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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"I didn't think you'd go through with it,to be honest..." Aiya admitted to Irina.

'It looks like this may take a while'


Esphyr had fallen asleep.Within a minute or so,Damian did as well.

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Sleep was restful for a while, but it could not last: after a few hours, Kelas began to dream.

Tents, shouting, fire: this again. Ten years old, as her brother was pulled away from her...

There was another one this time, though: slung over the saddle, behind Arrin, a little blond figure.

"you can't take them you can't take them--" Kelas was muttering.

Change: as the bandit with Arrin and the Tessa-child galloped off, Kelas was grown, standing unarmed as the battle surged around her, clad only in bandages and breeches. Another bandit ran over to her, snaking his arm around her waist-- she looked up into unearthly blue eyes-- she dodged--

she was falling--

"Oof!" Kelas had fallen out of the tree, landing painfully across... someone sleeping. Or two. She thought she recognized Katie's blue hair through the darkness... the other person, she couldn't see from her current angle. "Son of a..."

OOC: Added the word "sleeping" to clarify that everyone's out by now.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Isotov and Irina

Iso had been dreaming for awhile ... a rather peaceful dream. He was alone, but comfortable for the most part. Not sure where he was, he started walking. Eventually he came to a settlement with paved roads. Walking through the streets were numerous people, all of them walking by at incredibly fast speeds. Was he being slowed down to the point that everything around him was fast forwarding? Eventually he saw someone in the distance not moving at the speed of sound. In fact, they were quite normal, approaching him from far away. When the person was close enough, their identity was obvious.

Iso: ... Ixion ...

Not saying a word, the figure continued to walk toward him, and then stopped right in front of him.

Iso: This is a dream isn't it? Are you the real Ixion? Or just a dream?

Ixion: The only difference between this Ixion and the real one is that one can disappear. Both are still me. If you're wondering if my mind in the real world has any influence here then yes ... you can call me the real Ixion.

Iso: What do you want this time?

Ixion: I've acquired a valuable asset. I need to make sure that you don't damage it.

Iso: Damage what?

Ixion: The only word you need to remember is this ... "Sunny" ...

Iso: What?

Ixion: One last thing, Isotov ... ... ... brace yourself ....

Iso: What?!


Iso: AGH!!!

Iso awoke to a great pain! When he opened his eyes, it seemed that Kelas had landed right on top of him and Katie!

Iso: Oh ... that hurt ... that's not usually the case ... urgh ... >_<

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Reika looked up swiftly as she heard someone make a sound in the dark, Damn it, I wasn't supposed to fall asleep she muttered at herself as she tried to figure what had woken her up, Looking around she noticed that most of the other seemed asleep, the only exceptions being a nomad and red headed one making out or something. "Drunks" <_< she stated angrily before getting up and dusting herself off.

"This is so boring" she said out loud before turning away from the group hoping to find somewhere much quieter to sleep, where she wouldn't have to deal with stupid males and their raging hormones.

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"Dammit, I'm sorry. Hate when this happens," Kelas mumbled, rolling over to free Katie and whoever else she'd landed on: Isotov, it looked like. She took checked her limbs: nothing broken, everything moving all right. With a sigh, she got up to find somewhere else to sleep. "Er... you all right?" she asked, realizing that the sudden impact had probably hurt.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: I-I'll live ... but maybe you shouldn't sleep in trees?

Eventually Aiya and Irina had decided to call it a tie, and go to sleep. Irina was having a dream of her own. She was standing at the head of an army alongside a man. Out in front of the army was another army ... it was the Halton's army. The man next to her was at least seven feet tall, and his skin was tan, his hair dirty blonde. She looked up to him and fearfully spoke.

Irina: Kiev, what are we going to do?

Kiev: We'll fight, to the bitter end ... together.

Irina: I ... don't think we're strong enough.

Seeing that tears were forming in her eyes, he wiped them away and gave her a smile.

Kiev: Just ... believe.

Irina: ... right ...

Kiev: ... ... CHARGE!!!

The entire army behind them sounded off! Suddenly, they all transformed into swarming wyverns and took to the sky! Numerous dragons appeared as well and flew with the army! Irina and Kiev both took on the forms of wyverns and flew off into battle ....

EDIT: Added Irina segment

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"Rrgh... within demons' range on the ground, but will just dream myself right out of a tree..." Kelas muttered, oblivious to the fact that her voice was hitting normal conversational volumes, as she settled on the ground by another tree, waving Amari over to stand guard. There really wasn't anywhere safe to sleep anymore...

