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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"Hello Tessa~" came an innocent voice drifting up to her. Alarmed, the troubadour turned to the source.

"Kamilla! What are you doing out here. Didn't I tell you to stay in the room, where it was safe?" Just by glancing around, fighting was occurring everywhere, yet somehow but dumb luck the woman had managed to wander safely through the battlefield up to her side.

Sighing in exasperation, she said, "Well, I guess there's no helping it now, stay by my side at least. I'll do my best to keep you safe."

She saw Esphyr take a really nasty hit and come out from things looking much the worse for wear. Trotting up next to her, she extended her staff, and healed her as much as she could in the short time before wheeling back to guard her charge.

(Esphyr +5HP).

Edit: Edits due to retcon.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Reika stood up after being blasted by Helios's magic, but apparently the attack has missed completely. Glaring at Helios she lunged not even noticing that most of the others had fallen, and it was pretty much just her, Dalton and Jones.

Kamilla smiled as Tessa offered to look after her, the others seemed to be taking care of the remaining bandits, but she figured it couldn't hurt to be safe, raising Sanctuary above her head she pointed at Tessa. "Shield!" A moment passed and nothing happened. "Defend?....Repel... Why isn't it working?" She growled at the book and then shook the book up and down. "Protect?" As the barrier formed itself she smiled content. "Kamilla useful, see?" she said proudly.

Dalton vs Isotov 4,1,4 & 2,1,6

Dalton: HP:18 ATK:4 HIT:3 EVD: 4 DEF/RES: 4/0

Isotov: HP: 9 ATK: 4+1 Hit: 3+1 Eva: 5 Def/Res: 1/4

Dalton attacks Isotov 7 Hit

Isotov receives 4 damage

Isotov counters 6 Hits

Dalton receives 6 damage

Jones vs Irina 6,6,4 & 3,1,4

Jones: HP:15 ATK:3 HIT:4 EVD:5 DEF/RES: 2/2

Irina: HP: 12 Atk: 3+1 Hit: 3+1 Eva: 5 Def/Res: 3/0

Jones attacks Irina, 10 Hits

Irina receives 9 damage

Irina counters 7 hits

Jones receives 3 damage

Reika vs Helios: [1,2,5] & [3,2,5]

Reika: HP:9 STR:3 HIT: 3 EVD:9 DEF/RES: 3/0

Helios: HP: 1 MAG: 3 Hit: 3 Evade: 6 DEF/RES 1/3

Reika attacks Helios 4 Miss

Helios counters Reika 6 Miss

Jones (9/15)

Dalton (12/18)

Reika (9/9)

Irina Dead

Isotov (5)

Helios (6)

Edited by Kanami
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Upon reading Chase blood written note, Viveka stomped her foot down, and quickly mounted Susann. They weren't going to be able to find him in that mess, and it was more important to stop them altogether! The main forces were battling the army. Viveka wanted to find the leader, and take them down.

The three riders took off and flew in the direction of TISME academy!

Meanwhile, Iso stood firm beside Helios! Both of them were injured! Kiev was standing over Irina snarling at the bandit trio!

Iso: This ... isn't good ...

Iso quickly used a vulnerary. +5 HP. After applying the vulnerary, he coughed up a little blood and took his stance, ready for his next attack!

Suddenly three pegasus riders flew down near the academy! Their speed was incredible! They immediately landed near Iso, Irina, and Helios!

Viveka: No way! You're the criminals from before! You're leading this army?! No, no, no! That doesn't make any sense at all.

Iso: We're not-

Viveka: Hush! I can figure this out on my own. You must be caught up in this fight like the rest of us. That means one of you three may know who's in charge!

she and her wingwomen readied themselves for battle, standing between the injured, and Reika's posse!


Viveka's Stats: HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 2 SPD: 4 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 2 Hit: 2 Evade: 8 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Pegasus Knight x2 stats: HP: 4 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LUK: 3: DEF: 0 RES: 3

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 3 Hit: 3 Evade: 7 Defense: 0 Resistance: 3

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Damian rushed towards the mage among the bandits,and released his Gae-Borg.

He swung it down at the mage hard,and he cried out in pain as he fell to the ground,cleaved in half.

Aiya ran at the large bandit and sliced at him,connecting with a hard hit,and evading the counter.

