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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"You don't say," Eric said, kicking off the incubi that had latched on to him. Backing towards the healers, he said, "Anyone with horses might want to get on them, and run. The infantry can hold these things off until you're gone."

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"I'll third that plan!" Chase shouted, and quickly picked up his belongings. "It's a good thing I didn't bring a tent, heh..."

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As Alferis watched Tessa rally the group, the demon took advantage of his momentary distraction and struck him hard in the stomach. It was a hard blow, but before he slunk into unconsciousness he cried out "Tessa!"

Incubus (2,5,5) 2+4-1=5 HIT! 5+4-2=7x2=14!

Alferis 0/12

OOC Note: :blink: I totally did not expect that.

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OOC: These things keep roflcritting us.

"Don't be stupid!" Kelas called back to Eric as she leapt for her saddle. "If we leave you lot behind, you'll go down easier! Everyone leaves!" Seeing the new man, the axe user, fall unconscious, she leaned down and dragged him onto Amari's back. "Arrin! Get Trevor and grab someone and let's get gone!"

Arrin nodded, pulling his eyes away from the demoness, who had some sort of mesmeric ability. Dodging fighters, he ran for the horse, offering a hand to the nearest person-- Dani-- after mounting up.

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As the Succy reeled forwards from Esphyr's kick, the woman quickly twisted about under her bonds; wresting herself free of the earthen constraints. Springing upright, she grabbed the closest thing she could find; a piece of her own armor. No sword, no weapon, just her and her breastplate against the demoness.

Esphyr struck first, lunging forwards with the piece of armor held high over her heads and a battlecry from her lips. As the succy picked herself up from her kick, she quickly turned about; a malicious smile on her demonic face as the mercenary approached. A thunderous crack sundered the air as her whip sliced through the night, soon greeted in kind by the sound of demonic power smashing into the leather of Esphyr's breastplate as sturdy leather groaned under the might of the fel blow. With the armor suddenly lowered forwards to protect her, the demonesses blow had been deflected. But before a surprised look could even feasibly cross the face of the monster, Esphyr smashed into her like a rugby player.

The demoness hit the ground like a load of bricks with Esphyr coming down right on top of her, fury ablaze in the mercenaries eyes. She raised the breastplate high over her head before bringing it down hard upon the neck of the demoness; the edge smashing into the bone of the monster with a nasty tone. Esphyr didn't stop, nor did she rely upon aid. Instead, as drunken rage filled her vision, someone else took the place of the demoness.

Underneath her was no longer a seductive woman of pouty lips and rounded features, but rather a young girl, brown of hair and blue of eye. A green cloak seemed to surround Esphyr as her fist struck out time and time again. A green cloak embroidered with the nine circles of TISME. Esphyr was no longer Esphyr, but rather... it was something different. She was the headmaster working out rage upon a small child who knew no better.

And as her fist smashed into the face of the demoness, the headmaster... struck out... No... No...

A single tear streamed down Esphyr cheek as she toppled forwards onto the body of the demoness; her head severed from her body by repeated blows from the edge of the breastplate. Yet a moment later, Esphyr was up again, wiping away her tear before rushing to fetch her sword. She had a job to do, and her past would have to wait.

OOC: Arcanium Active: Rolls: 3, 6, 6 crit for 16 damage.

Esphyr HP: 8/9

EXP gained: 15 (5 from hit in first round and 10 now)

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"Thanks," Dani said, hopping on the packhorse. "Let me help," she said, drawing her Bolting tome and firing it back at the demons.

"Heh, maybe," Eric said, dodging a lance thrust. "Just get the healers out of here, first, though. If they fall, we can't recover."

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To his surprise Helios found himself binded. He quickly exerted Elwind from his body breaking the bind. He ignored the succubi in front of him and went after the inccubi.

Helios attacked with Elwind (5,3,4). Helios dealt 2 damage. Helios felt a bind on him. (Grapple) Luckily the Inccubi didnt attack.

