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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"I fail to see how the heroes command so much respect anyway." piped up Charlotte. "Most of them started ruining wherever they were shortly after they supposedly defeated the Lord of Azure Flame. They should be referred to as the Six Tyrants instead." she said with a glare.

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A bandit... Hiding disgust, Kelas turned away. There were other things to see to. It looked like everyone was being healed; after the worst injuries had been mended, she'd have her own seen to.

"I guess we should start looking for a road after we're all healed up," Arrin commented. "Then we can find a town, or at least work out where we are."

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"I lack decency... oh, man. That's just hilarious," Chase replied to Helios. "Of course I'm not going to act like a nimrod of a noble like someone here, because I actually realize how stupid it is to treat people below you because you said so."

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"Do not even begin on Jace," Eric said, clenching his fist. "I heard, though, that Kaileen is still semi-respectable, though. However, she is the head of the Lunaism religion, so, it appears that she may be a bit odd."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso was still slipping in and out of consciousness, but seeing Katie above him let him know that he was at least ... in good hands. Irina on the other hand was sitting slumped up against Kiev holding onto her whip wound. She wasn't bleeding anymore, but she still wouldn't be of much use in combat. She decided to stop toughing it out and go find one of the healers. Luckily everyone was close by ... except for Chase and Helios who appeared to be arguing over something. She didn't really like the idea of a squabble, even a small one after what had just happened.

Irina: C-Charlotte? I could use a bit of help here, if it's not too much trouble. I've been trying to ignore it til we were safe, but now it's just throbbing >_<

Viveka's squadron

Dawn ...

After successfully tracking down and subduing the bandits that had attacked them, they set out once more. Upon reaching the outskirts of an unfamiliar town, the women all stopped and surveyed the area.

Knight2: Hoho! We've got them now!

Viveka: What?

Knight2: Foot prints and horse tracks!

Viveka: Yeah ... those are typically seen from time to time.

Knight1: Fresh ones? And this disorganized? This wasn't a traveling merchant or a group of refugees. The formation is too sloppy. These are definitely the people we're looking for.

Viveka: So the tracks head off away from the town? you'd think they'd stop to rest. That mountain pass couldn't have been friendly to them, and sleeping out in the rain doesn't seem like a smart idea either.

Knight1: At least they got sleep, unlike us :sob:

Viveka: Don't remind me ... ... ... I need a shower. A nice waterfall by some clear springs would be nice ^_^

Deciding on a destination, the squad began heading toward the forest ... the now burned out forest ...

Viveka: :o ... ... ... ... ... ... oh for the love of pegasi! What the hell was this about?! Did the fire mage get ganged up on and just roast them all?! Come on! We need to hurry!

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@ Viveka's second line I lol'd.

"Chill out... nobody mentioned Jace at all. Whatever. Let's just go... where are we going again?"

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Isotov and Irina

Seeing that Irina was fine, Kiev decided to wander around. Everyone in the group was organized into small groups talking about whatever humans talked about. He then noticed Tessa not too far away and wandered over to her, and leaned in front of her to get her attention. Even if she didn't have any food for him at the moment, at least she had the power to summon dogs. Appealing to her could probably lead to a big meal in the long run.

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Right after she'd healed the rather friendly male knife user, at least certainly friendly in comparison to the female one, he'd engaged the demon in front of her in combat. It quickly devolved into a grapple and tangle of limbs, but the man seemed like he was at least holding his own against the thing, and now that they way had cleared she was able to make it through and heal Morgan.

Shortly thereafter, though, there was a huge explosion, tearing apart the place where Isotov had been. The aftermath was hectic, busy, and involved quite a bit more work on her part as well as Charlotte's, before they fled the area, chased by the ominous rumbling of thunderclouds. Charlotte had been placed behind her on Trevor by Eric, and Tessa had been noticing them spending a lot of time together, but didn't really think that much of it at the moment.

After they'd reached a safe distance, she'd been engaged in tending to the wounded. Without explicitly saying anything, Charlotte and her seemed to have divided things up, and were managing the situation more or less aptly, and she patched up several small scrapes, scratches and bruises. Heintz had escaped the grapple, and made it along with the rest of the group, but she noticed that he had again been wounded in the struggle. Taking care of the hired merc once more, she waved off any attempts for conversation on his part for the moment, saying "Plenty of other patients yet, if you need anything else, see me after... well, after I get a nice rest would be good."

Following that she had tended Esphyr, Damian, and Aiya of almost entirely negligible injuries, when Kelas finally indicated that, yes, she was ready to receive healing. Tessa had tried to help the nomad earlier, but had been pushed away, as the woman clearly thought that her wounds were not at all pressing. So, the troubadour was heading back to get a chance to actually work on her, when a scaly head suddenly placed itself in her path.

