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Choral Mafia II Postgame Discussion


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Endgame Flavor:


“Excuse me.”

Istrell looked up and was greeted by the sight of Grand Master Helle and the remaining five choristers eyeing her in a curious manner. The auditorium doors were unlocked now; other administrators and students gathered at the exits in puzzled speculation as eight tired and hungry members of the Academy trickled into the halls. Sheet music was scattered about as a result of the confusing darkness, and the stench of death still hung in the air. Bandmaster Nicholas was dead; his dream of his World ruled by the gods he summoned no longer threatened the peace of the Land of Music. Finally, life could revert back to its original tempo.

“Yes?” Istrell eventually responded.

“Tell us… the story of you and Nicholas.” Helle crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side, as if she were pleased with herself for asking the question she waited so long to ask. “If you’re uncomfortable with it, I understand… but I think we’re all eager to know.” Natasha helped carry a weak Kelsey out into the open; she was sick again.

“Ah… I don’t think it matters anymore, now that I’m free.” She breathed deeply in preparation to recount her tale, and smirked slightly. “First off, as you all already knew, Nicholas and I were engaged.” Instantly she opened the palm of her left hand to reveal the ring she had already removed from her finger, and she threw it off into the distance somewhere. “We were happy, you know, as how it’s supposed to be. We never fought, and I never would have suspected him of falling into this… insanity. He never exhibited signs of it… at least until I noticed the way the late Grand Master Elira was behaving.”

“So my suspicions were correct—he forced the Bronze Faction into this, didn’t he?” Helle intervened.

“Yes, precisely. He wanted to live in his own twisted world, but he wanted the entire Academy to be involved in it, so he went to coax the choirside into being involved with his twisted plan. Elira was reluctant and eventually refused to accept, but Nicholas was… devious. He threatened her with… various things.” The way she implied the last sentence caused some of the group to shudder, including Helle. “I think this was a few months after Silvia transferred here from her country… she became caught up in the fear and was the first to know about Nicholas’s plans. He ultimately was the one who ordered her to be executed as a result.”

“Elira didn’t want to do it, but he threatened her again, so she sent Morgan to do it,” Helle continued, as if she had recited it. Kelsey then cut in, despite the terrible dizziness that took hold of her.

“Is… it true, then… that Joe really was trying to protect me?” Her voice was shaking, and Istrell looked down.

“He exploited a lot of weaknesses in order to get people on his side. For me, he… it was… our relationship and my life and I was foolish. I’m sure that nothing I can do will allow you all to forgive me for that foolishness…” Her voice trailed away and she stopped talking. Riannon voice chimed in.

“Hey, yo, enough with the pity talk.” The teacher looked up again, and Helle nodded in agreement. She approached Istrell and wrapped an arm around over her shoulder.

“Riannon’s right,” she replied, “All we can do now is rebuild. Something such as this will never happen again, and I will do everything in my power to keep it that way.”

Istrell smiled. She, Helle, Kelsey, Easton, Natasha, Blas, Alicia, and Riannon all stood side by side, and The crowd that now huddled around them gave applause. They applauded for their teachers as well as the brave fellow students, who weathered a weeklong storm of death and deception.


There now rests a monument in the gardens to honor the people who survived the corruption, who died in it, and who organized it from the very beginning. Istrell visits it out of impulse sometimes, and sheds a few tears for the lives she took. Every year, a spectacular concert is held here to honor the fallen, both band and choir combined. The band has a new Bandmaster now; his name is Griffiths, and though he is slightly stricter than most of the music directors and instructors, it’s merely to keep a very close eye on anything and everything.


”Nicholas, I would like to speak with you.” The afterlife was a rather convenient place to settle previous and unfinished disputes once and for all, Quintcy decided.

“What is it that you want from me?” Nicholas’s voice was sinister now, “You know why I did what I did now—you listened to Istrell explain it, did you not? You no longer need me to reiterate things for you.”

“But I gave up everything for you, dammit. I gave up everything!” The band student’s spirit was irate, “My studies, my friends, my Silver status, everyone that had faith in me. If we weren’t already dead, I would kill you where you stand. Mark my words.”