Helios struck again: (6,4,6) Helios dealt 3 damage

Helios: 9/9

Incubbi: 25/30

Edit: Roll

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A shock followed her attack, and the succubi's attention was turned away from her and at a young boy holding up a tome. Who was felled right after his attack. "Mages...." Reika muttered to herself, just as another tried to launched an attack on her "Argh"

Reika attacks 4+3=7(3) Hit 2+4-3=3Dmg (8/21)

Succubi A 4+4=8(8)Miss

Reika attacks 4+4=8(3) Hit 2+4-3=3Dmg (5/21)

Succubi A 4+6=10(8) Hit 4+6-3=7



Succubi Z 15/21

Reika 2/9

Having received a pretty brutal hit, she winced, probably wouldn't last much longer at this rate. She looked around at the others, noticing most were in a similar condition, "time to run soon I suppose" she said getting ready to leave the battlefield.

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A realization: They could run, but there was nowhere safe to run to. Kelas turned in the saddle: they'd have to fight. She cast about for a target, finally taking aim at a succubus engaged with Reika.

Kelas: (1,5,4) Hit! Kelas does 4 damage!

She'd realized something: the males had some sort of charm, that she didn't want to attack them. Presumably... "Aim at your own gender!" she called to those who hadn't yet got the message.

Arrin aimed at a nearby incubus, currently distracted by Helios. It did seem to work; he didn't notice the odd effect he'd encountered when trying to attack the females.

Arrin: (2,2,3) Hit! Arrin does 2 damage! Arrin takes 1 damage from CW!

(Oh wait. Incubus would counter, but Grapple means it's still attached to Helios, right? If not, I'll retcon, already did rolls.)

Arrin managed to attack again!

Arrin: (5,6,5) Hit! Arrin does 4 damage! Arrin takes 1 damage from CW!

Kelas 6/12, Arrin 4/6, Succubus Z 11/21, Incubus X 19/30

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The group was mobilizing around the center core. Tessa had done at least something right it seemed, though there was still general confusion on whether or not the next course of action should be retreat, if so how best to organize it, or to continue to fight.

However, those sort of decisions were out of her hands, or even if they were, they were out of her mind. All Tessa was seeing was people getting hurt, all around her. That roguish woman took a particularly bad knock right in front of her. "Don't be alarmed, Reika" she called out, coming up to her, "I'm here to help." Making sure the woman didn't think she was getting flanked by demons or anything, Tessa broadcast her intent before reaching out with her staff. (Reika +6 HP).

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Reika dully noted someone saying "I'm here to help." and while hesitant she figured she could use a bit of help with the woman, what were these things anyway? She recalled some bandits talking about a drug that increased physical prowess at the expense of mental stability, was that what these people were affected by? Twisted magic and drugs? She suddenly felt her vision clear, where was this supposed "help?" the succubi had turned it's attention on another attacker for now, but, she turned around and noticed Tessa's staff raised infront of her.

It took a few seconds before she realized what was happening. "Get away from me!" she said rudely pushing the staff and Tessa away. Hugging herself protectively, her senses catching up she felt the vile tingling sensation that healing usually gave her. Frowning and spitting on the ground, she raised her dagger, "I've decided I'm going to kill you first" she told the healer, pointing her dagger menacingly at the healer. "Watch you back sister" she said before focusing her attention on the enemies around her.

(OoC: Yes I refuse to admit demons exist XD)

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Morgan stepped in between Reika and Tessa "Priorities Reika." she said simply, before attackign the nearby succubus

(4,1,5) 5 damage, Morgan takes 1 from CW

The succubus lashed back harshly.

(4,2,2) 10 damage. Miracle activated Morgan (1/9)

Succ Z 6/21

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Morgan had shown up just as she had finished her threat and told her about her priorities, "Heh, you're all as much my enemy as the rest of these drug addicts" she said to Morgan, before dodging a cracking whip. Apparently Morgan hadn't been so lucky and looked done for, before getting up again. "Damn mages" she told the shamaness "Don't even know when to die."

Wary of her surroundings, she resumed looking around for an opening she could infiltrate, hoping that the others would be fighting, out of the corner of her eye though, she saw a few figures sleeping. "Damn you all" she muttered narrowly avoiding another attack.

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Sword in hand, Esphyr did what any trained mercenary is expected to do. Lunge blindly at her nearest foe; sword raised overhead, and pray to the goddess that it's a hit.

OOC: Succy X: 19/21

Esphyr: 6, 4, 2 Hit for 6 damage!

