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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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"An incorrect assumption. Had you been able to prove your newfound powers, preferably in a non hostile way as to not arouse suspicion, I would have to acknowledge them in light of the data."

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Heinz caught up to the group in time to hear the shaman, the driver, some woman with a wyvern, an apparently mute mage, and a man with fiery red hair arguing amongst themselves. He wasn't sure if it was the mute woman with blue hair, or the man with red hair who were the ones who had set fire to the cart, and he clambered up to listen to their bickering.

I have to stay calm, I can't blow my cover. He chanted mentally to himself. The past is the past, focus on getting the facts straight first!

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"Well combat magic is primarily what we use, but other types do come in handy as well. Not being able to protect yourself might be problematic, so I suppose you will need to try and avoid any enemies we encounter. Do not rely too heavily on Isotov to protect you either, I heard that a thunder mage knocked him out in one hit."

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"Not to be a daper, but you promised that man he would join if he beat your woman, and he tied her."

I will be fine. Just know I can do something. wrote Kate with a nod.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: For god's sake, Morgan she was there! Don't bring that up again :facepalm:

Irina: She's right though, that was kinda pathetic :/

Iso: Just shut up. If I wanted to deal with Morgan and you at the same time, I'd have asked you to ride in the wagon with us.

Irina: I just thought fire mages had good resistance is all ^_^

Iso: Well sometimes we have bad days.

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"Technically I beat her a second before she beat me," Heinz spat, giving a cold stare. "Knives travel faster than swords, and she swung her sword back before she stabbed my shirt. So I assume Morgan is the shaman, Isotov is the fire mage, and this mute woman some sort of sibling or lover?"

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Morgan's attention returned back to the thief.

"Oh right, your joining. Tying Esphyr is good enough for a pass. The animals don't seem particularly skittish around you, so I doubt you're a demon, though that does not remove all suspicion from you. And thinking that the Crimson Weapons defeat demons is not crazy, it is fact and you would do well to remember that."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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As fire errupted from the cart, the captain hesitated, it was an ideal chance to get close, and it was only a matter of time before the wyvern would spot them sooner or later. He looked at his men and then nodded, "I'm going to make first contact, I want you all to keep close, and don't do anything rash. Just keep your distance, but make sure you can charge in at my signal."

With that the Captain rode off, not taking very long to arrive at his destination.

"What's going on her kids?" he said looking around at group, noting all of their faces.

Kamilla hid behind the man, not wanting to be seen. But the man had insisted she come along. And his mentioning of "bad stuff" happening to her if she didn't had made her comply, but being near the Shaman who seemed to be in a foul mood didn't exactly mean "bad stuff" wasn't going to happen anyway./

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Isotov and Irina(now with 50% more Kiev :P )

Iso: Oh no ...

Irina: A patrol?

They both immediately shut up and waited to see if anyone else was going to say anything. Kiev took one look at the captain and saw the same bronze armor that the soldiers chasing them wore! He quickly roared at the captain! Irina reached over and slammed his mouth shut with both hands!

Irina: Shush! >_<

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Kelas looked over the situation. There were more of them than there were soldiers... but all the soldiers were mounted. Arrin and Tessa were stopped further up the road-- good, they could escape if they had to-- she waited for cues, not wanting to endanger the situation by bringing out her bow until it was certain what was happening.

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*OoC The others were supposed to remain out of sight, and just the Captain and Kamilla were supposed to turn up, but whatever.

The Captains horse took a few steps back as Kiev roared, raising both his hands in a peace gesture, he smiled at the group, "I don't mean any harm, I was coming here to meet up with Mistress Katie and her merry friends, and I was concerned when I saw flames. Is everyone alright?" he asked seeming trying to seem friendly.

"We've been ordered to escort your group to whatever destination you're heading to on the orders of the higher ups." he said bowing at Katie.

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The captain directed his blue eyes* towards the woman who had spoken, nodding his head slightly, "I am Sir Savar Hindsworth, a lowly captain in the Elysimmian army, and I serve the Elysimmian nation of course, I was told to make sure no harm comes to lady Katie as she... travels with her friends" he repeated patiently.


