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LoAF Character Ranking


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Uh some of us have laptops and take them with us. Others like me are just using 2010 as a year to slack off and do absolutely nothing productive whatsoever. Three more months and I'll probably be doing something relevant.

@ Underdeveloped

*points to Lightning*


I've really got no defense for that. No one's interested in anyone else without supports being involved so usually development is left to monologues or support convos. Pretty much same as before I guess. I'm numb to now it so whatever.

Have fun in your whacked out timezone XD

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I love school. And I'm glad you signed on again Kanami, at least for a little bit. I really missed you.

Anyway you may not want to go back to the RP. Psych created another new character named Rita who is so stupid that she makes even Fighter from 8 bit theater facepalm. Snowy's really not doing too well, making "aweful" typing errors a lot and is making Esphyr somewhat inconsistent, though I don't really think it's as bad as the others think. Headmaster is on my death list and otherwise, not much to complain about.

I have moved Reika away from Alf more, they reached a C support, and they still interact some. Actually, Reika has an interesting dynamic with the new guy. She smirks when she says something mean and she got threatened with a mindwipe by Morgan. Kai hates my Reika, but I'm pleased that you're ok with me doing whatever I want with her (and her bosses).

Too bad you're deleting contact here. I like you enough to want to talk to you outside of here, but if you don't want that, I'm cool. Just know I'll always miss you.

Edited by Dark Sage
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D'awwwww. Sorry, was gonna lay low for a while but I couldnt contain myself. SageXKanami OTP Erm, Its true. Im not fond of Sage!Reika but then again, Kai is Kai. Can I ask you something before you leave though? Would Reika constantly refer to a bodyguard as her slave even in public?

Kanami, do me a favor and shut Sage up. Phoenix doesnt even fanboy over you as much as he does.

Edited by Kai
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Uh some of us have laptops and take them with us.

@ Underdeveloped

*points to Lightning*

Might just be me, but I don't have time to be messing around on forums while I'm at work >_< And the thought of logging on from a school makes me think the person is an addict XD

Funny how you've changed since 2 months ago, you'd constantly be trying to cover lightnings failures, and slobbering all over "Snowy's girls." Might still be happening (I don't know) but it doesn't seem like it. If anything it's almost as if you've taken up my flaming position XD

Anyway you may not want to go back to the RP.

Too bad you're deleting contact here. I like you enough to want to talk to you outside of here, but if you don't want that, I'm cool. Just know I'll always miss you.

... I love fire and all, but I'm not willing to walk back into hells maw.

No guarantee's but I might be around for a bit again, playing PM ping-pong again so until I get bored of that it wouldn't hurt to have a extra few PM's thrown in if there's anything you'd like to discuss.

Would Reika constantly refer to a bodyguard as her slave even in public?

Kanami, do me a favor and shut Sage up. Phoenix doesnt even fanboy over you as much as he does.

Hmmm, she might. Like everything, it depends on the circumstances. The Reika I knew wouldn't have even had a bodyguard since she wouldn't know when they'd turn on her. But I'm sure her character wouldn't treat a bodyguard with respect. So "slave" seems pretty fitting.

"Kai is Kai" and Sage is Sage. I'm not really sure why he took a liking to me, most people get repulsed XD It's not even like me and Phoenix who have had a history of bickering and working against eachother in this RP. Regardless, I can understand how you're jealous and needy, and want a guy fawning over you for some unknown reason. I'd suggest going to a gay bar. You'd fit right in ;)

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Hmmm, she might. Like everything, it depends on the circumstances. The Reika I knew wouldn't have even had a bodyguard since she wouldn't know when they'd turn on her. But I'm sure her character wouldn't treat a bodyguard with respect. So "slave" seems pretty fitting.

@ Bold: Why do I have a feeling Sage will use this in the wrong way?

Lulz I keep forgetting that Sage!Reika and Kanami!Reika will never be the same. Anyways, thats pretty much all I wanted to ask you.

