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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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"Idiot! Of course it's the right way! Swamps are supposed to smell bad!" Chase shouted at Helios, and shook his head. "...Idiot..." he muttered.

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Cess looked around. They didn't seem to be near the swamp at all. But that odor!

"Just keep busy and maybe you won't notice it..."

"Would anyone else like their fortune told? Maybe if we keep our minds off it, we won't notice the stench.."

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"I asked if there was another way, ingrate" Helios shot back at Chase. He heard Helen reply. "I see" he said. I would prefer that over this

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Tessa had nodded at Arrin's replies. Everything seemed reasonable, and he was actually holding together really well. The nomad mage must be pretty emotionally durable, she found herself thinking. Their time together was then cut short, before either he had planned to continue along with his story, or before she had had a chance to interject with any of the praise that she'd found building up for him.

It was a whole series of events, happening nearly in perfect sequence, one right after each other. First the horse pulling the cart had let out a whinny of panic, as something had startled it. As Tessa turned around a bit curious, there'd been a flash of magical fire, and the canvas that had been being used to keep the light misty rain off of the travellers in the wagon had suffered badly, burnt clear through in some places, smouldering in others. Before she could really peace together what had happened, a small host of soldiers had ridden up to the group, and were greeted by a roar from Kiev, and the sudden appearance of Aiya's mount as well.

"The excitement never stops, does it?" she shook her head, and remarked a bit whimsically. "Do you want to head back and check it out, or...?"

Arrin shook his head, and answered, "Let's keep going, they're starting to move again," he suggested. "Hey, look, I haven't even fallen off yet..."

The comment caused Tessa let out a laugh as clear as a bell. She quickly raised a hand to her mouth, looked a bit guilty, and apologized, "I'm sorry, that was rather rude of me, wasn't it? In all honesty? You are doing a bit better, but don't think you've mastered it yet! Though, Francis does seem to be getting on with you rather well, which is good."

A voice calling out from behind them sounded suspiciously familiar to her; she couldn't make out the words, and when she turned around the speaker was obscured by the cart horse, the driver woman, and the general crowd of people, so she wasn't sure, but...

"Hey... Arrin. Was, that just Kamilla's voice?" she asked, a tone of hope half-hidden in her own.

Edit: I changed a . to a !

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"How am I an ingrate? At least I'm not complaining about the situation, " replied Chase. "I have a bad sense of smell anyways, so I honestly couldn't care less about the swamp."

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Pulling up his coat, Eric fastened the two belts around the coat's collar, making the fabric cover his nose and mouth.

"Well, this isn't going to help. It won't be easy to fight with that stench, unless you have something to block it out," he said, muffled by the collar. "Any ideas?"

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"I believe it was," Arrin replied as the wagon drew nearer, now containing someone who looked rather a lot like Kamilla. "Was she with the soldiers?"

As they entered the swamp, he nearly choked. "Wasn't-- expecting-- that--" he coughed.

Kelas returned to her position next to the cart as they entered the swamp; footing was no good off the path. Before the smell got too bad, she grabbed a strip of cloth from her pack and tied it over her nose and mouth. "You know, it's not that hard to block," she pointed out to Helios, who was complaining of the stench.

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"Pansies. You've never even smelt a swamp before." replied Helen, taking in a deep breath as the cart passed onto the wooden pathway that lead through the swamp. Under the disguise, Helenos gave a happy little sigh as well. The scent of rot and decay, laced with that of plant matter was like a field of roses to her and all the rest of the world was sickening in it's appeal. "There's a clear spot a bit of the ways in. We'll sleep there. Oh. And don't mind the wildlife. Most of it won't bother you."

"Hey, Cess, can you tell me a fortune as well? And... please tell me it contains a field of fresh-smelling daises as well." asked Esphyr.

OOC: Yea, if it's not obvious, I'm trying to separate the Helen act from Helenos.

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"My pleasure, Irina."

Cess took out his Dais and fortune-telling cards again. This time, he reshuffled them. He focused his energy into the device, letting it glow faintly. He drew the cards.

"1. Big, something large, inconvenient will approach soon,

2. Mist, mist will foretell the arrival of something, a toxic mist,

3. Twin, a pair of twins are important, your meeting will affect the future,

4. Water, an aquatic obstacle is coming soon, someone will be in danger near water,

5. Wind, a wind-storm will happen soon, or Wind magic will pose a challenge to us soon."

Cess put his things away. He stared at Helios a moment, then Arrin and Kelas. They did look very similar.

"But as I told Morgan, those are just symbols, the true fortune is how you see them."

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The soldiers immediately reach into their packs, covering their nose and mouths with scraps of cloth, it didn't help much, but it was better then nothing.


