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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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"Ah forgive me Irina" Helios said. "I let my emotions take over me when i finished that innocent wyvern". "The whole time i was trying not to kill them". "Please take into account that they attacked us". "Im am truly sorry". Helios turned to Morgan. "She grew up with Wyvern's". "Obviously she has sympathy for them". He paused for a second. "Did i just say Irina'?

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"Emotion is weakness" said Morgan. "If we had stopped to pity the wyverns, they would have killed us all."

"I think it's sad that we had to kill the wyverns." piped up Charlotte. "I mean...they were just hungry."

"You're here for your staff, not your worthless opinion cleric. Keep quiet." Morgan responded.

Charlotte nearly raised her voice in protest, but remembered she should keep up her facade.

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Kelas had fired shot after shot, punching through wyvern wings. "Arrin! Wake up!" she shouted over the din. Amari was fighting, too; Kelas saw the mare stamp on a wyvern's wing, then throwing her entire weight into a kick that cracked the downed beast's skull. Francis, though not fighting, was at least miraculously alive.

Arrin scrambled to his feet, calling Daranau before he even knew what was going on. Red lightning sent several smaller wyverns falling. He noticed other blasts that were not his: "We got another mage somewhere!" he shouted.

Kelas scanned the skies: too many wyverns to count, and dawn not yet come... "Is there better shelter we can get to?" she called, hoping someone with good night vision would answer. Staying and fighting would be suicide... but so would a mad dash through the pass in the dark.

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"... Without emotion, we wouldn't be human. Emotion is why people are civilized. Emotion is what sets us apart from demons. Hell, emotion is probably man's greatest strength. Without it, we would never have conquered the Lord all those years ago. Stop devaluing it. Another thing: How about not ignoring people's opinions? Maybe they've noticed something you haven't, and just want to point it out. And if you've already noticed that, well, nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Edit: Added three words.

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The rest of the Mountain Wyverns seemed to have retreated as the group made its way into the forest,and Irina was clearly upset.

"It's alright Irina...I didn't want to hurt them either,but when they started to swarm,it was all we could do..." Aiya said,embracing the other wyvern rider in an attempt to comfort her,then glaring at Cess for launching the first attack.

"Groa...." Ulfhrahn let out a pained growl,and Damian noticed the unhelaed wound he had taken.

"That big wyvern must have gotten you,eh Ulfy...?Hold on a second." Damian turned towards the group members,and seeing the new cleric nearby,he called out to her.

"Hey!Can you come over here and mend Ulfhrahn's wound?He got hit pretty badly."

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"Demons have emotions as well. Anger, envy, pride, greed. Perhaps they lack the full spectrum of emotions humans have, but they are generally not mindless either. I guess that the main factor behind the heroes being able to defeat the Lord of Azure Flame was their ability to keep their emotions in check."

"I refuse to acknowledge inferior opinions. Pitying anything that attempts to kill us is folly and that is simply the end of the matter." Morgan said definitively.

"I can help." said Charlotte. She was quivering as she approached the wyvern. She saw a large gash mark and pressed her staff up against it.

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"Oh right the bounty. I forgot," he said. "Didn't I tell you this was the group I offered to guide?" he retorted. "They decided not to take up on my offer though. I'm not after them, but it would be nice if I did see them again. Assuming that is that group over there,"

He noticed the wyverns retreating.

"Huh. They've left. Keep your guard up though. They still might attack us if they saw us."

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The girl was shaking in fear as she approached Ulfhrahn.She lifted her staff to the wound,and it was mended.

Ulfhrahn gave the cleric an affectionate nuzzle with his snout to show his appreciation,however,the cleric yelped out in fear!

"It's alright,Ulfhrahn won't hurt you,calm down." Damian said to her,and she seemed to listen,as Ulfhrahn had not opened his jaws and snapped her in half.

"You came upon us rather recently,actually...might I ask your name?"

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"... You have me on the emotions part, but, really? 'Inferior' opinions? Miss, by the Goddess, who died and left you queen? If you're going to ignore your allies' opinions and lord over them their lack of a Crimson Weapon, they'll desert you, and when you end up in a tight spot, who will back you up? Also, show respect to the dead. They died for their cause, and that takes guts. If you can't respect your allies, and you can't respect your enemies, then you're just as bad as the demons. Get off your high horse, Miss."