Succy: 3, 1, 4. Hit for 3 damage!

Esphyr HP: 5/9 +5 EXP.

Suxxy X HP: 13/21

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OOC: Thank you, Morgan.

Turning around in the saddle, Dani saw that Morgan was on the verge of passing out. Seeing the succubi the shamaness had just targeted, the mage cast Bolting, and the demon became fried.

[spoiler=Roll] [6,4,2] = Hit! 10-4 = Fried Succubi

Dani gains 10 EXP


Succubi 0/21


Meanwhile, Eric swung at yet another incubi, scratching it a little. In retaliation, the demon dropped his lance, and punched the traveler straight into a tree. He got up, dazed, but the trunk decided to snap in half, and Eric fell, crushed by the tree.

[spoiler=Roll] [1,6,1] = Hit! 10-8 = 2 points of damage!

[5,6,6] = Critical Hit! 2(11-2)= 18 points of damage! Eric is down!

Incubi: 26/30 HP

Eric: 0 Gains 5 exp for the attack.


OOC: No, he's not dead. Plot Miracle, you see.

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Charlotte saw that the nomad she had accidentally groped earlier was looking a rather wounded, so she healed her, perhaps as a form of apology +6 to Kelas 12/12

She watched with horror as the tree landed on Eric. She ran over to him and struggled in vain to push the tree trunk off of him. She took out her staff and touched it to any part of him she could see. "Eric? Please...wake up. I don't want to be alone, not again! Wake up!" She could feel tears streaming down her face as she ineffectually tried to lift the tree trunk again.

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As the woman pushed the staff away, Tessa backed up Trevor in surprise. Reika spat at the ground and swore at her. This was a reaction she could never have expected.

"Huh... wha? I didn't even... Aren't you happy to be alive?"

Morgan stepped in between the two of them before things could get any worse, however, and attempted to defray the situation. It seemed to work, for the moment, as the Reika turned back to the demons encroaching on their current position.

Almost immediately thereafter, Morgan was engaging one of the whip wielding hellspawn, and suffered dire consequences. Tessa cried out in shock, and started towards her, but an encroaching incubus prevented her from reaching her self-adopted sister, yet. Where there's a will there's a way though, and Tessa began searching for an alternate route.

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"Eric" Helios yelled out as prepared a spell. He attacked the Succubi that attacked Eric.

OOC: Can he retaliate? Im guessing no. I will edit it in if they do.

Helios attacks: The first shot didnt take any damage. Then Helios cast another. It scratched him (1 Damage) . "Crap" Helios said as the succubi turned around.


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Heinz gritted his teeth in pain, managing to wriggle another dagger out from his belt and cut the whip binding his chest. Although still capable of walking, he knew that he was far from being in his best condition. Heh..... back to being the life of a mercenary then, a test of endurance and wits, no more games. He heard Morgan call out for retreat, and quickly scanned the area for those who would need help or were injured. A brief glance, however revealed no one that seemed to need help that wasn't already being taken care of. The nomad Kelas was already aiding the unconscious axe man onto a horse, and her brother Arrin was it? was helping the new thunder mage do the same.

At least there are other people here who can help save these fools, he though. Still though, that left him with no job to do, until seconds later he saw a succubus attack Morgan, who only seemed to be just barely alive. Looks like no one has true authority here, he mused. Even the person who told us to retreat decided to attack. Might as well help out.

Just then, Heinz saw a tree fall on the swordsman, and the new healer ran over to him, crying for Eric to wake up. She's rather panicky, though it seems understandable given she's never been outside the monastery till now. Still, even Tessa isn't this emotional. Perhaps she was close friends with the man.

He saw Tessa nearby though, blocked from reaching Morgan only by an inccubus. At least these ones won't try to seduce me, he thought.

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One last shot... With renewed strength from the healer's staff, Kelas loosed the arrow.

Kelas: (5,1,1) Hit! Critical hit! Kelas does 1 damage! (RNG I CAN HEAR YOU LAUGHING AT MEEEEE)

So close... but yet so far. The thing screeched and threw its whip.

Succubus Z: (6,4,1) Hit! Kelas takes 6 damage!

Arrin threw as much thunder as he could call down.

Arrin: (6,5,1) Hit! Arrin does 8 damage! Arrin takes 1 damage!

