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Lord of Azure Flame Character Thread


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LORD OF AZURE FLAME CHARACTERS (In no particular order)



Iso is a nice and honest person, bu only cares about people he has gotten to know personally or at least those he can trust not to stab him in the back. For the most part, he's either cynical and disinterested, or upbeat and encouraging. Depends on how things are going at the time. Socially he adapts slowly and sticks with people he's had time to gauge.

Personal History

Iso spent his early days studying magic with his mother and sister. His father wanted him to learn to ride wyverns like he and many others did, but Iso had a natural gift for magic that his mother wouldn't let him waste on drake riding. It was still Iso's choice and he made it himself. He chose to be a fire mage, and even considered moving to Ilyphina to become a researcher and train to become an archsage once he was old enough.

One day he overheard a conversation between his father, his uncle, and his friend Ixion. Apparently Irina was being sought by demons. The tome that Ixion carried was called Proxima, the Crimson Fire tome. Iso was more interested in protecting his sister than the tome itself. He quickly sneaked into her room on the night of the their third attempt to bind the book to her. Iso confronted the masked assailants. They felt his strong magical affinity and offered to bind the book to him instead. Knowing he couldn't defeat them, he accepted. Ixion suspected something was wrong and discovered what was going on too late. He attacked the demons after they bound Proxima to Iso, and chased them away. Irina didn't wake up until after Proxima was bound to him.

Shortly after being bound to Proxima, Iso's parents were killed, seemingly by bandits. Iso felt that Proxima was the cause, as numerous misfortunes befell him and those around him. To protect his sister, and escape his manipulative uncle, Ivanko, Iso left once and for all leaving Irina behind.

Throughout his travels he was hounded constantly by assassins, barely surviving each encounter. The friends he made were all lost in these surprise attacks.

On the tenth year of Iso's personal exile, he met a sage named Miranda. She was a talented magic adept. The equivalent of a circle five sage had she been associated with TISME. She and Iso became very close over time, and she offered to help him separate from, and destroy Proxima. The two came upon new friends over the next couple of months. When Miranda discovered a way to sever Proxima from Iso, Iso urged her to begin the ritual.

In the end she was only able to create a seal powerful enough to prevent Iso from using the crimson weapon. While this prevented incidents and kept his red irises hidden, it did not disguise the tome's presence from the assassins. To sustain the seal, she bound it to herself. Iso could never use Proxima again while Miranda was alive.

The threat of the assassins coming back was real, but Iso and Miranda were one step closer to being rid of the weapon altogether. Feeling like the nightmare was nearly over, Iso and Miranda were soon caught up in a long repressed flux of passion.

It wasn't long after that, when the assassins struck again. Iso wasn't a proficient mage at the time, and Miranda was bound by a magic seal the assassins brought with them especially for her. Iso's other fire tome wasn't strong enough to protect either of them. With both of them helpless, the assassins struck down Miranda. The seal on Iso's mind was shattered rather than being broken by ritual, so the effects were catastrophic. The bond between Iso and Proxima was violently reestablish, and Proxima began to explosively press outwards. Iso was possessed by its power and killed all but one of the assassins. None of the others traveling with them survived having been killed before either Iso or Miranda knew they were under attack.

Ever since, Iso has been on the run, and his reluctance to be apart of any grouping, was firmly cemented with the death the woman he cared for so deeply.

Habits and problems

Iso has been hounded by every assassination trick for targeting travelers in the book. He doesn't trust easily, but he does trust quickly upon careful reasoning.

The seal in his mind was shattered, not truly broken. Like fragments of glass, other areas of his mind are effected by that.

He is oblivious to normal mounts of pain.

He isn't always aware of his surroundings.

He can sometimes overlook ridiculously loud and alerting noises.

Iso is entirely oblivious to his emotions.

To him, he is always in a normal mood, with normal feelings.

He can't even tell if he loves someone.

UPDATE: With Proxima stablized, Iso is for the most part normal, but he does have a few quirks left over due to being in such a state for so long. Some existed before hand.

He still has a very high pain tolerance.

His irises still glow red at times.

Not related: He still almost never catches jokes.

List of notable incidents since joining the group (If something needs to go in here let me know)

Grabbed by collar

Slammed onto the ground from collar grip


Chained up on several occasions IIRC

Injured in battle against a wyvern rider with an axe

Beaten down

Struck by lightning (headshot)

Dream Choke held

Dream KO'd

Literally choke held

Karate chop KO to the back of the neck

CPR'd by own sister


Thrown more than a total of two hundred feet through the air

Fallen five stories from a building

Harassed by magic students

Attacked by Sage teacher

Slammed into walls several times

Tossed into the air by a wyvern

Smacked with aforementioned wyvern's tail

Punk'd by Kiev

Cock blocked by Kiev


Stepped on

Blinded by a flash Stephanie created

Telepathically tossed aside

Scolded repeatedly

Thrown to the wolves(figuratively speaking)

Stepped on by a pegasus

Smacked across face with javelin's blunt end

Tackled and then stabbed with a demon lance

Destroyed entire forest

Slashed across the chest with an iron blade

Dropped while severely injured

Severed from Proxima and blinded as a result

Violently rebound to Proxima by the reincarnated Miranda

Had a mana thread recklessly removed from his head nearly causing him to faint

Punched by Petros twice causing his ribcage to collapse

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Isotov's Stats: HP: 3 STR: 1 MAG: 4 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 1 Res: 4 (Mag 3+1=4)(Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 9 Damage: 4+1(Kelas: C) ( +1 if wielding Proxima) Hit: 3+2(Irina/Katie: C) Evade: 4 Defense: 1 Resistance: 5


Lvl 2 Stats: HP: 9 STR: 1 MAG: 4 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LUK: 2 DEF: 1 Res: 4 (Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 9 Damage: 4+2(Kelas: B)(+1 if wielding Proxima) Hit: 3+1(Irina: C) Evade: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 5

Element: Fire

Skill: Miracle

Activation: Passive

Effect: Once per battle, you may automatically succeed on a saving roll.

Items: Sage Ring, Vulnerary


Magic - 1-4 circle fire magic mastery. Can manipulate Proxima's flames in a number of interesting ways including causing formations and fiery shapes.

Fitness - Is in incredibly good shape for a mage. Can outrun anyone not well practiced in sprinting and marathon running. Adept swimmer. Good at surviving long periods without food or water.

Medical - Knows how to use sutures, and splints. Can construct them from varying materials. Has minor bandaging experience.

Combat - Boxing expert capable of finishing opponents very early on. Expert knife thrower. When alert, is very good at dodging attacks at close and medium range. Very good at sneaking around unnoticed and lurking in the shadows. Knows weak points on the human body(interrogation expertise taught by Miranda).

Education - Very good at absorbing knowledge. Can do it faster than most students due to horrible time constraints. Very fast reader. Has general and typical knowledge associated with magi.

Psychological - Is difficult to intimidate. Remains calm even in the face of death.



Irina tries to get along with everyone. Respects authority, and her uncle. She won't ever start a fight with anyone on her side. She's talkative, but only if the situation is calm or she's just bored. She is very protective of her loved ones. She is slightly money driven at times and will sometimes try to con her way out of a problem(burning inn job for example). She only lies in these instances though. Otherwise she tends to be sincere.

She's very tomboyish due to her upbringing.

Personal History

Irina grew up watching her uncle and father dominate the battlefields. She wanted to be a wyvern rider one day, but spent most of her time reading and studying with her brother Isotov. She had magic potential, but she was far more interested in the dragon-like creatures that her relatives tamed and flew with.

One day she was approached in her sleep by several demons. They attempted to bind the crimson fire tome Proxima to her, when Ixion arrived and chased them away, Irina awoke to see Ixion thumbing through the tome. She was approached again only a few nights later for the same purpose, but Ixion was able to protect her, hold onto Proxima, and defeat the demons. Without informing her, Ixion, Ivanko, and Aleksandr decided to allow them to bind Proxima to Irina, so she could use the weapon and help prevent the return of the demon king and possibly destroy him if necessary.

When Iso discovered this, he lied in wait and confronted the demons on their third attempt. Iso couldn't have defeated them, but the demons were in a hurry for some reason and decided to bind the tome to him instead of her.

When their parents died in an attack by bandits, Iso became guilt ridden and distant. He eventually left to draw Proxima's apparent curse away from Irina and protect her as he'd always intended.

Irina's training was long and hard, full of rough drops, unusual amounts of pain, and an adaptation to horrible fighting conditions. She was eventually meant to join Ivan and Lev's groupd. One of their other riders died in battle and Irina was meant to replace him once she was strong enough. It never happened in the end though.

Ivanko ordered her to venture out on her own to find the crimson weapons one day as part of her training, but didn't tell her why. When she ran into some of them, she was swiftly hired by Morgan the shamaness and accompanied them. When she found her brother, the miserable wielder of the fire tome Proxima, the reasons became obvious. She was the only means by which Iso would cooperate with the other crimson weapon wielders. She was surprised by her uncle's tactics, but still respects and loves him, often defending even his most brutal habits.

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Irina's Stats: HP: 4 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 4 RES 0 (DEF 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 5+1 Hit: 3 Evade: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 0


Lvl 2 stats: HP:5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LUK: 1 DEF: 5 RES 0 (DEF 5+1=6)

Stats simplified: HP: 15 Damage: 5+1(Iso: C) Hit: 3 Evade: 5 Defense: 6 Resistance: 0+1(Lev: C)

Element: Wind

Skill: Hawkeye

Activation: At the start of your round (twice per battle)

Effect: Increase your SKL by 1 for every point of luck you have for one turn. While this skill is active, your luck may not aid your evade.

Element: Wind

Skill: Hawkeye

Activation: At the start of your round

Effect: Increase your SKL by 1 for every point of luck you have for one turn. While this skill is active, your luck may not aid your evade.

Items: Gold: 20(merc), Mine, Vulnerary (1 use)


Fitness - Is in good shape, her arms especially. She can carry heavy things, and still maintain decent mobility. Due to her submission expertise, she can give rather powerful hugs when she's overly excited.

Combat - Is very good at launching fast attacks. Is very good at flanking. Knows numerous techniques for disarming lance wielders and has mastered most of them. Only knows submission holds for unarmed combat, and is slightly out of practice. Decent javelin tosser.

Medical - Only knows how to bandage wounds.

Education - Not fully educated, and only about 80% literate. Fairs far better than typical mercs. Can haggle due to negotiating her prices with customers.

Cooking - She has mastered onion preparation. Can make anything that traditionally contains onions(hash browns for example). She does not tear up while cutting them(has grown immune).

Camping - She can set up basic campsites and start fires but prefers to simply sleep on Kiev's saddle.

Wyverns - Can read, calm, and cater to(groom, train, raise, etc) most wyverns.

Psychological - She adapts well to new situations, never getting too worked up over minor inconveniences. She can find contentment wherever she is eventually.



Kiev her wyvern only responds to other wyvern riders and food bearers. Kiev never takes orders from anyone but Irina, Lev or Ivanko. He's a happy wyvern with open ears. He constantly listens for cues, comments or commands from Irina. He likes to attack smaller animals if no one who would sympathize with them are around to stop him. He's eaten about fifteen animals that Irina doesn't even know about.

His personality is very friendly and thoughtful. He is constantly trying to understand humans and often emulates certain things they do.

He considers Amari to be a hero horse and wants to also learn from her as well. Emulates her on a regular basis. He wants all of the humans in the group to love and feed him.



Viveka is exceptionally gifted in strategic preparation, and battlefield tactics. She likes to plan everything she does, not necessarily all in advance, but she will often come prepared for just about anything.

She tries to anticipate the motives and goals of others around her, and as such she isn't very trusting. She is very polite about it though.

She hates wyverns of all types with a passion though being around them constantly has softened her to them. She was naturally hostile to any and all wyvern riders with the exception of Ivanko, whom she is in reverence of for his apparently heroic deeds in the past.

Personal History

Viveka was a farm girl. Her family had acres of land, and thousands of cattle, livestock, and crops. She had a younger brother named Lars.

Lars was a skilled archer for a boy his age. He was responsible for protecting the livestock from wolves, foxes, birds, and wyverns. He'd shot(not always killed) hundreds in his time, and he was barely a teenager(13).

One day, the largest bull wyvern anyone had ever seen attacked their livestock and began shredding the cattle to pieces. It wasn't about hunger, the wyvern was trying to force all humans out of its territory. This massive stone colored wyvern had a black birth mark on top of its snout, and red irises. The nightmarish wyvern branded itself in Viveka's memory when it brutally slaughtered her brother right in front of her before aiming to kill her as well.

The wyvern escaped when Ivanko and his mercenaries showed up but was later captured by him. She had only heard rumors, but she revered him for his deeds. She assumed that the violent wyvern was too much for even him to handle and hoped that he killed it. Unfortunately she has nightmares about the creature very often, sometimes every other night or so. The dreams are always the same in which she witnesses the wyvern killing everyone she has ever cared about one after the other saving her for last. (She was told the dream was a constant sign that the issue with the apparently dead bull wyvern wasn't over yet but never did trust fortune tellers).

Their farm was unable to last after its only protector was slain and half the animals butchered, and they had lost more than a quarter of all they owned to the wyvern attack, so her family moved away, and she joined the Elyisimian military to support their living until they could start up again. She quickly lost interest in farming and became a city girl, caught up in the wonderful intrigue of city life, military privileges, and numerous suitors available at the drop of a hat. Deciding not to go back, she devoted herself to becoming a military mastermind and climbing to the top of the food chain.

She quickly gained the attention of Conrad Jackson, a high ranking officer in the military, and after distinguishing herself on the battlefield, she became his extra eyes and ears, helping to drive him up the ranks. She also knew Chase Veshkal from her early days in the military.

She often takes command of Jackson's battalions in his stead, a special privilege officers of her rank never get to experience. She is an aspiring tactician and thus enjoys watching battles unfold and using strategies to win battles for her commanding officer. On average she is highly successful, often surveying the battlefield herself to better understand an unfolding situation. She hates front line combat considering it grunt work and loses all of her tactical edge when having to be directly present there.

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Viveka's Stats: HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 2 SPD: 4 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 4 (Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 2 Hit: 2 Evade: 6 Defense: 0 Resistance: 5


Lvl 2 Stats: HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 5 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 4 (Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 2 Hit: 4 Evade: 7 Defense: 0 Resistance: 5+1(Derek: C)

Element: Thunder

Skill: Vantage

Activation: Passive.

Effect: During one round of combat in which you are counter-attacking, you may attack first with one counter.

Items: Gold: 20 (wages), Vulnerary (3 uses), Smelling Salts (3 uses)


Viveka's squad members stats: HP: 4 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LUK: 3: DEF: 0 RES: 3

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 3 Hit: 3 Evade: 7 Defense: 0 Resistance: 3

Weapons: Javelin, Vulnerary(3 uses)

Viveka's squadron's stats will somewhat reflect hers. As she increases in level, so will they.


Ilyphina Girl - Is far too knowledgeable on such things as fashion for a farm girl. She is familiar with terminology and sometimes the history of nearly every type of garment, and fabric in existence. Loves clothes, and the high fashion world.

Sewing - Can mend clothing rather well with the right materials on hand.

Fitness - She is in very good shape, able to throw hard and fast attacks. She can perform the splits with no effort which gives her very good kicking range and flexibility. Her kicks are extremely crippling and are known to dent and ding up light armor. She is acrobatic, able to perform butterfly kicks, aerials, hyperswipes, double leg dupla armadas, and many other flipping tricks.

Combat - She is an excellent spear wielder(insane accuracy against still targets at ridiculous ranges), and has a bit of experience with swords. She is able to wield a bow with very good accuracy, but isn't trained for battlefield conditions for archers. She knows close combat fighting styles(Tae Kwon Do, and Judo).

Education - Highly educated and 100% literate.

Cooking - She is a decent chef, able to make basic things like sandwiches, eggs (scrambled), pancakes, and chicken(prepared however desired).

Pegasi - She knows how to care for pegasi and to some extent, horses.

Psychological - She has absolutely no fear of heights. When she is uncomfortable, the whole world will know about it. Superior numbers don't unnerve her on the battlefield. Likes being playful and sisterly to much younger males, Chase being the greatest example.

Susann is a timid pegasus that often backs away from approachers if Viveka isn't around. Susann will likely move behind Viveka if approached while she is present.

Susann is an incredibly swift pegasus, able to dodge almost any projectile, and outrun almost any flier.

She likes to be near Viveka or at least be able to locate her in case she gets into trouble.

She tends to curb boredom and/or fear by nibbling on things or brushing her hooves against the ground.

NPC Collection (Your welcome, Cuddles ^_^ )



Ivanko is tough, respectful to most, and warmhearted. To those under his command, he is tough and brutal, often threatening to cause them physical harm in veiled or comical ways. He is rarely in the dark about most situations due to his spies and his sighting hawk, Horus. He never panics or shows any fear. He's perpetually chill if not a little angry and cocky.

Personal History

Ivanko was a Lieutenant in the army that defeated the legions serving under the demon king. He, his brother, and his brother's fiancee watched as the heroes defeated the demon king, and sealed him away. Afterwards, Ivanko made it his personal mission to protect humanity from demons and those who act no better than them.

After founding his mercenary empire, he began spreading his influence across every known nation on the continent. His forces eventually grew to an astounding two thousand five hundred man army. Its size changes constantly, but they are too spread out over the entire continent to attack in true mass. To him, they were a family, not sellswords, or troops.

His brother and his brother's wife were killed in a surprise bandit attack. Ivanko knew full well that it had something to do with Proxima, the crimson fire tome. He suspected demons were using the bandits to get at the wielder of Proxima, Isotov, his nephew.

