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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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As if on cue, from all over the fen, the leeches suddenly swirled about under the water; sensing blood being drawn nearby. The marshwater suddenly heaved as across the entirety of the fen as a full out swarm of the leeches suddenly burst forth to hover in the air, their bodies aglow with the sickly green light.

Leech X Unknown (24. Replenishes at the end of every enemy phase for now. Increases by 4 every time no leeches are left.)

Stats: HP: 1 (3 HP total), STR 0, MAG 2, SKL 2, SPD 4, LCK 0, DEF 0, RES 1.

Leech Mouth: Counts as wind magic.

Skills: Leech: Any damage done by a leech heals it for twice the amount.

Bypass: On a hit, a leech deals a minimum of 1 damage. However, dice rolls for damage are capped at 3.

Swarm: If an attack hits a leech and kills it and there is excess damage, that damage may be instantly applied to another leech without rolling for SKL.

EXP drain: Hits against the leeches are worthless, and killing a leech only grants 1 EXP

"You just had to open your mouth Eric?" said Esphyr with general annoyance as she drew her sword. All about them, the leeches quickly swirled about in a swarm, walling them off and preventing them from progressing as many of the minor monstrosities suddenly shot in towards the wagon. Esphyr was on it as quickly as possible as her sword sliced through the air, catching several of them in one wide sweep and severing them in twain, coating her blade in red blood alight with the green glow, as she severed two of the leeches in half just before a third slipped past to latch on to her arm. A second later, a thin trail of blood down Esphyr's arm signified that the leech had somehow gotten through her clothes to cut into her flesh.

3, 4, 1. Hit for 8 damage on Leech 1. Leech 1 killed: Swarm active: 5 overflow damage to leech 2, Leech 2 killed, swarm active, 2 damage to leech 3.

Leech 3 counter: 5, 1, 3: Hit for 1 damage. Heal 2 HP. 3/3 HP.

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"What-- the-- hell--" Kelas began, simply bashing the things with the bow she held. To shoot them would be a waste of arrows...

Kelas: (4,4,2) Hit! Leech 3 killed, Swarm active, Leech 4 killed,

Leech 5: (6,3,1) Hit! Kelas takes 1 damage!

Kelas called to the driver, slapping at the bite. "Once we've killed the damn things, you're answering for this!"

As the leeches filled the air, Arrin summoned Daranau.

Arrin: (3,2,4) Hit! Leech 5 killed, swarm active, leech 6 takes 1 damage. Arrin loses 1HP to Crimson.

Leech 6: (3,2,2) Hit! Critical hit! Leech does 3 damage! Leech regains 2HP!

Arrin grimaced: the thing had got an artery, or something...

Leech 6: 3/3, Kelas: 11/12, Arrin: 2/6

Kelas 2EXP, Arrin 1EXP

Edit: Misread what happened to leech 3, forgot res on leeches. Fixed.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Upon seeing the leeches jump out and fly at the group, Kamilla forgot about Katie and quickly hid behind Isotov, (meatshield) she withdrew her tome and held it up "Kamilla help too!" she said before trying to cast protect on Isotov and failing miserably Dealing him 1 damage! XD jk. She looked around, and upon seeing Eric decided she'd cast protect on him.

Eric defense+3

Though, she knew how useless it'd be against the leeches.

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Isotov and Irina

As the leeches swarmed the wagon, Iso let loose! He quickly opened Proxima and as soon as he called out its name, a fireball appeared from the pages which Iso quickly hurled at the swarm! They quickly moved out of the way, and a tree was blasted to the ground! one of them moved in close and latched onto his arm!

Irina quickly swung her lance and killed the leech instantly! As she brought her lance back around, she began spinning it wildly and another leech was cut down! The third was nicked but survived and quickly launched at her! She ducked it and the leech slammed into the side of the wagon, its teeth jammed in the wood!

EDIT: Leeches 4,5, an 6 are now to be referred to as Leeches 18,19,and 20. RIP leeches -_-

Isotov rolls 1,1,5


HIT 4 vs EVADE 6 = MISS loses 1 hp from Proxima

Leech 4 rolls 4,6,2


HIT 6 vs EVADE 4 = HIT

DMG 3 vs RES 4 = Isot takes 1 DMG (due to physical leeching and min dmg)

Iso HP 8/9

Leech HP 3/3

Irina rolls 6,5,4


HIT 9 vs EVADE 6 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 0 = Leech takes 3 dmg and dies, Leech 5 takes three dmg and dies, and Leech 6 takes 2 dmg

Leech 6 rolls 1,4,5



Irina HP 12/12

Iso HP 8/9

Leech 4 0/3 Now leech 18 or something ... so on and so forth)

Leech 5 0/3

Leech HP 1/3

Edited by Phoenix
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Feeling the protect spell, but knowing it wouldn't help much, Eric drew his sword and swung at the leeches

[6,5,4]=Hit! Eric deals 8 points of damage! Leeches 10 and 11 are down! Leech 12 takes 2 damage!

