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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Listening to the nomad boy talk about his situation was a bit refreshing, but some of the things he'd brought up made her realize there was a lot about him that she didn't really know about. Well, him and his sister both. Well, actually the whole group, now that she thought about it. While she'd tended to be quite open and forthcoming with her past at the monastery, most of the others seemed to be somewhat guarded for one reason or another. Maybe the more eventful one's past was, the less one wanted to talk about it? She considered the notion briefly, while also reminiscing about the perfectly ordinary days at the monastery, and that while they had seemed so lively at the time, she was beginning to become certain that they were quite likely the most mundane of anyone present.

As Arrin had finished his line of thought, she asked a few follow up questions, "So, when did you start travelling, actually? Was it, forgive me for intruding, when your teacher passed? That must have been rough for you. And, well. I can't really add much on the subject of family, but on the bright side, at least you have one right, even if you don't really understand her?"

They had now caught up to the cart, and as they were passing alongside it, Esphyr had called out to her, before Arrin had responded. She seemed to want to apologize for the incident that had occurred when they were sparring. Morgan had been right, and the mercenary didn't hate her, it was just a combination of ill-timing and some inner issues the woman was struggling with.

"Really, you needn't feel you have to apologize for it. While it does my heart glad to hear that you don't hold anything against me, I am not sure I could rightly blame you even if you had. If you were acting like a child, then so too have I been... for avoiding you these past few days." Tessa could only incline her head in apology, as it was not really possible to bow from atop a horse.

A call out from the front of the cart led to the end of the exchange, as Esphyr's attention was directed forward, though for the moment they had probably both said all that was necessary. Turning back to Arrin, she smiled a bit, as if apologizing, and then she further realized that perhaps the sensitive questions she'd just asked were perhaps not appropriate in close company, and that even if he were to feel comfortable telling her, there were many other people nearby who he might not be content to have listen in.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to," she told the mage, "but maybe we should ride off a ways? Not far, of course, in case we're needed. It's just... at the moment, I'd rather have to deal with yet another issue, if you know what I mean?" A bit of a worn-out expression crossed her face.

[[OOC: Sorry, I write the slowest posts ever. D: ]]

Edits: For the Horde grammar!

Edited by Balcerzak
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"Pays with his lance huh? How wonderfully unappealing. So he's willing to pay a mercenary woman but not a man? What a gentleman." Heinz rolled his eyes. And I would bet half of Septimus's treasury that he's good at what he pays, otherwise she probably wouldn't still be here. I never really liked those military types anyway. Too gung ho or stuck up on their own high horse to care about much else.

Heinz scanned the cart again for anyone else who could give him a plausibly good excuse for staying here and investigating the Crimson Weapons. Esphyr mentioned she carried a sword and her Halton employer apparently is "good" with a lance. There's at least four or five other mages here, it's got to be either the Crimson Weapons or some sort of deluded harem under that woman's employer's control. Heinz twitched slightly. If the latter's true, I'm getting out of here. Hmm.... that woman over there, she looks more assertive and knowledgeable than the rest. Perhaps I can make her acquaintance. If not, I hope that flimsy excuse of a spar match holds up.

Edited again: Yes I'm referring to Morgan.

Edited by the_whistler
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Argon groaned as he woke up, his arm throbbing crazily. "Ahh... my arm..."

"You've got a smart horse. Most warhorses would have gone chasing after mares, but your's didn't," a voice said quietly from the side. Argon turned his head around and saw the back of a girl, who seemed to be cooking something. She had shoulder length red hair, and seemed to be of average height.

Argon tried to sit up, but a jolt of pain stabbed his arm, and he slumped down again, and talked from his current position. "He's a gelding, not a stallion. I chose him for that reason. I like to fight, and a horse that could have betrayed me in battle would have been useless."

"Not stupid, then. Interesting. Well, as it happens, your choice saved you. I was out in the forest yesterday when I came upon you fighting some bandits in the forest. One of them knocked you off your horse, and then hit you on the arm. Luckily for you, I was there."

He grimaced as he remembered the events of yesterday. A posting on the board had been offering a large sum of money to clear out bandits in the forest, and he had rushed in without thinking about the fact that horses didn't fight well in forests, and that it would have been an awfully high reward for only a few bandits. "That was stupid," Argon admitted.

She shrugged her shoulders. "A lot of stupid people wouldn't have admitted that. You should be proud of yourself. You can call yourself the smartest of the stupid, I suppose."