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"...Nngh," Dani mumbled, still asleep. "Derek, just a few more minutes....Zzz."

"... She's out," Eric said, to Helios. "Let her be."

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Heinz had just finished cleaning out most of the useful items inside the saddlebags that had come with the horse he had been riding when he returned back to the group, only to see them passing out drink. The new thunder mage was cuddling with Chase, who looked upset and the fire mage Isotov had just explained why he chose fire. Comes naturally to him eh? I'm sure burning houses suits you too... His vision began hazing over in red, and Heinz blinked and stepped back farther into the shadows among the forest. This group is more idiotic than I thought. At least if you're going to drink, get some money out of it.

As Aiya began straddling Irina, Heinz's eyebrows raised higher and higher. Either they're not very good at keeping their alcohol, or they enjoy any sort of person..... Judging by the looks of it, it's probably both. Heinz smiled faintly, slightly amused by the ongoings. I'd rather not be a part of this though, I've seen more mercenaries die from being too drunk to kill someone properly than because their enemy was too strong.

Heinz leaned back against a tree and closed his eyes. Vaguely he heard someone ask Katie about why she was a mute, but he didn't hear a reply. "Damn mute," he growled faintly. Sleep was already claiming his attention, and before a minute had passed he was completely asleep.

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As the group slowly fell into the lull of a exhausted, sexually spiked, sleep, many pairs of eyes watched from the forest just beyond. Many mouths, wet from the lust in the ambient air slowly licked across thick and heady lips.

"Finally, they rest... So much energy to poison their intent... So sad... Such a tempting meal." came a heavy voice akin to Sean Connery. Yet the body from which it came was not that of a masculine spy, but rather the baker whom had baked spiritleaf into his bread.

"Remember Zunelas, the shadowed lady wants them alive." responded a pouty voice; filled with the temptations of the night that stemmed from the bakers wife. A moment later, between twenty and thirty beings; each shrouded in demonic shadow, slowly slinked out from the forest surrounding the group. Male and female, each bearing a different form than the one that they had held before by daylight. No longer did they seem like simple and humble villagers, but rather malicious demons, capable of poisoning the will of their pray to turn it against them. With the stealth of commandos, they fell upon Irina and Aiya, binding the two ladies before either could speak or make any noise; or even awaken from their slumber. Two approached Katie and Iso, their footsteps bound in silence as shadows slid over the mouths of each and earth wrapped around their wrists, binging them without giving them even the chance to shake the sleep from their eyes. All was going as planned.

Until one of the succubi tried to bind up Heinz. As the female demon cautiously approached the man, whip in hand to bind him fast to the tree he rested against, she passed over the tree roots. Though her foot cleared the root with ease, supernatural magic was at work. Spurred on from either from the divine or fel, the root of the tree suddenly lurched upright; catching the demonesses foot and causing her to pitch forwards and into the ground at Heinz's feet!

A muffled scream shook the earth as her face smashed into another root, sending a second, much louder, cry of pain out into the night air. Loud enough to awaken everyone.

OOC: Yes, every except Heinz got bound without exception (including Esphyr, Damian, and Reika). You can break the bindings with ease in a post without a stat attack. Anyways, stats.

Succubi X 5

Stats: HP: 4. STR: 4. Mag: 0, SKL 3, SPD: 4. LCK: -2 DEF: 3 RES: 3

Weapon: Succubi whip: May reroll a missed hit dice once per round, with +1 to hit; but gets a WTD against all weapon types (opposed weapons do not get WTA).

Seduction: Any male character targeting a succubi must roll against his luck. If his roll is equal to or lesser than his luck, he succeeds in resistance. If he fails, he may no longer target the succubi and loses any attacks against her for the round.

Items: Charm: Causes target to engage in a round of combat with target of choice if the target loses a roll against luck. 1 use. Doesn't work on bosses.

Incubi: X 6

Stats: HP: 7, STR: 4. Mag: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 1 LCK: -2. DEF: 6, RES: 4

Weapon: Demon Lance

Abilities: Grapple: Halves the AVO on target (no need to roll for hit when using ability), but the incubi can not attack/counter attack any other target while this is active. Automatically activates against first target.

