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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"Again, years of practice. This is nothing, though. Just added a little seasoning, and, well, there you have it," she replied.

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OOC: From now on, all monologues and detailed scenes will be posted under spoiler tags. Skip them at your own peril.

Isotov and Irina

At the smell of burning rabbit, Kiev began heading over to the group at large. He stopped near them to gaze over the food. It seemed as if Katie had been delivered to dinner, and Iso and Tessa weren't far behind.

Iso: *sigh* I was so close to getting over my paranoia about food, and now it's time to eat?

He smacked his palm against his face. Irina turned to see all four of them.

Irina: Kiev ... you better behave. It's been a rough couple of days as it is.

Elysimian Army

Last Night ...

The cavaliers that investigated Hamburg decided not to take the mountain pass route as it was that would have been perilous with the recent mountain wyvern activities. Instead, the officer from the command center hired a group of mercenaries to track the group down from Hamburg. Viveka had no knowledge of this until she had set out. When word got around, she became even more determined to reach the group first. She knew that the officers only wanted the mercenaries to track down the group, they would take all the credit for the actual capture in the end though, and even worse, Conrad would be made to look incompetent in comparison to his own men. Another political military scheme was in the works, and Viveka aimed to stop it. Acting directly would get her courtmartialled. Viveka's only hope of beating them at their own game was to reach the group first, pay off or kill the mercenaries, and deal with Damian Kleine and his bandit soldiers once and for all.

Despite the danger, she took the mountain pass ...

Morning ...

Along the way, she was constantly attacked by wyverns! She and her squad were barely able to outrun the wyverns, taking low routes through trees, using evasive maneuvers, and even fighting and killing the ones that attacked them head on! About five wyverns were downed by her squad before they made it through the mountain pass. They stopped to rest along the road leading down the mountain.

Knight1: I hate wyverns so much right now. If I ever see another one I'll skewer it between the eyes!

Viveka: Calm down. Their group has two wyverns, one's a bull. If we try to attack them, a fight will break out. Leave the killing for the mercenaries.

Knight2: How many mercs do you think he hired?

Viveka: My guess? Enough to stop us. I don't expect them to side with us if the mercs attack them. Nonetheless, we have to get rid of them.

Knight1: Well, have we rested enough?

Viveka: Yes, we have. Now let's go find them before the mercs do.

OOC: Sorry Cuddles but these are plot mercs. I can't let you spawn them.

EDITED: For time details.

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Full of rabbit meat and such, Charlotte yawned as she began to feel sleepy. It had been a long day running away from wyverns and such and she was not used to this much physical exercise.

As she laid down in her bedroll, Charlotte remembered 'Oh! Sir Eric, I still have your coat, I forgot about it after the wyverns attacked. You can have it back if you like." she offered to him.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Eric raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you do not wish to use it, milady?" he asked.

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"Oh, uh I actually would like to use it, it's very comfortable, I was just offering it back in case you wanted it." she said, blushing for some unknown reason. "You are very kind for providing for me Sir Eric, a true gentlemen." She laid down in the bedroll and wrapped Eric's coat around her, it really was quite comfortable as it was rather cold at night.

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Eric bowed. "I live to serve, milady," he said, watching the cleric lay down and cover herself in his coat. Within minutes, Charlotte was asleep, and the traveler looked over to Dani.

"You left the academy three months ago," he said. "What were you doing between then and now? Also, how did you know Derek was in Halton?"

"Well, uh, after I left, I wandered a bit, looking for you or my brother," Dani began. "But, at some point, I started taking merc work. As for how I knew he was in Halton, Loc saw me, and I read the message, before sending him back off to Derek."

"Ah. So, he knows we're coming... Well, I guess that's that. Not much to worry about, now," Eric concluded.

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Why did you kill the rabbit? The rabbit was cute and fluffy an Katie suddenly winced in pain, her hand going to her forehead, wiping away beads of sweat. A moment later she opened her eyes again, her hand pulling away. I feel like I was seventeen just a moment ago she scribbled as her stomach started to feel a tad off inside her body.


Bored and alone, Esphyr was unsure of what to do. For a moment, she contemplated going to join Daiman, but decided she wasn't in the mood to be romanced juuust yet. Rather, with her question still on her mind as to what had happened with the favor, she went to find the most unlikely person about. Another experienced merc. She went to go seek out Heinz.

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Kelas ate her fill. "We had to eat, Katie," she pointed out through a mouthful of meat as she saw the mage's written query.

Minutes after finishing her share of food, Kelas fell asleep where she sat, exhausted from night spent on watch and the day spent on the road.

"Are we camping out here, then?" Arrin asked the group.

OOC: Yeah I lied about not being on. Now watch me vanish for two hours.

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Isotov and Irina

Kiev began walking around in circles around the group looking for a chance to grab something ... anything to eat. Iso turned to Katie who had been writing something. She then wrote something else after putting her hand to her head. Iso took a look at it.