Argon blinked slightly at the mixed insult and compliment, but decided not to anger someone taking care of him, and asked instead, "How did my horse save me? And what happened to the bandits?"

The girl turned around, and Argon flinched. She smiled wryly, but didn't comment, and ladled out some soup into a bowl. "Drink it," she said. "I killed the bandits, and then rode your horse back here. We ran into a herd of mares. If your horse hadn't ignored them, I might not have been able to save your arm."

Argon winced at the slight blow to his pride. If his friends back home ever learned that he had been saved by a girl, he would never hear the end of it. "There... there were an awful lot of bandits."

She grinned, baring her teeth, which were sharp and pointed. "I'm awfully good at killing."

Argon drank his soup without further comment, slightly unnerved by the girl's steady gaze at his face, and yawned, feeling sleepy again. The last words he heard before he fell asleep were: "If you're sleepy, that's good. I mixed a sleeping draught into your soup. You'll heal quicker."

(Is this too long? If so, I'll shorten them down. This might seem unconnected to what you guys are doing, but I've got an idea.)

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"I-I'm sorry," Arrin mumbled, realizing that his mention of family probably hit close to home for Tessa, too. "Yes... let's ride ahead a bit, then. I'd rather not be pulled into the current argument, either," he agreed, missing the point.

"I left the house a few days after I got the news," Arrin explained as they put a few yards between themselves and the group. "It was, well, completely unexpected. There were things to put in order... at first I thought I'd end up at the academy after I sorted out the will and all, but then I found letters indicating that Teacher had contacted someone from my family at some point. That's what surprised me when I was looking for that seal, by the way-- I found another letter. Not a very nice one. Anyway, they were old, but I thought I'd still try to find them... I'd only set out a few days before I found the group." Tessa looked slightly surprised that Arrin had answered so readily, so he added, "I haven't really been hiding this or anything... it's just, nobody's asked. Everything's been so fast, after all."


At Esphyr's summary of Damian, Kelas made an odd noise, halfway between laughter and revulsion. It would have been funny if, well... her face fell back into the blank look she'd been wearing since they left. She hoped the newcomer didn't ask, because she didn't have any lie planned, and she certainly wasn't going to explain what happened to some suspicious stranger.

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Iso: You know what I mean ^_^

I'd ask someone else but ... not until you outright refuse.


While flying overhead and keeping an eye out on the road ahead, Irina kept thinking about her brother.

Irina: (I'm not sure what to do about him. He's been gone for ten whole years. Now his hair is ridiculously long for some reason, his eyes are red instead of brown like they used to be, he's not always there when I need him ... at least not mentally, and his tome is just a big bomb he carries around. He acts just like Uncle sometimes too which is really not the best thing to do when working with others. Is he a totally different person now?! :sob:

Viveka Ixion and Stephanie(Condensed for convenience ^_^ )

The Dark Druid known as Ixion, and the Priestess named Stephanie approached the command center of the Ilyphina army base. Guards were everywhere but only Stephanie was nervous. A guard walked in their path and held out his hand signaling them to stop!

Soldier: A Druid and a churchy huh? Hey!! Who are you two?!

Ixion: That ... isn't important. I need to speak with Captain Viveka.

Soldier: So you do? And why would she want to speak with you?

A few more soldiers came up trying to listen in on the conversation.

Ixion: I have something she wants.

Soldier: Heh, Don't we all?

Stephanie: Ugh! (Oh how disgusting -_- )

The soldiers laughed at the guard's sexual joke. The guard then cleared his throat and returned to a serious posture.

Soldier: I'm not just going to let you head on in and go around unescorted.

Ixion: Presumptuous idiot. I never said we couldn't be escorted-... never mind. Why don't we do this a different way?

Ixion quickly pulled out 10 gold and offered it to the soldier.

Soldier: Hey! Are you bribing me?!!

Ixion: Yes.

Soldier: Just because we're a bit underpaid doesn't mean you can go bribing your way past procedure! We should arrest you just for making that offer, you fool!

Ixion: You have two options. In ten seconds you'll either be ten gold richer, or you'll be foaming at the mouth and humping a nearby tree. Your choice.

Soldier: ... ... ....

A few minutes passed and Ixion and Stephanie walked into the tent Viveka was using to file reports. She looked up when she saw the tall dark man. Her head was barely holding together.

Viveka: Ugggh ... can I help you?

