happen to have a Restore staff?" Eric asked, eyeing Kamilla.

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OOC: Retconning Chase tackle

The other two pegasus knights dropped Helios onto the ground. He was tied up, so he wasn't going anywhere. They kept their lances ready in case a fight broke out.

Viveka had nearly run into Chase, but was startled by the man she saw standing in front of him! She knew for certain that Chase wasn't going anywhere now, so she whistled and Susann lifted her leg off of Isotov! The pegasus quickly dragged him over to Helios by his shoe, released him, and then trotted over to Viveka. She grabbed her reins and led her over to the rest of the squad.

Viveka: Four actually. I just don't understand you people. You've been accused of several crimes, yet you continued to resist arrest. Either you're all too stupid to defend yourselves and you know it, or you're actually guilty. Which is it?

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"... Mostly the first one. It's not like I'm a court expert, so I really don't have much of a chance. But we were helping! We helped get rid of the bandits! Do we get any credit for that at all?"

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"I don't know what this whole problem is even about." said Esphyr, interjecting into the middle of the discussion. "There were people with illegal substances in the inn; large amounts. As in, enough to make a horse think he could fly. Plus, we... well... We got in over our heads. I admit that in so far as I go."

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Viveka: Dammit, Chase. You should've known better than to break out of prison. On that note, what's so important that you people can't even be bothered sticking around to clear you names? :huh:

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OOC: Why is Viveka responding to things I write in OOCs?

"Or perhaps we have more important things to do than spend months bogged down in the court system. You need to consider alternative possibilities."

"Chase is right. We were defending your city from bandits, while you did absolutely nothing. If we were truly guility, do you honestly think we would involve ourselves?"

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"Maybe you could come to an agreement?" came a female voice. A young woman, about twenty years old and dressed in civilian clothes, stood behind the pegasus knights. "My uncle said he saw some kind of demon on the border several days ago. And my brother, and my mother, and my aunts, husband, sister all reported the same thing as well and the farmer I buy meat from reporting a mold he had never seen before growing in his onions. Said it was like mushroom roots, except... alive. Maybe the group could go after that instead of court?"

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OOC: Sh*t :facepalm:

Viveka: What? You suggest that we should send them out to the borderlands to fight a monster that might not even exist? Maybe I oversimplified that but my point stands. That's insane.

Knight1: If they want to go and leave these two behind, maybe we should let them.

Viveka: They won't abandon their precious archer and fire mage. They'd much rather see them shot on sight the next time they sneak into the capital apparently.

She rolled her eyes.

Not far from the gates of TISME, Ixion casually approached the group from afar. He could make out the pegasus knights vaguely.

Ixion: (This ... is going to end violently unless Isotov can prove that he isn't a fire mage anymore.)

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Flashing another smile as he remembered her name she nodded. However, when he got to the bit about whether she had a Restore staff, she turned her head to the side and looked down.

"Sadly, the answer is no. There... was no time to grab anything other than this simple staff, and the things that were already on Trevor before I was sent away," she answered, a bit softly. Turning to face the man again, she followed up with almost her regular tone, "Though, even if I had, I'm not entirely confident I could cure an affliction of the mind. Almost anything to do with the body, I at least have some experience with, but... trying to fix something that I don't even know quite what went wrong... would be a daunting task indeed."

Edit: lol typos.

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