[6,4(-1 for cap),3]= Hit! Leech 12 deals 5 Points of damage! Leech 12 is at full HP!

Unfortunately, one of the leeches had caught on to him, nearly sucking all his blood out. Swatting it away, the traveler steadied himself, dizzy from the bloodloss.

Eric 1/6 HP

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Heinz turned his head at the sound of the wyverns only to see military troops following them from behind, supposedly to protect Harold's daughter. Harold's daughter? That mute mage is his daughter and traveling with these criminals and Crimson Weapon wielders.... very few stranger things have happened. The group argued amongst themselves to decide what to do, and apparently Morgan, the shaman, had brainwashed the traitor woman named Kamilla to stop her from reporting them.... except she had anyway.

Looks like I don't even need to ask about this group's history, I just find out more about them by listening. That burning inn though, the scroll documented reports about a crazy fire mage, this man who wields "Proxima" is probably him. And Morgan wields Midnight. In all likelihood Esphyr is probably a wielder, as well as possibly her employer.

Heinz was broken out of his reverie with reports of flying leeches. Flying leeches? How lovely..... Heinz was glad he was wearing his longer boots, they were a little harder to maneuver in, but he certainly didn't want to get any leeches on him. And that wagon driver claimed they were marsh lights?!? What is she hiding here? She seems to hate the heroes, calling them "idiots" like that. At that moment, another shaman recited a new fortune for a man named Eric, and a swarm of leeches came upon them!

"Great, just great," Heinz muttered to himself. He was used to all sorts of fighting, but leeches was not something he had expected. "Well, that's the job of a mercenary for you." Heinz readied himself to throw a knife at an attacking leech.

He threw one knife at a leech that was about to land on the mute mage, severing it in half and splattering the woman slightly with leech in the process. Heinz assumed she would rather have guts on her than be drained of her blood though, and continued to fight, ignoring the swordsman outside of the wagon who almost fainted from bloodloss.

In quick succession, Heinz pulled two more knives from his belt and neatly stabbing two more leeches into oblivion.

Link Leech 14, 15, and 16 dead.

Edit: I killed three leeches? O_o For now, Heinz has a neverending supply of knives unless I need him to run out for plot.

Edited by the_whistler
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(5,5,1) Cess smashed Leech 12 and 13. His magic was effective, but somewhat weaker than normal. He was worried what other powers they could possibly have.

(1,2,2) Cess managed to dodge their attempt to bite him. He decided to go back and wait in the cart. He hated bugs.

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Kelas smashed at another bunch of leeches.

Kelas: (4,2,5) Hit! Leech 6 dies, swarm activates! Leech 7 takes 2 damage!

Leech 7: (5,5-2,1) Hit! Kelas takes 1 damage! Leech regains 2 HP!

Kelas grimaced and continued to fight.

Arrin fell back to the wagon, bleeding from a bite perilously close to a big artery.

Kelas: 10/12, Leech 7: 3/3

Kelas: 1EXP

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OoC: Not battle post btw.

Cess ducked down in the cart. Katie was the only left in here. The others outside fighting the leeches. Those blood sucking monsters. He hated bugs, snakes, anything slimey or disgusting.

"Are you okay? Did a leech bit you?"

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Not seeing her spells doing any good, she shrugged, guessing it was better then nothing, she cast Protect on Eric.

Eric Def+3


Meanwhile, the soldiers stood around Katie with a bored expression on their faces. Unlike the idiot travellers, they'd come prepared, and had salted much of their skin, warding the bloodsuckers away. And those that did approach them was effortlessly cut down. The captain didn't really seem to be taking much interest in the happenings, he wasn't the least bit inclined to help this group. If they had the last drop of blood sucked out of them then he'd just abort his plans and drag them back to Ilyphina and have them thrown behind bars. While flying leeches had surprised him, it was a common rumor in Elysimma that flying leeches inhabited the swamps, and he didn't give it a second thought.