When Irina bonded with Kiev, Proxima was passed on to Isotov. Iso took the tome to protect Irina, the only family he felt that he had left. Iso left with the tome less than a week after the death of his parents.

Among the hundreds of women that joined him, one of them in particular garnered his attention. After working with Jessica for several years, he married her.

Soon afterward, he was able to capture one of the largest bull wyverns of the age. The wyvern had been ravaging the farming regions and was chasing all humans out of its new found territory. A young archer was one of the wyvern's last victims before Ivanko captured him. The wyvern had dark gray skin, and a black diamond patch on its snout. He named the vicious wyvern Victor. To challenge himself, and further his skills, he only taught the wyvern basic commands. The wyvern had little obedience training other than harsh threats barked out by Ivanko, and it would occasionally try to kill him. Ivanko decided that the day Victor managed to kill him, would be the day he would retire.

His wife became pregnant a few years before Iso's return. One day, she came to visit Ivanko while he was scolding Victor, something he discouraged others from doing. The caged wyvern lashed out hoping to bring the aerie down around them! The resulting destruction injured Ivanko's wife, and their unborn child was lost. As deeply hurt as he was, he couldn't bring himself to kill the wyvern. Ivanko chose to live with the consequences of harboring the animal.

One year later, Victor lashed out again and fatally wounded Jessica. She died shortly afterward. That was nearly the last straw for Ivanko, and he nearly butchered Victor, but once again, he realized that he had to finish what he started, and let the bull live. There would never be another bull wyvern quite as vicious, quite so capable of pushing him to his utter limits.

When Ivanko located Iso, he sent Irina out to find the crimson weapons knowing that she would run into Iso before too long. He also knew that Iso would not work with the others unless Irina was there, so it had to be her.

Skills: (Will display later)

Horus is a typical hawk. If anyone other than Ivanko touches it, it's biting time.

Horus' mind is sometimes directly manipulated by Ixion for his own needs.

His wyvern Victor cannot be approached under any circumstances. Never approach Victor for any reason, not even by accident. It is an almost completely untrained bull wyvern. It is hostile to everyone, especially other wyvern riders. That includes Ivanko. Victor is bitter, brutal, and seemingly sadistic for an animal.

He has an almost perfect memory, able to recognize anyone he's seen before.

Irina, Stephanie, Ixion, and Ivanko are the only four people who have ever approached(very close) Victor without being killed on the spot.

Ixion can only approach after suppressing Victor's killer instinct through his power.

Irina can only approach because Ivanko gave Victor the impression that Irina is one of his females and is not to be touched for fear of evisceration.

Stephanie can only approach because Ivanko also gave Victor the same impression of her that he did of Irina. She is also the only one brave enough to heal the wyvern after its failed attempts on Ivanko's life.

He likes to taunt archers in particular and snarl at onlookers constantly.

Victor's preferred method of killing something is to shred it with his teeth.

He is impervious to normal level magic attacks(1-4 circle) and is faster than any pegasus due to his sheer size.

Along with Percy's wyvern, they are the largest bull wyverns ever seen.



Ivan is a fainthearted rider with with a crush on Morgan, and any other decent looking magic user. He speaks as romantically as possible to women he likes. He gets apprehensive and distrusting when he's uncomfortable.

Ivan's wyvern sleeps whenever it can. If it must be awake, it will likely be lying down. It is a very passive wyvern that can be approached and touched by anyone. It doesn't respond much though, and is rarely hungry.



Lev is a ladies man. Casual, and laid back. He takes his job pretty seriously, but will always take a break to have fun chats, and then quickly finish his assignment. He won't generally hit on anyone when others are close by. Rejection has never bothered him one bit, and he tends to bounce back very quickly. He also tends to cuss a lot in stressful or shocking situations too.

Levski is second in command of the IM and though surprising to most, is Ivanko's right hand man. He's almost impossible to truly upset and keeps himself in line unless a situation has simply gone too far already. He likes to write songs and sing them as well as read through old books written by Isotov and Irina's mother.

His wyvern Krinkov is a rather socially hostile wyvern. He generally doesn't like anyone. He is even irked by Levski's habits at times and simply wants all living things to act in a way that is neither loud, nor senseless. Often picks on his little half brother Kiev for fun and abuses the pink wyvern Lev captured to no end finding her better as an aggression target than a mate.

Krinkov is conniving and sometimes tries to think of ways to get what he wants. If he thinks he can get away with it, killing something or someone is always an option. He doesn't care about others. Has some pride as a wyvern that he gets from his father but other than that has no attachment to anyone but Levski and himself.



Shanice is similar to Ephidel in its approach to encounters. It will happily waste time threatening or revealing long kept secrets regarding its attempts on the group.

Personal History

Until called upon by its master, Shanice will generally disguise itself as beautiful blue eyed humans. Many of the rumors and legends regarding succubi and incubi are directly related to Shanice's thoughtless endeavors. It doesn't think the way humans do, and until it is called upon for a specific task, it is little more than a wild animal in terms of long term planning.

Shanice and several others were commanded to bond the crimson fire tome Proxima to a child. They eventually happened upon Ivanko's main fortress. They chose to bind the book to a young girl named Irina. Before they could bind it to her, Ixion, a young and talented shaman at the time used powerful arcane magic and assulted them! They were quickly routed and the tome was left by mistake.

When they came back to attempt to bind the book to her again, Ixion stopped them a second time. By the third attempt, Ivanko and Ixion were in agreement that Irina should wield Proxima, but she wanted to be a wyvern rider. During their third attempt, they tried to attack her, but Iso confronted them, and they quickly bound the book to him before Ixion could stop them. To lure Iso out from the safety of the fortress and eventually capture him, they ambushed and killed his parents. Iso eventually left, but every attempt to capture him has ended in failure.

One day after failing to capture Iso and kill the sage woman, they acquired a magic seal from their master to deal with both of them in one fell swoop. They could sense that Proxima was already sealed, so they made their move, quietly assassinated Iso's friends, and then struck down the sage to prevent anymore of her cunning trickery before moving on Iso. The seal around Iso's mind shattered violently and the book was left completely unstable as a result. Iso having been possessed by the tome's power immediately killed all of the demons with the exception of Shanice, who barely escaped.

To this day Shanice is still under orders to capture Iso, and at this point in time, all of the crimson weapon wielders. It cannot go back to its simple existence until it does.


Ixion:(Ixion is probably best left alone for the most part)

Ixion is Ivanko's assistant. Ixion was adopted by the IM as a young boy. He is a highly skilled Dark Druid. Ixion is very cold most of the time, but responds to awkward situations by commenting on them in as politically correct a way as possible. He is very knowledgeable and cunning. He turns a blind eye to morality and sentimentalism. Ixion is also entirely self serving and only puts up with other people out of boredom or knowing there is some sort of payoff. He is particularly skillful in warding off and destroying demons.

He is known to often speak in philosophical quotes to answer questions, or to interact with people in general. Hardly anything impresses or excites him.

Though he doesn't respect or generally like anyone, he has less than no respect for Isotov.

Skills: (Will display later)


Stephanie Controls:

She is a hard woman to deal with. Stephanie has a righteous complex, similar to La'rachel. She is also an outspoken feminist at times. While she has no issues with women choosing a certain path, she despises roles being forced on them. She doesn't listen to reason while she's ranting, and won't take "no" for an answer ... ever. She only submits to Ivanko, and only acts innocent around him. When he isn't present, she tends to solve problems with long rants, or condescending lectures. She'll also resort to physical violence from time to time, usually involving her mending staff.

Stephanie is a very talented Priestess, able to perform the most mild light attacks without verbally calling out to the goddess. When she does call to the goddess however, her attacks are intense and often lethal.

She has a slight interest in agriculture.

She has an unyielding love for home building, and soft fabrics.

Skills: (Will display later)


Edited by Phoenix
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-LoAF Character Controls-



Age: 23

Gender: Male

Element: Ice

Class: Myrmidon

Crimson weapon? No.


HP: 3

Atk: 3

MAG: 0

SKL: 6

SPD: 6

LUK: 0

DEF: 2

RES: 0

Simple stats: HP is 9, Atk is 4, Hit is 6, Evade is 6, and both Defense and Resistance are 3/0.

Skills: Wrath, Resolve

Supports: Charlotte B

Weapons: Longsword. Lighter than usual.

Items:Vulnerary x 2, 10 Gold.

Personality: Eric is usually pretty calm, but serious at the same time. Incredibly polite, he shows respect to almost anyone who isn't trying to kill him or caught him by surprise. Generally tries to get along with everyone, and in arguments, he never raises his voice. Great at masking his anger, it takes a lot for him to explode. He doesn't make threats so much as promises, and even then, he rarely makes those.

[spoiler=History]Eric was born to a maid serving a noble in a small village of Jerdon, a nation rebuilding after the demon king's reign.. Soon after, his mother was fired, and she and her child became beggars. When Eric was eight, his mother died, leaving him alone. He began to steal food and money, to support himself. Two years later, he was arrested and sentenced to be hung for stealing a goblet from a noble of the royal court, when said noble pardoned him, and brought him to court, revealing that he was Eric's father. This didn't last long, as his father was assassinated shortly after wards, and the inheritance was stolen away from Eric via the court. Penniless, he returned to his hometown for some time, managing to survive by thievery, whenever he could. One day, bandits attacked the village, all but destroying it. Just as Eric was about to be killed, however, a lone swordmaster arrived in town, and wiped out the bandits single handedly. It turned out that Eric was the only survivor, and the swordmaster, who's name was Arckson, had been a friend of his father. Arckson took Eric to the capital, as his apprentice, and for twelve years, the youth trained under him, becoming best friends with Arckson's son, Derek, and daughter, Danielle. One day, Jerdon was invaded and destroyed by Septimus. The assault on the capital was led by Jace the Brute, and Derek and Eric were the only survivors. Their country in shambles, the two left the country to find Danielle, who had been sent away for a better education three years before. Derek went to Septimus, and Eric went to Elyisima, resolving to meet in Halton, either when they found her, or when they finished searching the nations. A year later, Eric gets caught up in a battle between a group wielding Crimson Weapons, and Percy, the hero...

[spoiler=Skills]Equestrian- Can ride a horse, but prefers to move on foot. No trick riding, either.

Combat- Has some skill with knives, but prefers a sword. Specializes in swift attacks.

Magic- Has no proficiency in it, nor does he want to have any. Has a moderate resistance, however.

Pain tolerance: Has an incredibly high rate of it, when he isn't being knocked out. Actually fights better when injured, and as such, tends to ignore his wounds until he is out of immediate danger.

Linguistics: Fluent in both Common, and Jerdonian (Think French). Can write in both pretty well. Loves to read and write, and is never seen without a notebook or a book of some sort on his person.

Medical: Basic first aid, and knows how to use a vulnerary.

Culinary: Passable chef, but he doesn't enjoy it.

Misc skills: Terrible luck, but it never kills him.

Highly intelligent, despite his lack of magical skill.

Myrm speed means he can move pretty fast, and can keep up this pace for hours.

[spoiler=Relations to other characters]Esphyr - Neutral

Isotov - Neutral

Irina - Sympathy

Chase - Neutral

Tessa - Grateful

Morgan - Strong dislike/ disbelief

Damian - Neutral

Helios - Ignores opinion

Katie - Neutral

Kelas - Sympathy

Arrin - Neutral

Aiya - Neutral

Derek - Friendship

Danielle - Friendship

Viveka - Neutral

Jace - Hatred

Percy - Contempt

Cess - Neutral

Charlotte - Love (<img src='http://serenesforest.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />

Reika - Dislike

Heinz - Neutral

Alferis - Disdain

Pary - Neutral

Lev - Neutral

NOTE: Eric is actually a high-leveled demon, and as such, this section should be disregarded. He is out for the weapons, and only the weapons.



Name: Danielle (Dani) Munktan

Age: 22

Gender: Female


Class: Thunder Mage

Crimson weapon? No.


HP: 3

Atk: 1

MAG: 5

SKL: 4

SPD: 4

LUK: 2

DEF: 1

RES: 3

Simple stats: HP is 9, MT is 5, AS is 4, hit is 4, Evade is 5, Def/Res are 1 and 4.

Weapons: Elthunder, Bolting

Skills: Adept

Items: Vulnerary, 15 Gold.

Personality: Dani's an energetic, fun-loving girl. She loves to flirt, joke, and tease other people, as seen in the Truth or Dare incident. However, she's not serious. It's a bit of a game for her. Impulsive would be the word to describe her. If she hears about something unfair, she'll go and deal with the perpetrator immediately. Don't offend her, either, or she'll just zap you. In an argument, it's easy for her to go off, and at that point, she's beyond reproach.

The above paragraph is a facade, so people don't worry about her. In reality, Dani has a severe lack of self-esteem, and if she screws up, she will beat herself up on it. Even when she's smiling, she's constantly cursing herself mentally.

[spoiler=History]Dani is the daughter of Arckson, the Duke of Munktan. She barely knows her mother, but not because she died. Rather, her mother did not live with the family, and only visited once every few years. Growing up, she was taught to do things like a lady would do, such as cook, clean, and manners. She quickly grew bored of this, so, she'd sneak out with her older brother at times to go visit the city. When Dani was ten, her father brought home a kid by the name of Eric. The new kid quickly became fast friends with her and Derek, and sometimes, it would be him to help sneak her out. One day, when Dani was 18, her mother decided to visit the family. That same day, there was a magic show, where the girl got to witness a hooded sage cast Bolting, striking a target a mile away, out of midair. This influenced her drastically, seeing the power of lightning. After her mother had left, she had convinced her father to let her study at TISME, and was sent off the year after. Two years and nine months later, she received notice that her father had died in the invasion of Jerdon, and that her brother and friend were missing. Distraught, she pulled out of TISME and decided to wander, doing some mercenary work while looking for Eric or Derek. One day, she grows bored and decides to fry some wyverns that were attacking a group, and...

[spoiler=Skills]Equestrian- Can ride a horse pretty well. No trick riding.

Combat- Magic. Thunder magic is her thing, and without that, she's just a frail girl.

Magic- Natural thunder mage. Capable of using Bolting at third circle. She can also generate small bolts. When frightened or taken by surprise, large green bolts might shoot out from her hands.

Linguistics: Fluent in both Common, and Jerdonian (Think French). Can write in both.

Medical: Basic first aid, and knows how to use a vulnerary.

Culinary: Amazing chef, can make almost anything taste good.

Misc skills: Pretty good house-keeping skills, though she hates them.

Highly intelligent, comes along with her magic.

[spoiler=Relations to other characters]Esphyr - Neutral

Isotov - Respect

Irina - Friendly

Chase - Friendly

Tessa - Neutral

Morgan - Neutral

Damian - Friendly

Helios - Annoyed

Katie - Neutral

Kelas - Neutral

Arrin - Neutral

Aiya - Friendly

Derek - Sibling

Eric - Friendship

Viveka - Neutral

Jace - Hatred

Cess - Neutral

Charlotte - Loyalty

Reika - Neutral

Heinz - Neutral

Alferis - Neutral

Pary - Hatred

Lev - Likes

Derek Munktan

Age: 24

Gender: Male[spoiler=appearance]


Element: Anima

Class: Paladin

Crimson weapon?: No

Stats: HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 Luck: 2 Def: 6 Res: 0

HP is 15. MT is 5. AS is 5. Hit is 5. Avoid is 7. Defense is 8. Resistance is 0.

Weapons: Silver Sword

Items/gold: 20 G. No items.

Skills: Charge, Resolve, Stat Shift

Personality: Derek is a laid-back, humble, if not a bit cynical guy. His laid-backness often leads him to laze about, in stark contrast to his sister. When he does have an objective, or becomes interested in something, the laziness all but vanishes. He's also pretty even-tempered, but there are a few things that will set him off. First thing is anything regarding hurting his sister. The next is Jace the Brute. In an argument, he's likely to be reasonable, if not a bit blunt.

[spoiler=History]Derek is the son of Arckson, Duke of Munktan, and the brother of Danielle. He doesn't know his mother well, but he does better than Dani, due to being around longer. Derek was initially groomed to be his father's successor, being taught etiquette at a young age. However, he disliked it, and as a result, after a few years, he neglected his lessons, and took up swordfighting.. Once Eric came along, Derek looked at him as a friend, and the two sparred frequently. On his thirteenth birthday, he was given a stallion by the name of Kay, and taught how to ride. This was a life-changing event, as Derek enjoyed the thrill of riding. Eventually, he learned how to fight by horseback, and enlisted in the Jerdonian knights, making Captain by the age of 17. When he was 20, his mother visited the family. Shortly afterwards, he went on a solo patrol, taking his horse and his sword. All of a sudden, a wild wyvern appeared out of nowhere and knocked him off of Kay, killing the horse in the process. The wyvern came down for another run, and caught his arms, lifting the noble up by them. Several hundred feet off the ground, a lightning bolt smote the wyvern, killing it instantly. Unfortunately, Derek fell as well, breaking nearly every bone in his body. As he was dying, his mother warped from nowhere, and, without a stave, managed to heal him almost completely, with the exception of leaving major scars on his hands and arms. She forced him not to speak of the event, before leaving, giving Derek a pigeon named Loc. From that day on, Derek began to wore gauntlets or gloves, wherever he went. Three years later, Septimus invaded Jerdon, and in the battle for the capital, Derek and Eric were the only survivors. Splitting off, they decided to find Dani, guessing that she might have left the magic academy, Sweeping Septimus, Derek found no sign of his sister, and sent a message to Eric saying so, while heading to Halton. He arrives near the border, and is recruited into a hunt for some bandits, who turn out to be familiar to him...

