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World War 3


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Day 5

Army Name: Enlightenment

General: Richard


Base: Bogota

Country: Kingdom of Light

War: None

Alliances: None


110 Photons - Getting more land than what has been aqcuired

40 Photons - Researching for a way to make a stone weapon

50 Photons - Reasearching other mining (wood and such)

50 Photons - Guarding base

50 Photons - Researching metals

Total of 350/7500




More land - 4

Stone wep research - 5

Metals research - 5

Completed projects:

Expanding territories

Reasearching edible plants

Looking for Resources


Richard - I finally remembered my name but not much else. I doubt i'll remember anything Else. Anyways as soon as the squads came, they were sent immediately to search for other things. The some of stones that were collected had some traces of other thing we are not sure. I 've sent more troops in search of it. And other troops to take a look at it.

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Day Five

Army Name: The 62nd Disenfranchised

General: Jack 'Jackal' Pendragon

Messenger(Optional): Pvt. Bournemouth

Base: Abidjan

Country: Greater Mustela

War: None

Alliances: None


150 Redshirts- Staying in the base

100 Redshirts- Moving out and expanding territory

20 Redshirts- Researching Horse-riding

40 Redshirts- Scouting for food

40 Redshirts- Scouting for mines

Total of 350/7500




Expanding territories - 1 days

Finding live horses somehow - 2 days

Looking for food - 1 days

Looking for mines- 1 days


Captain Pendragon, Day Five; Slept through the last three days. Doc ain't sure why. He'd normally check me for something, but all his stuff's broken. Ah well. The troops are doing fine, and a couple men have come back with what food they've found. They say the others will be back tomorrow. Sounds good to me. And the troops have apparently found some minerals nearby. Tomorrow I'll send some troops there to mine and others to figure out what to do with the metal. Other than that it's been pretty uneventful-

Oh, wait. We found some survivors in the city and some stragglers in the desert. Also many of the non-combatants have been trained to fight and work, so overall we have around a hundred more troops to work with. They're just having their equipment handed out to them now.

Overall? It's not too bad. Some people are hailing me as the Messiah, though, which is a little strange. I mean, I'm just a Captain. I'm only doing my duty. And my duty is to ensure that we survive.

EDIT: Forgot to say that my new troops are just waiting around at base.

Edited by Furetchen Arrowroot
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Day 5

Army Name: Minnesota Vikings

General: The Dread Pirate Roberts

Messenger(Optional): None

Base: McMurdo Station

Country: Kingdom of the Holy Grail

War: None

Alliances: None


50 Vikings - Looking for Mines

50 Vikings - Spreading out on their own and conquering the surrounding territory

250 Vikings - Researching Shipbuilding and related things

Total of 350/7500


75 Cows


Send warriors out to look for possible mines - 1 days - 50 Vikings

Send warriors out to spread out and conquer the surrounding territory - 1 days - 50 Vikings

Research Shipbuilding and related matters - 1 days - 250 Vikings


The Dread Pirate Roberts: Found an additional 200 Vikings in the wilderness. They came to my cause. 75 of my Vikings have returned with 75 cows for use in transportation. 50 Vikings have returned having located a source of wood. Had 250 Vikings begin to research shipbuilding and related things. With so many, we will have learned it in no time. Still no decent gloves.

Edited by General Spoon
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Day 6

Army Name: Desert Rangers

General: Akhom


Base: Cairo

Country: Forbidden Asylum

War: None

Alliances: None


150 rangers-at base

50 rangers- researching architecture.

50 rangers-researching metals

50 rangers-mining metals

50 rangers-gathering building supplies

Total of 350/7500




Mining various metals-5 days

Reasearching metals - 1 days

Gathering building supplies-3 days

Researching architecture-5 days

Completed Projects:

Looking for food-My civilization now has a steady supply of food.

Expanding Territory 1-our land has been expanded

looking for mines-we can now mine metals


Today we found a mine packed with many types of metals. Today I sent 50 rangers to begin mining some metal. I plan to make weapons as soon as I can.