Iso: Seventeen? Heh. Maybe it's worn off. Are you feeling any better?

Irina: I remember when I was seventeen. I had so much to do back then. (Seventeen ... WHOA!!! That's how I can take my mind off of how lousy this journey is!) Hey! I've got an idea.

Iso: What?

Irina: Let's play a game.

Iso: I ... hate games.

Irina: <.< >.> Hey! Does anyone wanna play ... Truth or Dare :3

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I'll join if it means I can forget about what just happened.

"Sure. Why not?" said Esphyr, agreeing to join in.

OOC: For ease, if she does talk to Heinz, we'll say it happened before or after T or D.

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"Truth or Dare? Sweet!" Dani exclaimed. "I'm in."

"... I guess I'll play, but you'll have to explain it to me," Eric said.

Edit: OOC: Curse you I key. >.<

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Tessa was relieved. It seemed Katie just took a lot longer to work the drugs out of her system than the others had, and no further treatment than Damian's herb had been needed. Feeling just a bit better about things, she helped herself to a portion of the rabbits that Kelas had returned with, and made short work of them. Having food fresh in her belly seemed to refresh and rejuvenate her somewhat, as she felt more energized than she had all day, though she had a suspicion that a post-food slump would probably be somewhere just around the corner. However, Irina mentioned something interesting.

"I've never heard of that," she said, making her way over to the small cluster of people that were forming around the wyvern rider. "How exactly is it played?"

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"I am not sure we really have time for games, though learning something valuable about one another may prove useful. I will join this 'Truth or Dare'" said Morgan with a suspicious look at the group.

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Reika watched as the group began eating, apparently the nomad had been true to her word and gotten some rabbits, though as a few of the group members started chatting she got bored and decided to go make herself something too, as long as a hole hadn't ripped open at the bottom of one of her pouches there should still be some mountain goat meat in there.

They'd probably starting heading off to sleep soon, and she knew they wouldn't want her anywhere near them while they slept, but more importantly, she knew she'd wake up either with the group surrounding her, or the gagged and tied up as so many of the members had suggested. She still had her flint, and a few sticks and leaves from the area should be fine.

Doubting that anyone would notice her missing she headed off a fair bit away from the group before starting a fire, and sitting down beside it, sighing to herself as she pulled out a few large portions skewering it and letting it cook, she frowned and then grabbed the remaining portions and started cooking those too, the meat would probably go off soon, so she didn't see the point of keeping the left overs.

Yawning she laid on the floor and looked up at the sky, "Bandits, mercenary, thief, it doesn't really matter does it?" she asked the sky. Suddenly, she got the feeling she was being watched, and she jumped up scanning the area for a moving shadow. Uncertain of who it was, but sure that whether it was just townfolk or a group member, it wasn't a good sign.

(Open plot, no one decides to show up, I'll just make it a random towns person keeping an eye on her).

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OOC: Keeping this as simple as possible. Whoever wants to go first can.

Isotov and Irina

Irina: Okay, I'll explain the rules ... oh and someone wake up Kelas. Ahem. To play true or dare, you start with an initiator. The initiator asks someone "Truth or dare?". If they say truth, you get to ask them anything you want, and they have to be honest and answer the question or they're out. If they say dare, you can ask them to do anything you want, and if they don't do it, they're out. If they fulfill your request, they pick someone else. You keep playing until everyone else is out, or until a fight breaks out <.< >.> ... questions?

Iso: How many times have you played this game?

Irina: I used to play with Ivan, Lev, Stephanie, and some of our friends. Lev always used it to get girls, and it's why Ivan and Stephanie are engaged now, but I just like to test my luck in a sadistic game ^_^

Iso: (This is going to blow up in my face)

EDIT: Omitting the spin the bottle variation.

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"I guess I'll play... what if we lie, though? I wouldn't be surprised. Whatever," Chase said, somewhat clueless.

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"Oh, one of these games. No questions from me," Eric said.

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"I'm fine with you going first Irina."


As Reika lay along in the woods, a sudden and soft rustle came from the bushes not far from her head. It wasn't the rustle of someone trying to stay hidden, but rather of a being that simply no longer cared for remaining quiet. A second later, the man from before whom Reika had tried to sabassinate strode forth from the bushes.

"Bonjour!" he exclaimed, tipping a hat in her direction. Not that it mattered, for his intent was fairly clear. With a calm sway in his step, he moved towards the thief; the air about him seeming to grow warmer in his presence.

"You are that delightful little trollup from earlier today, are you not?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: If we enough of us think you're lying then you're out. Try to be sincere ;)

Iso: I think I'd rather do dares personally.

OOC: Holy sh*t Cynthia ninja'd me and it played out like this? I have edited nothing above this OOC line :blink:

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"Fine. I dare you not to be an idiot who endangers our lives on a daily basis with your foolishness." Morgan said authoritatively.

"I rather like this game, I assume this was somehow magically binding? Another's turn to ask I suppose."

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