Damian: (6,4,3) 10 hit - 5 evd,hit! 11 mt - 2 Def,9 damage!

Jones has died!Roll

Aiya: (6,3,5) 10 hit - 4 Evd,Hit! 10 mt - 4 Def,6 Damage!

Dalton: (4,1,1) 6 hit - 8 evd,Miss!

Aiya(If she doubles,you gave Evd,but not Spd): (1,6,4) 7 Hit - 4 Evd,hit! 13 Mt - 4 def,9 Damage!

Dalton 6/12 HPRoll

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Morgan heard Helios scream something about the crimson dagger wielder. She ran int he direction of the yelling. She couldn't locate any theives at the moment, but there was a large man with an axe!

(2,3,6)= Hit. 7 damage Dalton dead.

Morgan scanned the area for any unscrupulous knife wielders.

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The rider of the group, no... a mounted archer... rode up to Katie and offered her her hand. "Need help?"

Katie gave a quick nod before taking Kelas's hand. Thanks she quickly traced into the backside of riders neck before noticing the broken arm. Katie bent her head down to the injured limb, planting a quick kiss on it to make it all better.

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Eric backed off for a little while after getting his stomach sliced open, letting his allies deal with the brigands. Returning to the front, he saw a brigand, severely wounded, lumbering towards him, in an attempt to partially avenge his allies. Injured as he was, Eric still was the faster warrior. Before the bandit could react, he, too, died, impaled through the heart. Pulling his blade out of the corpse, the traveler wiped the blood off of it, and sheathed it, ending the battle.

OOC: The second roll scared me.

[spoiler=Roll][6,4,5] = Hit. 8-3= 5 points of damage. BanditX is down.


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Tessa looked down in surprise at the woman who she thought to have simply been a nuisance on the field. All of a sudden a strange power had started to course through her, and she felt unbelievably sturdy, and wrapped by a warm protecting aura.

"Kamilla... have you always been able to do this?" she asked, but her concentration was broken by the continuing fight surrounding her, though things appeared to be dying down at the moment. The pale swordsman had dispatched the last visible bandit, leaving only a scampy looking young girl with twin daggers. Now that the field had cleared, she could see Morgan standing near the hulking corpse of a particularly giant bandit, and while she wasn't as bad as is often the case, she had definitely taken a few rough knocks.

"I'll be right back, Kamilla, I need to go help Morgan for a bit," shaking her head, she rethought the plan, "Do you think you'll be okay, or do you want to ride on the horse with me?"

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Across the city, the battle turned to a rout. Dria's men plowed through the rest of the bandits in her district; Verali returned to her room, seeing the headmaster had already done their bit; Master Draper sent a last shock through the bandits before his portion of the gate. Soldiers everywhere lay down their weapons with a cheer.

Wincing at even the slight contact Katie made with her bad arm, Kelas turned Amari back to the gates, being careful to not look at the unnatural angle of her arm.


"I can watch her," Arrin offered, though to be honest, this "new" Kamilla unnerved him somewhat. "I'll be back in a minute... come on, Kamilla, let's go inside."

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Kamilla frowned, and wasn't sure how to answer Tessa's question, it didn't help that she couldn't remember anything before being waking up in an alley with a sexy shaman standing over her. And was quite happy to change the topic as she didn't have an answer to the question.

"Morgan..." she said looking around and noticing the shaman looking down at some bear she'd just slaughtered. She wasn't too fond of riding on a horse, the creatures scared her, but she didn't want to be left standing alone in the field of bandit corpses and she had a sudden urge that made her want to see how the healing process worked, as if it had been a childhood dream she'd given up on sometime in her past. "I'll ride on the horse" she said a bit glumly losing her usual childlike cheer. Just then Arrin piped up and offered to take care of her.

Kamilla looked up, at the boy and frowned, she could sense something unusual about the boy, something evil and mean. She'd noticed this earlier with the red haired man and the shaman as well, even the dumb looking wind mage had this creepy aura around him that interfered and frequently prevented her from casting her spells. Something weird, wrong, unholy. She shook her head "Don't wanna" she said to Arrin.

OoC: Someone knock Reika out please.

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OOC: I can't, as I was last to post, battle-wise.

"I'll take her," Eric offered, walking over to where the thunder mage was standing. "Besides, I'm probably not much help otherwise," he noted, gesturing to his wound. "Is that OK with you, Kamilla?"