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Notice: BK-201 has apparently dropped out. He used to control Beijing but it is now free land. The next map update will reflect this. Also, Snowy_One will be added to the map since he now resides in Johannesburg Cape Town.

Day 6

Army Name: Seven Nation Army

General: Ru'ach Hazak

Messenger(Optional): None

Base: Ho Chi Minh City

Country: Silas

War: None

Alliances: None


150 Commandos - At base

75 Commandos - Researching Basic Arms

50 Commandos - Scouting

25 Commandos - Researching Small Boats

Total of 300/7500




Send scouts out to check out any possible armies in the area - 2 days - 50 Commandos

Research small boats - 1 day - 25 Commandos

Research basic arms (swords, bows, axes) - 3 days - 75 Commandos

Find timber for building - 5 days - 100 Commandos

Completed Projects:

Send soldiers out to look for possible mines


Ru'ach Hazak: My men finally returned today from the mines in the north. Turns out that they found a great supply of bronze and iron to work with. Also, this mine happens to be outside of our territory to the north. It's best if we claim that land for our own. Since we'll need basic arms, I have 75 of my best men figuring out ways to create weapons. Should only take a couple of days at most... I also sent out 100 men to find timber for building purposes. The best offense is a good defense and I intend to create an impervious stronghold. The forest's wood is terrible for building which means that they need to find usable wood. I sent them out a couple of days ago and haven't heard from them since.

Edited by Life
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Day Six

Army Name: The 62nd Disenfranchised

General: Jack 'Jackal' Pendragon

Messenger(Optional): Pvt. Bournemouth

Base: Abidjan

Country: Greater Mustela

War: None

Alliances: None


100 Redshirts- Staying in the base

100 Redshirts- Mining

50 Redshirts- Guarding the mine at Thisbe

80 Redshirts- Researching Metalwork

20 Redshirts- Still finding horses

Total of 350/7500


Some fire-hardened sticks spears, and clubs.


Finding live horses somehow - 1 days - 20 redshirts

Mining in Thisbe - 12 days - 100 redshirts

Researching metalwork - 10 days - 80 redshirts

Completed Projects:

Expanding Territories (Stage One)

Food Source (Scarce)

Found Thisbe Mine


Jackal Pendragon again...sixth day. My actual rank is being disputed. Some claim that as the system's failed I should be busted back to the ranks. Others say that I've shown leadership so far and should remain leader, for now. Well, I don't particularly mind. I don't plan to be a hero, but I'll drag this squabbling bunch of riflemen through this crisis if I die trying.

A fruitful day. Scouts claim to have found a mine, near a small destroyed town by the name of Thisbe. Sent them back there with a Union Jack. It was the only flag in the camp, and there needs to be a new design; a multicultural army must march under a new banner. Sent a hundred men down to the mine in all, for twelve days. Should be enough metal for the time being. We need to secure Thisbe, so I gave all of the fire-hardened spears to a group of fifty eager lads. Sent those men up to the mines as well to guard the area. Meanwhile, gave the mechanics some people to work with to rediscover the art of smithing and smelting. Our spears are essentially glorified sticks and our vests didn't help in the Western Front, so we need to get some actual equipment, too. However, when the metal comes back our first priority will be building mining equipment for the lads to double the workrate. A pickaxe can be a nasty weapon in a fight, too. Finally, according to my forward scouts our borders have significantly advanced.

Tomorrow, I intend to make significant progress. This day shall be a glorious one for our people.

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Day Seven

Army Name: The 62nd Disenfranchised

General: Jack 'Jackal' Pendragon

Messenger(Optional): Pvt. Bournemouth

Base: Abidjan

Country: Greater Mustela

War: None

Alliances: None


20 Redshirts- Staying in the base

100 Redshirts- Mining

50 Redshirts- Guarding the mine at Thisbe

80 Redshirts- Researching Metalwork

80 Redshirts- Training camels

70 Redshirts- Finding timber

Total of 400/7500


Some fire-hardened sticks spears, and clubs.


