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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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Helenos had failed horribly. As she flew away from the swamp, keeping low to avoid being spotted and getting unwanted publicity, she couldn't help but feel the humiliation of what had just happened. This wasn't a dignified loss. No. It was more of a man who had caught a shark and pulled it onto dry land and restrained it as well; only to get careless and stick his hand in the mouth of the animal and lose a finger. She had had them in her trap almost perfectly, and she had failed.

She had failed... because for some reason the undead and the demons had risen up against her! Why on earth would they do that? The undead, the rotten, the fetid; they all obeyed HER! The demons in this world were few, and none of the remaining ones held the power to summon up another demonic being; much less without revealing themselves or in such numbers. There was no way that what had just happened could have happened! Yet, it did.

There was no need for questioning what had happened. There was only one being in the world who held such command of undead and demon alike beside herself; the Lord of Azure Flame. She had been found out, and she knew it. In fact, she almost expected now that the Lord had known all along; possibly using his limited power to goad the idiots in the group along or clear the way for them seeing as he had yet to send a actual demon against them yet. But why would he do such a thing? The weapons held the power to destroy the lord, right? Why would he clear the way for them?

No matter. Helenos knew better. Even weakened, he was still something beyond her power, but he was trapped. Better to do something else. Something to make them complacent; and she knew just the place. Along the path from Elyisima that the group had ultimately taken was a small nation. Like many others, it had suffered the brunt of the demonic horde several years ago and had been shattered. In fact, as she passed into the air above their borders, she could even recall the individual landmarks from back when she had been here herself. Not as a army general, mind you, but as a spy. This nation had been hideously easy to conquer, even with the united foe before them. Just a little poison here, a little seductive talk there, and a murder to top it off and it had fallen into a state of disarray. As a personal victory, they had even ended up blaming Elyisima for their state of disorder and had even threatened war against them right in the middle of the demonic war! The only reason why it had failed was because one of her idiot allies had decided it made a nice crown for his campaign, and took it before the threat materialized. Idiot.

She was pleased as she landed though. Over the years, she had kept her eyes on this nation. It was a ward of no other power, independent and nasty to those three whom had survived intact. The only reason no one had claimed it was because none of them considered it to be a threat (rightfully so, as it's entire standing army could barely staff three fortresses). Yet this place was perfect. A simple, easy, complacent land in which they would let their guard down. All she needed was a few succubi and incubi to lull them, and it would be easy prey; so long as the casters in the group knew nothing about magic senses.

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"You!" said Morgan, taking out her tome. "Throwing your weapons away and not at us? An odd gesture, though since you can resummon them a meaningless one. Why the change of attitude from Vaorin and Illyphina?" she questioned the thief, eying her suspiciously.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Isotov and Irina

Noticing Morgan threatening someone again, Irina and Iso flew down closer to see that it was in fact Reika, along with another person. It seemed a mage woman was also on the road as well.

Iso: She's at it again.

Irina: That's Reika!

Iso: Who?

Irina: That girl with the crimson daggers! She's here?! What's going on? Alright we're landing.

Kiev softly touched down.

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"I think it's obvious. When running away at the capitol, she stumbled and hit her head." replied Esphyr. "Either that, or she's got some scheme. Everyone keep your eyes open!"

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"Reika, who's that?" Morgan had gotten off Cess's horse, and had gone up to the theif girl, yelling in her face. That strange pirate from Hamburg was with her. How they had survived the wyverns alone was beyond him.

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"Nice to see you again too witch" Reika said making sure she could reach her blades at a moments notice. "I have my own reasons, do you want me to make up a sob story now, or later?" she said making it clear she had no intentions of sharing information with the Shamaness,

"I'd have continued to tail you had my guide not been injured, apparently you've already met him" she said indicating Alferis.

She glanced over at the nomad, and smirked, "Nice to see you're still alive, I didn't think you'd join forces with the woman that stole your horse" Reika stated before waiting for Morgan to reply.

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"So you aren't going to tell us why you're not attacking us? I find that highly suspicious. It means you're either some sort of spy, or you are just being difficult." Morgan said, giving the girl a glare.

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"Oh, Miss Thief. Great," Eric muttered to himself. "I guess I'll let Miss Shamaness deal with her."

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"I prefer my 'she was insane, but she fell on her head and became sane before falling again and becoming insane, but in a different way' theory to explain this." shot Esphyr.

Iso, who is that woman?

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"I'm not attacking you, because at present that would be detrimental to why I followed you all the way to these mountains, what did you do in Elysimma anyway? At Ilyphina you were all chummy with that girl with the flying horse, the next time I hear about you, you're on the run as Elysimma's most wanted?"