Ixion: Yes, but not in your current state. I have something I would like to return to you.

Viveka: What ... the hell ... are you talking about? I don't remember going out with a TISME instructor.

A drop of sweat ran down Ixion's face. That was an unusual reply.

Ixion: Anyway, I have something to return to you, but you'll have to earn it I'm afraid.

Viveka: ... ... ... ... ... ... get the hell out of here before I have you shot.

Stephanie stood there listening while Ixion continued to ... negotiate?

Ixion: Listen. A day ago you woke up in the streets. You have no idea why. I'll tell you why. I stole your memories and replaced them with ones that suited your reputation.

Viveka: ... ... what?

Ixion: I'll return them to you, but it will cost you.

Viveka: ... grrrrrr!

She quickly stood up and grabbed her lance before holding up to Ixion's neck!

Viveka: Just because you're a druid, don't think I won't have you swamped with blades! If you want sex so badly, why don't you find a student to harass?!

Ixion: I believe you would be a far better choice than some random TISME flunky, and not for intercourse, but for dealing with some problems of mine.

Viveka: I think your problem is that you chose to be a druid instead of politician.

Ixion: No the elder arts serve me quite well, Viveka.

Ixion quickly grabbed the lance by its tip and held it in place! Try as she might, Viveka couldn't pull it back, trust forward, or move it even an inch! He quickly rushed forward with his other hand and grabbed her face before she could scream! Her vision went completely black and she lost consciousness!

... ... ... your eyes are my eyes ... your ears are my ears ... your lance is my lance ... but your memories ... those you can have back ... ... ... they can be used to move you where I want you ... use them. Your aiding me, will not be forgotten, Captain Viveka ....

Eventually Viveka woke up. She'd been using her paperwork as a pillow ... a lousy one. She looked up and Ixion was no where in sight. Did not even one soldier hear her yelling? Maybe the base wasn't as safe as it seemed after all. Suddenly she realized that her headache was gone, not only that, but Ixion's attack on her, the group's challenge, everything that happened was flashing before her eyes!

Viveka: ... Chase! Th-the fire mage! Damian Kleine! Grrr! Those ... people! Urgh dammit! They came all the way to the capital ... apparently to clear their names, but they wouldn't risk meeting us or anyone else in person. None of this makes any sense.

She collapsed on top of the table while thinking.

Viveka: I ... need to speak with General Jackson about this.

OOC: Don't jump to conclusions, people -_-

Edited by Phoenix
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Behind him, Heinz heard what sounded like a cross between a strangled laugh and someone choking and turned around to see who it was. He saw the nomad trying to resume an expressionless face, and looked at the rider strangely. Weird, perhaps she was enjoying herself a bit more than necessary last night. Heinz resisted the impulse to twitch again and walked up to the noble woman, who appeared to be a shaman.

"Excuse me, my name is Heinz. I was traveling to Illphymia when I happened to overhear some talk of a sword. Your group seems to be big, with some sort of purpose or destination that seems to have united you all together. I am a mercenary, and would like to be a part of that for money, adventure, and a number of other things as well. The swordswoman Esphyr," he indicated her with one hand. "Has informed me that she has an employer, but I wanted to get a second opinion first, as you seem to have power within this band. I am competent at my job, and could easily serve as some sort of protection for this cart."

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"Don't we appear to have enough protection? None of us are defenseless here, save the mute mage we are hauling around apparently for cannon fodder, so I question another mercenary joining the group. Do you have any special skills to distinguish yourself?" Morgan asked the newcomer.

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Heinz raised his eyebrows. "Plenty. I can kill bandits, steal valuable artifacts, act as a bodyguard for this mute mage you talk about, provide food, as well as knowing more about survival than I bet the majority of your companions know. You came from Elyphymia, and although TISME mages are renowned and respected, I doubt you are truly prepared for more than a few days on the road. Above all, my word is guaranteed. If you pay me to do something within my abilities, it will be done." Heinz grinned again.

"I will put my life to your orders, and I have the scars to prove it. If you want more proof, then I'd like to fight Esphyr. I promised her a challenge, and I won't give in on that."

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"An interesting list of abilities, though you make some presumptions about our group. I am no pampered academy student and am very capable of living in the wilds for an extended period of time."

"Still though, an interesting proposal. Fighting Esphyr should prove your worth well enough, that's apparently how we are recruiting people now a days." she said with a glance over at Cess.

