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Holy crap, another DS Kingdom Hearts game! I thought Re:coded would be the last KH game on a Nintendo system for a while! And those graphics... *drools*... they don't suck. After seeing that sortofdecentIguess Kid Icarus game in a video I was afraid that the graphics wouldn't be very good, but the stuff here is excellent!

I really was not looking forward to the 3DS, but now I'm definitely getting one. Thank goodness Nintendo is finally getting back on its game.

As for Skyward Sword... um... it's like a weird mix of TP and WW...

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Hey, people loved both TWW and TP, right? And fans argued for the longest time which was better: TP or TWW? Cell-shade or realistic? Now we get both rolled into one! The argument is settled that way, and that's what I like about Skyward Sword already.

...But I still want more Fire Emblem. I want something new again. I want Ike back too. <3

Remakes are good, but there should obviously be new games too.

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Wish I could see the other stuff, but for now the screenshots will do.

Loving a new RPG Paper Mario. Super Paper Mario sucked hard. Love new chainchomp partner, also want.

Kinda pissed that the new Starfox game is just a remake of the 64 game. Oh well. At least they polished it up and isn't just a direct port.

Looked up youtube for at least SOMETHING on the Wii games.

Donkey Kong Country Returns. Love to have the donkey kong platformer return, but I can't find trailers of the actual game footage.

Kirby's Epic Yarn looks like a Kirby game on angel dust.

New Zelda is surprising. It's like a hybrid of the cartoon link and normal link. It looks weird, though still interesting. I just hope the music takes a step up.

Other M...Can't find any gameplay footage, but I did see basically the 3D redux of that one scene from Super Metroid.

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I've never seen so many people looking at a single topic before. :blink:

But seriously, where do you watch this?

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People need to stop whining about Super Paper Mario. It wasn't "OMG Amazing," but it was designed to be a platformer first and an RPG second. Just because it wasn't the same as the first two doesn't mean that it isn't a part of the series. I'm frankly ecstatic to have the next entry in the series, and it'll likely be a day one buy for me.

And, in terms of grades for E3 thus far:

Microsoft: B- -> Casual clothes during a press conference? Really? Plus, as most figured, Kinect is basically Microsoft being their usual selves and trying to steal the ideas of another company.

Nintendo: B -> Kinda meh conference in terms of content. And, can we drop the statistics already? Sure, the stockholders want to know them, but that's what conference calls are for, not E3. And, no mention of the Vitality Sensor. That surprises me a bit.

EDIT - @Kinata - Gametrailers has broadcasts on their website. Nintendo also had one up on theirs for their conference.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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When a game deviates from it's original awesome, than it either becomes another kind of awesome or just less awesome. SPM was less awesome for me, not because I don't like the game, but because it is not the original awesome that was Paper Mario. I like PM RPG not SPM which was just a pretty cool sidescroller type thing.

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People need to stop whining about Super Paper Mario. It wasn't "OMG Amazing," but it was designed to be a platformer first and an RPG second. Just because it wasn't the same as the first two doesn't mean that it isn't a part of the series. I'm frankly ecstatic to have the next entry in the series, and it'll likely be a day one buy for me.

And, in terms of grades for E3 thus far:

Microsoft: B- -> Casual clothes during a press conference? Really? Plus, as most figured, Kinect is basically Microsoft being their usual selves and trying to steal the ideas of another company.

Nintendo: B -> Kinda meh conference in terms of content. And, can we drop the statistics already? Sure, the stockholders want to know them, but that's what conference calls are for, not E3. And, no mention of the Vitality Sensor. That surprises me a bit.

EDIT - @Kinata - Gametrailers has broadcasts on their website. Nintendo also had one up on theirs for their conference.

Giving Microsoft and Nintendo the same grade when Microsoft's conference sucked ass?

Microsoft: Showed real games for 20 minutes (Gears or War 3 which was more of the same, Halo Reach which was more of the same and Fable 3 which looks like an Xbox 1 game) and spent over an hour on that casual Kinect crap. Microsoft's conference was embarassing, with them copying Wii games, that forced painful conversation with the twins, the nerd dancing, it was just a mess and possibly worse then Sony 06 or Nintendo 08.

Nintendo: Showed Zelda Wii, Donkey Kong Country 4, a new Kirby Platformer for Wii, Golden Sun, Dragon Quest IX, and the 3DS with a new Kid Icarus game, a new Paper Mario game, etc. Only about 5 minutes was spent on casual games like Wii Party and another 5 minutes on sales.

Even Microsoft fanboys are admitting Nintendo destroyed Microsoft in terms of press conferences.