[spoiler=Skills]Equestrian- Can ride a horse amazingly. Can trick ride.

Combat- Pretty skilled with a sword and a spear/lance. Aims for heavy hits, with slightly less precision than Eric. Can fight mounted, where his speed really shines.

Magic- None.

Linguistics: Fluent in both Common, and Jerdonian (Think French). Can write in both.

Medical: Advanced first aid, can bandage most wounds and create a sling for broken bones.

Culinary: Decent chef, if you goad him to cook.

Misc skills: Fear of wyverns, due to that incident a while back.

Highly intelligent, though he doesn't show it most of the time.

Can exhibit leadership skills, if he has to.

Hands are extremely brittle, he wears his gauntlets as to lower the rate of breakage. Can break his hand with one solid swing of his blade. Cannot actually feel them.

[spoiler=Relations to other characters]Esphyr - Neutral

Isotov - Neutral

Irina - Neutral

Chase - Neutral

Tessa - Neutral

Morgan - Neutral

Damian - Disdain

Helios - Ignores

Katie - Neutral

Kelas - Neutral

Arrin - Neutral

Aiya - Neutral

Danielle - Sibling

Eric - Friendship

Viveka - Friendship ©

Jace - Hatred

Cess - Neutral

Charlotte - Loyalty

Reika - Neutral

Heinz - Neutral

Alferis - Neutral

Pary - Disdain

Lev - Neutral

Rita - Neutral, though a bit annoyed initially

Luc- Respect

Altion- Neutral

Alexandra Sagesse-Rielle

Age: 25



Element: Fire

Class: Halberdier

Crimson Weapon: No.


HP: 4

STR: 5

MAG: 0

SKL: 5

SPD: 5

LUK: 0

DEF: 4

RES: 5

Simple Stats: HP is 12, AS is 5, MT is 5, Hit is 5, Evade is 5, Def is 5, Res is 6.

Skills: Pierce, Resolve, Wrath

Weapons: Steel Greatlance.

Items: Elixir (3/3), 0 Gold.

Personality: Rather pushy, this woman is scary from afar, and is very direct, unable to understand competency issues. Rather sarcastic as well, this side of her is usually associated when she is The Comet. As Duchess Rielle, she is rather soft-spoken and polite, in direct contrast. Easily flustered, the duchess tries to avoid conflict most of the time. Personally, though, Alex is gentle and caring, and after seeing the effects of her father's ambitions, she just wants to stop him, and end the bloodline to make amends.

[spoiler=History]Alex was born about three months after the Lord of Azure Flames was sealed, in Burgosas, to Jace the Brute and his wife, a renowned Jerdonian swordmaster by the name of Gracia. About two years later, Gracia gave birth to a son, but Alex was too young to remember his name. When Alex was four, her mother disappeared, along with her toddler of a brother, leaving Jace as a single parent. Growing up was a splendid time for Alex, or 'Allie', as her father called her, as she enjoyed all the lady-like things, and threw herself into them, hoping to impress her father. Once Alex was ten, her uncle died, and after a short legal challenge, the child inherited his dukedom. Moving out there with, at least until she was eighteen, she completed her schooling there, and assumed responsibilities shortly afterwards. After secretly learning how to fight with a spear from Derek Munktan, when Alex was twenty-two, she enlisted in the Septimian Army. Once the invasion of Jerdon was underway, she convinced several provinces of the country to lay down their arms willingly, but still saw the horrors of the assault. Secretly disillusioned with the cause thanks to that and the revelation that her father was trying to become king, Alex became an informant around the time she was made a general. Known as the Comet, she began to take all leads regarding the princess of Jerdon. Once a report is filed of a sighting of Charlotte, Alex leads a company out to 'capture' the princess...

[spoiler=Skills]Equestrian- Can ride a horse decently. No trick riding.

Combat- Excels in spear combat, and self-defense.

Magic- None, but trained in mental resistance.

Linguistics: Fluent in both Common, and Jerdonian (Think French). Can write in both.

Medical: Decent first aid, can bandage some wounds.

Culinary: Terrible chef, do not trust with uncooked food.

Misc skills:

An excellent harp-player, something she picked up from her mother. Has composed a few songs.

Highly intelligent and cunning, not to be underestimated.

Incredible Housekeeping skills, manages to keep Jace's manse tidy, despite all the gold.

Leadership skills, having commanded a company with relative ease.

[spoiler=Relations to other characters]TBU

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Appearance: 5'8", lean but sturdy. Dark brown hair in tight braid, dark brown eyes, tanned skin. Tan tunic over beige breeches, tan boots to just below knees-- often mistaken for male because of loose clothing. Leather archery arm-guards. Multiple faint scars.

Personality: Brusque and not actively friendly, but not exactly mean. Impatient around foolishness, but slow to actual anger. If she believes something needs doing, she will do it: if someone needs to shut up, she'll clamp a hand over their mouth; two people are fighting and endangering the group, she'll forcibly split them up (if they're not too big); someone mistreats a horse, and she'll take the reins away from them. She's got three major berserk buttons: harming her brother, mistreating animals, and bandits. Has no use for nobility, nor much use for particular etiquette. Not necessarily rude, just blunt. Superstitious, mainly about dark magic and non-combat magic (if you can't take a weapon level in it, she doesn't trust it. Staves are trustworthy.) Speaks Common as a second language; first is Nomad tongue (pm me if you want info on that), and her grammar slips when she's really angry/emotional, though that's a rare occurrence. Thinks the opposite gender is all well and good, but she's not got much time for that.

Personal history:

Kelas was a member of the Adai tribe of nomads. Her mother was the tribe's religious leader, serving Tani, the earth goddess (this'll be explained in Useful Notes, and her mom's class equated pretty much to troubadour) while her father's brother was the chief. Kelas had a happy childhood, tending sheep and watching her little brother when she was old enough.

When Kelas was ten, though, tragedy struck: bandits took the tribe by surprise. Her father went down fighting. Her mother vanished, presumed dead. Kelas had been in the family tent, keeping Arrin quiet, when the bandits' mages set the tents on fire; as soon as they were out, a bandit grabbed Arrin. Kelas snapped. She shot as many bandits as she could, to no avail. When she was injured and rendered unconscious by a bandit's attack, a few loose horses protected her (one of them Amari's dam; Amari had not yet been born), pulling her free when a burning tent support hit her. When the fires had gone out and the bandits left, all that were left were Kelas, the horses, Kelas' mother's brother, and a few of the elders. Kelas was left with burn scars on her back from her shoulders to mid-back.

Now refugees, the group journeyed to join one of the other tribes. None would fully take them in, though, so they spent a few years roaming from camp to camp. Two years after the disaster, a nearby town was hit by the same bandits. The bandit leader, though a combination of threats, bribes, and trickery, convinced the military that the Adai had been at fault, and Kelas' uncle was hunted down and executed. As a child, Kelas was spared, and left with another tribe. They finally took her in.

She spent the next few years there. She raised and trained her own horse, Amari. When she was seventeen, though, she was involved tangentially in a fight, and the tribe's elders, never too happy about having her there, finally had reason to kick her out.

The next two years she survived by doing odd jobs and mercenary work, killing bandits whenever she could. There were some hard times; a few times she passed out in churches. Because of the help the churches provided her she feels a massive debt to them.

When she was nineteen, a letter found her, sent months ago and addressed to any survivors of the Adai: Arrin was alive. The letter didn't bother to say where, but bore stamps of a mage's academy. Kelas set off, searching every city with any kind of academy for her brother.

Midway through her search, Kelas encounters an odd group while killing bandits. By getting dragged into their fight, she finally finds her brother...


-Equestrian: Can ride nearly any horse, with or without any tack, any gait. Can improvise tack. Can trick-ride. Can care for horses, knows basic veterinary first aid. Can train horses, though not as well as an expert. Cannot shoe horses.

-Combat: Archery, mounted and on foot. Enough hand-to-hand to avoid unwanted male attention, but no specific style or mastery. Can use belt or boot knife, but mainly as threat; lousy at actual knife combat. Currently learning proper use of a sword.

-Linguistic: Speaks Common and the nomad tongue (first language). Can read and write (both languages). Bad handwriting. A few basic hand-signs for fighting, but no sign language.

-Survival: Can track, hunt, butcher, and cook game. Knows most plants in Halton, less familiar with other regions. Can tell good water from bad. Can build, extinguish fire. Can't fish. Knows measures against heat, cold also but not as many. Knows various animal species.

-Medical: Basic first aid only.

-Magic: None, but knows a number of hand signs and inventive epithets against black magic.

-Culinary: Decent camp cooking.

-Miscellaneous: Can herd sheep, though skills are rusty. Can't hold her liquor, will avoid drinking if at all possible. Knows some truly terrible drinking songs, but either can't or won't remember them when sober. Knows no court etiquette whatsoever, doesn't care.


Kelas' childhood left her with flashbacks. They usually occur while she's dreaming, but sometimes will crop up if the events are mentioned. Most commonly it's the bandits' attack when she was ten, but sometimes it's her uncle's execution. She often ends up talking in her sleep because of this.

Because of her recent run-in with Shanice, Kelas is also extremely jumpy at present, and reacts badly to being touched unexpectedly or to people coming up from behind. This will get better, but it will take time. Also because of this, she distrusts Damian, bordering on hostility. (She also distrusts Lev, but then she didn't much trust him anyway.)

Kelas has Chronic Hero Syndrome: If someone she considers under her protection is in danger, she can't not save them. Kelas considers the following people to be under her protection (in order of priority):

Arrin (younger sib; will die to save, no matter what)

Isotov (A friend, and prone to getting himself nearly-killed. Can't die to save him, because she can't yell at him for it if she's dead.)

Tessa (Arrin's friend, important to the group, clergy; will die to save in most circumstances)

Irina (agreed to help Isotov protect, also has sympathy because of Shanice events.)

Charlotte (friendship, general principle since Charlotte's a healer)

This priority is, of course, subject to change.

Not Herself moments:

Kelas acts rather different under two conditions: heavy blood loss or drunkenness.

When badly wounded (after the adrenaline has worn off), Kelas is a bit loopy, forgetful and less hindered in a few aspects: she's more likely to let out something offensive or insensitive to someone. She's also a bit less restrained in terms of physical contact as a defense mechanism: thinking clearly, she'll refuse to let anyone pick her up, carry her, support her etc., but wounded, she will let trusted parties do so.

When healthy again, she generally curses herself for letting herself do such things.

Drunk Kelas has yet to be seen; will be detailed in the event that she is.



Appearance: Short, slight, long dark hair tied back, dark eyes. Wears a shabby traveling cloak over brown mage's robes.

Personality: He's a little nervous around people; shy. Polite (embarrassed by Kelas' bluntness sometimes). Afraid of reprimands; hates arguments. Otherwise level-headed, though, and tries to be very calm (is hard to anger). Once someone's convinced him that they're not going to yell at/hit him, he's very bright and cheerful. Has a sense of wonder about learning new things; if you tell him you'll teach him something new, he'll follow you around until you do so. Has no idea what to do with small children. Likes cats. Never got "the talk"; anything involving love or sex will just confuse him (this may lead to hilarity.) Knows how to keep accounts in order and bargain with shopkeepers.

Personal history:

Until a crucial event when he was five, Arrin was just another happy child in the Adai tribe. He had Ma and Da and Kelas and Doggy and Horsey and everything was right.

Then the bandits came. They snatched him up, thinking to sell him into slavery with some of the other children and older girls. They were headed for an illegal market in Elyisima. Midway through the journey, though, something strange happened: One of the bandits had grown lax and left a saddlebag lying about. Arrin, ever curious, went digging through it. He came into contact with a rare tome the bandits had stolen.

The reaction was intense. Lightning struck the bandit camp, killing some of the bandits, scattering their horses, and allowing some of the stronger prisoners to escape. In the center of it all was Arrin, sitting unharmed and looking utterly bewildered.

The bandits knew when the gods were after them: obviously, this boy must go free. Scared out of their wits, they dumped him with the first mage they could find: a lone researcher in an Elyisiman border town.

Ilony Haldensra didn't have any idea to do with a five-year-old that turned up on her doorstep and didn't speak a word of Common, but she knew a Crimson weapon when she saw it. She taught Arrin Common and how to control the tome, knowing the dangers if he didn't learn to do so immediately. Then, she began his studies.

Arrin learned thunder magic, but he learned many other things as well. By the time he was twelve, Ilony had him running the household accounts, preferring to do her research than deal with merchants and traders. She wasn't always the greatest foster parent, with a sharp tongue and an intolerance for questions that seemed stupid to her, but all the same, she loved Arrin and raised him as best she could. Not having any beliefs of her own and not knowing what to teach a nomad child, she gave Arrin a basic background on how all the major religions worked, and let him work out what he believed in.

Arrin was fifteen and had grown fairly proficient with magic when Ilony went off on one of her rare business trips. She was brought back home in a jar of cremated remains, the circumstances of her death either unknown or unsaid. Arrin didn't get too big a share of her estate, but it was enough to keep him fed for a good long while. While going through documents, he found a note Ilony had left for herself: she had contacted some member of Arrin's family.

Arrin didn't know when this had happened or which of his family members were alive, but he was going to find them. He'd closed up the house and was staying in an inn, and was ready to set out to look when he encountered a strange group. Some of these people were also Crimson wielders. Another was his sister.


-Magic: Proficient in thunder, knows basic theory of wind/fire and staves. No non-combat magic skills without materials (no "charm" or suggestion, no "household" or "hedgewitch" magic, no polymorph; some craft, but does not really do much with it without materials) Has heightened resistance to mind-control/suggestion magic as a result of his training to control Daranau.

-Combat: Magic. Lousy at hand-to-hand. Can't use weapons.

-Equestrian: Can ride decently. Still a bit nervous around horses.

-Survival: None to speak of. Knows some species of plants and animals, but only from books.

-Medical: Basic first-aid. Rudimentary knowledge of staves, but only enough for superficial injuries (useless for battle wounds.)

-Culinary: Passable cooking, not extensive number of dishes though.

-Linguistic: Speaks Common and nomad tongue, though has forgotten much of the latter. Can read and write, understands archaic Common and some magic research codes.

-Miscellaneous: Can run household accounts, bargain sales, deal with merchants.

Daranau description: Daranau appears at first glance to be a normal tome, though the pages are an alarming shade of red. When used, it throws a hellish red-tinged bolt of lightning from the user's palm, rather than causing a lightning strike like normal Thunder magic. Even when not in use, it produces static, and can give you a nasty shock when picked up. Critical attacks take the form of a ball of red lightning being thrown at the opponent (rather than a bolt.)


Amari (front horse): Amari's a very headstrong horse. Kelas trained her from birth, and is the only human she really trusts; she'll obey anyone Kelas tells her to, but grudgingly (at first), and she'll only take voice commands from Kelas. (She is not, however, immune to magic, though Kelas will seriously consider killing anyone who bewitches her horse.) Actually befriending Amari is quite an achievement, and takes a while. When approached by others, her reaction will range from studiously ignoring them to open hostility, depending on their behavior. She's very protective of Kelas. She considers humans in four categories: "my human" (Kelas, possibly someone she gets to know really well), "humans I can't bite" (people Kelas has declared as "friend" or told Amari to behave around), "humans I can bite if I want" (anyone she hasn't got orders on), and "humans I should bite" (people declared as enemies by Kelas.) She's got great speed and stamina and a good jumper; however, she won't usually gallop or jump for anyone who isn't Kelas. Trained for saddle/bareback, will fight. Will face monsters and Things That Should Not Be if it's for Kelas' sake. Is used to Kelas pulling ridiculous stunts, but will throw anyone else who tries them. Gets on decently well with other horses, will rise to "lead mare" role when necessary. Note: Does not wear horseshoes, does not wear any bridle that has a bit. Closest real-life breed: Arabian.

Amari knows a number of voice commands. She can understand simple combinations of them, too. However, she'll only follow them when Kelas gives them. (She also knows a couple of Common phrases, though they're not really commands: "no biting" and "behave" come to mind.)

Commands (translations):

Kanda-- guard, watch

Dan-- halt

Den-- stay, wait here

Pai-- run/go away (not riding), run/faster (riding)

Le-- walk

Rao-- trot

Fei-- jump

Dai-- attack

Youba-- friend/trust this person

Heba-- enemy/disobey this person

Lan(le, rao, bai)-- come (speed)

Da(le, rao, hai)-- go (speed)

Kanse-- herd, lead

Se(le, rao, bai)-- follow(speed)

Opinions on various people and species (added because I was bored; this will determine how horse reacts to things):

Other horses: Amari believes horses to be the only existing reasonable species. Gets along well with them, tends to take "lead mare" role around disorderly horses.

Humans: Ridiculous and unreasonable. Not to be trusted.

Friend-humans: Still ridiculous, but all right sorts, to be trusted. Currently this category contains Arrin and Tessa, possibly Isotov and Irina. Protecting Kelas when she's injured means immediate induction into this category.

Kelas: Amari considers her to be more of a horse that has silly moments. Unbreakable loyalty.

Morgan/anyone who tries magic on Amari: Distrust to the point of hostility.

Pegasi: A bit silly, but basically horses.

Wyverns: Not to be trusted on general principle as predators, though a well-trained one that gets to know Amari may be labeled Not So Bad. Kiev is considered a Silly Young Thing that needs to be taught how to behave.

Other predators: Never to be trusted. Flee or kill on sight.

Dogs: Very silly creatures. Some are decent and trustworthy, though.

Cats: As sensible as non-equines get, but not trustworthy.

Monsters/demons(even in human form): Should not exist. Scary as hell, but can be faced if Kelas says so.