Seduction: Any female character targeting a incubi must roll against her luck. If her roll is equal to or lesser than her luck, she succeeds in resistance. If she fails, she may no longer target the incubi and loses any attacks against him for the round.

Item: Poultice: Heals for 6 HP the first round of use and 3 HP the second round.

Edit: The enemy numbers have been retconned down by half.

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Isotov and Irina

Having been awakened yet again by physical contact, Iso opened his eyes to see himself being roughly tied up by several ... beautiful women? Before they could do anything else, a loud shout came from afar! The women dropped him to the ground! He called out for Proxima! Though his mouth was covered, he could still form the words!

Iso: Muffled: Promximaaa!!

Suddenly, the crimson fire tome appeared in his hands, and as the pages flew open, the red fire consumed his restraints! He jumped to his feet, seeing the group surrounded by both male and female demons!

Iso: Succubi and Inccubi. Juuuust great.

He saw his sister and Aiya being hauled off along with Katie and quickly turned to attack! His attack wrapped around all three of them, and their ropes and restraints were burned away! Finally, he threw both of his hands out, and an even larger fire appeared! The demons all moved back as the red fire spread out and began burning off the restraints of the rest of the party!

Iso: Hurry up and get ready! This isn't a good time to die!

Crawling to her feet, Irina picked up her lance, and took a position by Iso.

Irina: Ugh! I thought I was going to be raped or something!

Iso: Forget that! Just focus!

Irina: Right. Strategies?

Iso: Only attack the females, Irina. That goes for everyone, only attack your own gender, and for God's sake watch out for their counters!

OOC: I think I messed up Snowy's stall for first post plan :3

Iso quickly rushed one of the incubi and opened up Proxima again! This time, he let all of the fire inside unleash! The attack was vicious! The incubus tried to stab him, but before getting the chance, the flames doubled in size, wrapped around him, and nearly burned him to ashes in front of everyone! Iso's glowing red eyes slowly dimmed as he came down from his new fiery high! His new found abilities were quite useful indeed. The incubus was horribly injured and backed away forgetting to counter.

Irina was incredibly drowsy, but she had to fight! Kiev was heading over to her, but she had a succubus too close to ignore! She quickly thrust forward with her lance, but the Succubus leaped into the air and landed on the blade tip! Weighing almost nothing, the Succubus quickly jumped even higher and threw her whip down at her! Irina was struck hard and flipped to the ground!

Irina: Argh! Ugh!

Iso: Irina! Here! Take this!

Iso quickly tossed a vulneray to Irina! She caught it, and prepared to apply it!

Battle ...

Original battle

Iso rolls 6,6,6 (I sh*t you not :mellow: )


HIT 9 vs EVADE 2 = HIT

DMG 22 vs DEF 6 = -16 hp (Iso -1 hp)

Iso HP 8/9

Incubus1 HP 14/30


Irina rolls 1,4,1



Succubus rolls 6,5,4


HIT 9 vs EVADE 5 = HIT

DMG 9 vs DEF 3 = -6 hp

Irina HP 6/12

Succubus HP 7/7

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Something was horribly wrong, Amari had realized after Kelas had fallen asleep again.

But when the something had shown up, the mare had been frozen in place, unable to move or shrill the alarm. She could only stand as the figures came and bound the humans in place. Perhaps Amari could have fled, but whatever was at work would not allow her to stand and fight-- which she must do, for Kelas.

The demoness' scream broke whatever mesmeric spell was in effect, though, and Amari reared, whinnying.

Screams-- whinnies-- wyvern roars-- Kelas jolted awake. Shadows bound her to the tree she'd been sleeping against. A frantic shake, and she was free.

Shadowy figures roamed the camp. Kelas glimpsed pointed ears: demons. Snarling, she strung her bow and got an arrow up, aiming for the nearest, a female of unearthly beauty.

Kelas: (2,1,4) Hit! Kelas does 0 damage!

The arrow snagged itself harmlessly in the succubus' long hair, provoking a screech of rage. Kelas backed up, looking for a better shot, cursing the dark.

Arrin awoke to a cacophony of sounds. He tried to get up, and failed-- shadowy bonds snapped, and he toppled forward. Demons! Daranau was in his hand; he aimed for the nearest.

Arrin: (5,5,1) (2 charm roll) Charm resisted! Hit! Arrin does 6 damage! Arrin loses 1 HP to CW!

The thing keened, but was not yet dead.

