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Black Fang Mafia: Post Game Discussion


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This thread is for Post-Game discussion of Black Fang Mafia. I will begin by listing the win conditions and roles, answer any other questions, and allow this to be a general medium for discussion of the events that went on in the game. I probably have a lot more I was going to say, but at the moment, I've forgotten most of it. I'm sure it'll come back to me in time.

Win Conditions:

You are allied with the Black Fang and you win when they do.

You are allied with the Morphs, and you win when you have an irreversible numerical advantage. If there is only one Morph and the Serial Killer remaining, you may joint win. When the game begins, I will initiate a PM with you and the other Morphs.

You are allied with no-one. You win when you are one of the last two people alive. If the other member is a Morph, this counts as a joint win.


Nino: You are the Unlynchable. Dawww, nobody would hang such a sweet little girl. This role appears passive when checked.

(Activated when Jaffar dies) You are now the Heroic Sacrifice. You may choose one person to protect at night. If they are targeted by a killing role, they will survive, but both you and the attacker will die. If you are attempting to save someone, this role appears active when checked.

Ursula: You are the Valkryie. During the night phase you may either protect one user from death, OR you may choose to switch the targets of night phase activities between any two users. You may not protect yourself, BUT you may switch yourself. This role appears active when checked.

Lloyd: You are Trusted. If you are investigated by the Detective, they will be not only be told that you are innocent, but will be allowed to investigate an additional member. This role appears passive when checked.

(Activated when Linus dies) You have become prepared for death. If targeted by a night phase killing attempt, you will kill the attacker, but die from your wounds. This role appears passive when checked.

Pascal: You are the Serial Killer. You must kill one user every night phase. If you choose the same target as the Morphs you manage to escape unharmed. This role appears active when checked.

You can survive one night phase killing attempt. This role appears passive when checked.

Darin: You are the Manipulated Voter. You cannot vote for somebody unless they already have the majority of the votes. This role appears passive when checked.

(Activated when Ephidel dies) The person who was manipulating you has been killed. Your voting restriction is lifted. You receive a list of who the stalker has stalked.

Limstella: You are the Doppleganger. Every night may you target another player. If you do, starting from the end of the current night phase until the end of the next night phase, you will be treated exactly as if you were that character (any passive powers their character possesses, you also possess; any results of investigations on you will be given as if the investigations was performed on them). You will not be told what role you're disguised as. If the character you're disguised as has a voting restriction, and you do not follow that restriction, your vote will simply be discarded. If undisguised, this role appears active when checked, if disguised this role appears either active or passive, depending on who you are disguised as.

Jaffar: You are the Hated Innocent. Whenever you have at least one vote cast against you, you are treated as if you have one more vote than your actual total. This role appears passive when checked.

(Activated when Nino dies) You have nothing left to live for. You may make a Desperate Last Stand, killing up to three people before your Killing Edge breaks and you die from your wounds. This role appears active when checked.

Kenneth: You are the Priest. Every night you may protect one user from death. You may not protect yourself. This role appears active when checked.

(Activated when Jerme dies) Jerme has died with unused kills and you have inherited his position as Vigilante. This role appears active when checked.

You may now either protect someone OR kill someone at night. You have X kills remaining.

Uncle Jan: You are the Bulletproof. You can survive one night phase killing attempt. This role appears passive when checked.

Leila: You are the Detective. Every night you may investigate one person and discover what faction they are allied with. The Serial Killer appears to be allied with the Black Fang. This role appears active when checked.

Ephidel: You are the Stalker. Every night you may target one player and discover what role(s) they have. This role appears active when checked.

Legault: You are the Rolefinder. Every night you may choose up to three people. You will be told how many roles they have and whether their roles are passive or active. In addition, you will be told the exact details of the current role(s) of one of your choices at random. This information will not be updated if their role(s) change(s) after your investigation. This role appears active when checked.

Jerme: You are the Vigilante. Three times per game you may take matters into your own hands and kill someone at night. If you target the same person the Morphs do, they will catch you and kill you. If you die with kills remaining, they will be passed on to Kenneth. This role appears active when checked.

(Activated) Kenneth has died and you have inherited his position as Priest. This role appears active when checked.

You may now either protect someone OR kill someone at night.

Oleg: You are the Jailer. If no-one is lynched during the day, you may Jail one person at night and have an anonymous conversation with them (mediated through myself). They will be unable to perform any actions while jailed. This role appears passive when checked, UNLESS you're currently jailing someone.

Brendan: You are the Doublevoter. Your vote always counts double. Always. This role appears passive when checked.

(Hidden) You are Seduced. If Hooked by Sonia, your vote will not count during the next day phase. This role is not revealed to the character, but will be revealed to an investigator. It appears passive when checked.

Linus: You are Impulsive. You cannot vote for somebody who has already received votes. This role appears passive when checked.

(Activated when Lloyd dies) You have gone Berserk. You must kill one user every night phase until you kill a morph. At that point you lose both the power to kill during the night, and your voting restriction. This role appears active when checked.

Sonia: You are the Hooker. Every night you may target one player and prevent them from performing night actions. This role appears active when checked.

Nergal: You are the Dark Druid. You control the power of Quintessence. It requires more than a single killing attempt to bring you down. You may however choose to imbue another character with your dark energies, protecting them instead. If your quintessence gets used up, you must wait three nights before you've gathered enough to use your powers again. This role appears passive when checked, unless you are transferring your power, in which case it appears active.

Uhai: You are Evasive. You cannot be targeted by non-killing roles at night. This role appears passive when checked. (Or it would, if the role check didn't outright FAIL.)

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Guiser was just slightly broken. -_-

Also, I should've fake claimed doctor after I went Paranoid. More heads would have rolled that way. Still, I popped a Serial Killer, so I'm good.