EDIT: My grades

Nintendo: A-

Microsoft: D

I expect Sony to be around a B or B+, but we'll see.

Edited by Ari Gold
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...Yup. I'm loving it.

People need to stop whining about Super Paper Mario. It wasn't "OMG Amazing," but it was designed to be a platformer first and an RPG second. Just because it wasn't the same as the first two doesn't mean that it isn't a part of the series. I'm frankly ecstatic to have the next entry in the series, and it'll likely be a day one buy for me.

Ok, was wrong of me to judge it for not being an RPG like it's predecessor, but you'd agree with me that it was still a mediocre game on it's own, right?

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Giving Microsoft and Nintendo the same grade when Microsoft's conference sucked ass?

EDIT: My grades

Nintendo: A-

Microsoft: D

I expect Sony to be around a B or B+, but we'll see.

Not the same. I gave MS a B- and Nintendo a B. At least MS didn't recite figures and stuff and actually announced and showed things to the audience. Granted, the entire 1.5h of Kinect stuff was crap, but at least we didn't have to sit through "Mario Kart Wii has sold 22 million units worldwide" and other things of that nature (even the developer commentary reel was kinda boring). I was originally going to give MS a C+, but I decided to be lenient, since some people will like what they're doing. Just because we don't doesn't mean that others won't.

Sony'll probably end up with a solid B as well, I figure, unless they seriously just WOW the entire audience.

EDIT - @Master Tang - SPM didn't offer as much as TTYD, that's a given. I'd say that, from a script-perspective, TTYD hit the ball out of the park and SPM's was only slightly worse. (Well, at least for what I expect from a game in the series.) And, the gameplay did begin getting repetitive towards the end. I'm not sure I'd go as far as mediocre, but it wasn't the awesomeness that TTYD was. I can't really place it in regards to the original, since I fear I'd put too much emphasis on the nostalgia aspects of my youth in regards to it.

But, needless to say, the series is still awesome, and the ability to play this on the go is pretty damn win. Plus, the graphic style doesn't offend me like the new style in FE, so... it's a plus for me.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Not the same. I gave MS a B- and Nintendo a B. At least MS didn't recite figures and stuff and actually announced and showed things to the audience. Granted, the entire 1.5h of Kinect stuff was crap, but at least we didn't have to sit through "Mario Kart Wii has sold 22 million units worldwide" and other things of that nature (even the developer commentary reel was kinda boring). I was originally going to give MS a C+, but I decided to be lenient, since some people will like what they're doing. Just because we don't doesn't mean that others won't.

Sony'll probably end up with a solid B as well, I figure, unless they seriously just WOW the entire audience.

Personally I'd rather sit through 5 minutes of sales then an hour of forced Conversations, "Skittles", bad Wii game clones, nerds dancing, and old college football footage but I guess its a matter of opinion.

Sony's coming up soon, I'm interested to see if they take the Nintendo approach (actually showing games) or the Microsoft approach (Ugh)

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Ok, was wrong of me to judge it for not being an RPG like it's predecessor, but you'd agree with me that it was still a mediocre game on it's own, right?

I wouldn't. SPM was the best Paper Mario game ever and it easily became my favorite Mario game of all time along with SMG and SMG2. I wasn't very fond of the turn system in the previous games at all. Mario is much better off being a platformer when it comes to 2D and SPM did it wonderfully and even with the new switching to 3D thing, which was awesome.

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My main problem with SPM is the huge amounts of unskippable text. It just gets extremely tedious to talk to anyone.

Edit: Sly Collection? I'm interested.

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They're also not very subtle with the attacks on the Wii in their Playstation Move montage, even though it's only a Wiimote with an Eyetoy. I also chuckle a bit every time they yell about how their 3D and Motion Sensing is completely innovative.

Also, that main character in Sorcery looks exactly like FE7 Matthew.

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Is anybody else in love with Kirby Epic yarn? The art style is absolutely amazing. This is the kind of creativity that Wii needs to take advantage of.

I began to watch the Zelda footage, but I felt so bad for Miyamoto with the glitchy tech that I had to stop. The gameplay seems great, though! I just hope that the demos run better for people.

VERY pleased with METROID: OTHER M. I can't wait for its release.

No FE announced for Wii? *sigh* Too bad.

This E3 was an improvement overall. Kinect seems interesting, Nintendo is bringing back old franchises, and 3DS looks impressive. I'm still waiting to see PS3 content

Edited by DavidAndGoliath
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Sony makes a huge deal about how their online gaming is completely free and then proceeds to say "But to get the full extent of things, you've gotta' pay for Playstation Plus!"

I think they're trolling.

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