Kelas: 12/12 Arrin: 5/6 Succubus A: 21/21 Succubus B: 15/21

Kelas: 10 EXP (5 hit, 5 exist) Arrin: 10 EXP (5 hit, 5 exist)

edit for aw frip HP.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Heinz twitched at the sound of screaming and his eyes shot open. Ugh.... what's happening? he thought. He looked around quickly, only to see a strange woman at his feet. He noticed a whip in her hand and quickly kicked his feet loose, shooting a dagger through the woman's whip wielding hand. It won't hold her for long, but it should keep her from attacking me as easily. The others are probably in terrible shape from the drinking..... damn fools. I'll have to see how they're doing. He looked around quickly and noticed at least a dozen shadows in the forest around him. He took a couple paces forward and noticed what seemed to be almost everyone bound up with whips.

There's too many people to deal with here, and I can't get everyone out. The capable ones first then, they should be able to help. Heinz glanced quickly over the bodies. Morgan then, Tessa would be of no use in a fight. Heinz slunk around to the side of the camp when his eyes widened. Not humans..... demons. Still, I'll have to chance it. He took out two daggers and threw the first with his left hand at the ropes binding Morgan, then the second straight at the demon!

The knife sliced cleanly through the whips binding Morgan's wrists, only leaving a slight, shallow cut on her wrists before falling harmlessly into the ground. Unfortunately, his aim was off with his second shot, barely glancing off the succubus's arm, leaving only a slight blood trail. (+1 damage) I'm out of practice..... I should be able to aim precisely with both hands! Heinz thought, annoyed with himself. The succubus turned around and glared at him, lashing out with her ship and choking the air out of Heinz before he could react, crushing several ribs in the process. (-8 damage due to crit) Damage Link Luck Counter >.<

Heinz: 4/12 HP (+10 exp) Succubus: 20/21 HP

OOC: Are Nadesico's stat caps in place? Because in that case Heinz would have 9 HP, and his stats would be different.

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Reika opened her eyes groaning, apparently someone had snuck up on her and knocked her out, noticing that she was bound she immediately looked around for soldiers only to find that she was alone in the dark, "Tch" she muttered summoning Calamity to quick undo her bonds.

Throwing Calamity up in the air and drawing her own daggers as the pair vanished she headed back towards the group, considering how she'd been left alone, chances were that her captors just wanted to keep her quiet while they took the big prize.

Upon entering the clearing she noticed several figures around the place, and a few of the group had already started engaging the intruders, "Ah well at least those two are quick to switch from making out mode, to battle mode" she said noticing Kelas drawing an arrow and Isotov burning one of their opponents to ashes.

As Kelas shot an arrow harmlessly into the womans hair, Reika followed up with two quick slashes, these people were her meal ticket, and no shady figures would be taking that away from her.

Reika attacks 4+6=10(3) Hits for 2+2=4-3=1Dmg (20/21)

Succubi Counter 3+3=6(8) Miss

Reroll 4+4=8(8) Miss

Reika attacks 4+3=7(3) Hits for 2+5-3=4Dmg (16/21)




Reika 9/9

Succubus A (16/21)

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After her romantic incident, Esphyr had fallen fast asleep beside Damian. Though her rest was booze-induced, she still slept deeply and soundly; restfully. That is, until she tried to roll over in her sleep. As she twisted and turned about in her rest, she suddenly hit the strain of the earthly restraint placed upon her. "Myuggg?" she grunted, her eyes cracking open, catching the gaze of a tall, heeled woman standing over her; a male companion beside her.


"Awww... The poor little darling is awake. Go back to sleep little blade." whispered the woman, snapping her whip as she bent down to bash Esphyr over the head. The butt of her whip quickly came down; cracking Esphyr across her skull.

"OW!" exclaimed the merc. It was a sever blow, strong, harsh... and nothing compared to the twin tome-bashes she had received from Katie already. In fact, instead of knocking her out like the Succy intended, all it managed to do was REALLY annoy the recently-awoken woman; causing a headache identical to that of the hangover she should be experiencing to throb through her head.

Esphyr wasn't going to take that though. Even though the earth surrounded her, she quickly twisted her legs about, bringing them around to bare on the succy and sending a swift blow to the back of the demons leg, aiming to shatter it in twain.

OOC: Arcanium Active: Rolls: 2, 5, 3 Hit for 7 damage.

Succy Roll: 3, 2, 6 Hit for 1 damage.

