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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"Damn,Katie!" Damian quickly ran over as well,rummaging through his pack.

"I have some herbs that might help her,they are used for clearing poisons and drugs from the body." Damian said,passing Esphyr an herb he quickly pulled out of his pack.

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Dani was about to put the hot-cross bun in her mouth, when she saw the shamans collapse.

"On second thought, maybe not," she said, throwing the pastry away.

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"You have more of those herbs?" asked Esphyr, taking her herb over to Morgan. With a quick and semi-experienced motion, she broke the leaf in half before grinding it up a bit against the flat of her sword using her hand. "You get Katie and I'll take care of Morgan."

Katie meanwhile made no motion as her head rocked back and forth, odd little sounds coming from her mouth as before her, Daiman seemed to melt away and reform into an entire cosmos that spun about her in a wild blur as several rocking horse people walked by her with marshmallow eyes that glittered like diamonds.

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As she hit the ground, she quickly swiped her foot at the man who simply stepped back avoiding her attack completely. Having given herself some space she quickly jumped back and prepared herself for an attack. "A guard?" she asked sceptically, she'd heard rumors of plain clothed guards luring thieves over with their simpleton smiles and then swamping the target in numbers, but at the moment it just seemed like the man and herself on the street.

She'd caught a glimpse of a smile as she was floored, a different smile, but one that highly irritated her, under normal circumstances she'd have thought it was a grin of superiority, one of those annoying "I'm better then you" smirks, but for some reason she didn't think that's what it was, a cold shiver ran down her spine. And she glared at the man carefully, who seemed to be unarmed and unwilling to kill or capture her.

Deciding that the man wouldn't initiate anything upon her, she charged the man head on, ducking and swinging her dagger at the mans waist, which was also apparently something the man had predicted. But as the man reached for her Reika managed to use her momentum to run right past him, and away from the man as quickly as she could, he'd no doubt be calling for reinforcements if he was a guard, and she didn't want to risk being changed up so soon. "Bakery was, that way, she said rounding a corner and heading back to where she'd last seen the group.

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As Morgan crumpled before her, knees giving way, and the shaman falling untidily towards the ground, Tessa was already acting. She'd sensed something odd when the other woman's voice had started fluctuating in volume, and she managed to reach out and catch her before she'd collapsed entirely. Lowering her gently to the ground she turned to call out for more help, but noted that Morgan was not the only one affected.

Calling out to whoever was still near Trevor, Tessa shouted, "Someone, quickly, toss me my staff!"

Then she turned back to Morgan and tried to assess the situation. The shaman had blamed the bread, so it was likely poison. She'd have to try it. She wasn't confident the spell would work with this staff, but it was a risk she was going to have to take.

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"Alright then.Hold on Katie." Damian said,grinding the herbs so that he could use them.

"Alright,now open your mouth for me,okay?"

No response.

"Ugh...fine then..."

Damian parted Katie's lips with his fingers,and slipped the herbs into her mouth,rubbing her throat so she would swallow them.

Katie looked up at him again.

"Are you feeling okay?"

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"... After all this, would anybody buy it if I said I'm not hungry? If not, I'm going to exemplify myself from eating..." Chase announced.

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As Daiman forced the leaves into her mouth and coaxed Katie to swallow them, at first nothing overt seemed to happen, but soon Katie's head stopped rocking from side to side.

Yes. she traced across the cobblestone, hoping he would read it.


"Who in their right mind would drug bread?" asked Esphyr, mimicking Daiman's coaxing on Morgan as well.

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Isotov and Irina

While Iso and Irina were distracted, Kiev turned to the dog. It was ... just too good to pass up. Standing there licking up vomit, now was his chance! Breakfast!

Irina: (... what's this feeling in the back of my mind? I feel like something bad is about to happen :/ )

Kiev leaped at the helpless dog hoping to gobble him up!

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"What the hell did you put in those things!?!" The mage angrily asked, as the rest of the group scrambled to cure the ill. "Are you trying to kill us?!?" Taking out her Elthunder tome, Dani quickly chanted a spell, and lightning fell upon the baker, hitting him directly on.

