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Mini Mafia Round 6


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This is a mini mafia game for 7 players. If more sign up, then players will be randomly chosen. If more than 14 sign up, two copies of the game will be run, and 3 if 21 players sign up (lolunlikely).

This game is 'multisetup'. There are four different combinations of roles that might be the game, and nobody will be told what setup it is (some people can narrow it down to two, but that's it):

Setup 1:

3 Townies, 1 Cop, 1 Watcher, 1 Mafioso, 1 Hooker

Setup 2:

3 Townies, 1 Cop, 1 Doctor, 1 Mafioso, 1 Hooker

Setup 3:

3 Townies, 1 Watcher, 1 Doctor, 1 Mafioso, 1 Godfather

Setup 4:

5 Townies, 1 Mafioso, 1 Godfather

Looking at those, what do you notice? Well, the Godfather knows there's no Cop, so he can claim cop without anyone counter-claiming. The town also has to be careful - if it's setup 4 then there's no power roles, so watch out for that.

As for specific rules in this game: There is a day start and the town must lynch, so you are not allowed to vote No Lynch. Also, the mafia won't learn their partner until Night 1 - and they will only be allowed to communicate at night. There will also be no PMs and I'll use the same day end rules as my SSB game - 72 hours, or a majority, or an unquestionable move towards a majority.

[spoiler=Some comments about the setup]The official description (with minor edits):

Village: Be active and scumhunt/Random Lynch d1. Find out which PR combination (if any) is applied at lylo through claims, being hooked/guised and hooker/godfather death. See through mafia's fake claims. Mafia: If Random lynched d1 fake claim a PR to find info on which PR's are alive, or if you're lucky the role will be UnCCed, thus, misleading town and buying an extra day. One mafia can purposely fake claim or cc a PR on lylo to throw the village off.

And another quote:

"awesome setup. The biggest danger, as town, is taking d1 lightly and wasting it in jokes and rls. If you can get a serious conversation going d1, it greatly increases town's chances of winning."

My advice:

Cop claiming D1 is a hotly debated strategy. On the one hand, they can be protected by a power role, but on the other, they risk being suspected as the Godfather. The opposite is obviously true for the Godfather - claim cop and nobody else will, but then again the town will suspect you anyway. If the cop doesn't claim, then he might die, but at least that tells the town what the setup is, and if there's been at least one role claim, perhaps something can be worked out?

Signups so far:






In game 1:

General Spoon

Fayt Zelpher






Edited by I Eat Tables
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Ulki, I'm not sure what you mean :-/

Also, I'm considering that if we get 14 or more signups then I might split roughly by skill for each game - so the good players can have a solid game while the weaker players can play more comfortably without feeling redundant. But it DOES mean I'm dividing players into skill levels which could cause some offence, possibly. So... if I do, I think I'll use (mostly) the tier list) and I want people's opinion on if I should.

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Also, I'm considering that if we get 14 or more signups then I might split roughly by skill for each game - so the good players can have a solid game while the weaker players can play more comfortably without feeling redundant. But it DOES mean I'm dividing players into skill levels which could cause some offence, possibly. So... if I do, I think I'll use (mostly) the tier list) and I want people's opinion on if I should.

That thing is supposed to be accurate?

Anyway, I vote no on that.

Fayt will give it a shot.

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Eh, I meant more that I'd use it as a guide. Although actually, I can probably judge where people should and might want to go anyway. Any other opinions?

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Ulki, if the godfather claims cop, the actual cop will counterclaim, and then the town will lynch between them.

Yes but that is not exactly what i mean. Plus there is no godfather in the set ups that the cop appears.

For example,

Lets say in this game we get set up 4.

Players are something like

General Spoon-Godfather







Now lets say Spoon claims cop, and someone asks that all the townies claim. This causes everyone to know that there is more than 3 townies and thus the first three setups are impossible. Meaning no cop. So now we got a lynch in first day. However now i see how such a strategy is bad, because in the other set ups the mafia could claim townie and that means that the town would end up taking the real cop if he were to claim (which would be a bit stupid imo)in set ups 2-3.

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Yes but that is not exactly what i mean. Plus there is no godfather in the set ups that the cop appears.

For example,

Lets say in this game we get set up 4.

Players are something like

General Spoon-Godfather







Now lets say Spoon claims cop, and someone asks that all the townies claim. This causes everyone to know that there is more than 3 townies and thus the first three setups are impossible. Meaning no cop. So now we got a lynch in first day. However now i see how such a strategy is bad, because in the other set ups the mafia could claim townie and that means that the town would end up taking the real cop if he were to claim (which would be a bit stupid imo)in set ups 2-3.

Your argument is invalidated by the fact that fucking nobody massclaims on day 1.

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Both of you are a little wrong, actually. Spoon, if the Godfather claims, there's no cop to CC. And Ulki, you often only realise it's setup 4 when roles start to not match up (I was a mafia claiming watcher in setup 4, and nobody, including my partner, claimed doc, so I got lynched and we lost)

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