“Ah, my dear Quintcy…”

“No, no, it’s enough with that shit. I have had enough of your shit. So much talent has gone to waste now because of you…” He turned away as Bandmaster Nicholas simply shuckled and difted away. He watched Blas from a distance as she rehearsed for a solo; her once wearied face was now bright and sparkling again. He wanted nothing more but to protect her now, to watch over her and make certain that nothing would harm her ever again. He would watch over everyone that he loved in the physical world, and there was nothing that could keep it from him now.


The SILVER and GOLD Singers have won the game!

Character-Player List:


1. Istrell- JB25

2. Travis- Lightning

3. Regina- Dracohon


4. Jeffrey- Pride


6. Nicholas- Core

7. Quintcy- Ether

8.Joe- Snike


9. Angel/Fim- Robin Mask

10. Natasha- Ninji

11. Easton- King Russell


12. Grand Master Helle- Balcerzak

13. Lorena- Lux Aeterna

14. Riannon- WeaponsofMassConstruction

15. Sami- General Spoon

16. Kyle- Trompe le Monde

17. Blas- Raymond

18. Bailey- cheezperson

19. Meredith- Ulki

20. Ashley- Fayt Zelpher

21. Aril- Hikarusa

22. Kelsey- BK-201

23. Lindsay- Rhythm

24. Abbie- Eye of the Tigrex

25. April- Queen_Parvati

Role PMs:

1. Istrell- JB25

You are Assistant Grand Master Istrell, BRONZE Godfather!

(You are a major story character)

Before the downfall of Grand Master Elira, you were the apprentice director of the Academy—that is, you were the teacher of the younger students, the choristers that were not yet Golds. You taught them the basics of choral singing, made them laugh, and helped them realize their true love for music. Being a younger teacher, you were more active and enthusiastic in your teaching methods, and as a result, no one ever got bored.

Suddenly… you and Bandmaster Nicholas were engaged. He began acting shady, around the time the disaster of the Academy happened and Grand Master Elira began acting… odd. She decided to investigate the cause: was it truly corruption, or was it out of fear? After snooping around into documents you weren’t allowed in, you finally came to a conclusion: Nicholas orchestrated the whole entire thing—he was messing with the world of the gods.

Your fiancée discovered you one day as you were sneaking into his office, and he stopped you. He offered you either a chance of power like he offered Elira, or an imminent execution so nothing of his plans could ever be revealed. You were afraid, but grateful—Silvia was never given an option to live, though you knew that even in the face of death, she would never have turned to the dark side. You pondered it over in your head. What would you choose? Which path would you take? Would you continue to remain with the one you loved?

And thus, you decided ultimately that you would follow him—he promised you a throne of power and the voice of music, and you promptly obeyed. This, now, is where you stand.

You are the BRONZE Godfather. You have the final say in who dies every night. You also know that Nicholas is Core. You will be invited to a private conversation where you can discuss things, but it can only be you two and no one else. Nicholas’ band cannot perform its own individual kills, though he can help you decide on your own nightly kills.

POST RESTRICTIONS: If Nicholas dies, you cannot post for one day phase, and the next day phase you can only post once.

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You are young, flexible, and likeable. The younger members especially look up to you; you’re lively and expressive.

2. Travis- Lightning

You are Travis, BRONZE Rolefinder!

When it comes to acting, Travis is one of the names the whole choirside can trust. You are extremely experienced in theater and also very informative to your team. You are older than most of the other members of the choirside, and dream of going further into your musical career in the future. However, you also have a little bit of a thirst for power, to make everyone your fans someday, and nothing else…

You are the BRONZE Rolefinder. Every night, you may scan one person to find out their role. This will also be revealed in the topic, however, though no one will know that it is you who is the rolefinder.

POST RESTRICTIONS: Everything you say must be vague and hard to understand, and you’re very long-winded. For example, imagine almost like you’re hallucinating every day phase… it’s rather entertaining to other people, but only the extremely observant can figure out the true meanings behind what you say…

This only applies to the posts you make in the game; you do not have to follow this in the private mafia conversation.

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): Of course you are quirky, and a really great actor to boot. You also flirt with girls sometimes.

3. Regina- Dracohon

You are Regina, BRONZE Roleblocker!