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Isotov and Irina

Another group of leeches was fast approaching! Iso quickly tossed another red fireball at them! Three were lined up and incinerated by the ball as it blasted down yet another tree! The fourth was injured but still flanked Iso! It latched onto him before being slashed off by Irina! She twirled her lance again and cut another leech, which quickly latched onto her arm! She yanked it off with her hand and chucked it into the air where it came to a stop, and prepared to come in for another attack!

Irina: There's way too many of these things! Was this a trap?

Iso: Don't worry about that right now, just fight!

Isotov rolls 4,6,2


HIT 7 vs EVADE 6 = HIT Iso loses 1 hp

DMG 10 vs RES 1 = 9 DMG Leech takes 1 dmg and dies, second leech takes 3 dmg and dies, third leech takes 3 dmg and dies, fourth leech takes 2 dmg!

Leech rolls 3,3,5


HIT 5 vs EVADE 4 = HIT

DMG 3 vs RES 4 = 1 dmg (due to dmg minimum) Leech gains +2 hp

Irina rolls 4,1,5


HIT 7 vs EVADE 6 = HIT

DMG 4 vs DEF 0 = Leech takes 3 dmg and dies, second leech takes 1 dmg

Leech rolls 5,1,3


HIT 7 vs EVADE 4 = HIT

DMG 1 vs RES 0 = Irina takes 1 dmg and Leech gains +2 hp

Iso HP 6/9

Irina HP 11/12

Leech DEAD

Leech DEAD

Leech DEAD

Leech DEAD

Leech 3/3

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OOC: Unless my counting's off, there's only 4 leeches left. Or, was.

Feeling the protection spell reinforced, Eric pulled himself together, twirling his sword. And disappeared, only to reappear, seconds later, the last remaining leeches smears on his blade. Wiping the blade off, the traveler returned to the side of the wagon, getting into position for the next wave.

[5,3,3]= Critical! Eric deals 12 Points of damage! Leeches 21-24 are down!

Enemy routed

Edit: added Enemy Routed.

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As Kelas's arrow shot the leech off of Esphyr's wrist, she shot a look at the mounted archer. "You could have hit me just now!" she shouted at her in irritation as a second, much larger swarm of the hovering leeches broke off to smash into the group again! Esphyr wasted no time at all. Despite not having her usual sword, she was not about to let them get away so easily. Quickly, her fingers ran along the edge of the blade, enchanting it with what lightning she could before she quickly slashed at the first of the monsters to get close to her.

With a mighty arc, the lightning from her blade struck the first of the leeches before quickly arcing about to fry a second and a third with a glorious sizzling sound! However, the fourth leech was not deterred and shot right for Esphyr, landing splat in the middle of her forehead.

"AHHHH! GET IT OF! GET IT OFF! OH GODDESS GET IT OFF! SOMEONE HIT ME!" she screamed wildly, clawing at the monster. Being leeched is not a fun experience, and for the mercenary girl, it had suddenly become quite horrifying!

Wave 2 of leeches: Leech X 29

Arcanium active!

Esphyr: 4, 5, 5. Critical! 10 damage dealt! Leeches 1, 2, and 3 are dead! 1 damage dealt to leech 4

Leech # 5, 3, 3 Critical! 8 damage dealt! Esphyr at 0 HP! Esphyr is now traumatized of leeches!

Edited by Snowy_One
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Tessa hadn't quite know what to make of the floating lights when they'd first appeared, and had frankly been more than a little occupied by swatting mosquitoes. The when the swarm suddenly reared to attack, it had caught her entirely by surprise, and she'd not had a chance to act. However she had managed to pay enough attention that she had a fair grasp of the situation. She saw Kamilla using her powers to protect the pale swordsman, so despite his wound, she assumed that he would be able to manage fine without her. Aside from that it seemed that Isotov had been lightly wounded, but was still in fighting shape, Arrin was bleeding badly from where he'd torn a leech from its point of attachment, and a sudden scream from Esphyr alerted her that the mercenary was not happy with her situation. The cart was in the way though, so as Tessa was making her way in that direction, she caught up to, and healed Arrin. (+5 HP).

OOC: Snowy, if you made your saving roll, let me know, I'll get you next dose, but as is, it looks like you might be down, and I'd rather avoid messy retcons.

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Arrin felt his wounds heal quickly: Tessa was helping. "Thanks!" he called, and let off another blast from Daranau at the new wave of leeches.

Arrin: (2,5,3) Hit! Leech 4 dead, swarm active, leech 5 dead, swarm active, leech 6 dead. Arrin takes 1 damage from Crimson.

Leech 7: (5,2,2) Hit! Critical hit! Arrin takes 2 damage!