Francis (the packhorse, behind Amari in picture): A very patient gelding, though not overly affectionate. Sort of figures it's his lot in life to end up in ridiculous situations, and just rolls with it. Will make friends with anyone who feeds him; likes Arrin and Tessa particularly well. Pretty much unspookable, except by monsters and Things That Should Not Be. Has a great turn of speed when in good condition, but can't sprint for any sort of good distance. Good endurance when not sprinting. Trained for lead, saddle, and harness, but will not fight. Gets on very well with other horses; will follow Amari anywhere. Does wear horseshoes. Closest real-life breed: Mixed, though with a good chunk of Quarter Horse in there.

Voice commands: Knows "go," "faster," "slower," and "stop." Not always very responsive to them though.

Ilony Haldensri (deceased): Arrin's teacher. She once taught at TISME, but disagreed with her superiors on teaching style, and left. Was something of a recluse; often misanthropic, and had no idea what to do with Arrin when she found the five-year-old sitting on her doorstep, holding a tome and a hastily scrawled note reading "DEMON BEGONE." She trained Arrin to use magic and control Daranau, while putting observations taken while doing so into her research. She also taught Arrin to handle the household (accounts, food, etc) so she wouldn't have to. Terrible cook. Sharp-tongued and rash at times. A bit eccentric; had some routines she wouldn't go without, and didn't much like physical contact. When the research she was doing on the Crimson weapons came to the attention of an unknown party, she was silenced.

Megae (deceased):



Megae is a minor wind demon, not the brightest crayon in the box, and sort of a loose cannon. Her sole purpose in life is to kill. There's a catch, though; an old contract forbids her from killing except in revenge, for either herself or whoever she serves. Of course, she gets on rather well by serving Shanice, as an astonishing number of people want to kill it; she helps out by offing some of them, enjoying every minute of it.

In her final moments she seemed to throw off the contract enough to attack someone she'd been ordered not to target, but was too badly injured for this to change anything.


As a demon, Megae is incredibly durable. As a lesser demon, that's almost the entire extent of her powers. The tiny remaining bit gives her two other powers: her ability to summon and banish a pair of swords, which she wields with a fair measure of skill and insanity, and the power (thanks to being a wind elemental) to warp from place to place, though she can only warp when she's not in a battle-rage, and thus uses this power only for traveling. Notably, she dual-wields, and tends to hold both blades in reverse grip. At times her attacks seem completely random, but she pulls off a surprising number of them.


Name: Tanair

Class: N/A (noncombatant NPC)

Race: Dragon

Appearance: In humanoid form, Tanair is over six feet tall, slender, with dark brown skin, green eyes, and hip-length hair that is a mix of brown and green. She has the long pointed ears and slit pupils that all dragons possess. She wears a loose green dress, tattered at the bottom but still somehow elegant, and an expression of constant serenity. She does not wear shoes; the soles of her feet have a greenish (Pic of humanform soon.) In draconic form, she is properly huge, mottled green and brown.

Powers: Tanair's main power is cultivation. Plants spring up where she walks. She can restore areas of ground tainted by Helenos. As a dragon, she is far stronger, faster, and more durable than humans.

Tanair is old as the hills, and cares little for the scurryings of things as short-lived as humans. Her best friend is the land itself, and she will protect it.

This is why she walks the earth again: to restore it. Helenos, that young upstart, has been running around wrecking things again. Tanair has no interest in a fight; she only wishes to return to life those areas ravaged by the mesh. She will not interfere in any battle, with Helenos or otherwise.

The party will likely encounter Tanair a few times. She will not attack; if attacked, she will just flee.


Class: Holy Woman (aka valkyrie)

Race: Human

Appearance: Nomad. Short (5'3"), slight. Long dark brown hair, going slightly gray, usually in a loose ponytail; tan skin, green eyes. Face is a bit lined from age and experience, showing weariness and sadness more than anything. Faded blue knee-length tunic, practical breeches and boots. Carries a Restore staff and a holy scroll (basically, a Light tome.) Usually accompanied by an aging cloud-gray mare.

Personality: Weary, but dedicated to helping others. Kind but detached; has trouble getting close to people.


Ten years ago, Neria was happy, living with her husband and two children and serving as the Adai tribe's holy woman, devoted to the nomads' earth goddess. When bandits hit the tribe she was separated, and escaped along with a couple of other injured survivors, believing all of the others to be dead. Despite her healing skills she was unable to save the others who fled with her, and collapsed of her own wounds soon after.

After several painful months of recovery, she set out, unsure of what to do. She ended up wandering the continent as an itinerant healer, in service sometimes to the church that had saved her, sometimes to the nomads' gods. [spoiler=Legitimate plot spoiler]She does not know that her children are still alive.

Other notes: [spoiler=Spoilered just to save space]-Neria speaks Common as a second language, and her grammar and vocabulary sometimes show it. She is literate, though.

-She has an extensive knowledge of herbs and general plantlore, and a highly competent healer. She is also competent in veterinary medicine.

-She can cook decently well.

-While she is an expert rider, her joints are not up to the more ridiculous stunts anymore.


Full name: Tobeis Kleine

Age: Ten (he thinks)

Appearance: On the small side for a ten-year-old, skinny, assorted half-healed bruises. Dirty hair that might be light brown; dark brown eyes. Wears a shabby servant's uniform, with rips from fleeing the capital.

Personality: Mischeivous, but wary, especially of military. Having been somewhat ill-treated, Tobe is generally afraid of people; he tries to mask this by being rude and obnoxious when he thinks he can get away with it. He's much better with horses than with people, and has a tendency of hiding behind or under them.

As a ten-year-old, Tobe thinks romance is entirely disgusting, and therefore hilarious. Mocking couples (or pairs that he assumes to be couples) is his favorite sport.

Backstory: Tobe was found in one of the palace chapels in Burgosas. He was raised by servants, and indentured as a page when he was old enough. Some other servants were not particularly kind, as he was likely a bastard child. Still, he got by, until the siege of Burgosas. Now he's searching for any family he might have with only a scrap of information to guide him: the name "Kleine".

Stats can always be found in my sig.

latest edit 11/14 added Tobe

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Esphyr:Name: Esphyr

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Esphyr is a roughly 5"11' tall woman with shoulder-length brown hair held in a mix of a scruffy bun and bangs. Physically fit, her entire body can seem fairly harsh from a distance as much of her facial features are not smooth or rounded. It's quite clear that she has been in constant fights for the past several years of her life just by looking at her body. Though no obvious scars adorn her face, it is rare for her not to have some form of minor cut in some stage of healing. She usually is wearing a pair of pants painstakingly kept white (though they have faded to a light grey due to constant use) and a light scouts breastplate under which a red shirt keeps her skin from rubbing against the hard metal.

Element: Fire

Class: Mercenary

Crimson weapon?: Yes

Supports: Daiman B (+1 STR, +1 evade)

Weapons: Iron blade. Crimson weapon ‘Sword of Bloody Wrath’. A crimson weapon that manifests itself by sheathing Esphyr’s blade in a red plasma-like substance. With

each and every swing, waves of red energy roll off the blade in lightning-like patterns, capable of striking her foes.

Items/gold: 15. Vulnerary (5 gold).

Skills: Arcanium

Exp: 78

Backstory: Born a child of two refugee’s from the Republic of Vaorin, Esphyr’s childhood was fairly lively and active. Vaorin was a small nation before the Lord of Azure Flame even attacked and held little military force to stave his forces off. During the first few fights, its tiny army was entirely destroyed and had yet to be rebuilt. As a result, Esphyr’s family was in a constant state of movement out of fear of bandit attacks. At the tender age of eight, Esphyr’s family had the poor luck to share a inn with a demon in disguise. A demon whom had just managed to steal one of the Crimson Weapons. Seeing his chance to hide it away, the demon bound it to the young girl, seeking to return later on to fetch the weapon.

From that day forth, Esphyr’s life went from being rough to being rough and hard. Her mothers leg broke as they traveled to the next town, forcing Esphyr to take care of the home. A year later, her father’s arm was sliced off in a bar brawl by a lumberjack, forcing him to return to the house, leaving seven year old Esphyr to support the family. She tried her hardest and her best, but in the end, she simply could not make enough. Starvation set in as she flitted from working as a maid, to a repair apprentice, to a small-time merchant. At age fifteen, her body could simply take it no longer and she collapsed in the streets.

Upon reawakening, she was forced to stay in bed for a week, during which time she lost all her jobs. Unwilling to sink to the level of prostitution to try and support her family, she took the unwanted gift of the Crimson Weapon and started to hone her fighting prowess until she was confident enough to take to the streets as a mercenary. Though the life is still not easy, she is finally making enough to keep her family fed. She has even started to attract some standing for herself, as well as people becoming suspicious of the young mercenaries power.


Taken straight from the horses mouth: "I guess I should start at the beginning. From the day it was founded, TISME has regularly scouted the citizens of the city where it's headquarters were located for potential candidates; people who show high aptitude with magic. Thirteen years ago, in the middle of the summer, I passed their scouting. Yes, Daiman. I'm a mage.

At the time, I was just a child, spending her days playing happily with her friends. Tag, army, kill the demon king, you know... Kid stuff. The only odd thing was that I took too playing the caster role well; namely, the role of the healer. With my little branch in hand shouting out bogus words every time one of my friends was 'hurt'; that was how I played. Every day... Until TISME came.

They said I was skilled in magic. To be specific, even at a young age, I could elect a response from a thunder tome as well as a staff. Plus, as I played, they began to see that I had some kill whacking around my playmates with the staff; wielding it defensively like a sword. At that moment, some interest was riled within them I think. The church has always had its troubadours, but the mages can barely put someone on a horse let alone someone who can wield a blade! I was their answer. I, and about ten other children; painstakingly searched for over the years. At age five, I started to learn at TISME, to become one of the first eleven mage knights.

For three years, it went well... Until I turned eight. My parents, proud of their daughter's progress, took me too a local restaurant for a special meal; and that's where I met him. I was so young.. Too stupid to realize what that turning feeling in my stomach was... Too stupid to realize that a man talking to you while your parents get the food is a bad thing... Not wise enough to realize what had just happened yet.

The following day at class, it happened for the first time. I was 'sparring', more of stick-fighting with one of the other students, and he scored a hit on me... and I hit him back. I hit him back with a weapon none of us should have even had. I hit him back with a weapon I didn't even know I had. Class was canceled. Not just for the day, or the week, but the entire month. I remember so many adults talking about things I didn't know about right over my head, pretending I wasn't there. He survived, but no staff could heal his wounds in time.

A month later, class resumed, me separate from everyone else. There were only six of us the second time... and no one would spar with me... Until my room-mate decided she wanted... something of mine. A doll. A child's doll. TISME has had very few deaths in it's halls, despite all the magic. Teachers are usually very careful, but there was no teacher in our dorm. I was going to be ejected; and I was honestly sad. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood in the room. Three minutes later, the headmaster, along with two other circle sevens, were in this room. They must have sensed the power of my sword and known what had happened. But I didn't want to leave. I liked TISME. I... I had a chance here. A slum girl, growing up to be one of the first of a new order of knights? I wasn't going to give up! Terrified, confused, and bewildered, I raised my sword... and the headmaster sent the others from the room. A few moments later, I was returned to my family, unconscious, beaten, and defeated.

Habits and Problems:

Esphyr is a fairly straightforwards and blunt person in conversation and usually boasts a degree of common sense about any issue. Her past as a mercenary has hardened her though and she tends to think the worst of people, often continuing to do so even after having been shown otherwise. She is constantly struggling against her past, trying to break free of what she did and what she was forced to give up. This leads her to pull stunts like fighting with the group healer for no obvious reason.

Stats: HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 2 SKL: 3 SPD: 5 Luck: 1 Def: 3 Res: 2

Simplified stats: HP: 9. STR: 4 (5 when Arcanium is active), Hit: 3, Evade: 6 (5.5+.5), DEF/RES: 3/2

Edited by Snowy_One
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Appearance (credits to Kiryn)


History (only contains what he knows)

Chase was not part of the Veshkal family originally. He doesn't know who his mother or father was, but he was adopted as an infant by Patrick Veshkal. As a child, he was rather mischievous, and he had good seeing. However, he had trouble sensing how others felt, and as such didn't have any real friends. As he grew up, these three central traits became even more prominent. His excellent vision led to him being drafted to the Eliyisman military at the age of fourteen. However, the other two traits caused problems for him, and he was eventually discharged from the army do to working poorly with others and several minor incidents within the army. He continued to push his limits even after, but soon he had crossed the line and stole from an upper-class family. He was branded a criminal for his actions, and a small reward was offered for finding him. Having realized how bad the situation had grown, he set off on his own, fearing the punishment he could only delay.

Nearly three years passed. Chase had still not been found, but his bounty had mysteriously risen when he was on the run. Chance brought him to encounter a group in search of the Crimson Weapons in order to kill the Lord of Azure Flames, who had supposedly been revived. He joined them at first out of curiosity, but he was soon caught up in their cause, and eventually bound to it when he received the mythical Crimson Bow, Zephyrtwine.

Full History:

I'm going to warn you now: This section is not a joke at all. Not even the slightest bit. It contains massive spoilers about Chase, as well as a few other characters.

Actually the spoilers are so big that I won't even post them now.

Character controls (mostly for Feenix).

-Reacts pretty violently at most times.

-Doesn't like killing unless it's necessary.

-Dislikes most people, and disagrees with others often.

-Has a soft side for Morgan and people who are nice to him a lot.

Feelings towards other characters-

Morgan: Attempts to understand, interested in

Isotov: Finds somewhat amusing

Irina: Finds a bit odd

-Kiev: Slightly dislikes due to fear of heights

Helios: Detests

Kamilla: Dislikes

Damian: Slightly dislikes

Aiya: Slightly dislikes

-Ulfhrahn: Is terrified by due to fear of heights

Conrad: Knows from before, dislikes greatly

Viveka: Knows from before, mixed opinion of

-Susann: Dislikes

Tessa: Somewhat interested in

Kelas: Somewhat interested in

-Francis: Is comfortable riding (well, as comfortable as he gets on horses)

Reika: Never actually met

Others: Doesn't know very well


Viveka: Trusts, friendly towards

Chase: Knows from before, dislikes greatly

Everyone else: Hasn't met at all

Aptitudes (credit to Bal for idea)-

Equestrian: Not very good at horse riding. Is absolutely hopeless at flying, and fears it.

Combat: Excellent skill with a bow. Skilled with knifes and daggers. Rather bad with swords and shields. Abysmal with lances and axes.

Linguistic: Speaks Common. Is able to read and write common fairly well. Has bad penmanship.

Survival: Excellent in most areas of survival. Is able to hunt well, has very good navigation skills, has a fairly good sense of direction, and can defend himself well.

Medical: Close to clueless. Can use healing salves and nothing more.

Magic: Can create a small spark of energy that has no practical use.

Culinary: Can cook basic meals fairly well, but is inadequate at making intermediate dishes.

Miscellaneous: Is skilled at thievery. Has extremely good sight. Has more limited emotions than most people.

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Name: Helios

Class: Wind Mage

Gender: Male



Wears a dark purple shirt under a light green overcoat.

Personality: Mellow. Helios is a jerkass sometimes but is a pretty nice guys once you get to know him. Hates it when Females around him start to cry and does whatever he can to cheer them up, a pet peeve he sort of developed. He is cold to those who act mean towards the group but overall tries to keep himself out of trouble.

Element: Wind

Crimson weapon: Yes, wind


Level 1(Before the switchover)

HP: 3/4(9/9) STR: 1/4 MAG: 3/4 SKL: 3/4 SPD: 4/4 LUCK: 2/4 DEF: 1/4 RES: 3/4

Level 1(After switch)

HP: 3/3(9/9) STR: 1/2 MAG: 3/3 SKL: 5/6 SPD: 4/4 LUCK: 0/4 DEF: 1/2 RES: 3/6

Level 2:

HP: 3/3(9/9) STR: 1/2 MAG: 3/3 SKL: 5/6 SPD: 4/4 LUCK: 2/4 DEF: 2/2 RES:3/6

Skills: Overcast

Weapons: Hellsety

Items: 5 gold

Backstory: Helios was the son Silas, the Wind sage who was also the king of Tora. Silas had a drinking problem and was often drunk. Helios would sometimes arrive home and see his mother lying on the floor, beaten. Three days later, Helios saw his Father beat his sister. He couldnt take it anymore and attacked Silas, leaving a scar on his face. Silas, enraged grabbed a sword and attacked Helios, nearly killing him. Helios, summoned Hellsety and with blinding rage, killed his father. His sister watched in horror as he didnt grieve when his fathers dead body hit the floor. Instead, he roared with laughter. During his fathers funeral, Helios left Tora. He needed to find out more about the weapon, why did it come to his rescue?

[spoiler=How Tora fares.] After Helios left, his mother, the queen took over for a while. She died 2 years later. Helios' sister, Jenny took over. She still struggles to control the nation. There have been many attempts on her life but she always comes out alive. She awaits the day her brother arrives home and takes over.


Character Skills:

Equestrian- Helios is a skilled rider which he must have inherited from his status as a noble.

Combat- See below.

Magic- Helios use to be able to cast all three types of magic but when Ixion restored his abilities to cast Wind magic, he forgot about the rest. Is really adept at casting Wind magic and almost never misses his target


Alcohol- Doesnt have much tolerance for this. He never was much of a drinker. The most he can take is around one to two glasses

Weapons- Helios cant take damage from weapons. Being a mage, his resistance to weapons are....lacking

Magic: Being a mage he can take magic damage well. It will take more then one or two magics hit to down him on average.