Esphyr HP: 8/9

Succy # 10 HP: 14/21

Yea, I know a kick shouldn't act like a sword and the succy struck first; but humor me.

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"... This was a trap. Who would've guessed?" Eric said, sarcastically, as some of the others broke out of their bonds. The demons had neglected to gag him. "Dani, are you up?"

"Nngh," she said. "Mmf!"

"Heh, just a second," the traveler said, his restraints falling off,sliced by his sword. Getting up, he snuck over to his friend and cut her bonds. "There you go. Now, get the others out, so we can get out of here," he said, before running off to get Charlotte. Cutting through the bonds in one swipe, he ripped the gag out of her mouth, and helped the cleric up. "Are you alright, Milady?" he asked.

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"Mmmph... Get off of me, Dani..." Chase muttered sleepily. "Are you trying to- mmrg!" Chase exclaimed. He opened his eyes, realizing he was not being hugged by Dani but rather... there woman who was trying to strangle him? What the hell? I've seen a lot in the past few days, but this... this is just weird...

"Get off of meeee!" Chase shouted, freeing himself from the thing's restraint. "This is ridiculous..." he continued, the Zephyrtwine materializing in his right hand. "Feel the pain, you... thing!"

Charm skill thingy: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2573085/

Dice rolls: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2573082/

Chase resisted the demon's attempts to seduce him and shot two arrows, both hitting his target and severly damaging it!

Atk 1:
Hit die: [b]2[/b]+2=4-2= 2, Hit
Damage die: [b]6[/b]+3+1=10-3= 7 damage
Skill die: [b]4[/b], no critical, no Adept
Succubus takes 7 damage
Chase takes 1 CW recoil damage

Atk 2:
Hit die: [b]3[/b]+2=5-2=3, hit
Damage die: [b]5[/b]+3+1=9-3= 6 damage
Skill die: [b]4[/b], no critical, no Adept
Succubus takes 6 damage
Chase takes 2 CW recoil damage

Chase: 6/9, +10 exp
Succubus B: 8/21

EDIT: Math error in my favor! Yaytime!

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Alferis woke up by the trees. His head hurt. He remembered that he took a walk and when he came back after 15 minutes, he was hit in the head and everything went black. He stared down at his arms. He was tied up.

Above him stood a leering, inhuman man of pure evil. The man stared down at Alf, a sneer on his face. He had greasy black hair, small horns, and reddish skin. He was attractive, but inhumanly so, the face being marred with bloodshot eyes with red irises. The demon's lower body had a bit of fur and had cloven hoofs. He carried a wicked looking spear in one hand and his Alf's Iron axe in the other.

"Well, well look what we have here. I was hoping for the pretty black haired one over there," the demon pointed to Reika, "But look what I've got here instead. Nothing but an ugly looking fellow. Oh well,"

Alf knew that the only way to get free was for the axe to cut his bonds. Working quickly, he kicked the incubus in the arm hard, hoping he would drop the axe. The demon howled in pain.

"You will pay for that human!"

Dropping the axe, the incubus hit Alferis hard in the shoulder with his spear. Alferis gritted his teeth, but was glad his gambit worked. He crawled to the tree where the axe was and rubbed the bonds against the blade. The bonds were severed and he picked up the axe, ready for another round.

Alferis attacks (5,2,3) Hit! 2+3= 5 Incubus #2 25/30

Incubus #2 counterattacks (1,5,3) Hit! 5+4=9-2=7 damage Alferis 5/12

(10 exp, 5 for existing, and 5 for a successful hit.)

OOC: Tell me if the kick counts as a hit.

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OOC: Re non-standard attacks: Last time I asked about that, I think the reply was something like "so long as it's nothing your character explicitly cannot do, you can use it for narrative." (E.G. me counting Kelas running someone over with Amari as an attack instead of a shot.)

Kelas shot again. It was too dark, even with her good eyesight, but this time she managed a graze, adding to the succubus' knife-wounds.

Kelas: (3,2,6) Hit! Kelas does 1 damage!

She had the succubus' attention, now, though. The thing sent its whip whistling towards her.

Succubus A (5,4,3) Hit! Succubus does 6 damage!

Arrin switched his attention to the demon Kelas and Reika were attacking.

Arrin (4,3,5) (2 charm) Charm resisted! Hit! Arrin does 4 damage! Arrin loses 1 HP!

