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When was/is your last day of school?


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Same here, June 11th. Though my year pretty much ended on the day that the seniors left (late May; can't remember exactly). I took my AP Bio and Gov final before then, and my Chemistry 2 final, and my orchestra was done performing... so all I had left to do was Brit Lit. And that class was stupidly easy.

I'm already getting bored with summer. My friends are all doing things constantly, so I can never get with them to hang out. I really need a job. I'm still trying to find one.

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Some active friends you have. I always tell myself "Ok, this year, you're going to do something during summer and not just play games and stay in the same state", but I always end up doing the same thing each year. <_< I hope it wont be that way this year

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Well, technically, my last day should have been May 8th, but I had to hang around campus for few extra days for one last final exam. (Left on the 12th.) I hate it when that happens, but it's better than being in high school and toughing it out until the end of June. XP I go back around the end of August. :3

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Im finished already, and thats what your mom said after 1 minute of me. Lets have a spastic pary with a interracial orgy at the end. THE CTDC STRIKES.

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May 27th

Means I start it again pretty early.

May 21st I think. Almost 1 month into summer vacation and oh how I don't want it to end.

Oh yes. Wish it could last 4 months.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For me that would be tomorrow although on the bright side I'll be getting £5 beer money :awesome:

Downside is Sergei has gone, and he was "gets entered into maths tournaments in Kazhkstan" style epic :(

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