Linguistic- Helios is a rather fast reader. Other then English, Helios doesnt know how to speak any other languages. He writes in cursive most of the time

Medical- He can treat a wound but not quite heal it

Culinary- Is terrible at cooking. Perhaps he is worst at it then Rita

Survival- Has no tolerance for the wilderness at all


Dancing- Does this well. It wasnt his first time going to the royal ball and it must have passed on.

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Name: Heinz

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark brown hair, prefers to wear dark colored clothing. Eyes are dark blue. (I'd like to figure out more of my character's personality before I visualize he looks, so this'll be improved in the future)

Personality: Generally appears cold and indifferent, but used to be much happier before Markus and Sophie were killed.

Element: Ice

Class: Thief (Promoted to Assassin)

Crimson weapon? No.


HP 4

STR 5 (-1 due to knives)







Simplified stats: HP 12 Str 4 Hit 6 Evade 9+1.5 Def/Res 4/1

Skills: Vantage, Steal, Lethality

Weapons: Knives (Also has concealed dagger always kept on his person), recently acquired a short sword (used as dagger), picked up red (un-burnt one) of Megae's twin swords.

Items: Vulnerary, 15 Gold.


Grew up in the slums of Syron, a city in Septimus and has struggled all his life to stay alive. Doesn't remember his parents, but used to hang out as part of a gang of three very close friends. Markus and Sophie were the only people Heinz was loyal to in the world, and about 7 years ago, they were hired as a group of mercenary thieves to steal some valuable artifact a mage possessed. However the mage awoke the instant Markus touched the artifact, and Heinz could only watch in horror outside as the building erupted in flames. Since then he has never truly trusted a person, and he hates most mages with a passion. He now works for hire and does whatever the job requires.

Skills and other random info:

Can do what is expected of a mercenary: namely stealing, killing, capturing, ransoming, etc. Has enough etiquette to know how nobles behave, but has never tried pulling it off. In undercover work, he is best suited to either acting like a mercenary (go figure) or a bodyguard. He is used to both rural and city environments, but he finds it easier to do a mercenary's job in villages, where he is less likely to run into soldiers or some other form of government.

Horses: Heinz prefers being on foot, but can ride fairly well with full tack. At a minimum, he needs a saddle to ride on, and is capable of fighting when put into that position, although it takes him longer to aim and throw well when he's holding onto the horse with one arm.

Weapon skill: Is a competent knife wielder, and usually switches which arm he throws with every so often, as to catch opponents off guard. He trained himself to be ambidextrous, but he still favors his left hand slightly, thus it is frustrating to him when he has to hold onto a horse with his left hand to steady himself, and throw with his right.

Survival ability: He can cook staple foods passably, but prefers to stab the local wildlife and eat it, it takes less time. Cannot build a shelter, but has slowly grown fairly immune to the elements (rainstorms mainly). If he gets hurt, a vulnerary is his method of healing. Only if a wound is severe, does he bother hiring a healer.

Mages: Dislikes on principle.

Miscellaneous stuff: Can be manipulative if it suits his purpose, and has no qualms about lying about anything. To him, the only people worth trusting at the moment are those already dead: Markus and Sophie. Has loyalty towards his employers only when he is currently employed to them, and that evaporates either when their money runs out, or sticking with his employer becomes a death trap. His definition of a "death trap" is if their stupidity is enough to get him killed out of battle. Another thief once taught him how to read Common, so he is literate, as well as having a decent knowledge of history, particularly any recent military warfare. Otherwise, non-mercenary and laymen's education is beyond him.

Name: General Conrad Jackson, also known as the Dusk Knight

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: Noted in signature.

Element: Fire

Class: Axe Armor

Crimson Weapon? Yes.

Stats: HP 15 STR 5 MAG 0 SKL 3 SPD 3 LUK 0 DEF 6+2 RES 1

Simplified: HP 15 MT 5 Hit 3 Evade 3 Def 8 Res 1

Skill: Daunt

Weapons: Earthshaker, Hand Axe, Silver Axe.

Items: Vulnerary, Plot Gold.

Backstory: (First two paragraphs copy pasted)

Conrad Jackson was born into a upper class family of knights. His life was rather common among nobles- studying, battle tactics, and fighting to become a knight. However, his father died of illness when he was 12, and it deeply affected his path in life. He trained himself in the axe, taking up his father's legacy as a warrior three years later, when he was accepted into the army. He inherited more than combat skill from his father- he also received the Crimson Axe, the Earthshaker. With his extensive training and powerful weapon, Conrad quickly climbed the ranks of the army. At 26, he was promoted to a Colonel and put in charge of a group of new recruits, as well as having a few Lieutenants under his command, the most prominent being Viveka. Merely months after this promotion, a new soldier joined his ranks- Chase Veshkal. After several stealing attempts and misconduct, he discharged Chase from the military. Further violations led to Conrad placing a bounty on his head.

Three years passed. Conrad was promoted to a General, and just a few days later, word of Veshkal's travels reached him. Since then, he's done what he can to apprehend him.

A little while later...

The general now travels with the group he was once sent to apprehend. For now at least, he is willing to put aside their crimes to achieve his own goals.

Edit: Changed stats for level up, added skill. Fixed skill. Changed stats for promotion, added Conrad.

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Age: 19

Class: Bandit

Stats: HP 4, Str 3, Mag 0, Skl 3, Spd 3, Luk 2, Def 2, Res 0

Simplified Stats: HP 12, Mgt +3, Hit +3, Evd 4, DEF/RES 2/0

Affinity: Thunder

Crimson Weapon: No

Skills: Hawkeye, Counter

Weapons: Tomahawk, Iron Axe

Items: 15 gp, Vulnerary

Appearance: Muscular, with smooth sandy blonde hair. Wears dark clothes and occassionally a cloak. Is not ugly or handsome and is a bit plain looking. He has worn green eyes.

Personality: Alferis is calm, cool, collected and very laid back. He always wants to see the good in people, though he reserves a hatred towards the Septimus Empire. While this makes him come across as naive, he merely reacting towards his criminal upbringing. He rarely loses his temper but when he does, its not pretty.

A major motivation for Alferis is that he wants to give up his status as a criminal, but he has no education and circumstances force him to go back to thievery (he can't join the army because he has a bounty on him). Deep down, Alferis is a sad man and he wants the world to be a better place. At the end of the day, Alferis wants a chance to go beyond what he was given and start his life over again.


Alferis was born to a poor family in Vaoros who left him to die by outside the village. He was saved by a bandit who raised him as a son. Thus, Alferis' life as a criminal began.

Alferis was part of a gang of bandits and so learned how to fight and navigate around mountains at an early age. While his adoptive father wasn't evil, he was still selfish and mean and showed little remorse for his actions. It wasn't until one day he found his father accosting a traveler. Despite the traveler's pleadings, his father murdered him anyway. This horrified Alferis to such an extent that he fled the group to Vaoros, never seeing his father again. He was 10 years old.

Once he arrived, he had no way of earning a living for himself, finding it impossible to find work. He joined a group of thieves and for the next few years, he earned his bread through petty pickpocketing.

When he was 15, the Septimus army invaded his town. The Septimians were notorious tyrants and under their rule, rape and murder were common among the soldier. Enraged, Alferis joined a liberation force and with his great skills, he was able to rise to be an important member, staging daring attacks on the occupation.

Unfortunately when the old leader died, his second in command Hotello took command. Hotello cared nothing about stopping the Septimians, let alone helping people. Under his command, Hotello sunk the liberation band lower and lower into a group of petty thieves. After a violent disagreement, he left the band and fled from Vaoros.

Throught the next four years, he has been traveling around, serving as a mercenary, a thief, and a menial labor. He currently serves as a guide around the Hamburg area, although he plans to move soon. Still, he still wishes to find allies to help fight the Septimians and the Elysians.


Survival: Specializes. He is a skilled camper and explorer and it is difficult for him to get lost. He can hunt well and can cook reasonably and build crude but serviceable shelters. He is also skilled in first aid and can heal with a vulnerary

Combat: He is skilled in the uses of axes and is strong and nimble

Literacy: Can read common and can barely write.

Magical talent: None to speak of.

Horseback Riding: Passable skill, but not very good at it.

As a thief, he can pickpocket easily and can perform complex robberies. He's very honest though and finds it hard to bluff.

And yes I posted his backstory and stats earlier, but decided to expand on it.

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I collected most of these from the intro topic previously, and saved them for personal reference in a .txt. I'll shove them all here, and maybe prune them out later. So, expect this post to get editted without warning.


Name: Damian

Age: 27

Gender: Male


Damian has a well toned build,standing at 6'2".His skin is slightly tanned,and he has several scars from battle wounds.His body is covered with light armour,mostly composing of hard leather,tinted a dark red,as well as shoulder plates and a chestplate comprised of a light metal.His face holds a pair of eyes that shine a deep navy,with sharp facial features and a mane of hair hanging in an unruly fashion down to his shoulders,with a single braid usually found slung over his right shoulder.His hair is black.

Personality:To be developed as the story moves on,in general,Damian is playful and rather carefree.

Class: Soldier

Crimson weapon?: Yes

Affinity: Thunder

Support(s): B Aiya

Stats: Hp:5 Str:3 Mag:0 Skl:4 Spd:4 Lck:2 Def:2 Res:0

Simplified stats: Hp 15 Mt +3(+1) Hit 4 Evd 7(+1) Def/Res 3/0

Weapons: Spear,Silver Lance (Gae-Borg "The Spear of Impaling Barbed Death",a lance with a 2 meter shaft and deadly blood red blades on either end,it's mere presence unleashes an unsightly aura of murderous intent,and it is designed as to be used as a throwing spear)

Items/gold: Vulnerary(2) 10 Gold

Skills: None

Backstory: The son of the lance wielding Hero,Damian was raised as a Lancer himself,beginning training early on in life,in an almost Spartan regime.As he was trained by a living legend,and shared his blood,Damian managed to get into the Halton military at a relatively young age.At this time Damian stands at the rank of Colonel,and spends a good deal of his time fighting off bandits and the like. Having witnessed his Pikemanship advance,Damian's father felt he was able to entrust him with the Crimson lance, Gae-Borg.

Note: Gae-Borg is not meant to have any relation to FE4's Gaebolg,just to clarify)

I believe this should be satisfactory?


Name: Helios

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Apperance: Long green hair covering one of his eyes. Wears a white overcoat and white pants. One eye that is showing is green and the other is white

Personality: Prime example of a person who does not speak unless spoken too. Helios is a very silent person. He is a very calm and social person. he finds it easier to do stuff himself then recieve help.

Class: Mage

Crimson weapon: Yes

Stats: HP: 3 STR: 1 MAG: 3 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 Luck: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 3

Simplified stat: HP: 9 MAG: 3 Hit: 3 Evade: 6 DEF/RES 1/3

Weapons: Elwind, Crimson weapon: Name under construction. Sharp wind that rips its enemy into shreds

Item/Gold: Elixir/5 Gold

Backstory: Helios never meet his parents. He lived in a local orphanage for a short time but that is all that is known of him

EDIT: Spell is called Hellsety


Name: Morgan

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long dark hair, wears white robes, purple eyes check the sig.

Personality: Enigmatic, pragmatic, and perhaps a bit sarcastic.

Class: Shaman

Affinity: Ice

Crimson Weapon: Yes

Stats HP: 3 Str: 0 Mag: 4 Skl: 4 Spd: 4 Lck: 0 Def: 0 Res: 2

Simplified Stats: Hp: 9 Mag: 4 Hit: 4 Evade: 6 Def/Res 0/3

Weapons: Flux, Crimson Weapon: "Midnight" A tome which drowns enemies in crimson-tinted darkness.

Items/Gold: 15 Gold, Vulenary

Skill: Miracle

Backstory: Taken from her parents as an infant, Morgan was trained in dark magic by a witch who wished to possess her body once Morgan came of age. She discovered this plot and managed to escape and work at a library, disguising her nature as a Shaman. One day, she came across a book which detailed the Crimson Weapons and made the connection between this legend and the tome she had always held. Curious about the existence of the other supposed weapons, she set out to seek the other wielders.


Name: Irina

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: Irina.gif

Class: Wyvern Rider

Crimson Weapon: No (Lance is already gone :/ )

Stats: HP:19(Actual HP amount) STR:5 SKL:6 SPD:5 DEF:6 RES:0 LUK:1 CON:9 MOV:7???

Weapons: Nagant(Killer Lance with a different name), Javelin

Items: Gold:260, Mine, Vulnerary, Secret Book

Skill: Hawkeye


Irina travels all over the continent with her wyvern Kiev. She is part of a massive mercenary army that takes contracts with nations. They fight in place of a kingdom's own soldiers to allow the leaders to more effectively utilize what forces they have left. Surprisingly, they have extremely low mortality rates. Her Uncle leads the group, and he sent her out to train and become stronger, as well as discover whether or not the rumors regarding the Crimson weapons are true. She doesn't know why the Crimson weapons would matter if the Lord of Azure Flames was sealed away, but if she finds them, any of them, she will either bring them back to her uncle, or enlist the help of the current wielders.

She takes up jobs annihilating mercs to keep her gold pouch full.

Irina is calm, observant, and vigilant.

Satisfactory? <img src='http://serenesforest.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wee.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':|' />

Irina: Ummm... You can only have 20 stat points total (and have a cap of four for every stat except HP which caps at six for tier one. Plus it costs three points to get a skill). If you need help, I will be more than willing to give you proper stats after I finish my WoW raid in a hour and a half. I'm not going to reject because I can see you didn't quite grasp the stat system; but character-wise she's okay. Take some time and read the stat system. Also, you can only start with a max of 20 G and can spend money for things like items.

Here is my monkey-guess stats:

Stats: HP:4 (Actual HP amount 12) STR:3 MAG: 0 SKL:2 SPD:3 LUCK:2 DEF:3 RES:0

Skill: Hawkeye

Items: Gold: 5, Mine, Vulnerary (3 uses)


Name: Esphyr

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Esphyr is a roughly 5"11' tall woman with shoulder-length brown hair held in a mix of a scruffy bun and bangs. Physically fit, her entire body can seem fairly harsh from a distance as much of her facial features are not smooth or rounded. It's quite clear that she has been in constant fights for the past several years of her life just by looking at her body. Though no obvious scars adorn her face, it is rare for her not to have some form of minor cut in some stage of healing. She usually is wearing a pair of pants painstakingly kept white (though they have faded to a light grey due to constant use) and a light scouts breastplate under which a red shirt keeps her skin from rubbing against the hard metal.

Class: Mercenary

Element: Fire

Crimson weapon?: Yes

Stats: HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 2 SKL: 2 SPD: 3 Luck: 1 Def: 1 Res: 2

Supports: Daiman C: +.5 STR, +.5 AVO

Simplified stats: HP: 9. STR: 3 (+.5) (4 when Arcanium is active), Hit: 2, Evade: 5 (+.5), DEF/RES: 1/2


Weapons: Iron blade. Crimson weapon ‘Sword of Bloody Wrath’. A crimson weapon that manifests itself by sheathing Esphyr’s blade in a red plasma-like substance. With

each and every swing, waves of red energy roll off the blade in lightning-like patterns, capable of striking her foes.

Items/gold: 18. Vulnerary (2 uses left).

Skills: Arcanium

Backstory: Born a child of two refugee’s from the Republic of Vaorin, Esphyr’s childhood was fairly lively and active. Vaorin was a small nation before the Lord of Azure Flame even attacked and held little military force to stave his forces off. During the first few fights, its tiny army was entirely destroyed and had yet to be rebuilt. As a result, Esphyr’s family was in a constant state of movement out of fear of bandit attacks. At the tender age of five, Esphyr’s family had the poor luck to share a inn with a demon in disguise. A demon whom had just managed to steal one of the Crimson Weapons. Seeing his chance to hide it away, the demon bound it to the young girl, seeking to return later on to fetch the weapon.

From that day forth, Esphyr’s life went from being rough to being rough and hard. Her mothers leg broke as they traveled to the next town, forcing Esphyr to take care of the home. A year later, her father’s arm was sliced off in a bar brawl by a lumberjack, forcing him to return to the house, leaving seven year old Esphyr to support the family. She tried her hardest and her best, but in the end, she simply could not make enough. Starvation set in as she flitted from working as a maid, to a repair apprentice, to a small-time merchant. At age fifteen, her body could simply take it no longer and she collapsed in the streets.

Upon reawakening, she was forced to stay in bed for a week, during which time she lost all her jobs. Unwilling to sink to the level of prostitution to try and support her family, she took the unwanted gift of the Crimson Weapon and started to hone her fighting prowess until she was confident enough to take to the streets as a mercenary. Though the life is still not easy, she is finally making enough to keep her family fed. She has even started to attract some standing for herself, as well as people becoming suspicious of the young mercenaries power.

Reposted so that anyone who may need to read her profile can do so without looking through the main post.


Name: Kelas

Age: 20

Gender: female

Appearance: 5'8", lean but sturdy. Dark brown hair in tight braid, dark brown eyes, tanned skin. Tan tunic over beige breeches, tan boots to just below knees-- often mistaken for male because of loose clothing. Leather archery arm-guards. Multiple faint scars.


(crappy sketch I just did)

Class: Nomad

Crimson weapon?: no

Stats: HP:3 STR:2 MAG:1 SKL:4 SPD:3 Luck:1 Def:2 Res:1

Simplified HP: 12 STR:2 Hit:4 Evade:5 DEF/RES: 2/1 *I'm not sure how Hit and Evade are calculated...

Weapons: Iron bow, steel bow

Items/gold: 10 gold/ 1 vulnerary (what are we using for costs?)