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"What? Fight him?" asked Esphyr, clearly surprised by the notion of her engaging in any sort of action. "Sure, I guess, but I want my blade first if I'm gonna do that. If I use this thing... I might do something I will regret with it."

Katie reached over to tap Morgan on the shoulder, a small note scrawled upon it.

Morgan. I would like to try to fight him as well, if only to get you to shut up about me being useless.

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Morgan ignored Katie. "You should learn how to control your weapon Esphyr, the Lord of Azure Flame is not going to just sit by and let you stab yourself. This would be good practice."

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"It's not a matter of control." replied Esphyr. "It's a matter of too much control. Rather... No. You wouldn't understand what's wrong. Fine. I'll fight him if that's what you want."

Having been ignored, a disappointed and outright infuriated look came over Katie's face at Morgan's choice to ignore her. The muted one backed off, though not in acceptance of her fate. She was sick of Morgan's constant isulting, and that would need to change.

Iso, hand me your tome. she scribbled on a note.

OOC: If they fight, I would rather it not be stated.

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"Good, that gives me one less person to worry about, should I have to aid the group soon." Heinz sat down and rearranged his legs comfortably beneath him, tired of trying to stand and fit into the cramped cart at the same time. Looking outside towards the back of the cart, he could see now why the nomad and the mage might choose to ride outside, where the air was fresh and vivid and he wasn't seemingly surrounded on all sides by people.

As a mercenary and by nature, Heinz preferred space and traveling with a smaller group of people if he had to.

"You are so confident of your own strength that you believe you could unintentionally cause me severe bodily harm? No offense Esphyr, but that is more than pushing it. I am probably at least a few years older than you, and experience has taught me from a young age," Heinz gave a bitter smile.

"The Lord of Azure Flames? Don't tell me, you're one of those crazy lunatics who believes the Crimson Weapons will save us all from demons or something?" He laughed. Guess this is probably the right group. I need to find out more. "I want a fair match of skills Esphyr, don't go easy on me."

It's hard to keep an eye out and observe everyone like this. He thought to himself. He moved to one side of the wagon, where he could observe everyone readily.

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Iso: You're serious?! :o

He reluctantly handed her Proxima. It was certainly heavy enough to deliver a knock out blow if it were to be used for that. The second he handed her the crimson tome, a chill run down his spine.

Iso: (Ugn ... huh? <.< >.> )


Even from how high she was, Irina could hear bickering down below, and Kiev wouldn't stop looking down at the wagon out of curiosity. Katie was down there, and as one of his females, he had to keep an eye on her.

Irina: What's going down there? :/

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Katie took her pen out, it's tip dry and devoid of ink. With a quick flip of her wrist, she opened up Proxima as well and laid the tome down in front of her. Then, with a careful and steady hand, she lowered her pen down upon the pages, ever so gently tracing over the words as, with her free hand, she slowly traced a six-sided star before the book atop the woodwork of the cart.

"What's she doing?" thought Helenos to herself, catching the mages motions as she watched Heinz try to bargain into the group. "Is she honestly trying to Hex someone? She's got her symbol right, but with a crimson weapon instead of a flame tome that little wench of a mage will end up igniting everyone in the cart!"

"Hey!" she called back at Katie. "No magical hooky gooky in my cart!"


"Gee. Thanks Morgan. Why don't you just yell his name out every third second." said Esphyr, a droll tone in her voice before she leapt out of the cart, the Killing edge in hand. "Alright, you want to try and face me then? Let's make this short and sweet. No killing or wounding blows, first confirmed sword hit wins."

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Does she not remember that I happen to use knives? Heinz followed her out of the cart, jumping out of the cart in the opposite direction Esphyr was going. He threw one of the knives he kept handy on his belt towards her as he landed, making sure to keep as much distance between them as possible.

As long as she doesn't get too close, she shouldn't stand a chance, he thought. I've got the advantage of distance and practiced this for years, there's no way she can throw her sword that far, so she's got to run towards me.

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The moment Esphyr was out of the cart, she was ready and on guard. As the dagger flew towards her, she was set for it. She HAD been paying attention to his little description, but he had clearly not been paying attention to what she had been saying. Without a heavy blade to weigh her down and force her to block, she was fleet upon her feet, and capable of easily sliding across the ground, her feet not even leaving the earth, as she moved out of the way. She lowered her body to the ground, sword held ready to clear the air before her as she dashed forwards; turning the cart which he had used for protection into her own cover.