After being one of the most skilled singers in the Bronze, you dedicated yourself to pleasing Elira… and when she died, you were frustrated. Very frustrated. Everyone knows you to be this way and you tend to only speak to people when you feel like it. It’s been this way since you made the Bronze choral house of the Academy, and though cold, you won hearts with your incredibly strong voice. You however vowed eternal loyalty to the Bronze, and that would never change. Your adamant pride is important to you, too.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You’re rather intimidating to the younger members, and you can be mean. You don’t talk often to anyone who you feel is below you, which is… a lot of people.

4. Jeffrey- Pride

You are Jeffrey, OUTSIDER Serial Killer!

You were once a part of the ever-revered Bronze before you suddenly deserted the choirside and the whole Land of Music altogether. Kelsey once explained that it was because you thought music was too hard; she never remembered your name, but Milen did—you were the one who shared food with her when she missed breakfast one morning, and she never forgot it.

You reappeared one night to find that a faction of the Bronze hid malign intentions under their cloaks this whole time. Now that the girl who showed you gratitude is dead as well as the one you may have loved (Hannah), what would you do? Would you retaliate against the Bronze, or… just everyone altogether?

You are the OUTSIDER Serial Killer. You may kill one person every night, and you are bulletproof to one kill attempt. You may choose not to kill anyone in a night phase. You win when everyone else is dead—even if you are dead yourself.

POST RESTRICTIONS: You are quiet. You are allowed a maximum of only three posts a day phase, and you cannot post at night.

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You lurk, speak, and fall back into the shadows. You hide a deep sorrow inside that has been twisted by hate and fury.

5. Alicia- I Eat Tables

You are Alicia, SILVER Saint!

(You are a major story character)

”Alicia… you are better than the Bronze. You are… one of the best voices we have ever heard. How could you… in such an unworthy place as this… ?” Elira’s voice shook in unspeakable awe, a hand brought up to her lips in sheer admiration. “You are the true voice of the gods. You are the true Saint of Justice! You were brought to us from the Heavens, and now we must worship you!

Alicia… Saint of the Heavens… !”



There is a legend of one with the voice of deities… the descendant of a holy soprano whose voice never tired, was never worn… who performed with such perfection that none could match, not even the Grand Masters themselves… her emotion was flawless, her musical interpretation marvelous, her dynamics simply astounding… they say she surpassed even Lillian, even Regina, even Silvia…

… That her voice had magical properties…

it could work miracles…

That it could restore life to those with otherwise mortal injuries…

wars could all end…

Those who heard it had their otherwise stressed nerves and cluttered minds put to ease…

And suddenly, in the blink of an eye, she vanished, never to be seen again.

The group that soon became known to the scheming Bronze Singers as the ‘Silver Rebellion’ suspected Elira of being behind Alicia’s assumed undoing. She denied having anything to do with the disappearance, and all of the choirside began to wonder—what became of Alicia? What became of this mysterious singer with the voice of a goddess?


Finally deciding to come out of hiding, you arrived unnoticed in the dead of night, slipping into the corridors below. All were asleep—well, most of them were, as the Academy was shrouded in yet another ominous fear at this point—and you made it your personal goal to use your wondrous voice to your advantage. Although… what would the cost be to use a power such as yours? Would the Heavens… allow such a thing?

“We will see…” you mutter to yourself, licking your lips in anticipation.

You are the SILVER Saint. You have the ability to use your godly voice to resurrect someone from the dead—this person then becomes a regular townie. However, once you do this, you die—if there is a doctor intervention, you aren’t sure what will happen.

POST RESTRICTION: You have none.

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You tend to sit back and watch others quarrel amongst themselves. Although you are considered the ‘godly voice of the heavens’, you don’t have much of an ego, which is another reason why others were so drawn to you. You’re calm, collected, slightly mischievous, and, most importantly, unafraid of death.

6. Nicholas- Core

You are Bandmaster Nicholas, BAND Godfather!

(You are a major story character)

Once, you were but a simple band student with big dreams. You were one of the best students your own school ever knew, and some day you wanted to understand everything about music: the secrets, the origins, all of the knowledge relating to music would be in your grasp.

Later, you became the supreme band instructor of the bandside of the Land of Music. The never-ending quest for power took hold of you when you began to mess with the power of deities… with the powers of the gods. That’s right—you were determined to summon the musical gods to take hold of the whole Land and to rule it with an iron fist of eternal music and nothing but the best of the best. You could not do this alone, however, so you came to Grand Master Elira for help. She was reluctant at first, but you eventually succeeded in frightening her with your power. With threats.