Skills: Hawkeye

Affinity: Fire

Backstory: Not much is known about Kelas, mainly because nobody asks her. She's a wanderer, searching for somebody. Nightmares suggest that something decidedly unpleasant happened in her past... (More will be revealed as story progresses)

Couple of questions: Can characters die permanently? And can I enter a second character later into the story (whether or not my first one's dead?)


Name: Reika (19, Female)

Class: Thief (Fire)


Crimson Weapon: Yes

Personality: Dishonest and manipulative, while Reika looks like a talkative happy girl beneath her cheerful exterior she is constantly trying to figure out how to manipulate others into doing what she wants. Due to this, she doesn't really trust anyone. Reika is also easy to upset and will give the silent treatment to whoever upsets her.

Stats: HP:3 STR:4 MAG:0 SKL:3 SPD:4 LCK:4 DEF:2 RES:0

Simplified Stats:

HP:9 STR:3 HIT: 3 EVD:9 DEF/RES: 3/0

Skills: None

(-1Atk added in, +1Spd added)

Weapons: Bronze Dagger

Calamity (Crimson Weapon: Black hilted Twin daggers which are said to bring misfortune to their enemy and wielder alike.)

Gold: 10


Vulnerary 3

Vulnerary 3

Background: Background: Reika's family were one of the few lucky survivors of Araphane who managed to escape the city walls and into the wild during the chaos in Araphane. Several years passed and a wealthy nobleman from the Halton Empire arrived in the city offering his assistance on the condition he be appointed sovereign. Sensing the revival of Araphane, Reika's family moved back into the ruined city. And within days the tyranny began.

The nobleman wasn't a Halton representative but a man who had been disgraced for shady dealings in Halton and exiled. The nobleman would swiftly employed the services of brigands and ruffians from the area to create his own personal army which would be followed by his imposition of taxes on the people to pay the wages of the kingdoms "guards". Any who refused to accept the nobleman as their leige or pay the taxes were publically tortured to death.

Fortunately, Reika's family had been relatively wealthy before the war and were able to pay the expensive taxes for a few months, however with little to no income the family fortune had been sucked dry, and tension was growing between Reika's parents.

Reika and her older brother would return from picking up seeds one day to find their father demanding that their mother take up prostitution to pay the taxes. After a heated argument their mother ran to the kitchen grabbed a knife and stabbed their father to death. While the argument ended there the financial troubles did not.

A few months later "guards" would come to collect taxes, but having used the last of their fortune were unable to pay the required amount. The guards offered to waiver their taxes for 6 months in exchange for Reika. Her mother hastily agreed and the men said they'd return the following day for her. Reika's brother decided to run away with her, but her mother caught them which resulted in a fight and an end to their mothers life.

Reika would spend the next few years running from authorities with her brother. Her brother was part of a gang of young theives who quickly taught Reika the skills she needed, it wasn't long until she was officially accepted as part of the gang. To celebrate, her brother presented her with a set of daggers he'd stolen from the city's treasury. But the following day these daggers disappeared. Assuming the daggers had taken another gang members fancy Reika apologised to her brother and then thought nothing of it.

It was only a day later when "guards" broke into their hideout and massacred the entire group. Reika however was given to a high ranked official as a "plaything." Reika doesn't remember what happened that night, but when she woke up she found herself blood soaked in someone elses blood. In the distance she could see the city walls, afraid that someone would come after her, she fled.


Name: Aiya

Age: 21

Gender: Female


Aiya stands at around 5'7",with long scarlet locks holding a slight curl.Her eyes are a light green.Her attire consists of light armour atop a shorter combat dress,reaching around mid-thigh,and complimented by Combat boots.Her clothing is a darker blue colour with dark violet armour.

Personality: Aiya is cheerful,chipper,and rather shy.She is quick tempered.

Class: Knight(Dismounted Version,FE3)

Crimson weapon?: No

Affinity: Fire

Support(s): B Damian

Stats: Hp:4 Str:4 Mag:0 Skl:4 Spd:3 Lck:0 Def:3 Res:2

Simplified stats: Hp 12 Mt +4(+1) Hit 4 Evd 4(+1) Def/Res 4/3

Weapons: Silver sword,Steel Blade

Items/gold: Vulnerary(2) 10 Gold

Skills: None

Backstory: As a young woman,Aiya had nothing.She grew up relying on her wits,until she was taken in by Damian's father.They rose through the military together,and she is completely loyal to him by this point in time.

May as well make Aiya one of my own PC's,if that is alright.


Name: Isotov

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Isotov.gif

Personality: Isotov is extremely calm and detached. He only reacts to spoken words. He can't help but smile in the presence of people he cares for.

Element: Fire

Class: Mage (Fire Mage specifically if PoR and RD classes are allowed :D )

Crimson weapon?: Yes

Stats: HP: 3 STR: 1 MAG: 4 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 Luck: 1 Def: 1 Res: 4

Simplified stats: HP: 9, Damage: 3 , Hit: 3, Evade: 5(6 with luck bonus), Defense: 1, Resistence: 4

Weapons: Normal Fire Tome, Proxima, the crimson fire tome. The book itself is warm to the touch. Its aura has bled into the pages, and some of the words glow like lanterns. Whenever it's used, the wielder is in cased in an utter inferno that cooks the ground and fries anything that gets too close.

Items/gold: 0 Gold

Skills: None

Backstory: Isotov was born two years after the Lord of Azure Flame was sealed away. His father was a powerful Wyvern Lord, and his mother was a beautiful Sage. Both of them were in the army that fought to seal away the dark lord. Both died shortly after his sister Irina was born.

Read this only if you're curious :D

Both of Isotov's parents were killed defending their home. The attackers were called "demons" at the time of the incident. They were trying to kill Isotov before he was old enough to harness Proxima's power. Isotov was injured but survived. He left the mercenary army at a very young age to protect what was left of his family. The ones that were after him died in the attack, but he couldn't lose his Uncle and sister as well, so he left.

Now Isotov is a wandering mage. He often takes work wherever he can find it, though he is not a mercenary. The jobs he takes usually involve the translation of old texts, librarian tasks, and on rare occasion, jobs involving his magic skills. Most of the time he goes without food or drink, and because of that he has developed a few odd illnesses... long term memory loss among them.

Isotov still blames Proxima for the loss of his parents, for many reasons. Had the tome heeded his call at a younger age, maybe things would have turned out differently. He also feels that the tome is cursed. "The fires never go out." He only uses the "eerie thing" when his life depends on it.

Isotov is very mellow, too much so for an ordinary person. Most of the time he isn't even aware of what's going on around him. This is partly to blame on his illnesses that are affecting his health. He should be in a hospital, but Proxima is bound to him and as such is sustaining his stamina and overall health.


So, Ether tried to convince me to join the RP here. I'm tempted, and have started throwing together some preliminary details, as well as skimming through the threads so far. I'm not entirely sure how active can be, or for how long term this is going to be, though as I've read more, I'm started to get fairly interested. Here's my current thoughts. (Obviously still very much a work in progress, may or may not actually get used.)

Name: Tessa

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Still working out details.

Personality: Sheltered and slightly clueless.

Element: Thunder

Class: (FE4/5) Troubadour

Crimson weapon?: No




Spent points

HP: 3

Str: 1

Mag: 3

Skill: 1

Speed: 4

Luck: 4

Def: 2

Res: 2

Total Spent: 20

Derived stats:

HP: 9

Damage: +1, WT Swords

Hit: +1, WT Swords

Evade: 8

Save: 2

Effective Def: 3

Effective Res: 3


Iron Sword

Heal Staff



Smelling Salts

Skills: None

Backstory: Tessa was born into a poor family. Though they loved her dearly, in the summer of her fourth year, a disastrous drought left them with no choice but to choose between sending her off to a monastery or letting her starve death in the coming winter. Life in the monastery was not bad for her, she took to the prayers and studies well, becoming somewhat of an accomplished scribe, copying old manuscripts for the monks with her clean, neat lettering. With the abbot's permission she was taught the healing arts as well.

A couple years back, a seasoned cavalier had shown up at the monastery. Weary of killing, and a life of battle, he wanted to put it all behind him and become a monk. He was welcomed to the ranks of the novices. Tessa was quite fascinated by him, and begged him to regale her with tales of action, and chivarly, and would occasionally pester him to teach her swordplay. She was never very good at it, but slowly began to understand some of the fundamentals.

The monastery was just recently attacked by demons. The seasoned cavalier had put Tessa on the back of his old warhorse, and sent her off, to safety he hoped, with nothing but an old sword, her staff, and a few potions he'd tucked away in the saddlebags. Tessa had tearfully watched as the only home she could really remember, and her surrogate father figure faded in the distance, trying in vain to turn the horse around, but it obeyed the former knight's orders firmly. She hopes and prays in her heart that they pulled through it safely.

I totally forgot to add in words about my character appearance. While I did see several of you visit by my spriting thread (which I made purely for the purpose of this charater), since it is in a separate forum I shouldn't expect you all to have seen it necessarily, and so I will repost the picture, as well as some text description because my application's "Still working out details," is decidedly unhelpful.

Sprite: TessaMugGood.png

Text: Tess has blond hair, which she typically wears straight down, and partially kept back with a feather hair ornament that she cherishes. Her eyes are a pleasant light blue, and she has a soft honest expression. Growing up in the monastery she never was really allowed to wear skirts nor dresses, and usually kept to either the standard loose robes, or when she could get away with it, she preferred a relatively simple tunic and trousers combination. Her shirt was a color somewhere in the spectrum between cyan and teal, while her trousers were sepia colored, and made from sturdy fabric. She commonly wears a small leather satchel, slung over her shoulder, containing various odds and ends. A pair of soft leather riding boots completes the ensemble.

Edit: Oh, right some basic height/weight info too. She's about 5'4" 135 lbs.


I won't be introducing this guy for a few chapters, but here goes:

Name: Arrin

Age: 15

Gender: Male.

Appearance: Short, slight, long dark hair tied back, dark eyes. Wears a shabby traveling cloak over brown mage's robes.


(moar crappy sketch yay)

Personality: Despite a hard past, he's very optimistic. Looks at everything with a sense of studious wonder; is interested in just about everything. Generally makes sensible decisions, but sometimes says too much.

Element: Anima

Class: Thunder mage

Crimson weapon?: Yes

Stats: HP:2 STR:1 MAG:3 SKL:4 SPD:2 Luck:2 Def:1 Res:2

Simplified stats: HP: 6 MAG:3 Hit:4 Evade:4 DEF/RES: 1/2

Weapons: Daranau(Crimson thunder tome), Thunder

Daranau description: Daranau appears at first glance to be a normal tome, though the pages are an alarming shade of red. When used, it throws a hellish red-tinged bolt of lightning from the user's palm, rather than causing a lightning strike like normal Thunder magic. Even when not in use, it produces static, and can give you a nasty shock when picked up. Critical attacks take the form of a ball of red lightning being thrown at the opponent (rather than a bolt.)

Items/gold: Vulnerary, 10 gold

Skills: Miracle

Backstory: As a child, Arrin was kidnapped when bandits attacked his village. They planned to sell him to slavers, but when he came into contact with a strange tome they had stolen elsewhere, the resultant magical reaction scared them into dumping both boy and book with the next mage they encountered. The mage, a traveling scholar, raised him well, teaching him magic but keeping the crimson tome out of his reach until he was of age to use it. A year ago, though, the mage died of unknown causes. Now, he's searching for anyone who might know what caused his mentor's death, as well as trying to find out whether any of his family are still alive.

He's Kelas' younger brother.

Considering that he's not showing up for a few chapters, do you think he'll be all right, statwise?


If I can still sign up I'd like to guve this a shot. Here we go...

Name: Chase

Age: 16

Gender: Male.

Appearance: It's posted somewhere

Personality: Reserved and calm, and a bit unfriendly to those he doesn't know very well. However he is very caring of his friends and feels deep hatred to his enemies.

Element: Wind

Class: Hunter (Archer with certain knives)

Crimson weapon?: No

Stats: HP:3 STR:3 MAG:0 SKL:3 SPD:4 Luck:2 Def:1 Res:1

Simplified stats: HP: 9 STR:3 Hit:2 Evade:7 DEF/RES: 1/1

Weapons: Iron Bow, Wolf-Fang Dagger

Items/gold: Vulnerary, 10 gold

Skills: Adept

Backstory: Chase is a low-class civilian from Elyisima who was notably skilled in archery for someone with no training. At 14, he was offered a spot in the military, for they were in need of new recruits, and he joined for a time, but a few months later was discharged due to a spontaneous outburst of recruits. Chaz didn't take this lightly and left the city. He then became a treasure hunter and soon a low-bounty outlaw, but as he continued to resist the bounty was raised until he was among the most wanted on the continent. Some say he eventually found a valuable treasure: others say he merely has a good hiding spot... but in reality, he has both.


Name: Katie

Age: 25-28

Gender: Female

Appearance: A tall woman clearly in her mid twenties or so. She dresses in the full and proper green uniform of a upper-level mage (dress version). The uniform consists of a green blouse and knee-length dress. Upon both of her shoulders are four yellow concentric circles indicating her rank as a fourth-circle mage (think level 15+ mage in normal FE). A scar adorns her neck where her voice box was slashed beyond repair by the hero Harold. This is normally visible, though it's known for her to hide it behind her long blue hair. She boasts eyes of the same color as well.

Personality: Normally a sane and stable woman, she tries to espouse wisdom and knowledge in magic most of the time. However... calling her stupid is a sure-fire way to make her mood turn from a calm tranquility to a raging storm.

Element: Wind

Class: Mage (technically. Civilian due to loss of speech)

Crimson weapon?: No.

Stats: Bypassed. Katie can not fight in a truly meaningful way and should not be on the lines of combat under any circumstances.

Weapons: Elwind. She's weighted it down to function as a pesudo-sap, but there are heavier tomes in circulation anyways.

Items/gold: None

Skills: *mute* Katie can not speak. Not a skill, but needs mentioning.

Sign Language: Katie is capable of using sign language. Once again, not a skill, but needed mentioning.

Backstory: The ******* daughter of the hero Harold, Katie considers herself a orphan adopted by the mage school ever since she was old enough to spit in her fathers face. For the past twenty-some years, she has done little more than study away within the mage schools, only talking with her father on rare occasions and never as his daughter. She graduated at age twenty and became a teacher at the school, leading a fairly uneventful, but happy life. That all changed six months ago. Katie's father came to the school, drunk with wine and eager to claim his daughter as his own once again. Katie didn't even bat an eyelash before throwing a book at him to try and drive him off. This put her father in a downright aweful and enraged mood when the book struck him on the forehead and he drew steel against his own daughter in a drunken rage. Acting swiftly, he sliced out his daughters own voice box, rendering her mute. As she lay upon the floor, clutching her neck, he threatened to return and mute her three students if she didn't start acting nice to him. Terrified of her own father, she started to act nicer, though she was outright horrified of his deed. Oddly, her new attitude has softened the man a bit, but not to the point were they are on a active speaking relationship. She still hates him very much.


Name: Kamilla Ashinan

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Affinity: Ice

Appearance: 30vhrsw.png

Personality: Kamilla doesn't take kindness very well, as a child she didn't get along with the other children due to her poor academic skills and simply doesn't know how to react when such attention is directed at her and often ends up in a panic. Despite being part of the Septimian reform, she doesn't really care about the goddess, the demon lord, or any of the churches codes of conduct really. Kamilla isn't afraid to voice her opinion, but is quick to accept that her opinion doesn't matter, and will quickly back down in most arguments. She has trouble talking to older males as they remind her of her mentors back at the church.

Class: Acolyte (Custom Dancer)

Stats: Hp:3 Mag:2 Skl:1 Spd:1 Lck:2 Def:4 Res:4 (Total stats used 17)

Simplified stats: Hp:9 Mt:2 Hit:1 Evd2 Def/Res 6/6


Protect: 1/2's the characters Def&Res and adds the subtracted points to someone else for 1 fight. (Magic Shield Barrier)

Empower: Adds the characters Str to another character for 1 fight. (Enchant weapon, no effect on CW)

Crimson weapon?: No

Weapons: Sanctuary: (A holy tome handed down to her by her father)


Kamilla was born into the reknown Ashinan family, a family which has strong ties with the clergy, frequently producing Bishops and Archbishops or great skill. Despite her bloodline though, Kamilla showed very little growth in the arts of healing and was reassigned to learning Light magic. However she failed to progress much in this field as well, and was tormented by not only her peers but her mother too, who would disown her and her father to protect the Ashinan name. Without protection from her family she was treated like an outcast in the Septimian conglomerate. Eventually she would told to seek out the Crimson Weapons for the church, however both the priests and Kamilla knew it was just an excuse to get rid of her.


Skill Activation:

1: Casts spell, next character who attacks gets bonus

2: Specific cast (eg Protect on Esphyr)


Yes I've most likely ditched Sabla, she was only a filler character until I could think of a way to make Reika join.

Reika, I'm not too sure yet, I wouldn't mind killing her off, or making her an enemy in the RP (she can die! XD) I would have killed her if she didn't have a crimson weapon >_< Teaches me not to take such roles in future

Regarding Kamilla, I'm sure you all know how I had issues with the battle system we had in place before, I'm assuming we're using the same old system, so I've talked with Snowy and decided to give myself a support role instead of the average magic/physical fighter. (Which defies FE rules XD) Not sure when I'll throw her in though, you seem to be going through mass confusion already with an influx of characters.


I had a totally whacko theory about the paper airplanes but then I realized how moronic it sounded and dropped it.