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Reika yawned "Ah right, not exactly a friendly bunch of people those things" she said indicating the group with her eyes. "You did forget to mention that though"

the wyverns seemed to have backed off for now, but it'd be only a matter of time before they returned. "Thunder and fire probably luring them over there, and not at us.

Though why would you want to seem them again? "To complain? they'll probably try to kill you the moment you open your mouth against them" Reika said rubbing her eyes. "As I said, not a very friendly bunch, though if you want to go down there and meet up with them I suppose we could, safety in numbers, and if it comes down to it, the more sacks of meat waddling about, the easier it is to get away"

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Isotov and Irina

She gotten a lot of input about her mood, but the truth was, they could have avoided the situation altogether with a little more teamwork. She decided that for the time being it was best to try not to get too offended by the killings or Morgan's detached perspective.

Irina: *sigh* It's alright. I'm not happy about this, but we're going to get ours anyway so there's no point in biting your heads off -_-

Iso: And yet you have no problem with killing human beings, mercs, bandits ....

Irina: Of course I don't! They know full well what they're doing! It's not like the bandits are going to use us for food! They just want to kill us and take our gold! The mercs got their gold and they'll kill us over a contract! Wyverns are different! Do you know how little they get to eat?! If you guys would have just stayed close, not done anything stupid, and followed my lead, we would have gotten here without ... oh never mind ... can we just go now?

OOC: Attack postponed until further notice...

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"I have the logical capacity to see what truly is, such as not trusting that Helen character. Since this group seems to almost completely lack common sense, my opinion matters more than anyone else's. Your way would have us all lying in a grave somewhere with your self-righteous drivel, my way keeps us alive." Morgan responded.

"I am Charlotte milord, pleased to meet you." she said, curtsying to Damian.

"Self-righteous drivel?" Charlotte interjected at Morgan. "Sir Eric is merely trying to show some respect for other living beings, as we all should do!"

"Easy to do such a thing cloistered in a church all your life." Morgan retorted. "The real world is a far harsher place, survival of the fittest and all."

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"It is sad that they died.If we could have scared them off,it would have been better,but once magic started flying,the wyverns thought we were trying to encroach on their territory,and attacked.They had no bad intent,they just wanted to keep their land and get a meal..." Aiya agreed with Irina,arms still hanging on the other girl.

"Oh,no...you don't need to be formal with me,I am no lord...just call me Damian,okay Charlotte?" Damian said in response to her curtsy and address,before turning to Morgan.

"While thinking of such thing in battle can be detrimental,calling someone insignificant for mourning afterward is not something that I appreciate,Morgan. You do have a better head than most,but as much as you may dislike it,these people are our comrades,and constantly fighting with them does us nothing but harm. I'm not going to ask you to apologize,as it is not my place,but please try to remember that while logic and reason are important,emotion can be a driving factor in performance as well,and shouldn't simply be discarded.I too am regretful that we could not spare these wyverns,for they had no reason to die before a battle was started."

After saying this,Damian turned to Helios.

"Yes,we should keep moving.We can continue these conversations on the road,if necessary."

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"...It would be nice if you backed off of her, and not attached labels to me. You're right, life is harsh. Trust me, I have experience. But it isn't all gloom and doom, like you're portraying it. There are ups to it, you know. Moving on, listen to yourself. 'My opinion matters more than anyone else's, because this group lacks common sense.' Really? So you can just prance around ordering people what to do because you think they're off? Can you honestly tell me that's not arrogant? And I'm not stupid. I'm not going to just roll over and let myself die because I don't want to kill wyverns. What I was saying is that pity's OK. Don't try to blow things out of proportion."

Upon hearing the comment about the need to move, Eric frowned. "There's still hundreds of those wyverns out there. Where do we go?"

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"Don't bother arguing, certain people think they're above morality," Kelas told Irina with a sigh as they headed through the trees. "Let's just get out of here and avoid more fighting. I'd rather not have any of us die, either."

"Whoa!" Arrin fell from the saddle as Francis crashed to the ground. He clambered to his feet, dusting himself off. After a few seconds it became clear that Francis' attempts to stand were failing for a reason: one of the gelding's forelegs was crumpled at an odd angle. "Oh, no... his leg's broken! ...Tessa? Help!"