Together with the Bronze Singers so dedicated to the power of music and with your own band students that you’ve manipulated to your liking, you knew that nothing could stop you at this point. Nothing… except when one Bronze student leaked information to what later became the infamous Silver Rebellion. This one student became the thorn in your side, the little mouse that had to be exterminated. You contacted Elira, who hesitated to deal with the problem that you faced. “She’s… one of our best students,” she replied, albeit you would not take no for an answer. After all, who was she to defy… a god?

This is what eventually led into Silvia’s execution by Morgan… and now you face not only the Silver Rebellion, but even a few of the Bronze students who have now joined with the Bronze faction—the ones suspicious of the shady behavior that still hasn’t ended even after Elira’s death. You know what you must do now: with your fiancée, your loyal students, and your own level head as well as the soon-to-be powers of deities on your side, you will decimate the entirety of the Silver Rebellion and in conclusion gain the otherworldly powers of the musical spirits…

You are the BAND Bandmaster. You cannot perform your own individual kills, but you do know that JB25 is Istrell. You will be invited to a private conversation where you can discuss things, but it can only be you two and no one else. You two will work together to decide on whom you will kill every night.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You are devious, cunning, and know how to gain trust. Before your descent into madness, you were pretty much one of the most-loved directors of the whole Land of Music.

7. Quintcy- Ether

You are Quintcy, BAND Poisoner!

Quintcy is creative, artistic, and intelligent. You have read many books in your life and written many stories and such that you someday hope to get published. You are in actuality a part-time band student as well as a part-time choir student (you’re of the Silver House, which means you’ve earned the trust of many people). You regret taking the side of the band students, albeit you just feel some sort of loyalty to Nicholas that you can’t quite seem to explain—as well as the fact that he threatened Joe’s life if you did not comply. What lowlife would be willing to kill one of his own loyal band students in the first place?

You are the BAND Poisoner. Here are your potions:

1. W

2. E

3. O

4. X

5. Z

Every night, one of these potions will be chosen out of random—you may then choose one person to give it to. You do not know what effects these potions have.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You are smart, comical, and an overall wonderful person. You hide the guilt deep inside…

8. Angel/Fim- Robin Mask

(Yeah, my sister’s a character in the original story, too; shh)

You are Fim, GOLD Matchmaker!

You are a romantic—that is what you are. For years you were so confused about love yourself, but after watching other people do all of that sappy love stuff, you began to grow curious. You read romance novels, watched romantic soap operas, everything you could obtain that pertained to the otherwise strange concept of ‘love’ was what you enjoyed. Soon, you were into writing and drawing on fluffy subjects such as love at first sight, and you even acted as a sort of ‘cupid’ between your friends. Too bad you never seem to have much luck yourself… you’re just too shy for that kind of thing, you know?

You are the GOLD Matchmaker. In a night phase for one time only, you may choose two players—those two players will then become Lovers. If one Lover dies, the other will commit suicide. The Golds win when all of the mafia is dead.

POST RESTRICTIONS: You’re never serious with what you say—somewhere in each post, you must include at least one phrase along the lines of ‘just kidding!’, ‘nah, I was just kidding you’, ‘don’t take this too seriously…’, and et cetera.

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): Must any more be said?

9. Natasha- Ninji

You are Natasha, GOLD Sleeper!

You are a fresh new student to the Golds, albeit you definitely are not new to singing. You were a pretty honored apprentice before moving into the Gold house earlier than most apprentices do, and Grand Master Helle was proud when you first received your gold sash.

What Natasha does best, however, is sleeping. You tend to fall asleep at random points in the day—narcoleptic, perhaps?—though it never much perturbed you. You yawn, you get drowsy, you nod off… and, most importantly, you dream vivid dreams that are sometimes rather pleasant and at other times complete nightmares. What they are depends completely on the recent events…

You are the GOLD Sleeper. Every night, you will have a vague dream that may or may not relate to what happened in the night. You may see character names and roles in your dreams.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You’re innocent, sleepy, and you tend to stray off subject sometimes…

10. Easton- Life

You are Easton, GOLD Inventor!

