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Faval: Wai- what? I can go out with Ishtar now!? HOLEH SHAT ZAK THANK YOU!!! So Ishtar, I'm pretty much one of the best archers in the series, and...

Johalva: *evily stares at Faval*

So Sylvia, was Claude really the first person ever to give you a compliment?

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Sylvia: Yes... *blush*

*Notices the Grl Stealrz are at it again, trying to steal Thany* .... What did I told you about trying to take away my Thany? Don't make me angry, or you'll witness your last day here... *eyes glow sinisterly, hands glare with blue energy, readying to cast Ultima anytime and Thany runs off*

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Johalva: Crap! *runs*

Homer: D'oh!

Sain: Uhh... Look a dragon! *runs*

Rath: ... *runs*

Ray: :( *runs*

Gatrie: I ain't afraid of you. I got Knight Guy's legendary axe!

So Tinny, I spoke with Corple, and he plans to bring your parents back. How's that?

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Sety: Sure...

Gatrie.... Meet my.... cruel... judgement! *Zaps him with Ultima and a huge explosion is heard again in Tellius*

To any of the Tellians, pardon me for casting my Ultima spell.... Someone needs a heavy lesson from stealing women... Any thoughts?

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Lowen: Sure.


Oh damn, which one's the sandwich store? I can't read right with this hair in my face.

*pulls back his hair, revealing the scariest set of eyes in history.*

Ah, right. Come on, let's go!

So Sety, how's your relationship with Linda going?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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"... It was honestly pretty bland. We got to meet our ancestors, though."

Briggid, after you regained your memories, did you continue to use the sword or did you go back to the bow?

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Tinny: I love it! Am I winning?? :)

Kieran... how funny... XD

So speaking of healing, Kieran... what if I go desperate and cast Transfuse again? *dark evilish look*

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Arthur: Needs more of me.... and I should made it to the final 4! :(

Tinny: WAAAHH! *panics*

Kieran, I see... I see...

Hey Seth, why trying to break HnH's? You've already won the Sausage Fest! :huh:

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