Kamilla not sure what to say to Morgan said a quick "thank you" before plopping herself beside the shaman, and it wasn't long until the stench of the swamp filled her nose. "Ewwww, Smelly!" she whined trying cover her nose, her sentiments seemed to be shared by most of those around her. And most of them were holding their noses and tried to block the smell out. She looked over at the soldiers and seeing them with cloth over their faces, mused that they looked like bandits before getting an idea. Looking around she found a knife lying on the ground. Perhaps it was Helios's or maybe Chase's, and if not it most likely just came with the cart. She reached out and held it proudly in her hand. Looking around to see if anyone had noticed her actions.

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Iso didn't bother commenting on Irina's fortune, instead he held onto Katie's cloak and kept his face covered to block the smell. The cloak smelled nice though.

Iso: ^_^


Irina: (Hmm ... something "large"? Toxic mist? Ugh ... got that covered -_- ... who am I meeting? Someone will be in danger near the water? Oi. Helios will pose a challenge to us soon? :/ ) I'm not sure what to make of all of that. Does advice come with your fortunes?

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"Ugh...swamp gas..." Aiya cursed at the sudden development,and quickly covered her nose and mouth with some cloth.

Damian did the same,still keeping a watchful eye on the soldiers trailing them,his arm which looked to be hanging lazily was actually poised to summon and hurl the Gae-Borg if the situation called for it.

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Morgan was fairly unaffected by the smell of the swamp, she was used to such things. She noticed Kamilla holding a knife.

"No, no Kamilla that's not a good toy. Put knife down."

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Kamilla smiled as Morgan noticed her and found the burned canvas Isotov had burned a hole through, it had become useless at keeping the rain out, and after the rain had stopped there'd be no need for it. Cutting a long piece of cloth out for herself before anyone could object. She wrapped it around her face and smiled. "Kamilla is bandit!" she said proudly, as if she'd thought of something the others hadn't.

She cut herself another piece, and handed it to Morgan not really sure if she'd take it, but Kamilla had to make some for Eric and Tessa too. She ignored any complaints she might be getting and continued to cut her way through the canvas, not really caring about the long scratch marks forming beneath the cloth.

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Cess prepared Esphyr's fortune, doing the same routine he had done twice so far this night. He focused.

"Here it goes...

1. Wood, trees, a forest is your future,

2. Glow, a glowing object is bringing danger, be careful,

3. Sleep, something will happen when you are asleep,

4. Flower, you might be in luck with that field,

5. Sand, a desert, we will have to find something in a desert."

Cess laughed. "Well I suppose your field is in luck."

Turning back to Irina, "Unfortunately, no. I merely give you the signs, you must figure out how they pertain to you."

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The new Shaman seemed to be a fortune teller,Aiya noticed,and her eyes lit up.

She plopped down next to him,and with her eyes filled with curiosity,said simply; "Can you do my fortune too?"

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Helios looked in his pack for a cloth. He found one and covered his nose in it. If they didnt leave soon he would die.

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Cess felt proud so many were interested in his ability.

"I'm sorry I can't. The readings take a lot out of me, and until I rest again, I can't really do it accurately. I'm a bit limited to three at a time. Maybe after dinner."

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"I suppose you can try mine while you're at it, but it probably won't work. Never has for me when I get it told." Chase said.

OOC: The vision is supposed to not work.

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Upon seeing Kamilla cutting off some cloth, Eric gestured towards his coat.

"I'll be fine," he said. "Just get some for the rest."

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Aiya's head dropped with a sigh.

"I wanted to get my fortune told too..." She pouted slightly,before a thought came to her.

"But didn't you only just do two...?If i gave you something to eat would you be able to go again,since it looks like the last one was a little while ago?"

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Getting confirmation, Tessa breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't quite sure what exactly was going on, but the fact that she was here now, meant something at least. They were now entering the swamp proper, though, and hit with a sudden wave of marsh gas. It wouldn't have been too bad, if not for the sudden contrast, with the more pleasant smell of the light rain. But still, Tessa found her eyes watering a bit, and she swallowed back a small rise of gorge that had come unbidden.

Turning to the mage, she said, "We should definitely fall back here. Let the woman driving the cart go first, she claims to know the way, and we'll avoid having the horses step into any tricky business. Navigating on uncertain footing is outside of your skill level for certain."

As they let the cart pass them by, Tessa found herself peaking into it. Kamilla was indeed aboard, and seemed to be playing at something at the moment, though she wasn't sure what. A small knot of others had formed around a new face. Well, not exactly new, she recalled having briefly bumped into him before. But she knew nothing of the male shaman, really.

The pale swordsman was still jogging along behind the cart, and following a bit further behind was the company of soldiers. Taking a moment to call out to him she said, "Eric, are you sure you'll be alright? Principles are one thing, but try not to push yourself too hard."

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