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Reika returned infront of the bakery, finding a few of the members floored, she opened her mouth to tell them about her encounter, but decided she didn't need to tell them anything, and chances were they'd hand her over anyway. She approached with a quizzical look at a few pastries lying around on the floor, and then at the group. "Ate till you dropped huh" she said ignoring the tense mood emitting from the group.

When a girl suddenly zapped someone nearby. "You know, you people might not be such idiots after all" she said laughing and finding their criminal status well warranted

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Quickly the baker dodged, avoiding the lightning strike. "What? No! That's what my bread is like! My wife spikes it with spiritleaf and we have many returning customers! I thought you knew!"

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"Good...you should be fine now." Damian said,following the message she had traced on the stone.He then lifted her up off of the ground,and away from the puddle of vomit.

"Did anyone else eat any of that stuff?" Damian asked,readying more herbs just in case.

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"Isn't spiritleaf illegal, though!?!," Dani said, too angry to notice that the baker had dodged the lightning bolt. "Plus, we're travelers. How would we know about your bread!?!?!"

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Isotov and Irina

Katie quickly bolted passed Irina and practically slammed into Iso giving him a big hug!

Iso: Whoa! Heh! I'm glad you're alright ^_^

Just as Irina turned around, she saw Kiev airborne and coming down on the dog! The dog looked up in time, but froze! Kiev's jaws were wide open! With a second left to decide what to do, Irina dove at her wyvern and bopped him on the head! He shut his mouth and they both fell to the ground as the dog ran!

Irina: Kiev! I told you not to prey on other animals!! >_<

EDITED: Gr4mm4r

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Damian quickly dodged the vomit that was aimed at his feet,and looked to Cess.

"Well,you are still awake,atleast." Damian said,grinding some more herbs.

"Swallow this.Don't chew it,suck on it,or whatever,just swallow it,okay?" Damian said,handing him the herbs.

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Reika eyed the baker suspiciously, some mage girl seemed to be exploding nearby, but that wasn't important, the baker, the man. Were they all soldiers? Looking around she could find any guards waiting in hiding, and not many people had bothered to stop despite people collapsing on the ground. She looked around for Morgan and found her to be one of the floored ones, "I guess that means we were all dropped on our head Morgan" she muttered keeping an eye on her surroundings. She'd been to her fair share of towns, but this one was unusual, guards should have arrived by now.

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"Not in this nation." replied the baker. "And people only buy my bread and only for the spiritleaf. If you are buying from me, you are buying spirit leaf. That's just the way it is around here."

"I honestly don't know what to say to that. It's sad, pathetic and... Unggg... I'm feeling weird." said Esphyr, raising her hand to wipe away beads of sweat and bringing up the handkerchief with it.

Iso, I hate this place. I'm now afraid they will rape me. she traced into his back. It wasn't a odd conclusion. More of fear that the people were amoral lawbreakers than anything else.

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Tessa's request had been ignored, but try as she might she couldn't be too vexed about the issue. Esphyr was currently tending to Morgan with some herbs she'd gotten from Damian, and since too many healers kills the patient, she decided to back off, grab her staff and strap her sword to her waist, just to be prepared. She stroked Trevor's sides a bit, and talked to him soothingly as Irina's wyvern seemed to be flying about a little recklessly, but it was needless worry. The warhorse snorted and nudged her back, telling her he already understood the situation.

Business now in order, she returned, and was peering over Esphyr's shoulder, eyeing the progress.

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"So, this nation's a bunch of drug dealers with knockoff Jerdonese? Good to know," Dani said. "I'm getting out of here," she said, stomping out of the shop, and heading for the town gates. "This place is messed up."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Well, stay close by, don't randomly eat all of the food, and I think I can protect you ... ^_^

Irina and Kiev rose to their feet, and she bopped him on the head again!

Irina: Don't do that again.

The wyvern kept his head down while looking at the dog. It turned around, kicked up some dirt at Kiev and then ran away. The wyvern snapped in the dog's direction as it ran and then looked up at Irina.

Irina: I know ... life's not fair ... if it was, my parents would still be alive, Iso wouldn't be stuck wielding Proxima, and Ixion would have a soul -_-

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