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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"Well there seems to be some sort of confusion over whether or not these people are really criminals. Although if they are, there must be a good reason why, considering how they are fighting the Lord of Azure Flames.

I do want a clean life, but as long as the Septimians and the Elysimians remain in control, it'll be very difficult for me." He shook his head at the coin pouch.

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"Yes, yes, you're the Queen of Septimus miss Prissy, couldn't possibly be a criminal" she responded as the girl sister started complaining.

Reika looked at Alferis as if he'd just sprouted wings "You honestly believe that the Lord of blue fire is coming back?" she said not believing her ears, what was this? Some sort of conspiracy? Why did everyone seem to think that apocalypse was on their doorstep? It sounded almost as if this "Lord" was already in a distant land destroying stuff, and not actually a figure of the past. Shaking her head she frowned.

"So you want to travel with these nutcases?" she said still shaking her head, plus, if for some magical reason the Lord of Azure Flames did return, I'd welcome the chaos and destruction he'd bring, anything to get rid of these 3 big nations. If the Lord of Azure Flames is coming back, it's most likely to finish what he did 25 years ago." She stated simply. "And even if he did return, it's not like anyone understand his intentions, kill first ask later, the soldiers code huh" she said looking at the group disapprovingly.

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"If the Lord of Azure Flame does come back and goes unchecked, everything will die. You. Me. Plants. Animals. His intentions are irrelevant, all will be destroyed in his wake. I refuse to die, therefore I will find a way to defeat him. Any way I can." Morgan stated simply. "You will help me do this, whether you like it or not. Your petty grievances against soldiers or nations or whatever are entirely irrelevant.'

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"Well why would they lie? They would have nothing to gain by lying. They appear to have the Crimson Weapons. You have a Crimson weapon. Without you, the Lord of Azure Flames would destroy the world. Oh that's right, you think the world deserves to go to hell am I correct? And even if he did destroy the big 3 nations, there's nothing stopping him from destroying everyone else, let alone you."

Alferis glanced at the group. Why did he believe them, he thought. What if Reika's right? What if they are frauds? Who's to say whether or not the death of the Lord of Flames was so great. So what if he's destroyed? The world was a mess after his defeat the first time. Why should this time be any different?

"I'm assuming of course you're telling the truth," he told the group.

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Reika shrugged, not really caring for Morgans comments, "I'll tag along because I've got my own plans I want to put into motion, whether that'll be detrimental or helpful to your cause isn't my concern, just as my grievances are irrelevant to you, your life and existence is irrelevant to me."

She turned to Alferis "I doubt their lying, disillusioned, and perhaps thinking of themselves as heroes when they're not is more likely, I don't believe the world should go to hell, though one might argue some parts of the world already are in hell, the only thing that indicates any demon lord activity are the mad rantings of Morgan was it? And her group of merry men, if they're goal is so noble and just why are they on the run as common criminals?"

"Even I've heard the rumours of a axe wielding man in Elysimma's army holding one, if their goal is so important why are they heading away from their supposed goal? I can understand it being better to be safe then sorry, but traveling across nations aimlessly isn't exactly saving the world is it?"

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"Well apparently they were framed about something and the military is after them. I'm not sure what, I wasn't there. So they need to recuperate and I guess plan a way to clear their names and formulate a plan on how to stop the Lord of Azure Flames am I correct? IF you're wondering how I noticed, I overheard them talking about it."

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"If you were listening earlier, Isotov's accidental inn burning incident set off a chain of events that ended up with us being branded criminals. We are temporary leaving Elysisma to avoid being killed or incarcerated, but we will return I assure you." Morgan stated.

Charlotte blanched a little at the 'Queen of Septimus' comment, but persisted in her questioning "Are you sure you did not just misinterpret what you heard? You do not appear to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, they may have been talking about someone else, or perhaps praising my virtues."

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Reika smirked, "Framed for arson? Didn't sound like that to me" she said glancing over at Isotov and Katie, "again stop the Lord of Azure Flame who is nowhere in sight, and probably is sealed safely where'ever he is."

Yawning loudly, she decided that these people were devoted to thinking of themselves as soon-to-be heroes, and that reason or logic wouldn't change their minds at all. "Whatever, I'm happy as long as I'm being paid" she said rolling her eyes, If they ever got caught, she'd leave the group to whatever fate awaited them.

"Ah fine, I'll play along in your little game, so where to Hero Morgan? To the land of fairies and rainbows, or to the smelly cells of some uncleaned cell, since I'm bored enough I'll follow you the depth of hell" she said in mock bravado.

Reika looked at Charlotte, and shook her head, "No idea, I was only in Hamburg for a bit, just didn't think that a sister would wander off with a group of criminals on a daily basis. Could of been you, could of been some other sister."

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"We are heading through Melisia on our way to Halton." said Morgan "We should find enough sanctuary there to get our criminal status removed."

Charlotte pondered what Reika said. I doubt any of the other sisters would have gone with a criminal group. Not to mention the odds of a criminal group passng through Hamburg nearly immediately after this group did was highly unlikely. That makes me a criminal then...

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"Look I don't care so much about getting rid of the Lord of Azure Flames as I do getting rid of Septimus. But whatever. Regardless, we still need to get to Melisia. So follow me everyone. I know the safest way through here."