Oh yeah, go check out Sage's raequit at FEE. That was classic.

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But circumstances change, Reika wouldn't have had a bodyguard, but (assuming she's still with the group) she wouldn't have had contact with others for this long either, it's usually meet->steal->leave or meet->kill->flee. So under the new environment, maybe she saw the benefit of hiring/appointing a bodyguard?


How can you forget that? Or wasn't I a big enough headache for you to take note of, to the point me not being around isn't even worth considering? :P


Wasn't even aware he was on FEE :/ Either way this is sort of deviating into chat so if there's anything else you wanted to say, moving over to the spam chat thread might be better.

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This list wasn't really about reflecting everyones unanimous evaluations. And tier lists are pretty much controlled by the threads creator anyway. That's not to say they can do whatever they want (they can, people'll just start ignoring it). That's why I left hoping Cynthia would continue it since she had the ability to take a step back and look from an unbiased eye. Whatever the case this shouldn't be used as "my characters better then yours" but as a list indicating to Rp'ers that their characters are becoming uninteresting. it's essentially up to the individual whether they do anything about it.

I am perfectly aware of that. All I was trying to say is that to harp on Snowy's attempt at a list for not having consensus felt of a double standard. I'm find with the list being owned, controlled, and perhaps even moderately biased by any one person. I'm not fine with unreasonable gang-piles. Were there multiple issues with Snowy's list? Probably, the fact that it merited large reaction from a number of individuals is a telling symptom. Did it still have useful points to be discussed? I think so, and it felt like this "You have no consensus, go away," was an attempt to just universally discredit everything and sweep it under the rug.

Now, personally, I don't much get into this sort of business of rankings and comparisons and whatnot. I keep thinking I might, but never actually do. Still, the noticeable amount of chatter felt like it prompted something of a response.

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*Relishes moment*

Not very often that I get to read a valid response XD

I agree that there was a sense of "Snowy, shut up."

But I also think that his points listed above his tier list were also vague or poorly presented.

For as long as I can remember in this RP. Snowy's been all about "Why is Esphyr so low?" And when presented with an answer, he "sweeps it away" with it being a fantasy world or Phoenix's "Acting in character" Getting a new mental illness every few chapters probably isn't logical or "in character." Maybe it is, I don't know.

My main issue was Kelas and Morgan's position, he tries to present a case for Esphyr, but with those two it just seemed he was expressing dislike or contempt for no apparent reason.

He cites "reasons for staying with the group" as an issue. But frankly no one has a reason to stay with the group other then the CW wielders. Not to offend, but I'm sure if Tessa found a nice church that'd take her in, she has a significant chance of doing so. Even Conrad and Arrin are "tagging along." Esphyrs tagging along so she can open her legs to Damian. etcetc.

Overall, I don't appreciate the idea of the GM (out of all people) to start trying to pick off characters from the RP y stating that they have no reason to stay. Katie for one, definitely never had any reason to stay. :/

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But we need the numbers. >_>

Which is why most JRPGs have the party that save the world from the massive evil organization be comprised of as many as 8 members at times.

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Which is why most JRPGs have the party that save the world from the massive evil organization be comprised of as many as 8 members at times.

I know, right?

In other news, the sad part is, a few of the CWs aren't even major characters. That needs to be fixed.

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Hmmm, not too sure. I'm not clear on what developments have been made since I left, but the whole concept of the "LoAF" returning is iffy at best. I'm just saying that if you start attacking people's reasons for staying with the group, 90% of the cast can be kicked off. Arrin for example, is with the group why? He has a CW, but that doesn't mean he "Has" to travel with the group. It's not like the CW's can't be apart from eachother. So back in the Elysimma criminal days, it wouldn't have surprised me if "logically" Kelas picked up Arrin and went off to seek refuge under the local nomad tribe mentioned back in Chapter 4(ish?). Until at least the criminal stuff had been sorted out.