Being one of Helle’s favorite students, you are also one of the smallest singers in the whole men’s ensemble. It’s not that you are the youngest, it’s just that you are small. Even your voice has not yet fully matured, so you could sing soprano if you wanted; you use all of this to your advantage, to make yourself look so young and innocent when, in actuality, you are much smarter than you look. Much smarter.

You are the SILVER Inventor. You have six inventions:

1. E

2. I

3. Q

4. V

5. B

6. O

Each invention is a one-use item only. You may use one on a person in a night phase—you do not know what these inventions do.

POST RESTRICTIONS: The word ‘beast’ or ‘cookies’ must be included in each post that you make.

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You don’t like roleplaying, so I don’t think it matters~

11. Grand Master Helle- Balcerzak

You are Grand Master Helle, SILVER Nexus!

(You are a major story character)

Being the assistant Grand Master before, you took up the job of being the supreme Director of the entire choirside when the corrupt Elira fell at Jessica’s hand. All of the choristers eagerly look forward to where you will bring the choir now, and how you’ll handle the current situation at hand. You are younger than Elira, enthusiastic, and extremely protective over all of your students. Not very many students have spoken ill of Helle, and it may very well remain that way for as long as she is Grand Master of the entire choirside.

Also, because of your very strict and adamant nature, you are virtually untouchable. No one would dare incur your wrath for fear of the consequences, and you take pride in this.

You are the SILVER Nexus. All night phase actions directed at you will bounce off and randomly target another player instead.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You can yell quite often when students talk back, you are firm with your decisions, and you are strong.

12. Lorena- Lux Aeterna

You are Lorena, SILVER Forager!

You, Aril, and Blas made sure everyone knew of the corruption after the things you survived through. You learned how to do sneaky things and how to trick people into fighting for your cause. In fact, you have your own underground network now—after all, if you’re sneaky enough to survive, you’re sneaky enough to forge letters. Through means of anonymous communication, you know where you’re going.

You are the SILVER Forager. You can send any trusted person at night a letter explaining your suspicions; you can only send one every other night, and your identity will never be revealed to them.

POST RESTRICTIONS: You are easily annoyed. For every vote that is placed on you in a day phase, you must add a curse word into your post. If you are not inclined to cursing, use colors instead.

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You still retain your quiet, timid nature that you had before, albeit you now know how to use it to your advantage. You also really are easily frustrated with people.

13. Riannon- WeaponsofMassConstruction

You are Riannon, SILVER Vigilante!

Riannon is an alto with a semi-strong voice and a tendency to break minor rules (no cell phones in the rehearsals, no talking, quit dancing around!). You’re extremely sociable and you were also great friends with Sara, Kayla and Sophie before they were all killed in the night. When word of the corruption came to you and you discovered that your best friends were murdered, you decided you would take certain matters into your own hands and fight for justice and righteousness! Your rather odd nature and sense of humor keeps people from believing that you’re truly serious.

You are the SILVER Vigilante. You have two shots. As a Silver Singer, you’re aiming for the Bronze and whoever else is fighting against the town. There may or may not be roles or events that could affect your amount of ammo.

POST RESTRICTIONS: Fo’ shizzle. You must talk like a failure gangster because you think it is funny. If you are opposed to this, even minimal effort will do, but getting into it is more fun~

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): Though you are rather strange and tend to act somewhat immature, you’re still a loveable person… though you really aren’t that serious about anything most of the time.

14. Sami- General Spoon

You are Sami, SILVER Jack-of-all-trades!

You are Sami, the girl with the ability to do anything: sing well, be an athlete, journalism, be social, travel anywhere, whatever you wish. You had too many of your Bronze comrades joining the Silver Rebellion to not take a part in it yourself—and you’re willing to use your many talents to take care of the oppressor once and for all.

You are the SILVER Jack-of-All-Trades. You have five night actions: kill, protect, detective, roleblock, and rolescan. You can only use each of these once, so use wisely!


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You are multi-talented, outgoing, and ever so clever!

15. Kyle- Trompe le Monde

You are Kyle, SILVER Spite Bomb!

A former band student, you broke away from the bandside in order to take a shot at singing. You’re an exceptional actor and everyone from the choirside of the Academy loved you regardless of your previous band status. You were accepted into the Silvers and were on the list of future Bronze status before you noticed the… strange things going on. You’ve armed yourself accordingly with the defensive stance you need to bring someone down with you if they ever decided to aim for you…

You are the SILVER Spite Bomb. If killed at night, you take your killer with you; if lynched at day, you take a random voter with you.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You’re a great public speaker and can coax almost anyone onto your side.

