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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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Eric's book.

Mana Networking for the Common Man

Table of Contents

1) Table of Contents. You Are Here.

2) Preface. Page i

3) The First Entry You Actually Care About. We Don't Even Give The Prior Pages Numbers To Show How Little You Care About Them. What Is Mana Networking? Page 1

4) Restating entry 3 in easier to understand words because there was no way you understood it the first time. Page 7

5) Going into depth about some seemingly minor detail mentioned in 3 that no one cares about and we included just for padding and to jack up publishing costs. Page 23

6) The seemingly pointless history entry that you will not care one bit about until you realize that it involves people using their Mana network in some obscenely cool way which you will try to immediately duplicate and end up in the temple for. Page 78

7) Tear-out excuses for the shenanigans you pulled because of chapter 6. Page 79

8) Wind magic. The magic you think is horribly underpowered until you fight someone who didn't think it was underpowered and got your rear handed too you and will be reading this chapter immediatly afterwards. Page 86.

9) Fire magic. We know you are going to read this chapter first no matter what. Page 127. Facial Reconstruction due to Fire Damage sold separately.

10) Thunder Magic. For the Budding sociopath! Now with 25% more god complex! Page 152.

11) Staffs. Screw it. Covered here. If you are capable of using a staff, you don't need this book. Page 183

12) Dark Magic. Satisfy your inner emo! Page 183

13) Skipped due to superstition.

14) Notes and acknowledgments. Stored at the back so they won't get in your way even though half our knowledge came from the town drunk and we're passing it off as fact! Page 241.


"A wyvern." came back the response through the woodwork of the door.

Edited by Snowy_One
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...And this is a mage's book? No wonder they're a bit... eccentric, Eric thought. Anyways, I'll start at page 1...

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"Oh please. I know we're both smart and sane people. But there's no way you would have accepted the truth that the headmaster had realized that people wanted for setting a magical fire to a inn had been let onto campus by a spiteful secretary in the hopes of getting me into trouble for aiding and sheltering criminals and didn't realize her employer was in earshot when it happened and has now come down to see how the situation needs to be resolved since it both involves a whole series of conditions to be true as well as some truly exponential skill on my part to have remained hidden in such plain sight that you could not logically accept such circumstances as being true since if even one thing had been off by the smallest amount I wouldn't be here. It's like a plot devise in some play or story. Either way, I'm either a wyvern or the headmaster and this door is going down in ten seconds if you don't open it. Okay?" came the response, shockingly all in one long sentence without a break for breathing.

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Helios heard people talking. After closer inspection he noticed that someone was inside the door and a person was threating to knock it down. Before Helios could do anything Ian went up to the man. "Well look who we have here" Ian said. Helios came out from hiding. His eyes widened at the sight of who it was. "What business do you have here" Said Ian.

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Kamilla looked at Morgan, then at the door, not really understanding a word of what the wyvern was saying. She imagined one of those scaly things on the other side of the door and shivered. They were creepy looking creatures already, them talking and knocking on doors wasn't something Kamilla could imagine, but she couldn't find any reason why the knocker would be lying.

"Go away you big stupid lizard, if the lady says be on your way, be on your way!"

"And no breaking doors, didn't your mommy tell you not to break stuff?"

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"Circles. Nine circles" said the headmaster answering the question. Indeed, upon the back of the cloak were nine golden circles; woven into the very thread of the cloak. "Anyways, that was ten seconds! I'm coming in!" shouted the headmaster in a voice surprisingly gender-neutral. The headmaster took a step back from the doorway as faint ruffles appeared under the robe; possibly preparing to smash the door down!

The headmaster dashed forwards, shoulder lowered to smash through the woodwork! Then, suddenly, the headmaster stopped just short of the door and pressed a hand hidden by the cloak against the keyhole. A second later, a faint 'click' was heard as the door unlocked and swung open on well-oiled hinges.

"Yes, my mommy taught me not to break things." commented the headmaster, stepping into the room. "She also taught me to carry keys on me. And do I smell gummies here?"

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As the door swung open, Kamilla turned and ran over to the bed she had been sitting on earlier, and dived in under the sheets. After grabbing her bag of lollies, she peeked out from under the covers glaring at the man who had opened the door.

"You is liar, didn't mommy say lying was bad too? You're not a scaly big lizard with big funny wings." she stated accusingly at the man."

She was about to say something when her eyes met the headmasters, "Eep" she yelped before hiding under the covers again.

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Pfft, double post? So what? :angry:

"General Conrad Sir!" A soldier saluted as Conrad came out of his office, apparently the General was about to head off somewhere but the soldier continued in an urgent tone. "I bear urgent news from Captain Karie on the Vaorin frontier." A closer look at the man would reveal that he had blood, most likely someone else splattered over his armor and he was clearly short of breath. After receiving permission to speak the soldier continued "The bandit army causing issues on the Vaorin front were stronger then General Upson originally estimated, and we believe them to be growing in number with each passing day, it is most likely they are assimilating inhabitants from the region. They've taken over several establishments and the village of Istample was reported to have been razed earlier this morning sir" the soldier finished wheezing for breath. "They're just too strong sir we-" the man collapsed onto the floor unconscious, fatigue written all over his face.