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OOC: One of the bulls has arrived. The other ... well just read on.

The ground suddenly started shaking violently and trees were being knocked down by the dozens! The shaking was getting stronger and stronger!

Irina: Oh no ...

Iso: What the hell is coming?!

Irina: Oh no ... oh no, oh no, oh no! Either a nest is close by or we killed WAY too many of them! >_<

As the trees near them started to fall, a large shape came out from the shadows! A new mountain wyvern! An enormous one with huge wings and massive fangs! Its tail would be perfect for whipping and skewering! The female having heard so many of her children's cries came out only to find nothing but the scent of their blood! The culprits right in front of her, and her mate, the pack leader out of sight close by, she decided to finish them herself! She wasted no time in crawling toward them, keeping her wings folded tightly as she moved in on them!

Irina: Okay ... everybody listen up! There's no time to run now! They'll catch us! We have to kill this bull wyvern! (This one's gotta be the female ... the male should have shown up first ... where the hell is he?)

She looked around hoping to spot the male, but it was too dark!

Irina: Iso! We need some light, now!

Iso: You're kidding!

Irina: Straight in the air!

Without arguing, he threw a fireball into the air! the female looked up as it flew into the sky! Then looked back at Iso wondering what he'd done! The fireball exploded in the air! The tiny red flames dispersed before touching anything that would burn, but the red light shined so brightly that it blinded the hidden male who just happened to be gliding above them and sent him careening into the ground!

As the female began to charge the group, Irina examined it closely picking out every weak point Ivanko had taught her. The idea of killing a bull wyvern herself was terrible, but now she didn't have a choice!

Irina: That's the female! ... Kiev, Ulfhrahn! Flank her! Everyone else, wait for my signal to attack the male! You have to all attack it at the same time or it'll rush us too! Just wait for my signal so we can get a decent hit!

OOC: Since waiting for reaction posts is an utter waste ....

Kiev quickly flew to the female's right side and bit down on her wing, while Ulfhrahn outright body slammed her! The male rose up to challenge them, and immediately spread his wings revealing his entire body!


OOC: I will handle deaths post so just launch your attack and then wait -_-

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Upon hearing the order to attack, Eric disappeared, then reappeared in mid-air, flying at the bull wyvern. Stabbing down at the beast, the traveler hung on for dear life as his blade pierced the dragonkin's hide.

"... What the!?!" the mage said, stopping when she saw the giant wyvern. "Wow! A bull! I guess I'll try again," the mage said, dropping her Elthunder tome. Producing the Bolting tome again, she quickly chanted the spell, and shot another bolt at the wyvern, striking it dead center.

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Helios summoned Hellsety. Blade? Axe? Lance? Boomerang it is. Helios pinpointed energy from Hellsety to his hand. This time he felt his arm drain of strength. With all his strength he flung the wing magic at the Bull Wyvern.

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The two wyverns seem to be taking care of the female, and another mysterious bolt had hit the male. Kelas had shot several arrows at his wing, and Arring was preparing a second spell again. It would be safer to protect his horse from on top of it. Cess flung a spell at it's wing, shredding it, a causing deep scars. He could see Morgan limping over to a tree, and went to give her a ride. Esphyr was standing next to Katie, her sword drawn incase one of the wyverns got pass.

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"Damn it!Gae-Borg!"

The spear flew,cutting the Bull wyvern as it struck.


An explosion of barbs,jamming into the wyvern's hide across nearly its whole body.

"I'm sorry..." Aiya whispered under her breath as she used the other's attacks to get in close,and the steel blade easily cut into the soft underbelly.

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Aiya saw the windblade,and attempted to evade it.


A hit on her left arm,but she couldn't let it get in the way.She took another swing at the poorly defended belly,glad that her mana network had softened the magical blow.

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"This is ridiculous! Zephyrtwine!" Chase shouted, and the bow materialized in his hand. He drew an arrow, and pointed it it the male wyvern on the ground. As he pulled back the bowstring, Chase chanted, "Bow of the sky, strike my enemy!" and released the shot. The arrow tore through the air at such high speed it made a hissing sound, and struck the male wyvern. Chase felt a sudden drain in strengthn and collapsed.

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