16. Blas- Raymond

You are Blas, SILVER Tracker!

You are still the friendly singer everyone knows and loves, though now that you’re more aware of things, you know how to sneak around and watch what people do at night. You know the layout of the school well, and you know how to keep hidden as you watch what people are doing. You secretly and silently still lament the loss of Sophie.

You are the SILVER Tracker. Every night, you may choose one person to track; you will then know who they targeted in that night phase, as well as steal an item from them relating to what role they are.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): Once lively and cheerful, you seem a bit more solemn and almost depressed now that you’re alone. You still manage to retain more of the charisma that is of your personality, however.

17. Bailey- cheezperson

You are Bailey, SILVER Beloved Chorister!

Bailey is one of the most popular Bronze singers in the whole choirside—even after jeopardizing your Bronze status by associating yourself with the Silver Rebellion. When she first arrived at the Academy, she immediately became friends with almost anyone she socialized with. Because of this, a lot of people love her a lot, and would be devastated if something were to happen to her…

You are the SILVER Beloved Chorister. If you are lynched during the day, the next day phase will be skipped because everyone will be at your funeral. If you are killed during the night, the next night phase will be skipped.

POST RESTRICTIONS: You are very enthusiastic with your opinions!!! You must include at least seven exclamation marks in each post. Have fun!!!!

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You are social, lively, and popular. You are almost always cheerful, and you have a lot to say.

18. Meredith- Ulki

You are Meredith, SILVER Arrogant Townsperson!

Meredith was promoted to Bronze earlier than most people have been, so she began to let that take hold of her already-massive ego. You love yourself, your voice, and the fact that your range is so wide; you could sing any part that you wanted, whether it be soprano, alto, even tenor. There was someone else like you, you remember… but she’s dead now, and you could care less. You fight for the cause of the silvers only to avenge your friend Hannah as well as to help out your friend Ashley, who also joined the fight against the corruption. A lot of the Silvers, however, don’t seem to like you very well…

You are the SILVER Arrogant Townsperson. If you receive five votes, you are automatically lynched. If it’s a tie between you and someone else, you are still lynched.

POST RESTRICTIONS: Every post you make must be rude-sounded towards people.

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You are rude, arrogant, and kind of a narcissist…

19. Ashley- Fayt Zelpher

You are Ashley, SILVER Church Singer!

Your father is a church pastor, so a lot of your time is spent helping and singing at your church. You’re extremely sociable (you do tend to talk a lot) and you are in actuality a Bronze more or less temporarily working for the side the Silvers. Before the Silver Rebellion incident a few months ago, you Hannah, and Silvia were the best of friends… Ashley and Hannah always worked together to bring happiness as well as extreme amusement to both themselves and others. You were great at acting together, at doing skits together, and, most importantly, at singing together.

Before Silvia was murdered, you noticed odd things happening not only in the choirside, but also in the entire Land of Music in general—and you were there when Morgan received the initial order to execute her. You were quick on your feet to get this information to Hannah, albeit the both of you were still too late in preventing her death. Traumatized and powerless, you witnessed Hannah’s irreplaceable best friend die in her arms… as well as Hannah being escorted to the gallows only a week later. After all of this, you aren’t going to go down so easily. You have faith of religion on your side—and no one could ever break that faith.

You are the SILVER Church Singer. Every other night (1, 3, 5, etc.) you automatically pray to yourself and as a result are protected from all killing actions.

POST RESTRICTIONS: You talk… a lot. You love it, especially if it’s about you. You don’t even have to be on subject—sometimes, it seems one of the only things you like to do is to hear the sound of your own voice (which is obviously understandable, considering you were a Bronze before you snuck away to aid the cause of the Silvers). Every day, you must speak of the crazy stories that have happened in your life or maybe even the latest gossip. As long as you see that text build up…

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You’re maybe a little self-centered, albeit you have a good heart, and everyone else knows it too.

20. Aril- Hikarusa

You are Aril, SILVER Chef!

