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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"Maybe we should apply our vulneraries first," Eric said, cringing at the thought of healing. "I just have a feeling that it might be a good idea."

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First a tree fell. Then Proxima exploded again. The fire spread and kill off all the demons. He heard someone say to get on a mount. "Help" Helios said running along side the group.

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"Look, I know we don't want to wear the healers out, but vulneraries aren't going to cut it for some people," Kelas noted, not understanding Eric's concern. She was injured, as well; she figured she could wait it out though.

"I'll take a vulnerary," Arrin said weakly, beginning to feel the effects of his own injuries.

OOC: Kai, assume Helios was put on a horse, or else managed to run; we're out of the woods now.

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"We do not have unlimited vulneraries either, we should save them until we need them. I can heal those who need it." said Charlotte, applying her staff to Arrin.

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"I'm aware of that," Eric said. "But, we should at least get use the vulns first, before healing the really bad injuries. Though, since Milady wishes to do so, feel free, I guess."

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"Are you sure you do not require any healing Sir Eric? There was that demon...and then the tree fell on you. I thought...that I had lost you forever." she said with a sad look in her eyes.

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"I am fine milady. But please, do not worry about me. I live to serve, and I would die if I must, to protect you," he said. "It is my duty."

Turning to the wind mage, he said, "An Incubi punched me into the tree, hard enough to bring it down."

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"I get the feeling that we are near Halton" Helios said to Chase. "Thats just me though". Turning to the Myrm he said, "Ouch". "Your alright though".

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"We are in the Western Haltonian plains I imagine." said Morgan responding to Chase. "Not a very highly populated area, but perhaps we will find some sort of refuge eventually.

"I don't want anyone else dying to protect me." Charlotte said strongly to Eric. "If you need anything, you will not hesitate to tell me, all right?"

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"... Yes, Milady, I will," Eric said, bowing.

"Halton... We're finally here," Dani said. "Now, to find my brother..."

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"Urrrghh." Alferis woke up, his stomach hurting terribly. He was riding in front Kelas and the rest of the group was running alongside. He saw a town in front of him. Must be Halton I guess he thought.

"What happened? Are the demons chasing us? What's going on?" he said, wincing in pain at his stomach wound.

"A bit of healing would be nice. In case you haven't noticed, I just got stabbed in the belly."

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"Can i get a healer for mister bandit here" Helios said. "Isotov set the woods on fire killing the demons. We escaped. Right now we are in Halton".

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"I see we're in Halton. Thanks for the info though. Although why Isotov didn't just do that when the demons appeared is beyond me."

I was useless in the battle. All I did was just get knocked out. Do they really need me?

"You must really think I suck don't you."

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"Might have something to do with the fact that it nearly killed him," Kelas commented. "And the fact that we would've died in the fire if the storm hadn't hit. Speaking of which, has he been properly healed yet? I know he was stabilized, but that won't be enough. No, I can wait," she told whoever's heal staff had just been stuck in front of her. "There are worse injuries than mine."

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So the Crimson Weapons use up ones energy. If you're not careful, they could kill you.

"I see. So what are you going to do in Halton? Are you just going to lay low or what?"

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"He is? He must be one of the most recognizable figures in the world! There wouldn't happen to be anyone else who's the child of a hero right?"

He turned to Kelas.

"I'm an ex-rebel from Vaoris. Septimus troops invaded there, so I joined a resistance group to drive them out. But they became nothing more than a group of thugs, just as bad as the ones we were fighting. So I left and traveled the world ever since." He did not want to tell them about the bounty, or the things he saw. He made that mistake with Reika, and while she did not turn him in, he would still have to watch his back, even if she was a criminal like he was.

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Helios thought for a second. "I just might be". "Kelas is your name". Helios turned to the bandit. "Lady Katie is the daughter of Lord Harold".

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"The only problem with people recognizing Berthold is that he died. And Helios, if you were the son of a hero, well... that would be bad."

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"Well," Eric said. "The blue haired mage over there is Katie. She is the daughter of Harold, I believe."

Upon hearing Chase's comment, he nodded. "That would be terrible indeed."

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