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Heinz grinned in anticipation. Looks like she's better than I thought. This should be fun! Esphyr ran towards Heinz quickly, it seemed she was carrying a lighter sword than he had anticipated. He jumped back from the wagon and quickly picked up fist sized stone with his left hand.

Heinz threw another knife at Esphyr around the corner of the front side of the cart. Now if I can just time this right.... this'll be perfect. She has to run around the horses or the cart one way or another- let's see what she does.

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Isotov and Irina

Flying a little lower in circles around the cart/wagon/deathtrap, Irina watched as Esphyr fought the mysterious mercenary! Kiev however kept his eyes on Katie. She was doing something he'd never witnessed before. Unsatisfied with the view, Irina decided to put her patrol on hold and flew down close enough to see what was going on up close, when she landed, she ran up to Iso.

Irina: What's going on?

Iso: Katie wants to prove that she's not helpless, and Esphyr was ... volunteered by Morgan to see if this mercenary is worth having around.

Irina: That doesn't make any sense :/

I ... do need to talk to you now that Katie's off your arm <_<

Iso: What's wrong with you? :huh:

Irina: Nothing! Listen up.

She leaned close to him and began whispering into his ear.

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Reika arrived in a small rural town. She hadn't been walking for very long when she happened upon the small settlement that had lured her by the sound of voices. A loud boisterous man was directing armored soldiers as they ran around killing everyone, man, woman or child it didn't seem to matter. She frowned, she'd been hoping to ask for directions, but this was clearly not the right place to ask.

She sighed and turned to leave, but felt a twinge of irritation at the pilferers. She frowned, it wasn't like her to care about others, not random villagers for sure. She turned back and took another good hard look, she'd done her fair bit of pillaging lately, but she had her own code of honor to uphold, and one of those codes involved not killing unarmed civilians..... though, that was restricted to those she liked and didn't care for. If an unarmed civilian annoyed her, she wouldn't have any qualms with slitting their throats.

She watched from her position overlooking the village when she noticed something which should have been painfully obvious the first time around. The armor, she knew it all too well, the uniform of a common Halton grunt.

Without even considering her options she leaped out of hiding and was about to jump off the cliff, a clear shortcut to her enemies, but managed to calm herself down enough to turn around and start sprinting down the roughly built road down towards the village.

She arrived perhaps half an hour too late, the path here hadn't been used very often, and not being able to just run straight forward, she'd gotten lost and had to check her position before resuming traveling north more then once. She looked around and found men lying dead all over the place. Probably three or four dozen men all up. By the looks of things they'd all been gathered in the village center and then slain. While a few tried vainly to escape.

She looked around and found footprints leaving the village, a few horses and a cart, most likely used to transport those who weren't on horseback. She contemplated chasing after the soldiers but reconsidered, she hadn't exactly been having too much luck fighting lately and she didn't want to risk being swamped with soldiers.

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Yet, instead of rushing around either the horses or cart, Esphyr did something unique. As she approached the front of the cart, she mentally locked in upon the spot where the horses were linked to the cart. Her right leg suddenly shot out between those two points as her entire body dropped down, her right arm hitting the ground for support as she slid underneath the cart! Sword in left hand, she made a lightning cut at Heinz, aiming to either score a hit, or parry whatever he tried to throw her way.

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Heinz almost snickered at Esphyr trying to slide underneath the wagon. She's either a very good mercenary, or a complete reckless idiot. Either way, I'm rather tired of this.

He threw the rock straight at one of the horse's flanks, startling them into a run and almost trampling Esphyr in the process. Still, she had enough momentum to keep rushing at him, sword held at the ready.

Sometimes having momentum is just a little too much, he mused. He threw another knife at her with his left hand, and started arcing towards her from the left, throwing a second knife in a sinker about half a second after the first. For good measure, he threw a smaller third knife at her about 2 seconds after the rest.

No way she can block all three of those unless she's more than human. Heinz thought.

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Esphyr, however, didn't seek to deny her momentum. Instead, she accepted it. As soon as she was clear of the cart, she vaulted herself forwards, rolling hard upon her side as she landed to avoid the daggers as best she could before springing upright to charge him forwards, her blading slicing through the air to collide with the final dagger with a resounding ring! Not stopping to see how the dagger had landed, she charged forth at Heinz, well within his range now and in reach of her sword. A perfect set up as she quickly swung back, seeking to score the winning blow.

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