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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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Maybe he might not care. What will you do, quit because you don't like me or something stupid like that? The majority of the players don't have a problem with Chase's caps (4 versus 7 or so).

^What now? "Not very good" was sort of loose. Depends on how you define it. What I had in mind was "not extremely awesome at horse riding, but not awful". Besides, Arrin's learning horseriding. There's nothing that says Chase is unable to learn it at all.

Edited by Lightning
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This is retarded.

The only reason I suggested an actual class change is because Lightning would have made Chase a nomad anyway if there were going to be low speed caps for archers. The stat caps have already been listed, and Lightning and Snike were the only ones harshly effected by it. No one else should be whining about it at the moment, especially not Kai. I'm recommending the class change for Chase because that's the quickest, easiest, and least harmful way to fix the problem without giving Lightning the finger and just ignoring the issue. I still don't know what the deal with myrms is so I'd rather not get involved until I figure out what the whole weak against everything is about.

@ Kai

Shut up with the Helios changes. You weren't complaining about them until Lightning brought up the Chase issue. Spiting him is wasting posts.

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Not to sound like a whiny bitch, but can we please focus here? I would very much like to get a update done now. I would like it if you all could focus on this for the moment. If class caps need changing, then I will change them... after we get the current update set.

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Meh, part of the issue is that the stat caps were made after character creation. If Rein would have known about them in the first place, he probably would have made a Nomad. Not to mention that the horse itself doesn't actually make you any faster, so an archer using nomad caps is pretty reasonable. Again, since it's not actually an unbalancing change and doesn't conflict with flavor it seems a little petty to deny this request. Basically I'm siding with Phoenix here.

I don't think Snike actually wants the myrm caps changed if I understood him correctly.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Several people have submitted skills already. Are you telling me all were rejected?


Now that I have your attention. I'm telling you that Snike asked for the creation of a panel of people to do review, you seemed to think it was a good idea, but no action proceeded.

There was some discussion on barring certain classes from certain skills in an attempt to balance the problems with Snike's suggested set. Arguments went both ways, there was no decision made.

Ether's and Psych's skills were just recently suggested, and haven't had full time to be reviewed, compared or otherwise checked out.

So yes. Essentially all we have are the tweaked base skill list.

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@ The Mary Sue comment: Damian's a bit of one, as well.

@Ether: Well,rushing in constantly gets wyverns filled with arrows, so runs have to be used to lengthen the fun. Plus, Aiya has to reach out, so...

@ Skills: Balance strikes again...

Edit: @ Cynthia: I was just using Eric as an example of how caps shouldn't effect RP skills. And, uh, well, he got screwed by the caps + evade/Defense nerf.

Edited by Snike
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@ Kai

Shut up with the Helios changes. You weren't complaining about them until Lightning brought up the Chase issue. Spiting him is wasting posts.

On the contrary, doing it out of spite is fine, motive for objecting isn't all that important as long as they can provide supporting information, something I can do, and I'm sure Bal can too.

I don't really care for your friendship groups, cause I hate you all equally, aren't I a fair person? XD

Your argument for Rein is void due to me choosing myrmidon if I'd known that rogues were essentially just weaker myrmidons. Steal skill is currently useless, and I don't see any reason for a change other then one person whinging that he doesn't like his caps.

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The only reason I suggested an actual class change is because Lightning would have made Chase a nomad anyway if there were going to be low speed caps for archers. The stat caps have already been listed, and Lightning and Snike were the only ones harshly effected by it. No one else should be whining about it at the moment, especially not Kai. I'm recommending the class change for Chase because that's the quickest, easiest, and least harmful way to fix the problem without giving Lightning the finger and just ignoring the issue. I still don't know what the deal with myrms is so I'd rather not get involved until I figure out what the whole weak against everything is about.

Meh, part of the issue is that the stat caps were made after character creation. If Rein would have known about them in the first place, he probably would have made a Nomad. Not to mention that the horse itself doesn't actually make you any faster, so an archer using nomad caps is pretty reasonable. Again, since it's not actually an unbalancing change and doesn't conflict with flavor it seems a little petty to deny this request. Basically I'm siding with Phoenix here.

I don't think Snike actually wants the myrm caps changed if I understood him correctly.

Alleluia, people who see my point. That is exactly why I asked for change of caps.

@Nady: I personally wouldn't have a problem with you switching to myrmidon caps, but meh.

Edited by Lightning
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Well,if we are suggesting skills:

Charge - If you roll a [Number] on your skill die,you may choose to launch another attack on the same,or another target.