Essentially characters stick with the group because they want to remain active participants of the RP. And everyones reasons for remaining once evaluated seems sketchy at best.


You don't need more characters, Snowy or Cynthia could just decrease enemy strength or numbers. If anything you people have too many characters, and aren't Rp'ing them properly (Properly being presenting them as stand-alone interesting characters)

Edited by Kanami
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Still, Conrad and Arrin have semi reasons, if only for CW's.

Viveka, Tessa, all of my characters, Snike's, Charlotte, and Alf basically have no reason. But we need the numbers. >_>


First of all, Im not sure whats going through the minds of the people that want to boot characters out of the group. How many CW's are there, like.... 8? Do you honestly expect to defeat the demon king and his demon army/whatever with 8 people. Look at the group. We have a Man whore, Virgin, Goth, mage that blows things up, hungry little guy, the goths bitch, a guy that doesnt exist and the man whores slut. Lets keep parading around with the fact that we can defeat a legion of demons with that.

Edit: *Semi braces for Kanami's attack*

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Well, after all the demon attacks, the CW wielders could easily make the assumption that if they were to split off they'd still be attacked, so sticking with the group is a safety in numbers sort of deal. If someone like Kelas reasoned this out, taking Arrin away would be a dangerous move.

Non-CW wielder reasons are sketchy though. But frankly, reason for being with group is a very minor facet of how interesting a character is.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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*Viciously attacks Kai*

No one's saying "kick characters out." (Well maybe Psych in regards to Pary) As I keep saying, I'm just illustrating how it's not really fair to cite "reasons for staying" under any circumstance other then attacking the entire group as a whole. As for "8" people. It's not really that big an issue really. Looking at RPG's the characters could just be blessed by a god along the way, find sacred weapons (They already have) or simply just be "The chosen ones" XD


True, but on the other hand, being "attacked" is going to happen anyway. If it's Chase, running off by himself then I agree, it could be dangerous. But Damian and Conrad have safety in numbers via an national army. A nomad tribe isn't exactly "nothing" and depending on the numbers, could be more formidable then the group. Isotov, (while unwilling) could "technically" seek refuge under whatever mini-nation Ivanko has. So again, staying with the group isn't crucial technically.

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Good point. I often ignore character reasons for traveling/staying with group for most part, because not allowing characters to join really hurts their interaction potential. I feel like there's sort of an obligation to let them join up as long as they don't try and make characters that are obviously hostile.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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20:26 Purg The "obligation to let people join" is precisely why you're having trouble with Rita right now.

If they won't fit with the group or are obviously not going to be helpful, just say no.

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I don't know anything specific, but reading the PM's and Posts I'm reading, it seems to be general consensus Rita is the "dumb bitch" of the group XD There's two possibilities here;

1: You're not successfuly conveying the complex nature of Rita

2: You're suffering from Etheritis, and are so infatuated with your character, you're evaluating her with higher marks then she deserves.

I was actually surprised to be find people like Pary more then Cess and Rita :/

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Pary is Helios' replacement. Helios is lovable now

Anyways, Purg. Rita is one person. If the rest of the non CW wielders were like her, then that would be a problem

Im not fond of Rita but at this rate, telling Rita to stop would be like telling Kanami to stop watching Anime or telling me to stop living. >.>

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It's not even the entire character, it's just that Rita continues to commit acts of stupidity that should not be humanly possible.

Thats Psych's business. If he wants us to shun his existence, then I suggest he continues

EDIT: Redundancy

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The "trouble with Rita" part wasn't the point of my post, it was the second part. If you can't think of a reason why a character could be useful towards the group's goal, and the RPer can't give a good reason, besides "More people = more allies in battle," then I personally don't think there's much reason in having them approved in the first place. It's better to see a few characters well-developed and letting the group dynamic stabilize, rather than having a ton of characters that gum up the clockwork.

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