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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"No kidding..." Chase replied, as he tried casting magic into the arrow. "I dunno if it even does anything, though... if it's a non-elemental sphere or something, would it make any difference?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: I nearly forgot! I'm supposed to be getting the healers to take a look at Katie. Kelas, do you know where they went?

Iso finally caught up to Kiev and Katie only to see them being routed by Amari.

Iso: Huh?

Kiev wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to eat the delicious looking horse, but he wanted Irina to still love him afterwards. He couldn't have both he thought to himself. Perhaps at nighttime, the deed could be pinned on Ulfhrahn? That bull wyvern clearly had bigger jaws. In the meantime, best to concede and go back to the others. He gave Amari's feet a quick sniffing and then backed away turning to retreat.

Iso: What just happened?

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"Not really," Dani said, now on the third rabbit. "Might make the arrow fly truer, or faster, though. I'll show you how to make it electrified sometime, I guess."

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"I'm Charlotte, pleased to meet you." she said, curtsying to Aiya.

"Mmm rabbit. Quite delicious if prepared correctly. If Dani is as good a cook as Sir Eric says she is, this should be excellent."

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"I assure you it will be, milady," Dani said, finished with the third rabbit. Going over to grab the fourth one, she said to the wind mage. "I've had years of practice. Like, I started cooking when I was six or seven, long before I started casting spells."

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"Ah,alright.Thank you,Charlotte." The curtsy surprised her,it wasn't common for a girl to curtsy to a near stranger,unless one of the two were of a higher class.

'Maybe she was just raised with more respect than most nowadays...may as well return the favour...it's been a while since I've done this...'

Aiya attempted to curtsy back towards Charlotte,and met the ground with a resounding thump.

"Oww...that didn't go quite how I wanted it to..."

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Kelas quickly finished the rest of the rabbits and got them over the fire.

"What just happened?" Isotov's question prompted Kelas to look up.

After taking in the situation, Kelas replied, "...It would appear that Amari has taken to herding wyverns around now. Don't ask me why."

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"It's kinda funny, really. I tried pretty much every weapon they use in the military before I thought of the bow... I was horrible with most melee weapons, got somewhere with magic, was okay with daggers, and then I thought of bows and felt like an idiot for not thinking of it earlier."

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Charlotte laughed 'Curtsying in armor is quite difficult to do properly I imagine."

Morgan and Cess returned with mushrooms and herbs "So, you caught some rabbits? A little mutilated but they will do I suppose."

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"That... didn't work," Eric said, struggling to keep his face neutral.

"Huh?" Dani said, turning around to see one of the soldiers on the ground. Shrugging, she turned back to the meal. "Anyone got any thyme? Even a little bit will bring out the flavor of the rabbit meat."

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"Well,I'm out of practice,so that is probably a bigger factor..." Aiya said,hauling herself up as Charlotte laughed lightly.

"Although I'm not used to being curtsied towards,to tell the truth.Did they teach you that at the church?"

Upon hearing Dani ask for some Thyme,Damian responded.

"Yeah,I have some here." he then passed her enough for the rabbits.

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"Er yes, curtsying was commonly practiced among all the clerics of Hamburg. It's so we can...show respect to our religious superiors." said Charlotte, her eyes shifting nervously. "So I assume we have plates and silverware to eat these rabbits with yes?" she asked no one in particular.

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"We couldn't carry things like that around with us,of course not.They would break too easily,and they're expensive." Aiya said when Charlotte asked about plates and silverware.

"We usually just eat with our hands,it's not like soup or anything." Aiya continued,and saw that Charlotte looked almost horrified at the thought.

"Uhh...if it bugs you that much,I'll see if I can find something."

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"Oh, thanks," Dani said, taking the thyme from the soldier. Crushing it, she sprinkled a bit of the spice on each of the rabbits, and slowly rotated them, sure to get an even amount on each of them. "Just a few more minutes. Anything else to cut up or cook?"

Eric slightly cringed, at Charlotte's question, but quickly composed himself. "No plates, milady. But," he said, producing a fork and a knife from his pocket. "Here is some silverware."

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"Well at least I won't have to eat it with my hands..." Charlotte said. "But eating without plates is akin to barbarism! Is there a clean helmet or shield or something I could use?"

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"Milady, that's the thing about traveling: It is not always so proper, as the cou-monastery," Eric said, catching himself. "I would advise that you make do with what you have."

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"The lack of overall sanitation is this group leaves much to be desired, but I suppose I will have to suffer through it, won't I?" she said with a sigh. "Thank you for the silverware Sir Eric."

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"Well,we very well can't drag around china for everyone,now can we?" Aiya said,wondering if the monastery's differed that much.Tessa never acted this way about food.

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"Milady," Eric said, simply.

"Oh, they're done," Dani said, taking the rabbits off of the fire. carrying them over to a nearby stump. Producing the kitchen knife she skinned the rabbits with, the mage began to remove the meat from the bones with surgical precision, separating the two into piles. Finished with that, she took some of the mushrooms the shamaness had found, and, cutting them up, made a bit of a stir fry with the rabbit meat. Then, taking a loaf of bread the packhorse had in its' saddlebags, she cut it up into 20 pieces, and topped them with the rabbit and mushroom mix.

"Dinner's ready!" she said, taking the slice with the largest amount on it.

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Isotov seemed rather upset and quite concerned after Katie's situation. It appeared Tessa had read the situation correctly, and anticipating Irina's intent had been the proper course of action.

"Calm down a bit, Isotov. I would think she should be fine shortly, Damian's herbs should be having the right effect. Unless of course there was something different between what was in the bread and what was in the cake, but for the moment, I think I just need to monitor her, and see whether or not there's anything further to be done. Don't worry so much."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: I've been through this before, Tessa. Every time I let my guard down, someone gets hurt ... or worse. It's hard to be vigilant in a group like ours.

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Charlotte carefully took one of the pieces and set it upon her bedroll. She cut off a portion and stuck it in her mouth.

"Oh, this is delicious!" she said. "You are very talented Dani."

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"Thank you, Lady Charlotte," Dani said, curtsying. "I try my best."

Taking a piece himself, Eric bit into the mixture. "Yep, after three years, your cooking is still better than ever. Picked up a few tricks in Ilyphina, have we?"

"Nothing much. A few recipes, and more knowledge on spices. That's all."


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