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Reika gave Morgans comments a disapproving look "Halton? I said I'd follow depths of hell, anything beyond that I can't promise" she said, not really knowing where Melisia was, but not liking the idea of being near Halton at all. Though she supposed she could extract some vengeance upon Halton and it's soldiers if they did head there.

Seeing Charlottes face darken she cocked her head, curious as to why the girl seemed so crestfallen "Don't worry about it, it was only the bishop kicking up a fuss, and no one takes anyone seriously in a bar, it's not like you're wanted for burning down an inn or anything, if anything you could probably claim these err heroes abducted you" she said trying to sound reassuring, she wasn't lying, the guards didn't actual label her a criminal, just a figure of extreme interest in regards to the assault.

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"This is all ridiculous!" Chase interjected. "It's not a matter of 'if'! We shouldn't worry about 'if' he comes back. We've gotta take action like we would if we knew he was coming back! If he doesn't, that's cool too, but we need to be prepared for the other hand, since if we aren't ready for him, we're done. Apocalypse. Ragnarok. Armageddon. End of the world. No chance. We can't wait. Morgan's got the right idea. If you guys don't agree, fine. That's your choice to get killed. But I'm not going to let your hesitation get me killed!"

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"Maybe you should just relax, Chase," Eric said. "She's said she's coming with us, so no need to yell at her for the mission. I guess I'm fine if she comes, but with one condition." Turning to Reika, he said, "Keep your knives where I can see them. I don't want to be stabbed in the back, Miss."

The two travelers had met up with the larger group, the mage saw, and were currently arguing. She had misjudged the distance between herself and the group, and it actually took fifteen minutes before she got close to them.

"Hi~ she said, oblivious to the conversation. "Does anyone of you know which way Halton is?"

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Isotov and Irina

While watching some of the others argue, Iso just stood there developing a headache. Irina stood by Kiev waiting for something ... anything to happen that didn't involve the new arrivals. Just then a mage girl appeared not far away.

Irina: Hey I remember her. We saw her on our way over here.

Iso: *sigh* ... not again.

When she finally arrived, she seemed to only want directions to Halton.

Iso: You're going to Halton? (I won't rant about how convenient that is.)

Irina: That's where we're going.

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"Yeah. My brother's heading there, and I want to meet up with him and our friend.. If you're going there as well, can I come along? Otherwise, can you just point me in the right direction? I can go from there.... eventually."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: I don't want to sound like Morgan ... I really don't, but how can we trust you? People have been trying to flay us alive since we got to Elyisima.

Irina: She seems trustworthy to me.

Iso: Did you forget about Shanice?

Irina: Her eyes aren't even blue. If Morgan says she can't come with us, then we'll just point her in the right direction. ... she may as well come with us, cause she'll just be walking alongside us on the same road anyway :/

Iso: Well you ask her then.

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"Who's Shanice?" the mage asked, beginning to look at the group. "And who's Morgan, I can as- ERIC!" she exclaimed, suddenly sprinting at the traveler.

"... I am not going to even ask," Eric said, upon hearing the guide's comment. "Hope the wyverns don't come back... Who the-?" he began at hearing someone call his name, but was interrupted by the thunder mage hug-tackling him to the ground.

"Hi Eric! I've missed you!," the mage said.

"Ugh...," Eric said. "Dani, you know, you might want to get off of me. You just popped out of nowhere and tackled someone in an armed group. They might think you just attacked me."

"Oh, right. Sorry," Dani said, standing back up.

"It's OK. Yeah, uh, everyone, this is my friend, Danielle. She's a third circle thunder mage." Getting up, the traveler noticed that his friend was holding a Bolting tome. "... Dani, please don't tell me you were using that, last night."

Uh-oh, she thought, grinning innocently.

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Charlotte shook her head at Reika "I would not lie just to save myself. I had to plead with Sir Eric for him to allow me to come, I was not forced by any means."

Morgan listened to Irina and Isotov discuss the new arrival. "Irina is right I suppose, if she is going the same direction as we are she might as well travel with us, it's not as if we can ban her from the roadway."

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"... Yeah, I'm going to just break the inevitable and say that she probably used it," Chase interrupted, then turned towards Reika. "I've heard nothing but bad things about you. I'll warn you now- I'm not afraid to fight back against you in full force if you try to attack us. So if you're going to be hostile, watch yourself."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Okay so how many is that now ... twenty?

Irina: Oh who cares? *yawn* ... I ... didn't get enough sleep.

She let her eye close a little bit. Kiev did his usual thing of merely following the horses around.

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"Oh! Prin-," Dani began, before Eric gave her a look. "Lady Charlotte! I apologize for not greeting you."

"... Yes, milady, she's one of the ones I told you about. We've known each other for about twelve to thirteen years, so I guess you could say we are close," Eric said, before turning back to the mage. "Thanks for helping us, last night, but you might want to watch where you're aiming. Nearly killed me with that last bolt."

"Oh, I only missed once? Well, I'm getting better!"

"... Never mind. Well, I guess now everyone's ready. Shall we go?"

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Alright guys, you seem guys pretty tired so we should get a move on and stop at Melisia." Alferis looked behind him as he walked down the mountain. "C'mon it's this way,"

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