Kiev had decided now was a good time for an interception. Tessa blinked a few times, as she stared the young wyvern in the eyes a bit before calling out to Irina, "Hey, ummm. Do you know what's up with Kiev? It seems like he wants something, but he doesn't look hurt..."

Edit: several small rephrasings, for flow, particularly in the Heintz section of the post.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Isotov and Irina

Hearing her name called, Irina turned to see Kiev blocking Tessa's path. The wyvern was waiting patiently for Tessa to do ... something. His puppy dog eyes would have worked far better if perhaps ... he was a puppy. In this case, a puppy would be a nice snack.

Irina: Huh? Is he bothering you? (Hmm, what does that mean?) Hey, did you feed him at any time during truth or dare last night?

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"He's not really bothering me exactly, though it was an unexpected interruption. I just don't really know what to make of it," Tessa replied honestly. "I mean, it seems like he wants something, but I can't honestly guess why or what?"

As Irina followed up with the question about feeding the young wyvern, Tessa shook her head slowly, thinking backwards. "I don't know that I've ever given him anything to eat. Not last night, nor any of the nights before. You think he's hungry?"

Edited by Balcerzak
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Isotov and Irina

Irina: You never fed him? Oh boy. I guess we'll never figure this one out because the possibility of being fed is the only thing that makes him do this :/

Kiev darted from one back to the other as they each spoke. He was beginning to think that they didn't understand his intentions. To make it clearer for them and increase his chances of getting a dog or similar sized animal to eat, he opened his mouth wide in front of Tessa and held it open.

OOC: This is so cute I'm cracking up! XD

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"My what big teeth he has!" Tessa exclaimed, and stepped back involuntarily as Kiev opened wide, clearly seeming to second the notion that 'Food would be nice, yes'.

"Ummm, what does he normally eat? Do you have something I could give him, to get him to go on his way? Or would that only increase the chances of this sort of thing in the future, do you think?" Tessa looked thoughtful, and then frowned a bit. "It would seem cruel to just ignore him, but then again... spoiling him would be no good either."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Plains wyverns like Kiev are supposed to eat horses and ... such ...

She paused realizing that bringing up horses wasn't the best thing to do seeing as half of the group were mounted on the things.

Irina: Well if you do feed him he'll always keep you in mind when there's no food around, but he usually comes to me first. I usually feed him chickens that I buy from markets while we're on the road but I haven't had time and have just been feeding him whatever I can find. He's going to start eying the horses again if this keeps up :(

Kiev nudged forward a bit hoping that Tessa would produce something for him to eat, and Irina hung her head. They were talking about food now, so perhaps just a bit longer and he would have a decent sized meal he thought.

Irina: You know the sad thing is wyverns don't get fat ... the more they eat, the bigger, stronger, and hungrier they get. I should probably see if Kelas doesn't mind us taking a hunting trip in our spare time.

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Tessa dug around in her satchel, which was hanging at its customary place by her waist, but couldn't find anything remotely edible to give the beast.

Scratching it under the chin lightly, she said, "Sorry boy. I don't have any food in here for me, let alone for you. Maybe I can get you something later, but right now, you're going to have to just bear it, like the rest of us. I know I'm hungry too."

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"Being a child of Harold is no feat. I've been in the employ of two people already claiming to be his children. Apparently, back during the war, he slept with quite the harem. Like... Damian would be a eunuch monk compared to him. Only about ten women he had spent time with ended up not being in bed with him during the war according to the legends. Either way, we need to get moving. I would suggest not spending the night here. In fact, I would suggest we bypass sleep all together until we can escape. Where there is one demon, there is a army." said Esphyr as Tessa tended to her wounds.

There may be a town husk along the route. It may be haunted though, but even a ghost would be less threatening than a demon. wrote Katie, a somewhat meek suggestion on her face.

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Isotov and Irina

Kiev closed his mouth and let Tessa go hoping that she would eventually spawn something for him. In the meantime, perhaps he would be able to find something to distract himself.

Irina: Oi, don't worry Kiev, I'll get you a nice big chicken the next chance I get, PROMISE ^_^

Iso was still slipping in and out of consciousness, but when he noticed Katie, writing, he waited for her to finish, and then reached out to take the note.

Iso: ... haunted ...? *cough* ... great ... are you sure about that?

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"I assumed someone was keeping watch before. And at least some of did not choose to drink ourselves into stupidity."

"I would think you would feel at home on the plains, but nomads are full of surprises apparently." Mprgan said, rolling her eyes.

Charlotte walked over Chase and applied her staff. She began to felt dizzy and rested her head in her palm.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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