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Helping Kamilla up onto Trevor, Tessa smiled at Arrin, silently thanking him for his counter-offer, even if it hadn't worked out in the end. Cantering over to where Morgan was, she called out to her, "You had us worried about you, Kamilla said she saw you disappear into the city, and then there were bandits everywhere. Here, let me fix that for you."

Closing her eyes, praying to The Lady, and channeling the divine energy through her network, across the staff, and into the shaman, her complexion took on a healthier color, and the visible damage appears to have been done away with. (Morgan +5 HP, if still counting as combat phase, Reika??)

"What were you doing out and about anyway?" Tessa followed up with, asking out of curiousity.

OOC: Because it just wouldn't be a proper combat, if I didn't get to heal Morgan. ;)

Edit: LOL, everybody wants to be buddies with Kamilla today, apparently. Such a change from yesterday. Hmm. This post may need to be slightly altered, depending on what Kanami wants.

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Yeah, yesterday I was throwing a hissy in the middle of a hallway and everyone ignored me (though I guess the only difference this time around was Tessa being around and Arrin not wanting his special spot taken by Kamilla XD)

Kamilla didn't respond to Eric's suggestion, she didn't even hear him due to her mind being lost in... well her mind. She felt like she knew how to heal and that watching Tessa would give her the skill as well. She watched as Tessa healed Morgan, but couldn't understand any of it, to her it just looked like Tessa had made contact with Morgan and she had gotten better.

Frowning she jumped off the horse and walked up to Morgan staring at her for a ridiculously close distance. "Healed?" she asked Morgan stupidly.


Reika glared at the group, Dalton and Jones had both been taken down, and she assumed the cheer going up wasn't that of the bandit army. "Useless, every one of them" she muttered angrily, she noticed Eric standing by himself not looking too good and figured sh could at least take him down with her. Before anyone in the group could react she turned around and charged at Eric who drew his sword but a quick stab at his arm forced the man to drop his sword on the floor.

Figuring she could kill the man now she aimed for the mans throat, when she felt her body disappearing, she looked down at herself and noticed that everything below her torso was covered in some black substance she didn't recognize, and while she could still feel her feet, they didn't seem to be there at all. She glared at the man hatefully before being engulfed by the darkness and disappearing from sight.

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Kelas halted in the middle of the loosely gathered group. "Found someone," Kelas announced, letting Katie slide down from Amari's back before gingerly doing so herself. "Arrin, you're all right?" she asked, guiltily realizing how bad she was at this protecting business.

"I'm fine. What happened to you?"

"That lot," Kelas said, pointing with her good hand at the dead bandits. "I'll live." She assessed her wounds, deciding she could wait for Tessa or another healer until after the urgent healings were done.

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"I had urgent business involving the Crimson Bow which I had to resolve. Chase is injured pretty severely, would you mind following me to the alley where I left him?"

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Eric yelped and dropped his sword as a thief stabbed him in the arm. Before she could kill him, however, some dark matter enveloped her and she disappeared, much to the shock of her target. Gingerly picking up his sword, he cut off yet another strip of cloth, to wrap around his arm. Having done that, he had nothing better to do than to wait for a healer, like the others.

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The battle was over, but Viveka wanted answers! She saw her chance but missed it!

Viveka: *gasp* :o

Susann was riled up by the strange dark cloud and started flapping wildly until Viveka could calm her down! The other riders had the same problem.

Viveka: Don't tell me that was their leader! :o

Ignoring Viveka's situation, Iso began rushing toward Amari! Suddenly, he slid to a stop! He turned back to see Irina still unconscious! He felt too guilty to leave his sister just lying there, and he held his ground. Kiev looked up at him and then nudged Irina. She was still unconscious, but she hugged one of his forearms in her sleep and held onto it. At worst, she had a minor concussion.

He turned back to see Kelas and Katie dismounting from Amari, and he let out a sad smile that he wasn't aware of. He was happy they were alright, but sad that he had nothing to say to either of them, perhaps a "thank you" for Kelas, and an "I'm sorry" for Katie. He kept his head down while he thought.

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A shadow could be seen in the window of the inn. The group eyed it suspiciously thinking it to be a bandit. A little girl and boy could be heard crying from within the inn. Someone could be in trouble!