Arrin: 2/6, Leech 7 3/3 Arrin gains 3EXP

Kelas continued to swing at the pests, Amari aiding by trampling the ones she could reach.

Kelas: (2,6,3) Hit! Leech 7 dead, swarm active, leech 8 dead, swarm active, leech 9 takes 2 damage.

Leech 8: (6,2,5) hit! Kelas takes 3 damage! Leech 9 regains 2 HP!

Kelas: 7/12, Leech 9 3/3, Kelas gains 2EXP

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"Shut up" Helios said to the fire Mage. "Its not me". "Your commoners should be used to that by now since that is how you smell".

"Leech's" Helios said. He took out Hellsety. He had to hit hard to defeat them

Helios vs Leeches

Helios rolls [5,1,1] Helios Criticalled for 8 damage

2 leeches felled

Leech attacks [5,2,6] The leech hit for 2 damage


Helios gained two exp

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"Shut up, you! I'm sick and tired of your "commoners this, commoners that" remarks!" Chase shouted at Helios, and pushed him. "Can't you deal with it for once, you idiot? You're not exactly the coolest guy either! Oh, sure, we should all envy your wonderful position. If most nobles are like you, I think I'd be sick if I had to live like one! Just shut up!"

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Let'em talk, Chase, we've got fighting to do!

Irina: Are you two seriously going at it now? We could all get sucked dry! Focus on the fighting!

Iso: And ... here ... comes ... another wave ... ... great ....

Iso held Proxima out ready to strike down the next attacking leeches!

OOC: Will post next stat battle after Tessa shows up <.< >.>

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"And I'm king of Septimus. That's bullshit. You've said it at least a dozen times, and that's only what I've heard. So try to get it through your thick skull: you're acting like a total jackass. I dunno why I even talk to you. You're like one of these leeches: You drain the life out of us and you're going to get shot in a few seconds if you don't quit it."

With that, Chase faced a leech and knocked an arrow.

Will post rolls in a second...


The shot fired clear through two leeches (4+3+1), and he injured a third one. He drew a second arrow and fired, but unfortunately missed.

Chase gains 2 exp

EDIT: Fixed a few bad math errors there...

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Kelas headed around the wagon: this couldn't possibly be coincidence, and she was going to tell the driver as much. She steered Amari between Helios and Chase, forcing them apart: "'Ingrate' implies he's got some reason to be grateful to you, mage. I see none. Now both of you shut up and earn your keep, those damned things aren't going to kill themselves," she called over the sounds of fighting, and continued.

Amari planted herself in front of the carthorse, and Kelas glared at Helen as she continued to slap away leeches. "Right then. Cut the act: this is obviously a trap. Who are you really?" she demanded.


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"And I'm king of Septimus. That's bullshit. You've said it at least a dozen times, and that's only what I've heard. So try to get it through your thick skull: you're acting like a total jackass, and if you don't shut up in a few seconds, I'll do everyone a favor and push you into the swamp myself."

... okay what the fuck is wrong with my weird double posts like this sometimes, seriously.

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The leeches were everywhere,and the first wave was quickly dealt with.

"Looks like we will have to help with the second wave,instead,eh Damian?" Aiya said quickly,unsheathing her Steel Blade and rushing at the leech swarm.Swinging her Steel Blade with a Wide Arc,she took out 4 Leeches,and any attempt to suckle from her were quickly evaded.

"Looks like it's time to get serious...Gae-Borg!"

A pulse flowed through the spear,and barbs rushed out of the head,spearing through 3 leeches easily!

Aiya(5,6,5) 9 Hit - 4 Avo,Hit! 12 Mt - 0 Def,12 Damage!

Aiya has killed 4 Leeches!(Not sure if the leeches counterattack when there is no excess damage,but the roll is linked,and it is a miss)Roll

Damian(5,3,2) 9 Hit - 4 Avo,Hit! 9 Mt - 9 Def,9 Damage!

Damian has killed 3 Leeches!(Roll is linked again,counter would have missed,no excess damage)Roll



Damian +3 Exp

Aiya +4 Exp

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Kamilla was getting worried, the entire pool of water around them had lit up, if all those lights were leeches, they didn't have a chance of winning, and she doubted the slugs were smart enough to know when to retreat, and there must be at least a few hundred of them, possibly a few thousand. Kamilla frowned, they weren't exactly standing here protecting something, why couldn't they just move along, or back, or anywhere away from these leeches? Or were these the monsters they'd come to defeat? Cause if so, it looked like a loosing battle, she just hoped someone would have the sense to order a retreat soon, before the leeches got to her.

Eric+3 defense again

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