Though accepted into the Bronze, you secretly aid the Silvers when the time of crisis rises once again. No one seems to hate you anymore when you correct him or her now, though you still can be a little irritating. Oh, and you’ve become considerably famous for your cooking. You seem to enjoy preparing food almost as much as you enjoy singing—some choristers enjoy your food so much that they tend to forget what they’re doing. How useful when you need to get out of trouble!

You are the SILVER Chef. You may block one person from using their night action each night—yes, your cooking is that delicious.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You love people, and despite what you had to witness before, you are strong. You’re normally a rather cheerful person.

21. Kelsey- BK-201

You are Kelsey, SILVER Doctor!

Kelsey is the wonderful Bronze whose soprano voice remains unmatched by any other, except for maybe Alicia. You love performing in musicals despite your obvious stage fright; when you are terribly nervous, you shake. It gets so bad sometimes that the audience can very well see it, though it’s something you honestly really can’t control. You are also weak to extreme temperatures as well as immunity in general, for you get sick quite often. You’ve developed very close bonds with Aril and Joe, and you were also close to Dani and Milen before they were killed. Protecting your friends is your topmost priority.

You are the SILVER Doctor. You may choose one player to protect each night. You may protect yourself only once.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): Kelsey is very kind-hearted and warm-spirited. She may seem frail and easy to break on the outside, but she is absolutely nothing of the sort—in fact, she can be aggressive if she needs to be.

22. Lindsay- Rhythm

You are Lindsay, SILVER Soprano!

Lindsay is a rather independent kind of person; she couldn’t care less about being a Bronze or however else, she just likes to sing. The soprano power in the Silver House has been lacking these days—you want to offer up a strong voice to prove your point. Some have described your voice as unusual; you could get so much out of a person just by threatening them with it, because you’re Lindsay. That’s who you are.

You are the SILVER Soprano. At night, you must choose one person to screech a high note at. That person’s vote will then be inaccurate during the day—as in, their vote may appear to be for Person A, but their vote will in actuality be for Person B instead, which may affect the lynch for the day. No one will know that the vote is inaccurate.

POST RESTRICTIONS: You must include the word ‘whatever’ in at least one of your posts during the day phase.

PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You don’t care too much about worries—you just want to sing, have fun, and play pranks on people.

23. Abbie- Spike

You are Abbie, SILVER Manipulated Voter!

Being just a humble mezzo soprano of the Silver House, you tend to sway with the opinions of others. You bond with Blas but you are otherwise mostly quiet, avoiding direct confrontations as well as any other close relationships with people you don’t fully trust. Your father has always been a source of happiness and inspiration for you.

You are the SILVER Manipulated Voter. You can only vote for people who have already been voted for.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You’re quiet, and follow others’ words more often than you do your own.

24. April- Queen_Parvati

You are April, SILVER Bus Driver!

Nobody knows why you were never made a Bronze in the first place—that is, until you announced that it was your choice altogether. You didn’t have much time to be fully dedicated to singing, despite having an amazingly developed and strong voice. You’re rather jazzy and classy, and people like you. People like you a lot. You also know how to drive.

You are the SILVER Bus Driver. Every night, you may switch two players around—in this way, whatever actions directed at player 1 will instead be directed at player 2 and vice-versa. You may swap yourself.


PERSONALITY QUIRKS (for RP purposes): You’re snazzy, classy, and very charismatic.

25. Joe- Snike

You are Joe, BAND Secret Voter!

Joe is a rather odd fellow with very long hair. He never used to believe in fighting for irrational causes; somehow, the Bandmaster was able to convert more to his cause than most people would have expected. No one knows their motives—only that they may have had something to do with Elira’s abuse of power. All of it traces back to the band…

Joe and Kelsey are very, very close—so close that he hates keeping this secret from her, the secret of being a Band student of corruption. You feel a kind of guilt that you have never felt before, a guilt that may cause you to endanger your own position just for Kelsey…

You are the BAND Secret Voter. You may cast a vote in the thread, but you may cast your actual vote in the Band’s private conversation. If you fake vote and submit your real vote, it only counts as one vote.