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Kelas saw the odd look on Isotov's face. Meant for Katie, no doubt... No use worrying about it right now, though. She checked her wounds: they bled sluggishly, not fast enough to put her in too much danger. As the adrenalin of the battle left her, she began to feel her injuries.

The academy mages that were capable of doing so were flocking back into the building. Healers would probably be more organized inside... "We should head in there too," she suggested to any of her traveling companions who were within earshot.

"I'm waiting for Tessa," Arrin said stubbornly. "You go ahead, I'll catch up."

"What, and leave you here for if a second wave comes?" Kelas saw her arguing would do no good, though. "I'll stay here, then," she said, leaning against Amari.

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Iso reluctantly began walking toward Kelas and Katie again. Suddenly the blade of a javelin blocked his path, just inches from his neck! Viveka had him at lance point!

Viveka: You're the fire mage ... correct?

Iso: Hold on a second!

She immediately concluded that his attempt to stall her implicated him as the fire mage, and she swung her lance by around! She then bashed him in the head with the blunt end, sending him to the ground! He barely remained conscious after being hit so hard! His head was ringing and his vision was blurrier than smeared paint! He crawled a few feet as she hopped from her pegasus and yanked out a pair of cuffs she'd been saving. She slapped them on him, secured them, hauled Iso to his feet, and leaned him up against Susann

Viveka: Sorry about this, but you've got a trial in the morning ^_^

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OoC: And here I was thinking I was supposed to think of a new way to screw the group over :/


Kamilla glanced back as Morgan led Tessa away from the group, she saw the red haired man being arrested, but she didn't like him, she was sure he wasn't a friend of hers and part of her seemed to be happy about seeing the man in chains. Noticing that Tessa and Morgan were turning a corner, she quickly ran after them not wanting to be left behind, she didn't know why, and couldn't understand the concept at all but she thought if she continued to watch Tessa she'd be able to eventually learn how to heal as well.

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Kelas bit back a curse as she saw Isotov cuffed. Calling out would do no good; in fact, it would draw attention that nobody needed.

Remembering an agreement made after a different battle, Kelas slowly, discreetly made her way over to where Irina was. "Budge over," she muttered to the wyvern that stood over the girl. It was no easy task, especially one-armed, but Kelas somehow managed to drag Irina up, slinging her arms over Kelas' shoulders. It was only a few steps back to Amari, with Kiev walking behind, but it seemed like a much longer walk.

Kelas began an attempt to shove Irina up over Amari's back, but Kiev would have none of it. The wyvern snapped at Kelas, indicating its own saddle.

"Well fine, then," she replied. "Arrin, help out, would you?"

As they pushed Irina up into the saddle, Kelas didn't dare say anything, but gave Isotov a look that clearly stated, "You'd better come back." She stood by Amari, the very end of Kiev's tether held loosely in her good hand, ready to head for the building as soon as Tessa returned.

OOC: ITT Kelas rescues everyone, with only one arm. And now I really am going to attempt to go to sleep.

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Chase limped towards the fighting, and saw the dagger wielding girl disappear. "That was... weird..." he said, then kept quiet as he saw Viveka. He made the Crimson Bow vanish after a few attempts, then slowly approached the group.

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At Morgan's urging, Tessa followed her to where she'd left the archer. While she found the man distasteful−he tended to fly off the handle and wave around that knife of his like a maniac far too easily−and while he was a wanted criminal, he'd not done anything deserving of death. The mention of the Crimson Bow was slightly interesting. Tessa knew how important these things were to Sis, and while she wasn't all that heavily invested in them personally, she'd decided to try to keep up to speed on the situation.

"The Crimson Bow?" she asked, as they turned the corner, not yet noticing that Kamilla had decided to tag along, but before she could get an answer, she saw her mark staggering along the alley, apparently having tried to follow Morgan instead of staying put.

"You fool!" she exclaimed, and pushed forward with great haste. He had a large gash across his stomach, and carelessly moving around like he was doing could easily have resulted in his internal organs spilling out. "Why does everybody act so recklessly?" she asked no-one in particular with a sense of resignation.

Though she seriously considered giving him a solid whack on the noggin with her staff, the chance for severe complications when he collapsed unconscious were too great, and she set about to mending the man while continuing to grumble about his lack of common sense.

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