Also, in more important new, Crimson Axe guy is done except backstory since I don't have time for it ATM:

If I can still sign up I'd like to guve this a shot. Here we go...

Name: Conrad

Age: 28

Gender: Male.

Appearance: I'll post the mu later. It's by Eclipse40 on FEShrine and I didn't make it. But its a rough look.

Personality: A bit weird. He's collected and well-spoken at most times, but flies into a rage on occasion due to his temper slowly building over a persistent agonizing individual.

Element: Fire

Class: Fighter

Crimson weapon: The Axe

Stats: HP:6 STR:4 MAG:0 SKL:2 SPD:2 Luck:3 Def:3 Res:0

Simplified stats: HP: 18 STR:4 Hit:2 Evade:4 DEF/RES: 3/0

Items: Crimson Aze, Hand Axe, Gold, Vulnerary,

Skills: None


^That's kind of lame, though. What's it empty of?

Yeah, am I missing all the fights when I'm asleep, or are there just not a lot of them?

Also, here's the backstory:

Conrad Jackson (yeah, I can't make up last names for my life, sue me) is part of a wealthy noble family of Eliyisma. Much more accomplished on the battlefield than in literature, he is a Colonel in Eliyisma's military who was formerly in charge of Chase. However, due to a stealing attempt from him, Conrad discharged Chase from the military and is also responsible for the Wanted posters for him. He is still angry about Chase's attempted theft, and although admits he deserved it a bit for paying him below minimum wage due to his age, raises the price every few months in hope that it will make more people eager to search for him. He is the current inheritor of the Crimson Axe.


Conrad is approved at this point... Anywho, quick bio's of all six hero's.

Elyisima: Harold The Swordsmaster: A promiscuous man who views women and battlefields as the same, sadly in more ways then one. Back in the day, he was a swift and agile warrior intent on killing his foes with massive and cruel blows... then Katie came along. Having a child caused Harold to falter in his ways just before the battle against the Lord of Azure Flame. He was wounded and forced to managerial duties after the war was finished. However, he never gave them up. With Katie drifting away and his focus being on his work, Harold set to making Elyisima the best he could. He wields the sword Whisper, a enchanted blade capable of silencing any foe with nary a noise; yet it has mutated a new power in the form of being able to shoot sonic blasts. CORRUPT!

Percy the Wyvern Lord: A proud warrior back in the day, since the fall of the Lord, he has grown highly vain and self-absorbed even to the point of letting his combat prowess slip way. He doesn't head the military, nor have any rank within it anymore and is content to rest upon the fear he once commanded as a proud and powerful warrior. CORRUPT!

Septimus: Kaileen the Mother: The healer of the group, Kaileen is one of two female hero's and the last to take up arms against the Lord. She has resigned herself to Lunarian worship after the Lord of Azure Flame, a religion preaching that the Lord and Goddess are not so dead-set against each other and both desire the best for humanity, just having different means of doing it. Her choice has neither helped the religion or her status and she is the most easily forgotten of the six. She is only affiliated with Septimus in that it is where she lives. It is rumored she was once in love with Berthold. Her son watches over her consistently. Uncorrupt.

Jace the Brute: The Warrior of the group and the one whom by far is the most intelligent. Jace relies mainly on daunting and outright outwitting his foes to compensate for the inaccuracy of his axe. With good reason though. One touch from the head of his axe is enough to send weaklings flying. After the war, he became a lawyer, and has won every case so far. Mostly because no one wants to stand up to a prosecutor who can smash their head in without a conscious thought. He has become greedy and desiring of wealth beyond all else and has even tried to sue the king out of his throne, only to have the case denied by 400 armed guards. CORRUPT!

Halton: Bethold the Smith: The blacksmith whom created the crimson weapons. He took up the lance to defend his wife from demons, and has since passed it on to his son (though he doesn't know it yet). While not insane, he spends a immense amount of time within his workshop, creating endless pieces of art in weapon form. Not corrupt.

Naelia the Swift: Former thief queen, rumored to have won battles by simply stealing every weapon owned by the demons, then killing them with them in their sleep, and a wild child to boot. Criminally insane, she has refused the life of civilization in favor of robbing everyone BLIND! She's stolen something from someone at some time if she was in the same town as them for more than three days. CORRUPT but adorable.


My application. Hope it isn't that bad...

Name: Eric

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Element: Ice

Class: Myrmidon

Crimson weapon? No.


HP: 2

Atk: 3

MAG: 0

SKL: 4

SPD: 4

LUK: 0

DEF: 2

RES: 2

Simple stats: HP is 6, Atk is 3, Hit is 4, Evade is 6, and both Defense and Resistance are 3.

Skill: Wrath

Weapons: Longsword. Lighter than usual.

Items:Vulnerary x 2, 10 Gold.

Backstory: A traveler from the ruined kingdom of Jerdon, he's apparently looking for a girl by the name of Danielle. He's prone to excessively bad luck.


Name: Viveka (and Susann (pegasus)

Age: 24

Sex: Female



Viveka's Stats: HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 2 SPD: 4 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 2 Hit: 2 Evade: 8 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Element: Thunder

Skill: None

Items: Cloud Breaker (=FE Spear range 1-2 acceptable?), Gold: 20 (wages), Vulnerary (3 uses), Smelling Salts (3 uses)

BIO: Viveka is a pegasus rider, Lieutenant under General Conrad Jackson, and talented scout. She takes her work very seriously, and is a fine officer. (For more details please vist my gallery)

Acceptable? :)



Ulfhrahn is a male Bull Wyvern,with black scales.From head to tail he is approximately 43 ft long.

Ulfhrahn is about 40 years old,and was raised by Alicia(a former soldier in Damian's troupe,and Aiya's closest friend)'s father,who was a Wyvern Lord of the Halton Empire. Ulfhrahn was never intended to be passed along to Alicia,as it was believed that she would be unable to handle a Bull,however,Ulfhrahn saved Alicia's life while she was in childhood from several wild mountain wyverns.

From that point on,Alicia had been fascinated with Ulfhrahn,and would sneak into the Wyvern Stables to see him,mortifying her father when he found out,and astonishing him to find out she had not been killed. Seeing the bond the two had gained,he could not refuse Alicia's request to train as a Wyvern Rider with Ulfhrahn.

Ulfhrahn and Alicia met Aiya in the Halton Royal Military Academy when Alicia was 18,and Aiya was 15. Due to Ulfhrahn`s protective nature regarding Alicia,the rider had not had many friends before she had met Aiya,who Ulfhrahn had not snapped at upon approach.With no one else to talk to,Alicia became fast friends with the younger girl,and discovered that she too hoped to become a Wyvern rider.

While it was odd that Ulfhrahn did not mind Aiya approaching his rider,it was the talk of the academy,when Aiya,aged 16 at the time,was locked in the stables with Ulfhrahn,and the bull lowered himself to allow her to mount him,and ride around the stable,until he broke her out.

For the next five years,Aiya became about as close to Ulfhrahn as Alicia had,and the Bull,with two caring riders,began to lose his more agressive tendencies,except in battle,of course.

When Damian and Aiya left for Darien,there was a raid on the camp,the assailants no one can yet identify.No human survivors have been found as of yet,and Alicia was confirmed dead.With Alicia slain,and her Father having passed away a year back,Ulfhrahn sought out Aiya,the only other human he had become completely trusting of.

Ulfhrahn is much less agressive than most Bull Wyverns on a regular basis,around the level of a Plain wyvern with a bad temper after domestication.

Despite this,Ulfhrahn will not attack humans unless Aiya commands it,provided the situation is not dire.

Aiya`s trust in Damian has passed along to Ulfhrahn,somewhat.He knows that both Aiya and Alicia listened to Damian,and that his original rider respected him,and as such,does not feel defensive when he is around.

Ulfhrahn prefers Pork and Ham to other meats,but is not picky,and will eat just about anything Aiya gives him within reason.


Name: Danielle (Dani)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Dani is a slim, green-haired girl, coming in at 5'6". Her eyes are green, like her hair, and she has pale skin, a trait shared by all from her native country. Dani's usually seen wearing a light blue TISME uniform. Personality-wise, she has a hair-trigger temper,and is the gung-ho person of the trio of Eric, Derek, and herself.

Element: Thunder

Class: Mage

Crimson weapon? No.


HP: 3

Atk: 1

MAG: 4

SKL: 2

SPD: 4

LUK: 2

DEF: 1

RES: 3

Simple stats: HP is 9, MT is 4, AS is 4, hit is 2, Evade is 7, Def/Res are 1 and 4.

Weapons: Elthunder

Items: Vulnerary, 15 Gold.

Backstory: Third circle thunder mage and noble of Jerdon. She is childhood friends with Eric. Has a brother working as a mercenary in Halton.

OOC: How she has more HP than Eric is testament to his luck. He gets knocked out by most blows. -_-.

[spoiler=Triple M's]

Names: Matthias, Madison, and Maximillian

Ages: 23, 21, and 19

Gender: MFM





Personality: Matthias is the oldest of the trio and is usually rather calm and reserved. However, he is also very prideful and will do anything to protect his family. Madison is usually very logical and attempts to be polite, though at times her fascination with fire outweighs her common sense. Maximillian is the most impulsive of the three, often choosing blasting over diplomacy.

Class: Wind, Fire, and Thunder Mages respectively

CW: No

Stats: Each sibling receives +2 Atk and Def if both their siblings are alive and battling. If only two are alive/there/conscious, they receive +1 Atk and Def

Matthias HP:9 Mag:3 Skl:5 Def:1 Lck:2 Res:4 Spd:4 Eva:7

Madison HP: 9 Mag:4 Skl:4 Def: 1 Lck:2 Res:4 Spd:4 Eva:7

Maximillian HP:9 Mag: 5 Skl: 3 Def: 1 Lck:2 Res:4 Spd: 4 Eva:7

Baackstory: The mage trio came from a poor Elysisman household. Seeing their children's skill in magic, their parents put themselves deeply in debt in order for their attendance at TISME. Matthias found out about the debt his parents had accrued and organized his siblings to perform mercenary services to help their ailing parents.


Name Cess

Class Shaman

Gender Male

Age 20

Element Light

HP 3







Inventory: Flux, Nosferatu, Spirit Dolls

Money: 0

Appearence: A young man with medium length jet-black hair. He wears anything comfortable, but is always seen wearing a Sapphire-blue cape given to him by his sister on his 18th birthday. His skin is soft and clear, as he tries to avoid fighting, but by looking in his eyes, it's clear to see his magic power is nothing to mess with.

Backstory: A young mage, working as a Mercenary. He takes the opportunity to learn at every corner. He cares very much about his family, but is very closed off towards others. He does however, have a strange attraction to those who share his interest in the arcane Dark arts. His strength, however is his downfall, as he has trouble doing physical tasks and gets tired very easily.

His grandfather was a common Mage in the war many years ago, and gave Cess his first tome, spurring his way into becoming a mage. His entire family has an affinety for magic and magical arts, and wants to prove them proud. His sister is very close to him, every since his mother passed away when they were both children, and would gladly protect her with his life.

His goal is to travel the world learning spells, and wants to learn the secrets behind the intracacies of said energies. He knows a bit of summoning arts and plans on one day mastering the powers of Dark magic and better understanding the ancient Crimson Weapons

(I know it doesn't list it, but since it's not a custom class, instead of Druid would I be able to become a Summoner?)

[spoiler=Phoenix's correct stats]

I goofed when I made Iso's statsheet and didn't bother correcting it until a later date.

Irina's Stats: HP:4 STR: 3+1 MAG: 0 SKL: 3+1 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 3 RES 0

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 3+1 Hit: 3+1 Evade: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 0

Isotov's Stats: HP: 3 STR: 1 MAG: 4+1 SKL: 3+1 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 1 Res: 4

Stats simplified: HP: 9 Damage: 4+1 Hit: 3+1 Evade: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 4

Everything in order?

Tessa's Monastery now has a name. It was the Fairbrooke Monastery, of the Order of St. Pentus.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Oh right I forgot, I was going to post some stuff about Conrad. Let's see.

General Conrad Jackson, the Dusk Knight

30 (I know it said 28 earlier, this is the correct age), Male

Class: Axe Armor

Affinity Fire


Conrad Jackson was born into a upper class family of knights. His life was rather common among nobles- studying, battle tactics, and fighting to become a knight. However, his father died of illness when he was 12, and it deeply affected his path in life. He trained himself in the axe, taking up his father's legacy as a warrior three years later, when he was accepted into the army. He inherited more than combat skill from his father- he also received the Crimson Axe, the Earthshaker. With his extensive training and powerful weapon, Conrad quickly climbed the ranks of the army. At 26, he was promoted to a Colonel and put in charge of a group of new recruits, as well as having a few Lieutenants under his command, the most prominent being Viveka. Merely months after this promotion, a new soldier joined his ranks- Chase Veshkal. After several stealing attempts and misconduct, he discharged Chase from the military. Further violations led to Conrad placing a bounty on his head.

Three years passed. Conrad was promoted to a General, and just a few days later, word of Veshkal's travels reached him. Since then, he's done what he can to apprehend him.

Edited by Lightning
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Sign up Stuffz posted by Bal.



Control Guide:

-Damian is generally non-confrontational. He will attempt to find non-violent solutions if it seems possible in a given situation,and will attempt to stop arguments from escalating.

-Damian cares deeply about the people around him.He generally tries to be friendly to anyone he spends an extended time period with,and if he holds a bad opinion of you,you did something wrong.

-Damian is playful by nature.When the situation allows it,he will tend to flirt with women casually,although he rarely takes it any further than that.If he feels he can get an interesting reaction,he may flirt with men as well,although he holds no attraction to them.

-Damian is very adamant once he begins something.He is unlikely to quit even in a dire situation,but he may feign acceptance or defeat if it puts him in a better position.


Equestrian: Basic Horse-Riding/Care knowledge.Damian can ride horses,but is unable to fight proficiently atop one.No trick riding ability.

Combat: High level Halton Military style Lance fighting,as well as the personal style of his family. These two have been interweaved for Damian's own use,and in the process,the common use of a shield has been abandoned,although he has knowledge and experience in both offensive and defensive shield work.Highly trained in Knife-Combat,although it is rarely used.Damian specializes in Spear-Throwing,being one of the premier Throwers in Halton. Moderate Sword Training,but usually resorts to Lance tactics even with a blade,making them a rather inferior weapon for him to use.

Linguistic: Damian speaks and writes Common fluently.

Survival: Extensive knowledge of herbs and natural poisons,as well as camp-building,and general survival,tracking,and hunting. No problem lighting or maintaining fires,and knows which woods will or will not produce a large amount of smoke,as well as which plants give off toxic fumes when burned.

Medical: Limited Medical knowledge,has the ability to properly dress wounds,and can implement herbs in healing successfully. Cannot properly set bones,and does not always know the proper course of action in a major medical situation.

Magic: No aptitude for magic.Slight knowledge of curses due to the Gae-Borg,but knowledge elsewhere is limited.

Culinary: Interested in cooking from a young age,he practiced under a famous chef who worked with his father. Does not cook often due to constant criticism by said chef,but from the standards of a normal person,his cooking is well above average.Extensive knowledge of spices and proportioning,as well as cooking styles and cooking times of different foods.Is able to cook over a fire,or with a kitchen.


-Diplomacy: Damian possesses diplomatic skill learned via classes in the Halton Military academy. Can generally sway untrained minds without much effort,and is able to go hold his own against politicians and the like.

-Charisma: Damian possesses a high level of Charisma.This causes most people to hold a very positive first impression of him,and influences his bartering and diplomatic skills.

-Tactics: As a commander,Damian is versed in strategy and tactics. His skills in this area are above average for a non-specified commander.


Esphyr - Loves

Isotov - Neutral

Irina - Likes

Chase - Likes Slightly

Tessa - Likes

Morgan - Likes

Helios - Slightly annoyed

Katie - Neutral

Kelas - Wants to regain trust

Arrin - Neutral

Kamilla - Neutral

Aiya - Loves

Reika - Dislikes

Alferis - Annoyed

Heinz - Neutral

Charlotte - Neutral

Eric - Neutral

Derek - Neutral

Dani - Neutral

Pary - Annoyed

Cess - Neutral




Control Guide:

-Aiya holds a rather quick temper.If annoyed,she has no problems stating so,and may resort to "discipline" if she feels an offense is dire enough.Discipline usually involves the impact of a steel gauntlet into a part of the other parties body.

-Aiya is generally positive about most things.She will try to cheer others up if they appear to be unhappy,and tends to avoid showing her own grief,unless she is speaking to Damian or an overly-emotional memory is triggered.

-Aiya is outgoing and enjoys talking to people,but in a romantic situation,she tends to clam up and fidget,unsure of what to do or say.

-In a conflict,Aiya will attempt to stay out of it if it does not directly affect her,but once she is brought into one,she will hold a grudge for a short amount of time.

-Aiya completely trusts Damian,and is loyal to him entirely.She will usually do anything he asks her to.


Equestrian: Basic Horse-Riding/Care knowledge.Aiya can ride horses,but is unable to fight proficiently atop one.No trick riding abilty.

Combat: Aiya is proficient in fighting with a sword.She specializes in a western sword fighting style utilizing a Bastard,or Hand-and-a-Half sword,but is able to perform in fencing,Kendo,and other assorted styles.Aiya is also proficient with parrying daggers,but does not carry one.She also is well versed in offensive knife fighting,similar to the Apache style,and carries multiple combat knives hidden in her armour,as well as a larger one on her belt. Aiya is trained in advanced Pankration,a martial art originating in Greece,which mixes modern day boxing and wrestling in a deadly combination. Combined with the steel gauntlets and boots which she wears,a solid hit,even without a Blade,is more than capable of crippling an opponent.