The she-devil hissed and threw her whip at Arrin.

Succubus A (2,3,3) Hit! Critical hit! Succubus does... all of the damage, I don't even know, Arrin KO.

Miracle activate!

Kelas: 6/12 HP Arrin: 1/6 HP Succubus A: 11/21 HP

Kelas 5 EXP (1 hit) Arrin 5 EXP (1 hit)

OOC: RNG hates me this chapter, looks like. Also I'm alternating being countered and not, for ranged weapons.

Edited to add EXP.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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OOC: Re Alferis's kick. It does full damage, not half. You'll notice Esphyr too did a full damage kick.

Tessa felt herself being tied up, and was slightly annoyed. Were they still playing Truth or Dare, and she'd somehow fallen victim to someone's idea of a prank? Opening her eyes, she was ready to give someone a piece of her mind when suddenly the horses let loose, and general chaos ensued in the camp. It was dark, and difficult to tell just what was going on, but the general message was clear, they were under attack.

Two night in a row... Why oh why can't I have a peaceful nights sleep?

Struggling against the restraints, her wrists rubbed raw, but slid out of the iron-like grip of the earth-shackles, and she grabbed sword and staff that were laying inside her bedroll. Having learned from previous events, Tessa had been much more in tune to making sure they were close at hand.

"Trevor! To me," she called out, and the stallion charged over, causing a couple of the demonic presences to hiss and jump out of the way, and as she swung herself she looked around. Having become ever better at battle awareness, she quickly spotted several segments of individual fighting that had broken out. She figured it would be good to make sure everyone were aware of the threat, and coalescing close together would help the effort. "Everyone, wake up! We're in trouble. Gather around, if we guard each other closely, it should go a little better!"

"Eric, Charlotte, please, follow me," she called at a more normal volume to the two right nearby, before making her way to the nearest knot of actual activity, where Kelas, Arrin, and Reika were engaging some she-beasts. One of them had just finished brutally applying her whip to the young mage, but somehow he managed to stay standing.

"Arrin, hold on, please," she reached out with the staff and healed him. (+6 HP)

Yelling out once again to the group in general, "The healers are over here! The closer you are to us, the less we have to travel, the better we can manage to help you!"

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OOC: Right. I know Esphyr's kick did full damage, but Snowy said that it really shouldn't have dealt that much damage, so I changed it to half damage. Re edited it for full damage though.

Alferis grunted as he picked up the axe. He backed up and applied part of the vulnerary on his shoulder as he and the demon circled each other, each of them waiting to strike.

Alferis HP 12.

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OOC: Alright, I might as well get free 10 EXP.

"... Great," Eric said, as an incubi approached him, intent on knocking him out. The traveler was faster, and struck first, grazing the demon. Unfortunately, the incubi grappled onto him, goring through his side. Ignoring the pain, for the moment, Eric swung again, but the incubi's skin was too tough to injure.

[spoiler=Rolls] [4,6,4]= Hit! 10-8 = 2 points of damage.

[5,1,5] = Hit!: 6-2 = 4 points of damage.

[1,2,6] = Hit! No damage.

Eric: 2/6 HP

Incubi12: 28/30 HP

Eric gains 10 EXP (attack, existing)

Edit: Meanwhile, Dani had finished cutting the rest of the group lose, and drew her tome. Targeting a random succubi, she accidentally over cast and smote it with Elthunder. Angered, and near-death, the succubi whipped her across the face, dazing the mage.

[spoiler=Rolls] [2,6,6]= Critical Hit! 2(12-4)= 16 points of damage!

[6,3,4]= Hit! 7-1 = 6 points of damage!

Succubi6: 5/21 HP

Dani: 3/9 HP

Dani gains 10 EXP.

OOC2: ROFLcrit. Track it on the IC account. It's the one with the third unused roll, as I forgot about the speed of the succubi.

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Charlotte looked around anxiously after her bonds were cut. So many demons...she noticed some of her companions were injured. It was hard to gauge who was injured the worst, so she settled on Eric's friend Dani (+5 HP)

Freed from her bonds by Heinz, Morgan turned around and blasted a succubus that has just been lightning bolted quite severely.

(4,5,4) = 11-4 7 damage to Succubus 6 Succubus 6 dead Link

Morgan realized that this may have been the first demon to die. "There are too many of them and they are too powerful!" sdhe said to the assorted group. "Retreat would be the wiser option here."

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