Training camels - 6 days - 80 redshirts

Mining in Thisbe - 11 days - 100 redshirts

Researching metalwork - 9 days - 80 redshirts

Finding timber - 3 days - 70 redshirts

Completed Projects:

Expanding Territories (Stage One)

Food Source (Scarce)

Found Thisbe Mine

Found camels


Seventh day. Amazingly, the twenty morons I sent out to the middle of nowhere found some camels...right now some of the men are training them to carry people and supplies. Should be useful. Also, I sent some troops out to find some timber. They also found some more survivors...they were sent to find timber as well. Overall, staying on course. Hopefully we might even be able to survive this crisis.

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Day 6

Army Name: English Rejects

General: Zombie Steve Irwin

Messenger(Optional): None

Base: Canberra

Country: The Empire of Hilarious Accents

War: None

Alliances: None


100 Mutant Kangaroos - Researching poisonous weaponry

25 Mutant Kangaroos - Domesticating wildlife

25 Mutant Kangaroos - At Base

100 Mutant Kangaroos - Continuing to expand

100 Mutant Kangaroos - Researching metal working

Total of 350/7500




Claiming nearby territories - Complete

Hunting for poisonous animals - Complete

Searching for a source of wood - Complete

Searching for mines - Complete

Researching poisonous weaponry - 100 Mutant Kangaroos - 4 days

Domesticating wildlife - 25 Mutant Kangaroos - 2 days

Researching metal working - 100 Mutant Kangaroos - 6 days

Claiming the continent - 100 Mutant Kangaroos - 5 Days


Zombie Steve Irwin: I've decided to stop eating the brains of any 'roos who try to join us, and actually let them join. I didn't want to stop (what am I supposed to eat?), but my own 'roos start crying whenever I eat their family members, and you can't work and cry. Bloody pikers. And get this; even though I need weapons ASAP, I have to wait for the science department to get off their lazy arses and get that poison ready for them. I know they've been having parties all the time. I just know that they've been hitting on Zombie Terri Irwin, too, filthy mongrels. The leftovers from my last two projects have also been reassigned; I've sent some of my toughest and most vicious 'roos back out to conquer more territory, and trust me, these blokes are as mean as cat's piss. I've decided to make the science department work overtime, too, to see what they can do with all of the minerals found in the mines. Until next time, this has been the Crocodile Hunter!

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Day 8

Army Name: Desert Rangers

General: Akhom


Base: Cairo

Country: Forbidden Asylum

War: None

Alliances: None


150 rangers-at base

50 rangers- researching architecture.

100 rangers-expanding territory

50 rangers-mining metals

50 rangers-gathering building supplies

Total of 400/7500




Mining various metals-3 days

Expanding territory-6 days

Gathering building supplies-1 days

Researching architecture-3 days

Completed Projects:

Looking for food-My civilization now has a steady supply of food.

Expanding Territory 1-our land has been expanded

looking for mines-we can now mine metals

researching metals-we now have knowledge on metals


Today our research on metals stopped, we figured out that we can melt them into different shapes. I sent out more people to expand our territory today, They should be back in a little under a week. Our other projects continued as they have been, and nothing out of the ordinary has happened.

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So I just found out my internet will be cut off indefinitely in a couple of weeks. Since I'll fall behind should I decide to keep playing, I'm dropping out as of now.

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Day 8

Army Name: Enlightenment

General: Richard


Base: Bogota

Country: Kingdom of Light

War: None

Alliances: None


140 Photons - Getting more land than what has been aqcuired

60 Photons - Researching for a way to make a stone weapon

50 Photons - Reasearching other mining (wood and such)

50 Photons - Guarding base

50 Photons - Researching metals

Total of 400/7500




More land - 1

Stone wep research - 2

Metals research - 2

Completed projects:

Expanding territories

Reasearching edible plants

Looking for Resources


Richard - I have sent some new recruits to help with the land expansion. The rest were sent with to help the weapon research.

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Day 9

Army Name: Desert Rangers

General: Akhom


Base: Cairo

Country: Forbidden Asylum

War: None

Alliances: None


200 rangers-at base

50 rangers- researching architecture.