(Yeah, I'm interacting with Lightning <_< Just giving him something to do, other then update us on how Chase is suffering XD Is there anyway we can get Damian/Esphyr/Chase/Conrad/Viveka to join up with the main group soon? With half the cast all over the place things seem to be going alot slower then they usually are)

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[[OOC: I may have slightly reorganized the timeline, I think. It's sometimes hard to tell. There shouldn't be any major problems with this though.]]

While they'd been talking, Kamilla had been off trying to find some ice, and Aiya had wandering in hoping to help, but the issue was really a one-man task, and neither Tessa nor Morgan had any ideas on how she could make herself useful. Tessa just gestured to the bed nearby, indicating she should just rest herself.

The conversation seemed to more or less die down at this point; perhaps Morgan had grown uncomfortable, or perhaps there was just nothing more to say. She did reply briefly, bringing up a name that Tessa had thought she'd heard the shaman mention before, and had been considering inquiring further when Kamilla had returned with a bag of sweets, and what looked to be some sort of globe. Bouncing around happily she had presented the ball to Morgan, who put it to use.

It was a bit of a surprise to Tessa how cold the globe was at first, when it was applied to her ankle. Considering that it didn't appear frost-rimmed and that the scene inside had seemed completely independent from its outside, it wasn't quite what one might expect, but that's magic for you.

Almost immediately after, seeming as if somebody had been following just on Kamilla's heels, there came a knock at the door. A brief exchange of words followed between Morgan and whomever was on the other side. It seemed that whoever it was, the headmaster supposedly, had a bit of an odd sense of humor. The situation resolved itself somewhat with the headmaster opening the door and just walking right in, as if 'e owned the place.

Curiously enough, the first thing 'e asked after were the sweets that Kamilla had acquired from somewhere. Frightened for some reason or another she'd fled and was hiding under the covers, so Tessa spoke up.

"Kamilla has a bag of them, though I'm not sure who gave them to her. You can probably take one if you'd like." Seeing the manner of dress the headmaster was wearing seemed to cement the claimed title, so she followed up with, "Also, forgive me for not standing and bowing, but I'm a bit indisposed at the moment. And please... forgive any trespass, but we did not come with the intent to bring any trouble upon the academy!"

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Conrad stared at the collapsed soldier, appalled. He called over a soldier, to whom he commanded, "Get this man to the medics immediately. I want a brigade of soldiers sent to the Vaorin front immediately as well. These bandits are really screwing things up."

Jackson sat down, and sighed. Who would think so much could go wrong so quickly? This is ridiculous...

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"Don't worry. I'm not here to kick you out." said the headmaster, seeming to forget about the gummies. "Rather, I came here to understand. I heard of the fire as well... and I reconized it's power. It was made by no normal fire tome; was it?"

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The warp seemed to be successful,and Damian,Esphyr,and the three mages appeared inside of TISME,in their quarters.

There was a massive magical presence nearby,sending a bit of a shock through Damian's spine,far outstripping the few archsages to be found in Halton.

"Is that the headmaster's Mana network?" Damian questioned,almost certain of the answer already,and received a confirming nod from the female of the trio.

"I see.Well then,I suppose we should begin,if there is nothing else."


The headmaster had came into the room.Aiya couldn't believe the magical presence that this person exuded,and they then asked the question;

"Rather, I came here to understand. I heard of the fire as well... and I reconized it's power. It was made by no normal fire tome; was it?"

They didn't plan on outing us.Good.

Aiya spoke up to answer.

"That fire was caused my Proxima,the fire tome of the set of legendary Crimson weapons."

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"Headmaster?" squeaked Esphyr, her voice suddenly running dry. "You didn't tell me you would warp us close to the headmaster! Daiman! We need to get out of here! Now! I need to get out of here! I don't want the headmaster to know I'm here! You have to trust me on this! It's better for all of us."


"Proxima is not your tome to wield." said the headmaster almost off-handedly. "Though I do feel it nearby... As well as others. Sword, lance, shadow, and a few others to name a few. I know their nature as well; all too well to be honest. You didn't set the fire. You simply lost control over their influance, didn't you?"

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OOC: aaaaaaaa screwit

After a few seconds, Arrin realized he'd gone unnoticed; he'd mistaken a pack of students for the others, and meanwhile the group had gone its own way. As students rushed by, he looked about, almost panicking.

Across the hall he thought he heard familiar voices. He ran, bursting into the room. "Will somebody please help--" he began, but broke off as he noticed an imposing, vaguely familiar figure across the room. With horror he shrunk back: he'd just interrupted the headmaster of TISME. "Beg pardon," he managed, and tried to remember if he'd ever been taught how to disappear.

Kelas tried unsuccessfully to get up. Well, somebody would find her eventually, she thought through a haze of pain.

