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Dat Nick

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Beer is disgusting, maybe good for teenagers' house parties or pig swill but not for a man to drink. When real men are thirsty, they drink wine. Personally I don't put anything in my mouth that rates less than a 98 in the Wine Spectator. And something distilled in the morning to take the edge off of a hard day, whiskey or Scotch.

But enjoy your beer like a good peasant. I'll bet you even order water at bars, haha.

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I honestly have to agree. Beer(and other acoholic drinks) are sick concoctions that turn men into crude caricatures of their former selves. A glass of water dilluted red wine with dinner has been proven to, among other things, improve circulation. Other than that, alcohol is evil. (Not that I've ever consumed any alcohol beyond accidently taking a mouthful of hard lemonade. I come from a family of drunkards.)

Edited by Sophius
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I honestly have to agree. Beer(and other acoholic drinks) are sick concoctions that turn men into crude caricatures of their former selves. A glass of water dilluted red wine with dinner has been proven to, among other things, improve circulation. Other than that, alcohol is evil. (Not that I've ever consumed any alcohol beyond accidently taking a mouthful of hard lemonade. I come from a family of drunkards.)

You'll be singing a different tune when you're older. Trust me, a lot of 13 year olds say or think they're going to avoid it for their life.

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Try Vodka, it will knock you down. However, I like wine the most. Mainly Sweet wines, no dry stuff for me.

Edited by Erk
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I honestly have to agree. Beer(and other acoholic drinks) are sick concoctions that turn men into crude caricatures of their former selves. A glass of water dilluted red wine with dinner has been proven to, among other things, improve circulation. Other than that, alcohol is evil. (Not that I've ever consumed any alcohol beyond accidently taking a mouthful of hard lemonade. I come from a family of drunkards.)

Alcohol is no more evil than any other recreational drug. It's a social lubricant, great for loosening up around others. Sure, too much of it is a bad thing. But that doesn't mean the substance is bad, that means substance abuse is bad.

The fact that you call alcohol evil is just in and of itself comedy gold, I'd say.

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Isn't wine a lot more expensive?

The kind of wine I drink, yes. But if you don't mind drinking piss you can get some pretty good deals by buying wine by the box rather than the bottle. More alcohol by price than beer, I think, but still not as efficient as bad vodka.

I've had sips of wine. It's disgusting.

Worse than your first beer? The first time you tried coffee? What did you expect? We're talking about an acquired taste here, you have to get used to it a little before you can appreciate the subtleties of a good wine. But once you've acquired the taste and opened the door you won't want to close it again.

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Some beers are very nice, others are pretty bad, like just about any product.

There's stronger stuff out there, and I like those better. I do have a fondness for European bitters and many anise spirits, especially absinthe.

Edited by Dio
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Personally, I actually enjoy the taste of beer, however I have difficulty with the taste of alcohol. I suspect there must be some situation in my younger days that prompted this (I did drink like half a bottle of wine and immediately vomit it back up when my parents turned away for a second at some party when I was like 3), but I just can't stand the taste of alcohol. If something contains even small amounts of alcohol I can usually tell, and while I can drink it, I find it hard to drink much. Which is a bit of a shame really...

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The kind of wine I drink, yes. But if you don't mind drinking piss you can get some pretty good deals by buying wine by the box rather than the bottle. More alcohol by price than beer, I think, but still not as efficient as bad vodka.

Worse than your first beer? The first time you tried coffee? What did you expect? We're talking about an acquired taste here, you have to get used to it a little before you can appreciate the subtleties of a good wine. But once you've acquired the taste and opened the door you won't want to close it again.

My first beer was good shit, thank you.

Edited by SaltyWongIsSalty
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You'll be singing a different tune when you're older. Trust me, a lot of 13 year olds say or think they're going to avoid it for their life.

I'm 21, still haven't touched the stuff beyond my B-Day, after many insistences. Not saying people who do drink are bad people or anything, it just ain't my cup of tea, mainly because it ain't tea in the first place. I honestly find unsweetened tea to taste better (than beer).

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You'll be singing a different tune when you're older. Trust me, a lot of 13 year olds say or think they're going to avoid it for their life.

Lies. I was allowed to take *small* drinks at 13, just only supervised by my dad. He taught me to take shots of vodka then too, but I only got to try a tiny taste.

Mead. <3

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