100 rangers-expanding territory

50 rangers-mining metals

50 rangers-gathering building supplies

Total of 450/7500




Mining various metals-2 days

Expanding territory-5 days

Researching architecture-2 days

Completed Projects:

Looking for food-My civilization now has a steady supply of food.

Expanding Territory 1-our land has been expanded

looking for mines-we can now mine metals

researching metals-we now have knowledge on metals

gathering building supplies-We can now build things


Today we encounter 50 more rangers. We finished gathering building supplied as well.

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Day 9

Army Name: Enlightenment

General: Richard


Base: Bogota

Country: Kingdom of Light

War: None

Alliances: None


190 Photons - Expanding more territory

60 Photons - Researching for a way to make a stone weapon

100 Photons - At base

50 Photons - Researching metals

Total of 450/7500


Punches, kicks, and anything in between


Stone wep research - 1

Metals research - 1

Expanding territory - 4

Completed projects:

I forgot to add mining but whatever (wood lol me)

More land

Expanding territories

Reasearching edible plants

Looking for Resources


Richard - We aqcuired more territory today and i immediately sent the ne recruits and the other explorers in search of more land. The mines and the weaponry research is going on as expected

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Day 9

Army Name: The Spetsnaz Brigade

General: Aleksandr Zukov

Messenger: Yuri Petrov

Base: St. Petersburg

Country: The Motherland

War: None

Alliances: None


50 patrolling HQ.

50 building a second defense wall.

100 mining for resources.

10 searching for more booze.

90 gathering wood to make bows.

Total of 300/7500


Combat knives, and any blunt objects they could find.


Gather wood. Estimated 2 days

Make bows and arrows. Estimated 4 days

Mine resources. Estimated 8 days

Construct outer defense wall. Estimated 16 days

Completed Projects:

All vodka in cafe consumed.

Food located.

Defensive wall completed.

Main base completed.

Mines located.

Territory expanded by 10 miles in radius.

LOGS: General Zukov: The first defensive wall is complete. If we are invaded for some reason, the enemy will be hindered quite badly, and our archers in training will have no problem picking them off. We have also acquired miles of new territory for our expansion. Everyday we find more and more survivors, including women. Restoring the motherland is no longer a pipe dream, it is quite possible, we only need to keep building.

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Day Ten

Army Name: The 62nd Disenfranchised

General: Jack 'Jackal' Pendragon

Messenger(Optional): Pvt. Bournemouth

Base: Abidjan

Country: Greater Mustela

War: None

Alliances: None


140 Redshirts- Building Abidjan's fortifications

100 Redshirts- Mining

50 Redshirts- Guarding the mine at Thisbe

80 Redshirts- Researching Metalwork

80 Redshirts- Training camels

Total of 450/7500


Some fire-hardened sticks spears, and clubs.


Training camels - 3 days - 80 redshirts

Mining in Thisbe - 8 days - 100 redshirts

Researching metalwork - 6 days - 80 redshirts

Building fortifications - 10 days - 140 redshirts

Completed Projects:

Expanding Territories (Stage One)

Food Source (Scarce)

Found Thisbe Mine

Found camels

Found enough timber to fortify Abidjan


The Sickness struck again. Once more, I was unconscious for three days. The doctor admitted he thought I wasn't going to make it. Fortunately, I'm alive, and well enough to keep this place going. But things worry me. I dreamt that many nations began like mine, trying to rebuild...many failed, and died. I hope not to follow them. I also dreamt that the survivors would attempt to reunite the world. Well...that's what Hitler tried to do, and that's why I signed up and took the King's Shilling.

Well, the timber I'd called to be harvested was all collected, and now the men are working on building fortifications for Abidjan. Yet more survivors and stragglers were found, and added to the town. Far more people than I thought survived. Also, many of our noncombatants are being trained to carry out menial labour. In all, fifty-two of us joined these past few days, but two of the soldiers died. Anyway...everything's going to schedule. I just hope I don't succumb to this sickness that is slowly seeping away my body and mind...

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Everyone's dropping out... :'(

I'm afraid I might have to call an end to this failed game. Oh well, I tried.

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