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"Well obviously since we were teleporting to TISME, we would be getting near the headmaster, it's quite obvious." said Matthias.

"Anyway, time to take out the crystal ball." said Madison. "Whatever issue you ahve with the headmster can probably wait for later."

The trio took the cloth off of their crystal ball and focused. Eventually, an image appeared. It was Harold, in whatever location he took Katie!

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"It's not just a issue!Look, you remember the whole demon incident ten years ago?" hissed Esphyr as she quickly retreated deeper into the students room as a faint light slowly flowed from the crystal ball; illuminating the dark corners of the dorm as a image of Harold and Katie formed within the sphere.

The pair was inside some form of building; something made of stone; surrounded by other people. Lots of people. A whole courtroom's worth. In fact, it seemed that it was a courtroom! Katie stood beside her father, writing tome in hand, as Harold stood tall in the defense laywers chair. On the opposite side, a prosecutor, eyes crossed and hands bent back as a faint trail of drool streamed down his cheek, a obvious mental patient, tryed to made some form of argument, or coherent word. Meanwhile, the judge sat in his seat, a bag of gold visible at his feet (though obscured from the public eye).

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"Doesn't it strike you as odd that I not only identified that little fire stunt as being the result of one of your weapons and managed to name several of the others that you didn't tell me about? I've been the headmaster here for about fourty years now. I remember when Harold hit on his first girl and Percy actually had muscle. I'm here because something is up in this world, and I've felt it before, and am feeling it now. It's related to your weapons too. I know that well enough."

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"Wait...the sword and lance are here...Damian and Esphyr are here?" Aiya spoke with sudden realization.

"And yes,Isotov,the wielder of the fire tome,is nearby as well,he was attacked by a drug-influenced man,and Proxima reacted with fire,as it tends to by nature." She continued,upon hearing the headmaster understood the situation.


"The same group suddenly warping in and out would seem suspicious,would it not?" Damian asked Esphyr,before continuing;

"Besides,someone as powerful as a Ninth Circle Magic user and headmaster of TISME almost certaintly already knows we are here,and running from them only makes them more likely to take action."

After seeing the vision in the crystal ball,Damian let out a semi-relieved sigh.

"Well,Katie is safe from the prosecution,at least.Although it seems it may be too late for us to do anything to retrieve her..."

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"Crimson weapons; unstable little things, no? Your best bet is to simply turn yourselves in, and I can provide a wind tome for your fire friend. If he can cast even one spell with it, you should be in the clear. I know I'm breaking the law, but I've seen how unstable the weapons are first-hand; and I would rather not have people sent to jail over something they didn't mean to do." said the headmaster. Under the hood, the headmasters lip was bitten at the name of the two wielders whom Aiya had just so thoughtfully provided.


"M-Maybe we just w-wait? If she's ininocent and her ffather lets her go afterwards, she will come here?" offered Esphyr, stuttering now that the sheer terror of being near the headmaster was fading from her body.

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"You would do that?And if we have your word that the fire was incidental,then we should be okay?" Aiya said,to confirm.The headmaster had seemed like a scary person at first,their power so immense,but they seemed to be reasonable,and friendly enough,and Aiya smiled at the revelation.


"It's alright Esphyr...calm down,okay?" Damian said,draping his arms around her to try to stop her from stuttering and shaking.

"Maybe,we never know I guess."

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OOC: First new format post(for condensing and saving). Also retconning locations.

After putting Kiev into the aerie, she sat down to talk with him, while the others went into the academy. Her time in the cage hadn't been a long enough period of sleep for her. Her grogginess overcame her and her words became sluggish and weak. She quickly fell asleep right by her wyvern.

Meanwhile, Ixion, Stephanie, and Iso walked through the halls of the magical building. A Priestess of the light, an Anima Mage of the Flame, and a Dark Druid of the Arcane. The trio made their way around looking for the others.

Ixion: Iso I'd advice you to not go busting down doors asking about the mute.

Iso: How dumb do you think I am?

Ixion: You know exactly how dumb I think you are. There's little need for asking.

OOC: Ixion, Stephanie, and Iso are close to the main entrance.

Edited by Phoenix
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"I never promised that. I said I thought you were all innocent except for one person, whom I offered a wind tome in the event you felt you wouldn't be safe as a alibi. He's guilty, but can plead self defense if he doesn't think he can slip free. Either way, say high to Esphyr for me. I have a angry secretary that's doubtless planned me for three meetings and she's going to be disappointed to find that people like me tend to be aloof. Toodles."

With that, the headmaster turned to leave the room.


"I-It's not easy Ddaiman. If you want, I w-will tell you why when we're alone."

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"Well, we've found your friend." said Matthias "You can go and save her or forget she ever existed, or what have you."

"Do not forget about the payment." said Madison. "Here's our card, send us the payment by magic or wyvern mail or whatever you like. You seem a man of your honor, so we expect there will be no issues paying."

"And you know we can find you, so if you don't we'll blast you." said Maximillian.

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