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Geoffrey, can you wait for me to upload my little art-shot of yours? My uploader's a bit of a devil...

Geoffrey: It's fine. I understand that crap like that happens.

Tinny, baby, what's your favorite FE pairing?

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Tinny: I say... Tiltyu/Azel... Cause... I became awesome, due to awesome parents! :awesome:

Geoffrey... My photoshop attempt has been uploaded, any thoughts?

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Geoffrey: Not actually all that bad. Pretty good, considering.

Ninian, why is it that some people, even though it's in jest, like to depict you as a stripper? (I'm not really amused by said pictures in the least.)

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Other Dancers: We're trying to Woo Tinny! We got recruited! *holds up GS badges*

Sety, if you want Tinny for yourself, why are you recruiting other people?

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Kieran: I can't do shit about it unless they're on a balcony.

Geoffrey: I'll take them on.

Oscar: I'll use my Cook copy ability on them.

Grl Stealrz not named Sety (and Ray, since he's more or less left), you do realize that if you guys succeed, that Sety'll keep Tinny all for him self, right?

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Me: *ahem*

All of them: SHITTTT

Me: Yeah... run! So I won't have to waste my MP casting a barrage of meteors on all of you!

Kieran, you have your axe...

Grl Stealrz, you want me to entangle you all in thorny vines? *Summons Gildervine*

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Johalva: Uh...

Leaf: But I left them.

Sety: Once one, always one!

Leaf: No really, here's your damn badge! *throws at Sety*

Sety: Ack! He'll be back.

Delmund: *munch* So what about that plant-thing? *munch*

Sety: *uses holsety dodge and a phier spell* Next.

Valbo: *drops out of the sky* Are you ready for me!?

Sety: No... *runs like hell*

Tinny, honey, why is it that in the middle of the night, when you're sleeping, you kick the sheets off of the bed?

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Tinny: I think one of the GS' managed to trick Julius to use that Nightmare spell that he used to troll Frost once, now they're trolling me with it.... ;_;

So... Gildervine got beaten to pulp... GS, how about I summon that overkill werewolf so I can watch you all being teared apart to shreds? *Summons Dolan*

(Yeah, GS's... Taste the overkill moveset of this monster!)

Edited by Frostbite
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"Hey, hey, hey! Not every nightmare is made by me, you know! If you're looking for the current instigator, you're on the wrong continent, Zak. Get to Magvel if you wanna solve anything."

Othin, are you pleased at how often I'm using you in my FE5 LP?

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Johalva: Johan is secretly homosexual. Roses are for wimps.

Johan: :o *bitch slap* That was my secr- *sees you* erm............. GTFO Nao?

Sigurd, how does it feel to get action again soon? Dad fixed the comp! We just need to finish recovering it.

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Sigurd: I have Broken Baldo! And Ethlin makes me awesome sammiches.

Cuan: I don't get sammiches :( *pout*

Dew, why so f®ail?

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Sety: Err, I take after ma dad. I jus' wanna get sum armor. I hate bein' a sage!

Levin!Sety: ......

Fee, why did you have to get the crappy brother?

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Fee: No no NO! There are much worse people!

Delmund: Yeah, I steal girls and cookies! Besides, what about Johalva? He's a woman beater.

Johalva: Hey, I don't harm women or kids! There husbands and fathers, though... That's a different story...

Gheb: Hai guyz! I just caem 2-. *meteorite falls on him, killing him.*

Sety, why would you only teach my kid magic if it's a boy? Do you have something against wimminz women?

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Sety: Well no, of course I don't! Tinny's a woman!

Delmud, I thought you gave up girl stealing because Tinny gave you those cookies. Remember?

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