One more...

Arrin: (2,4,1) Hit! Arrin does 2 damage! Arrin takes 1 damage! Incubus X dies! (Helios is freed.)

Kelas: 6/12 Arrin: 2/6 Succubus Z: 1 HP

Edit: Kelas 5 EXP, Arrin 10. At this rate Arrin's gonna level up first >_<

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This was getting old very quickly, looking around for an enemy, Reika jumped over a fallen succubus to get to another succubi which was still up and attacking. Looking at her surrounding, it seemed everyone had a grudge aganinst the female drug addicts.

Reika attacks 4+4-3=8 Hits for 2+5-3=4Dmg (3/21)

Succubus attacks 3+5-8=0 Miss

Succubus rewhips 3+3-8= -2 Miss

Reika attacks 4+4-4=8 Hits for 2+6-3=5Dmg (0/21)


I thought I died XD And I even succeeded on a saving role too T_T


Succubus 0/21

Reika 8/9

Enemies Remaining

(According to Cynthia's Chat post)

4Succubi dead

1 @ 1/12

1Inccubi dead

1 Inc 5/21

1 Inc 16/21

1 Inc 17/21

1 Inc 21/21

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"What? Eric? Let me off!," Dani said, panic on her face. Running over to the tree stump, she tried to help Charlotte get the trunk off, but to no avail. The trunk would not move.

"Come on, Eric," she said, tears streaming down her own face. "You can't die here.... Get up..."


Eric suddenly found himself looking out at the sea, in all it's beauty. Staring at the blue waves, and feeling the gentle breeze, he suddenly sensed someone behind him. Turning around, he saw a young woman with long red hair looking at him.

"Hey," he said, "You're that lady I met back at the village, all those years ago. Shouldn't you be dead..? Wait, where am I, anyways?"

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The knife-wielding man from before had come up, trying to help, but he also looked badly wounded. Still blocked from Morgan by the incubus, she healed him instead. (Heinz +6)

"Help me out please! I gotta get to Sis," she implored him, after delivering the aid.

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OOC: Sorry for delay. venting.

IC: Serene lights of gentle aqua flowed from all about the woman, radiating forth like clear morning light across a dew-filled field. Calming and radiating forth like the sun. Yet, something seemed to be wrong, for the light did not come from her in a calm manner, but rather seemed to bleed out. A fact reflected in her pale face, seemingly drained of blood, and her frail body. Only the faintest vestiges of life adorned her; as if the only reason she was alive was because of her inability to die.

Is... Is someone.. there? Alia? Saeolyin? Mana? Do... Where are you? Zunaue? Is your master here for me? Is He-AHHHH!

A sudden ray of light shot out from the woman's chest and past Eric, stopping and congealing into a small ball behind him before fading away into some unknown source. "Who... are you?"

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OOC: New post for attack since last one was exposition and trying to keep things in chronological order. Woo Tessa! Heinz: 10/12 HP Incubus: 5/21 HP (Went for the already injured one, if it's still in an attack with someone else I'll fix it)

IC: Tessa pleaded for aid for "Sis", which Heinz assumed meant Morgan. "Alright, I'll do my best," he grinned. "By the way, thanks for healing me." Let's hope my luck goes better this time. He threw another dagger, embedding itself slightly into the inccubus's skin, but it seemed to have done little to no damage.(+1 damage) Link"These demons have skin stronger than most animals do," he muttered, annoyed at the lack of success.

The inccubus glared at Heinz furiously and sprang upon him with impossible speed. Heinz was flat on his back within less of a second and the demon stabbed him at point blank range, pinning Heinz down with his weight. Damnmit..... I might need to be healed again, but at least nothing important seems to be bleeding.... stomaches aren't important. Link (-5 damage)

Heinz tried to wriggling out from underneath the incubus but only managed to poke him. (+0 damage) Link He screamed a little.... at least that means he's not completely made of armor. Looks like I'm stuck for now, but maybe Tessa can do help Morgan while he's occupied.

OOC: I'm assuming because of grapple the incubus will stay stuck to Heinz, and Tessa can probably pass by and help Morgan.

Heinz: 5/12 HP (+5 EXP) Incubus: 4/21 HP

Edit: Forgot attack after counterattack and exp.

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