Linguistic: Aiya speaks and writes Common fluently.

Survival: Knowledge of poisonous berries and plants,as well as military survival training. Fully able to build a makeshift camp,as well as fires.Knows how to locate underground springs.

Medical: Knows how to use a vulnerary.That`s about it,she could wrap a bandage,but it would likely be too tight.

Magic: Limited knowledge.Can recognize low level magic spell incantations,but cannot recite them.She has limited ability to manipulate her Mana Network,but is not at the level of being able to cast spells.She is interested in attempting to learn someday,but at the moment,all it does is increase her magical resistance in relation to most physical weapon users.

Culinary: Limited Skill.She can make basic meals,such as sandwiches,with general success.Any more advanced than that,and she tends to ask for assistance.


-Wyvern Riding: Aiya can both ride and calm wyverns,as well as care for them.Aiya has a natural affinity for wyverns,and can generally avoid being attacked,even when dealing with wild wyverns.


Esphyr - Likes

Isotov - Neutral

Irina - Likes

Chase - Neutral

Tessa - Likes

Morgan - Likes slightly

Helios - Annoyed

Katie - Neutral

Kelas - Neutral

Arrin - Neutral

Kamilla - Likes

Damian - Loves/Completely Loyal to

Reika - Dislikes

Alferis - Annoyed

Heinz - Neutral

Charlotte - Neutral

Eric - Repects

Derek - Curious

Dani - Likes,interested in getting to know her better

Pary - Annoyed

Cess - Curious


Aiya's thoughts on Esphyr are basically this:

-The idea of multiple wives/lovers is common in Halton,especially in higher classes.Due to the exposure,she is used to the idea.She knows of Damian's popularity,so she was expecting there to be someone else at one time or another.This is why she isn't shocked or appalled.

-She doesn't want to cause a conflict.She is willing to go any lengths to fight for him,but she doesn't think she could take it if she was against him.She isn't asking him to find a second girl,but if he does happen to,and she likes the person herself,then she won't complain about it unless something triggers it.

-She is devoted to him.She wants him to be happy,as not only has he made her happy for 16 years,but had he not told the guards to take her with them and leave her unharmed,she would either still be on the streets,or dead.If he would be happier with a second girl around,then she'll let it go.However,she still wants to be a part of his life.Were he to just abandon her for this other girl,she would get angry very quickly,and likely homicidal.This is why Damian apologized for spending less time with her than usual,and has something planned for when they reach the manor.

-As was mentioned earlier,she does think that if it came down to it,Damian would choose her over Esphyr.This is reflected when she said at TISME that she had planned to do something big that night in the beginning,she wants to be the one he will choose,if he chooses only one.She feels confident enough that she is still the one,and Esphyr's submissive attitude towards her in that regard (Aiya comes first),makes Esphyr pretty easy for her to deal with.

-She is Bisexually curious.Not completely bisexual,and as the story progresses,she may grow closer,or farther from it,depending on what happens.She tends to gravitate towards girls,because she has bad memories of men from when she was on the streets,Damian and Bethold being the only extensive positive male influences she has,whereas in the academy,aside from Damian,all of her friends were girls.She is still sexually attracted to men,but she is very open with other girls through familiarity.

Overall,she is accepting of Damian's decision,but she wouldn't exactly be heartbroken if he dumped Esphyr.She likes Esphyr,however, since they have a good deal in common via ideals and such,and because of this,she doesn't mind having her around.



I guess the big thing with this is that he does make her happy.She is happy with him,and this is big for her because she hasn't had a lot of happiness elsewhere.She knows that he cares about her,and that he will keep her happy,and that is something she wants to keep.If she feels that this is apt to change,then she will take a lot of action,very quickly.

As for her own goals and such,her life is decently fulfilled aside from him.She has a decently high-ranking position,and is close to a promotion.She can provide for herself,she could get a nice sized house in the capitol.She is perfectly capable of living fine on her own.If you take him out of the picture,the only thing she doesn't have is a Husband/Family.She pursues him like she does because she wants him to fill the one big hole in her life.Yes,I know what I just said,deal with it.

As for fighting and losing a friend,he is more than just a friend to her,by a large margin.He saved her life,pulled her from a life on the streets,which would have been likely spent as either a laborer or a prostitute,and gave her a home,and got her enlisted in the Halton Military Academy.He took her from having nothing to having,well,almost everything she could want.

As for reservations/questions.She has some,but she isn't vocal about them.A lot of it is placated by Esphyr's attitude,which is that Damian should do everything with Aiya first,spend more of his time with Aiya.Esphyr isn't really encroaching on her territory,as much as living on the border of her territory,and living off of the prosperities that proximity allows.

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Appearence: cessgba.pngcessbeta2.png



HP 3








Simp Stats

HP 9

MT 5



AS 5



Skills: Prayer

Element: Light


[spoiler=History]A young mage, working as a Mercenary. He takes the opportunity to learn at every corner. He cares very much about his family, but is very closed off towards others. He does however, have a strange attraction to those who share his interest in the arcane Dark arts. His strength, however is his downfall, as he has trouble doing physical tasks and gets tired very easily.

His grandfather was a common Mage in the war many years ago, and gave Cess his first tome, spurring his way into becoming a mage. His entire family has an affinety for magic and magical arts, and wants to prove them proud. His sister is very close to him, every since his mother passed away when they were both children, and would gladly protect her with his life.

His goal is to travel the world learning spells, and wants to learn the secrets behind the intracacies of said energies. He knows a bit of summoning arts and plans on one day mastering the powers of Dark magic and better understanding the ancient Crimson Weapons



Physical: Poor. Unable to run very long without getting tired, and hand to hand is virtually nonexistant. Knife ability is weak, but could use one if pressed.

Magical: Excellent magical ability. Understands concepts behind Wind and Thunder, and if he studied and put more time into it, he could learn them. Can cast several spells before getting tired, and can manipulate basic Dark spells into different forms.

Housework: Proficient at cleaning, cooking, and feeding farm animals.

Horses: Enough to ride, but wouldn't know how to set up a saddle. What's a brindle?

Language: Knowledge of common, and tome languages.

Culinary: Not great, but passable. Can cook a few meager dishes such as stews, curries, and can skin and clean fish.

Medical: Can diagnose illnesses, and wrap wounds properly. Not much else.



Irina (Slight Intrest)

Damian (Neutral)

Aiya (Neutral)

Esphyr (Neutral)

Katie (Slight Intrest)

Morgan (Intrest)

Kelas (Neutral)

Arrin (Neutral, but slight intrest)

Chase (Neutral)

Conrad (Neutral) (hasn't met)

Isotov (Neutral)

Tessa (Neutral)

Helios (Neutral, but slight disintrest)

Eric (Neutral)

Reika (Neutral, but slight disintrest)

Viveka (Slight Disintrest)

Charlotte (Neutral)

Dani (Neutral, but slight intrest)

Derek (Neutral, but slight disintrest)

Alferis (Neutral, but slight disintrest)

Pary (Neutral)

Heinz (Wait...Who is this guy?)


[spoiler=Controls]-Cess thinks things through, but can manage to miss several important points at times.

-Cess is very strategic, and will focus on a weak point during fights, leaving the main combat to others.

-Cess is a bit closed off, and won't bother making the first move on someone unless something is on his mind.

-Cess will typically ignore the current discussion/problem and stay neutral, until he accomplishes what he needs to, or something angers him.


ParyThere's no good brown.....

Appearence: parygba.png


[spoiler=Stats]HP 3








Simp Stats

HP 9

MT 4


AS 3




Skill: Charisma

Element: Anima


[spoiler=History]Pary had been in the clergy since he was very little. he had been an orphan, and was taken in by the head Priest when he was just a child. When he was in his teens, a new cleric came to stay at the church. Pary fell madly in love with her, and had proposed marriage to her. She had accepted, but died of illness the following winter. Pary saw this as the goddess's punishment for breaking his vows of chastity. He was deeply sad, but accepted his fate.

As his church was in Jerdon, he managed to escape to a neighboring country when war broke out. His friends and clergy members had not been as lucky. He cursed the goddess, for taking his bride, his home, and his family. He renounced his ties with her, and took out to find a purpose.

One day when he was traveling, he ran into an old decrepid Cathedral. Going inside, the walls were scorched, and a women layed in a pool of her blood. He tried mending her wounds, but it was too late. He took her Bolting tome, as it could be of some use, and left before the assassains came back.



Physical: Normal. Able to do tasks without tiring quickly, but not an Ironman. He can lift things as long as they're not incredibly heavy. Would be a good hand to hand combatant, if he know how.

Magical: Good. Can use staves and Light magic proficiently.

Housework: Proficient at cleaning, cooking, as he was taught in the clergy.

Horses: Can ride and knows the proper terms for things, but unable to put them into action.

Language: Knowledge of common, and tome languages. Speaks Jerdonian as a second language.

Culinary: Very good. Capable of making several dishes from memory, should he have the ingredients and materials. Able to make several things on the spot, but may or may not end well. Will cook if asked, but otherwise leaves it to others.

Medical: Can diagnose illnesses, and wrap wounds properly. Able to use staves, and herbs to properly cure illnesses. Can boost allies magical resistance, and knows how to use Offensive staves as well as others should he be able to access them. Basically, if it's a staff that's not legendary, he can use it.



Irina (Neutral)

Damian (Slight Disintrest)

Aiya (Disintrest)

Esphyr (Neutral)

Katie (Slight Disintrest)

Morgan (Neutral, but slight intrest)

Kelas (Neutral)

Arrin (Neutral, but slight intrest)

Chase (Neutral)

Conrad (Neutral) (hasn't met)

Isotov (Neutral, but slight intrest)

Tessa (Neutral)

Helios (Slight Intrest)

Eric (Neutral, but slight disintrest)

Reika (Slight Disintrest)

Viveka (Slight Disintrest)

Cess (Neutral)

Charlotte (Intrest)

Dani (Disintrest)

Derek (Neutral, but slight disintrest)

Alferis (Stupid Bandit! Major Disintrest! Gonna let him die in battle.....)

Heinz (Wait...Who is this guy?)


[spoiler=Controls]-Pary will not care about you, unless you are wounded, or he has feelings for you. If you anger him, he will not give you a second thought.

-Pary will take a very aggresive stance in arguments, unless the topic disintrests him.

-Pary will lie to protect hiself and friends, but will explain why in the end.

-Pary is very defensive, and will counter-argue his opponent should he be backed into a corner.

-Pary holds grudges, and detests people who are very absent minded, as well as thoughs who allow fate to fall to a higher power.

Edited by psychout50
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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Altion

Age: 21

Level: 2

Gender: Male

Appearance: A young Cavalier from a relatively unknown and secluded Septimian town, and it shows. He wears simple plate armor without any defining marks. No national design or Septimian style; but instead simple plate armor. When his helmet is on and his face is secluded, no defining marks at all exist to separate him from a mounted suit of fresh armor, save a single crest in the shape of a sun with a moon surrounding it on one side. When his armor is off, he is shown to be a fair faced and skinned lad of humble appeal. No scars mark his face, nor blatant stylization's. Instead, he holds a simple appeal, for his blond hair is let to flow free, but combed by his fingers constantly. It's not even unknown for him to get 'helmet hair' from time to time. A small and slightly scruffy beard also adorns his face (which he wishes would be longer) but only traces up to his cheeks. The only other defining mark is his green eyes, constantly atwinkle with a wish in his eye.

Personality: A calm and usually gathered man, he functions according to his own measure and rule. That isn't to say that he is a rebel, but rather, he does not understand the morality of the world about him; his own morals coming from a older time and he is not about to compromise them. He is in a state of constant wish and desire, but is perfectly content with what he has as well paradoxically. He values honor more than life, and his wishes just as much.

Element: Light

Class: Cavalier (lance)

Crimson weapon?: No.

Exp: 20

Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LCK: 4 DEF: 4 RES: 2.

Simplified stats: HP: 12, STR: 4 Hit: 4, SPD: 3 evade: 4 DEF/RES: 4/2

Weapons: Steel lance

Items/gold: 20G

Skills: Adept

EXP: 38

Backstory: A young lad from a secluded village. His village went into seclusion at the end of the last rise of the Lord of Azure Flame, but not by choice. The area around the village was assaulted by demons, but repulsed. To this day, people are convinced that there are demons in the woods, and the villagers don't try to dissuade and will even dress as demons to scare off government officials (namely taxmen). The result has been that the village has become distance and culturally segregated, even unknown to most passers by, and Altion has not been spared. He has learned morals and ways from before the last rising, and potentially even older still, and has come distant from the world. As he grew older though, he started to wonder about the outside ways. Being at the age when men start to marry in his village, he wasn't interested in any woman, not from lack of appeal, but rather because he simply didn't like any. Choosing to leave instead of being badgered by his guy-friends, he set out into the world, curious to try and understand it's strange ways.

Edited by Snowy_One
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  • 2 weeks later...

[spoiler=Luc]Name: Luc Altair

Age: 24

Gender: Male.

Appearance: Luc is six feet tall, weighing in around 186 pounds. He has long blond hair tied into a ponytail and blue eyes. Despite being a horse rider he keeps more than his weapon-arm fit. He wears two distinct sets of clothes, a heavy set of plate mail with dark green underlays, and a more casual, high-class, light green outfit that has a cloak. Both outfits have a symbol, a closed white fist, somewhere on them. Luc always makes sure to keep his left hand gloved, covering up his nearly useless left hand.

eb1a5f8f.png(simp stats)

Personality: Luc is serious and straightforward about what he wants or thinks. He has little need for humor, though he may secretly laugh inside. He thinks himself clever, and is becoming increasing adept at defending himself with words.

Element: Fire

Class: Ax Cavalier.

Crimson weapon?: No.


Level 1 Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 Luck: 0 Def: 3 Res: 2

Level 1 Simplified stats: HP: 12 STR: 4 Hit: 3 Evade: 4 DEF/RES: 4/3


Level 2 Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 Luck: 0 Def: 4 Res: 3

Level 2 Simplified stats: HP: 12 STR: 4 Hit: 4 Evade: 4 DEF/RES: 5/4


Promoted Level 1 Stats: HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 Luck: 0 Def: 4 Res: 4

Promoted Level 1 Simplified stats: HP: 15 STR: 5 Hit: 5 Evade: 5 DEF/RES: 5/5


Weapons: Halberd(Treated as an ax, works as lance as well)



Name: Adept

Activation: Roll a 1 on your skill die.

Effect: Make one additional attack. Skills cannot activate off this attack, criticals that activate off this attack only deal 1.5x damage instead of 2x damage.

Name: Resolve

Activation: Passive, once per battle.

Effect: Multiplies unit's primary offensive stat, speed, and skill, by 1.5 (rounded down), when unit is 33% health or lower. This speed only adds .5 evasion. Only available to 4 STR/MAG and under classes.

Backstory: Luc's father was a nameless, faceless grunt that fought in the war against the Lord of Azure Flames. Lucky enough to survive the disaster, he returned home and, like so many men did, had a wonderful reuniting with his wife. Nine months later Luc was born. But work was not good for his parents. His father's injuries never fully healed restricting work, and the constant turmoil of recovery made a woman's work perilous at best.

By good fortune his father was approached by an old comrade. The man was gathering displaced veterans from the war in a new city being financed by a wealthy backer. Seeing little choice, the family moved; along with many other veteran families. Life in the new city was fantastic for the new immigrants. The leader of the new city kept things in the land controlled, very controlled. But at the time, few people argued with losing freedoms for safety and work.

The city grew, and Luc grew with it. At his sixteenth birthday he enlisted in the military, seeking to gain the numerous advantages offered by the armed forces service (the city leader had a plan where long-term service granted status of nobility). The training was harsh, brutal and thrilling. Despite nearly having his left hand burned off in his time Luc loved it all.

In the later years of his training, he looked to the horses for his advanced learning. He chose the biggest, baddest horse around for his mount. And did absolutely everything wrong to try and ride him. Luc barely escaped with his life. After listening to the advice of the people who knew what they were doing, Luc carefully learned to ride the horse he selected. It took nearly a year, but the two managed to work out a partnership.

With the horse, Thunder, at his side, Luc took the official ranking test. Scoring high marks all around, Luc was officially instated as a 2nd Lieutenant. It has been seven years since he entered service, and Luc has clawed his way up to both a Captain in the city military, and earned the noble rank of Count for his unwavering loyalty to the city.

Character Skills:

Equestrian- Luc is a skilled rider, but is not an expert on horse care.

Combat- Luc primarily fights with a halberd for the versatility and surprise ability it affords him. He prefers fighting on horse but is a fair combatant on foot as well.

Magic- Luc had no skill or desire for magic. However the magic event that injured his left hand made him wary of the skill so he learned how to better blunt the effects of magic attacks.

Tolerances- The constant pain of his hand for the first few months rapidly boosted Luc's ability to deal with pain. The agony from eating the Directus rations further boosted it, and the Directus rations themselves gave Luc an iron stomach. Luc has also acquired an immunity to two types of poison and a resistance to a third from assassination attempts. He also has an impressive alcohol tolerance due to drinking sessions with Gran and others.

Linguistic- Speaks common and completely literate. Has rather impressive penmanship. Can recognize some other languages but doesn't know more.

Medical- Can use vulneraries but has little skill beyond that.

Culinary- His few attempts were passable compared to Directus rations but most people would spit it out.

Survival- Has no group survival skills but training has given him a greater tolerance against lack of food or drink than most others.


Dancing- Is terrible at dancing, constantly missteps.

Command- Luc has had a large amount of tactical and strategic training. He was a constant victor in war game scenarios.

Edited by Script
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