You are the Bronze Singers. At night, you may discuss your actions and who you will kill. Grand Master Istrell knows who Bandmaster Nicholas is; they have formed an alliance with you, albeit the rest of you do not fully trust him. Because of this, Istrell is the only one who can communicate with him. The singers and the band students combined can only make one kill a night. You’ll find out what happens if Istrell dies, so no questions about that~

The Bronze Singers:

1. Istrell- JB25 (Godfather)

2. Travis- Lightning (Rolefinder)

3. Regina- Dracohon (Roleblocker)

You are the Band Members.[/b] At night, you may discuss your actions and who you will kill. Bandmaster Nicholas knows who Grand Master Istrell is; they have formed an alliance with you, albeit the rest of you do not fully trust her. Because of this, Nicholas is the only one who can communicate with her. The singers and the band students combined can only make one kill a night. You’ll find out what happens if Nicholas dies, so no questions about that~

The Band:

6. Nicholas- Core (Godfather)

7. Quintcy- Ether (Poisoner)

8.Joe- Snike (Secret Voter)

You are the Gold Singers. The Gold Singers are a faction of singers that know who each other are and are very willing to use their otherwise odd talents to take down the corruption. You win when all of the opposing sides of the Silvers are dead.

The Gold Singers:

9. Fim- Robin Mask (Matchmaker)

10. Natasha- Ninji (Sleeper)

11. Easton- King Russell (Inventor)

Potion-Invention Effects:

Poison Effects:

6. W- makes player fall in love with random player

7. E- kills the person the night phase after it is given if not saved by doctor or jack-of-all-trades

8. O- no effect

9. X- The player chosen will be replaced with a cat for a day phase. This person can only meow for that phase.

10. Z- draws all night actions besides kills to the player

Invention Effects:

7. E- Kills player

8. I- Makes a person invulnerable to all actions

9. Q- Player is ‘silenced’ (kidnapped) for a day

10. V- A tracking device that will track who that person visits in the night

11. B- Causes that person’s night action to target another player

12. O- Protects that person from all night actions

Lovers: WoMC and General Spoon

Helle Special Effect: If Kelsey, Easton, or Angel are killed in the night, she may hand a detention to one player that blocks someone from using their action at night and makes their vote invalid during the day.

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I already look forward to the next one (if there is another next one... please say there is :awesome:)


I thought you guys might be tired of choral mafias though

If you don't want us claiming in private next game, please make that a rule from the start.

You're so mean

But I won't forget to make it a rule next time

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Ah well, at least I survived until the end (technically)...

Also, just before I died I was pretty much telling Draco and Core to start talking. Not sure if it actually happened, though.

Anyway, good game, you guys.

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I'm kind of surprised I wasn't killed. I know my role wasn't that useful overall, but it did give us a few good clues.

We pretty much decided that you had to live since it would give us info about what the SK was doing, and because if you died, I would have looked bad (After you called me out on Day 3 IIRC).

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So, here's what we did before I died:

Night 1

Kill: Raymond (And then IET revived him >_>). We were considering killing WoMC, and that would probably have been better, knowing his role now.

Stalk: Spoon (got swapped to Life, so we got Inventor)

Roleblock: IET. Pointless.

Night 2

Kill: Balcerzak

Stalk: Fayt

Roleblock: Life

We thought there was a bouncer, so we didn't roleblock Tables. I regret deciding to take the safer option and block Life instad. Roleblock failed anyway, and our kill reflected off to someone else, can't remember who (I think we killed our own Bronze)

Night 3

Kill: Fayt

Roleblock: Fayt

It worked, thankfully.

Night 4

Kill: Spoon

Block: Life

Then I got lynched.

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Good game, though I guess I won't try RPing again - whenever I try RPing, my ability to think logically and reasonably pretty much drops to zero.

Oh, and I was really annoyed that I didn't get to make use of my role for longer. Tracker really is my favourite role so far. :/

@Spoon: Yeah, that was a really good bluff. :newyears:

Edited by Raymond
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Sent 24 May 2010 - 05:18 AM

By the way, I almost forgot to mention--since Angel was killed and she was on your list of favorite students, tonight you can give someone a detention. A detention keeps someone from performing any night actions for one night, and keeps their vote from counting the next day phase. That person will not know that they got a detention, nor will they know about their vote.

Sent 24 May 2010 - 10:02 PM

Send Life to detention, I guess?

Wow, poor inventor, getting cockblocked almost every night!

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Fyi, actually, it was the serial killer who killed Travis.

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Wow, poor inventor, getting cockblocked almost every night!

Eh... I'm glad that I wasn't roleblocked on Night 3. Otherwise, Spoon would have killed me!

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