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Unlynchable effect would only work once (just like Bulletproof only works once), but I realized that I forgot to specify that in Spoon's role PM, and there was no way to update it without tipping things too clearly in the opposite direction, I surmised.

Initially, I'd figured the Morphs would have to stalk their way to finding it, because I didn't assume that in a no PM game that Nino would step forward immediately. Though, in hindsight, I probably should have guessed it might happen that way.

Edited by Balcerzak
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I also chose wrong...but Fayt's sudden claim of 'Doctor Plus' made me suspicious, naturally.

Ah well, the message from most games seemed to be 'use instinct not thought.' This time I used instinct, misfired (possibly being responsible for Leila's death) and then died quietly.

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Isn't Limstella essentially invincible if he/she discovers the unlynchable and targets them each night?

When Spoon gave himself away, Raymond proceeded to doppelgang him each night (hence why he wasn't lynched on day 3) until the last night, where Spoon died.

Anyway Raymond, awesome job getting everyone killed, and good game. This was pretty fun.

Edited by Sync the Tempest
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Good job, Ray. He carried most of this win. Well, that and having a good role set. 8|

And he was the one successfully protected by Quintessence, btw. So in a normal game he probably would have died first among us lol. Not that I'm complaining; the odds were made more even and it made for some more tense last rounds.

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Oh yeah, Balc, could you provide a list of what the town/SK did each night? I can provide mafia doings here.

Night 1: We talk a bit, and we decide to kill Bizz, Stalk Life, hook Tables and doppelgang Spoon. I do the Mafia's dirty work, before disappearing.

Night 2: The remaining 3 Mafia talk, I get sent off to kill Ether, we hook Core and doppelgang Spoon. Raymond receives Quintessence and gets shot.

Night 3: I get sent off to kill Furet, Dragonslayer is stalked, Nini hooks BK. Then Nini dies.

Night 4: Raymond survives day phase, and I get sent out to stab Dragonslayer. Lightning was stalked, you know who got doppelganged. Crysta dies.

Night 5: Raymond, the last mafioso left, kills Dragonslayer.

Night 6: Raymond kills Lightning.

Night 7: Raymond kills Dracohon, but it gets swapped to Spoon. He also disguises as Fayt.

Day 7: Huzzah!

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Holy shizzle. That was so close, it even is funny. :awesome:

This game was amazing. And I was damn lucky. We avoided the activiation of so many roles' epic powers (like Jaffar's or Linus' lol) and I even survived when I was to be killed. Twice.

Well, what more is there to say? Doppelgänger is an awesome role. I actually wasted most of its potential by sticking to Spoon like a bur, but considering that he was the only guy we knew had a role with good passive powers, it simply was the best option. This is also the reason why we never actually attempted to kill Spoon.

Also, we never actually attempted to kill Fayt either. We in fact figured he was the bomb when he claimed Doctor early on in the game.

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I think stalker may have been our most powerful role, really. It helped us prioritize our kills so by the time Ray was the only one left only the SK could outright kill him and the village already had the impression that he was unlynchable.

Though I guess Fayt could have swapped him around and made him eat his own bullet.

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Yeah, during the final few nights I was constantly expecting Fayt to switch my target with myself, causing me to eat my own kill; I was downright paranoid about it. But apparently, he didn't, so all's fine.

Anyway, my role was awesome, but all of us morphs have done their share to make a mafia win possible. Sync's stalking revealed not only a few other interesting things, but also the SK to us, allowing us to get rid of him before he killed me at night. Crysta also protected me from death; had she not done this, everything would've been over pretty quickly. Unfortunitally, Ninji didn't get to do much, but having a Hooker always is a good thing.

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Well, not our fault. We actually were pretty surprised when Day 2 came and all of our targets (except mine) had died despite the fact that we only intended to kill Bizz. :awesome:

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Here's one question to the Morphs; why did you kill me? I mean, I was being increasingly hostile and certain that Fayt was scum, and if left to my own devices I might have started a bandwagon (or more likely been lynched myself).

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Fun fact: I got hooked and killed N1, but Balcerzak gave me my results anyway. I got the result of Raymond, which didn't imply what team he was on, and I leant towards it being a town role :facepalm:. Well, at least I wasn't alive to out that.

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Here's one question to the Morphs; why did you kill me? I mean, I was being increasingly hostile and certain that Fayt was scum, and if left to my own devices I might have started a bandwagon (or more likely been lynched myself).

Ah, right, Sync forgot to mention it. We stalked you Night 2 and learned that you were both the Doctor and the backup vigilante, and we didn't want to have such a threat lingering around.

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I'm just saying, it's not even fun if you guys are going to night kill me on the first night, whoever killed me. Same thing goes for Tables and Bizz.

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Ah, right, Sync forgot to mention it. We stalked you Night 2 and learned that you were both the Doctor and the backup vigilante, and we didn't want to have such a threat lingering around.

Yyyyeah, I think I can see how that'd be a bad role to keep lying around.

Oh, yeah, my orders. Protected Spoon night one, got new power night two and shot at Fayt, possibly killing Ether. Attempted to protect Spoon night three but was killed.

Edited by Furetchen Arrowroot
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And I thought I might be helpful as detective...

Before I died,I got

Night 1:Sync(Guilty)

Night 2:Fayt(Innocent)

I was hoping to be a bit more subtle due to the hooker and not out myself as the detective,but either the mafia caught on,or got a lucky shot.

I love how,as Leila,I discovered Ephidel by accident,used Ephidel in my death flavour because I figured it'd be more appropriate,and then turned out that I actually got Ephidel :awesome:

Ah well.

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