Charisma - Each round,you may choose 3 nearby allied targets.These targets gain +1 Hit and +1 Avo.

Heavy Strike - Before rolling your attack,you may choose to lower your Skl by X amount,and for that attack,you will gain X Str.

Focused Blast - Before rolling your attack,you may choose to lower your Skl by X amount,and for that attack,you will gain X Mag.

Guard - Up to two times per encounter,you may select a target.Until the next time you launch an attack,any attacks directed at them will be rerouted to you,and you will attack any enemies they enter combat with.You may not launch an attack this phase,and no doubling may occur while Guarding.

(Eg. Damian Guards Tessa,and Tessa attacks a bandit.Tessa attacks,Damian takes the counter,and then Damian counterattacks the bandit.During enemy phase,2 bandits attack Tessa.Instead of hitting her,they hit Damian,and then Tessa and Damian counter them(If applicable).

Stillness - This character may not be targeted during the enemy phase,unless no other targets exist.

Blossom - Exp gained is Divided by 2/3,however,upon leveling up,the character gains an extra stat point.(This may or may not be retroactive)

Lucky Break - This character may make multiple saving rolls,if those prior are effective.

Fortune - The enemy may not land a critical hit on this character.

Counter - Whenever you are attacked,and the enemy rolls a [Number] on their skill die,deal your Str(Maybe Str/2) as direct damage to the opponent

Any thoughts?

Proposed changes to these:

Charge:Archers were said to be broken with it,but if they get countered every second time like it seems to be,then this is not true.Still waiting on other comments.

Charisma: lowered to 2 targets

HS/FB: No complaints yet,aside from naming Focused Blast Overcast instead.

Guard: Suggested for sturdier classes only,eg. Soldier,Armour Knight,Hero,Wyvern.

Stillness: 1 attack per E.Phase instead of none

Blossom: Scrapped until further notice

Lucky Break: Scrapped,apparently

Fortune: Roll against a Crit(If you roll the same as their skl die,it`s a normal attack),possibly scrapped

Counter: No problems

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You also get +1Evd compared to myrms due to using knives. And Steal could be useful sometime.

Not to mention Reika being changed to a myrm causes issues because she has the Crimson Knives, myrmidons use swords. Not sure how that change could be fixed. Chase changing caps doesn't require any actual retconning.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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So Chase is faster then Helios who had to run most of the time in this RP since no one would let him mount on a horse?

Voting Nady in so that Phoenix doesnt get lonely and since she is the only rational one here

Edited by Kai
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@ Skill changes: I modded some of them, according to Bal's suggestions, and imposed class restrictions.

Still working on Breach, but it probably is like, Roll a 3, ignore armor. If it's a crit, whichever one, crit or Breach, deals the most damage is applied. Trying to get similar skills for other weapon types.

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The main problem i had with Charge was that it would make Adept useless, actually...

It is adept,accept you get countered,but you can activate it more than once,with a chance of doubling.As I said,it is the High-Risk/High-Reward version of Adept.

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Not to mention that the horse itself doesn't actually make you any faster, so an archer using nomad caps is pretty reasonable. Again, since it's not actually an unbalancing change and doesn't conflict with flavor it seems a little petty to deny this request. Basically I'm siding with Phoenix here.

I don't think Snike actually wants the myrm caps changed if I understood him correctly.

The nomad class and the archer class were differentiated from the very start, amalgamating them into one now makes no sense. That's like saying Damian can switch to a cavalier at any moment, he just needs a horse. It just as reasonable, Likewise if a cleric gets on a horse they class change to Troubadour. So we can eliminate all mounted units from the class list.

I don't see a reason why Rein should be allowed this, I don't see any reason for it. Overall it's just someone whining he wants a faster character. 4 is not slow is it? It's not a matter of whether he wants a fast character, he wants the fastest character.

I'd like to hear a valid reason why this request should be requested other then to keep Rein happy. It breaks the existing rule making an "exception" one which isn't even necessary. I'm not too fussed about reasons to deny the request, I'm looking for reasons to "accept" the request, of which there is none, other then to keep Rein happy.


I'd switch the topic to skills if I knew anything about them, I've been rather uninterested in them as a whole, so don't know where it stands, but Bals post seems to indicate it didn't get very far.

If we're going to talk about skills, does anyone have a list to discuss, or are we going to start pulling skills out of our derriere's on the spot?

Edited by Kanami
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He also got lost.

Chase had to run to catch up to the others as well afterwards, so your point is moot.

There were more too

Refer to Nadys post for my final statement <_<

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