*Sorry I couldn't resist :P

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The commotion had escalated quite quickly.

A knife wielding mercenary had shown up,and Esphyr had commented that "He pays with his lance",at which Damian had scowled,but had not had the opportunity to respond to,he would have to bring it up later.

Then the sparring match,where Esphyr was...reflecting her lack of self regard,throwing herself under the damn carriage for an attack.

If that wasn't pleasant enough,Katie had apparently tried to hex someone,Morgan had tried to blast her into oblivion on accusations of being a demon,and Isotov had shielded her...with a wall of fire,nearly setting the whole cart aflame.

And now,an Elyisimian brigade was trailing them, to "Escort Miss Katie"


Needless to say,Damian was skeptical about the man's story,and stepped forward.

"As nice as that story is,Mr.Hindsworth,don't mind if I am slightly skeptical about the worth of your word."


Damian had gone to speak to the soldier who had just appeared,and Aiya looked around a little bit.She had been resting in the cart since they had departed,with not much else to do,not wanting to be too active due to a slight jolt from an old wound.But it was fine now.

The Elyisimian man seemed slightly shaken at Kiev`s roar,understandably.Looking up at the presence of a good amount of shade,Aiya lit up.

'Ulfy`s back!'

The large bull wyvern had approached the group,recognizing Kiev,and knowing that Aiya would likely be with him.Landing nearby silently,Ulfhrahn saw that one of the men seemed to be antagonizing Damian,and had been spooked by Kiev's roar,Ulfhrahn smirked...well,as much as a wyvern can.

Staying out of sight of the soldier,Ulfhrahn let out a massive roar,and the soldier looked like he may have voided his bowels involuntarily.

Either way,he yelled in fear and fell from his saddle.

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Chase hid in the carriage and simply watched as everyone else dealt with the soldiers. How persistent can you get?! he thought to himself.

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Conflict, the spice of life, Eric thought, looking at the cart. And the bane of progress. In just fifteen minutes, the female mercenary, who had somehow failed to lake her sword back, got into a duel with a mercenary, the mute mage had irritated the Shamaness enough to be attacked by her, which led to the fire mage nearly razing the wagon, and now cavalry had arrived, apparently to protect said mage, which inevitably would lead to a fight, considering how the others were treating him. As the horseman passed him, he saw a certain girl clinging to his back, trying not to be seen. I guess that's karma. Walking around the giant black wyvern that had just landed, the traveler approached Damian, and whispered into his ear, "Kamilla's hiding behind him. I'd say we've been found out."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: We're not making much progress. We probably should have just let them escort us seeing as how we outnumber them anyway.

Irina: It looks like Damian's already made up his mind.

As soon as Ulfhrahn came down out of the sky, Kiev turned his head around to watch until the wyvern landed, then he looked back at the captain waiting to see what happened. A massive roar immediately sounded that shook the captain. On instinct, Kiev began to roar right along with Ulfhrahn!(check wyvern guide for details) The sounds carried for over a mile!

Irina: Ow! That's not doing us any favors! >_<

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"So in addition to the headmaster knowing about our trip, despite no one telling him, Harold also knew and sent armed guards to help? This all seems highly unlikely and very suspicious. We did not even know where we going until an hour ago, and yet the news traveled this quickly and help has been arranged for us?" Morgan said skeptically.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Maybe if you were quieter about gathering everybody for the trip, no one would know, Morgan.

Irina: This ... is ... a ... trap.

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"I did not endeavor to keep it a secret, but I did not post it in the town square either. It is conceivable that the headmaster overheard, though you think he would have betetr things to do, but he just happened to have a cart with a driver at his beck and call? It strikes me as unlikely. Harold finding out makes even less sense. This is just all too coincidental."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Well then, if we're not going to let them escort us, and potentially offset any other traps-

He nudged in Helen's direction pointing her out.

Iso: -then what the hell are we going to do?

Irina: Look, if we're going to do this again, can I sit this one out, Morgan? I don't want to ruin my Uncle's reputation ... with the ... you know.

She started nuding just like Iso had trying to point out that they weren't new to killing Elyisimian soldiers. She didn't want to continue the practice to say the least.

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