If you really want to know, then yes, I am a spy, I'm being paid to follow you, as to why, I haven't got a clue, what I'm supposed to spy on, again I have no clue though I suppose this things, Crimson Weapons? Are the reason, but I haven't been instructed on anything."

"Either way, I only approached you since my guide seems to have hurt himself, and unless you're familiar with these parts, it might be a good idea to keep at least him alive."

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"You're spying on us, but you don't know why? You are either lying or extremely stupid. How do you accept a job without knowing its purpose?"

'Regardless, since you hold a Crimson Weapon you are coming with us. I see no need to inform you of anything however." said Morgan. "And I will be watching you very carefully. There will be no reports of what we do going out to anyone."

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"Maybe we should bind and gag her to make sure she doesn't do anything." suggested Esphyr. "I would suggest doing it twice at least, and making sure she can't reach the bonds with her weapons. Her story would make sense if she was a merc, but she's not."

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So it WAS a Crimson Weapon. He was curious. How did she get it? Slowly everything was becoming clearer to him now. These people were apparently fleeing from the Elysimians, who Alferis was not exactly on good terms with, many of them were armed with a Crimson Weapon. It did not take an Archsage to know what they were after.

"Hey!" Alferis said, leaping to Reika's defense. "Maybe she did ask and no one told her what was going on. Maybe she was just so desperate for gold that she didn't bother to ask what was going on!" he suggested.

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Reika shrugged her shoulders, "I didn't really get a choice in the matter, plus, I got paid for it, and if following you nets me more gold then I figured why not" she stated oblivious to how it wouldn't be worth all the gold in the world.

She didn't really care either way, she hadn't been asked to extract any information and didn't exactly come here to make friends. "Nothing to report, nothing to worry about" she said simply. Assuming Morgan had finished her lecture, she scratched the back of her head, "Well that was easier then expected" she said to herself, she glanced over at Alferis, she'd done what she could, it was up to him to decide whether he wanted to approach one of the healers himself, she wasn't his mother.

"Bind and gag, You could try?" Though I might accidentally kill someone while you're trying" she spat at Esphyr.

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"I do not see how it is wise to allow an admitted thief and spy and a bandit from the mountains into our group. We are heroes, not pillagers and cutthroats." Charlotte spoke up from behind Kelas.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: We're taking her with us? Well I guess we have to but ... ugh ....

Iso: ... maybe it's better if I don't ask.

Irina: You seriously don't remember her?

Iso: The one that attacked us in Ilyphina, right? I can remember her a little.

Irina: Yeah well she's probably less friendly than Morgan so watch it.

Iso: That's not possible.

When Esphyr made the suggestion about hexing and carts, Iso turned to Katie who was seateed right behind him.

Iso: Hexing, and carts? Wait, you caused that explosion?!! :blink:

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"You know I'm not really a bandit as I am a guide. And while its wise you don't trust me, or anyone new for that matter, you still might gain something from having me around."

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"Not according to the list of wanted criminals in Hamburg you're not" Reika said with a laugh, these people weren't really intelligent at all were they? "You're the local church girl right? Apparently you're responsible for luring these criminals to hamburg, bishop was kicking up a fuss about it when I left, something about you being sly and the spawn of the Demon Lord."

"A sister that serves the demon lord, sort of has a nice ring to it, no?"

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"Spawn of the demon lord? Luring them to Hamburg? I don't believe you!" Charlotte said defiantly. "Since you're a thief, you're probably a liar as well. I will not trust the word of one who steals and probably murders for a living!" Charlotte said with an angry glare at Reika.

"Regardless of the fact that she probably is a liar, it is better to have her where we can keep on eye on her." said Morgan. "If she turns traitorous, we can gag her and stuff her in a sack."

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Katie gave a quick nod as Iso's question; confirming she had indeed caused the demon-destroying explosion.

"You mean they accused her of being a Lunarian?" asked Esphyr. "That makes more sense."

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Reika shrugged her shoulders, "I don't really see the point of lying, but if you want to remain in your comfortable little protective shell, shielding you from reality then by all means sister"

"I don't suppose you're willing to reveal your destination, but please don't tell me you came to these mountains for sight seeing, it's obvious you're running from the military for whatever it is you did, so I suppose you'd be heading to the port" she said to herself.

She looked over at Alferis, "I wouldn't bother wasting your breath, some of these people and I have a not so friendly history, and you have to admit, I didn't really tell them much at all, though I suggest you worry about your injury first, should have swiped a vulnerary " she finished muttering to herself, she contemplated looting one of the group members but they were too on edge for that.

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